package com.iambookmaster.server.tags; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport; import com.iambookmaster.server.LocalMessages; import com.iambookmaster.server.TransactionInViewFilter; /** * Shared methods for I am Book-Master Tag library */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class MyTagSupport extends TagSupport { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MyTagSupport.class.getName()); private static final Object[] EMPTY_PARAMS = new Object[0]; private String name; private String scope; private String locale; private String property; public String getProperty() { return property; } public void setProperty(String property) { = property; } public String getScope() { return scope; } public void setScope(String scope) { this.scope = scope; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } protected String getNameAndProperty() { return getNameAndProperty(getName(),getProperty()); } /** * @return bean from a scope by name and property (if property is null - just name) * @throws JspException */ protected Object getObjectByName() throws JspException { return getObjectByNameAndProperty(true,name,null,scope); } /** * @return bean from a scope by name and property (if property is null - just name) * @throws JspException */ protected Object getObjectByNameAndProperty() throws JspException { return getObjectByNameAndProperty(true,name,property,scope); } /** * @return bean from a scope by name and property (if property is null - just name) * @throws JspException */ protected String getStringByName() throws JspException { try { return (String)getObjectByName(true,name); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new JspException(getName()+" is not java.lang.String"); } } /** * @param critical * @return bean from a scope by name and property (if property is null - just name) * @throws JspException */ protected String getStringValue(String name, boolean critical) throws JspException { try { return (String)getObjectByNameAndProperty(critical,name,null,scope); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new JspException(getName()+" is not java.lang.String"); } } /** * @param critical true - calls exception if no value exists * @return value of name+propery pair * @throws JspException */ protected Object getObjectByName(boolean critical) throws JspException { return getObjectByNameAndProperty(critical,name,property,scope); } /** * @param critical true - calls exception if no value exists * @return value of name+propery pair * @throws JspException */ protected String getStringByName(boolean critical) throws JspException { try { return (String)getObjectByNameAndProperty(critical,name,null,scope); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new JspException(getName()+" is not java.lang.String"); } } /** * @return bean from a scope by name and property (if property is null - just name) * @throws JspException */ protected Object getObjectByName(boolean critical,String name) throws JspException { return getObjectByNameAndProperty(critical,name,null,scope); } /** * @return bean from a scope by name and property (if property is null - just name) * @throws JspException */ protected Object getObjectByNameAndProperty(boolean critical,String name,String property,String scope) throws JspException { if (name==null) { if (critical) { throw new JspException("name of a critical bean is null"); } else { return null; } } Object bean; if (scope==null) { //all scope bean = pageContext.getAttribute(name); if (bean==null) { bean = pageContext.getRequest().getAttribute(name); } if (bean==null) { bean = pageContext.getSession().getAttribute(name); } if (bean==null) { bean = pageContext.getRequest().getParameter(name); } } else if ("page".equals(scope)) { bean = pageContext.getAttribute(name); } else if ("request".equals(scope)) { bean = pageContext.getRequest().getAttribute(name); } else if ("session".equals(scope)) { bean = pageContext.getSession().getAttribute(name); } else if ("parameters".equals(scope)) { bean = pageContext.getRequest().getParameter(name); } else { throw new JspException("unknown scope "+scope); } if (bean != null && property != null) { String getter = property.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+property.substring(1); String gettIs = "is"+getter; getter = "get"+getter; try { try { Method method = bean.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(getter); bean = method.invoke(bean,EMPTY_PARAMS); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { //check for is Method method = bean.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(gettIs); bean = method.invoke(bean,EMPTY_PARAMS); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e1) { throw new JspException(getNameAndProperty(name,property)+" does not have getter "+getter+"() or "+gettIs+"()"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.log(Level.SEVERE,e.toString()); throw new JspException("Cannot get "+getNameAndProperty(name,property)+" "+e.toString()); } } if (bean == null) { if (critical) { throw new JspException(getNameAndProperty(name,property)+" is null"); } else { return null; } } return bean; } protected void setPropertyByName(Object bean,String property, Object value) throws JspException{ String setter = "set"+property.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+property.substring(1); try { Method method = bean.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(setter,value.getClass()); bean = method.invoke(bean,value); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new JspException(getNameAndProperty(name,property)+" does not have setter "+setter+"("+value.getClass().getName()+")"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.log(Level.SEVERE,e.toString()); throw new JspException("Cannot set property "+property+": "+e.toString()); } } protected String getNameAndProperty(String name, String property) { if (property==null) { return name; } else { return name+"."+property; } } public void setObjectByName(Object object) throws JspException{ setObjectByName(object,getName(),scope); } public void setObjectByName(Object object,String name) throws JspException{ setObjectByName(object,name,scope); } public void setObjectByName(Object object,String name,String scope) throws JspException{ if (scope==null || "page".equals(scope)) { //page scope pageContext.setAttribute(name,object); } else if ("request".equals(scope)) { pageContext.getRequest().setAttribute(name,object); } else if ("session".equals(scope)) { pageContext.getSession().setAttribute(name,object); } else { throw new JspException("unknown scope "+scope); } } public int doEndTag() throws JspException { return EVAL_PAGE; } public String getLocale() { if (locale==null) { return LocalMessages.getLocale(pageContext); } else { return locale; } } public void setLocale(String locale) { this.locale = locale; } protected PersistenceManager getPM() { return TransactionInViewFilter.getEM(pageContext.getRequest()); } }