package com.iambookmaster.client.common; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class TagCloudDropdown extends TextBox implements KeyboardListener, ChangeListener { private PopupPanel choicesPopup = new PopupPanel(true); private ListBox choices = new ListBox(); private ArrayList<String> items; private boolean popupAdded = false; private boolean visible = false; /** * Default Constructor * */ public TagCloudDropdown(ArrayList<String> items) { this.items = items; this.addKeyboardListener(this); choices.addChangeListener(this); this.setStyleName("AutoCompleteTextBox"); choicesPopup.add(choices); choicesPopup.addStyleName("AutoCompleteChoices"); choices.setStyleName("list"); } /** * Not used at all */ public void onKeyDown(Widget arg0, char arg1, int arg2) { } /** * Not used at all */ public void onKeyPress(Widget arg0, char arg1, int arg2) { } /** * A key was released, start autocompletion */ public void onKeyUp(Widget arg0, char arg1, int arg2) { if(arg1 == KEY_DOWN) { int selectedIndex = choices.getSelectedIndex(); selectedIndex++; if(selectedIndex > choices.getItemCount()) { selectedIndex = 0; } choices.setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex); return; } if(arg1 == KEY_UP) { int selectedIndex = choices.getSelectedIndex(); selectedIndex--; if(selectedIndex < 0) { selectedIndex = choices.getItemCount(); } choices.setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex); return; } if(arg1 == KEY_ENTER) { if(visible) { complete(); } return; } if(arg1 == KEY_ESCAPE) { choices.clear(); choicesPopup.hide(); visible = false; return; } String text = this.getText(); boolean first=true; if(text.length() > 2) { for (String tag : items) { if (tag.startsWith(text)) { if (first) { choices.clear(); first = false; } choices.addItem(tag); } } } // if there is only one match and it is what is in the // text field anyways there is no need to show autocompletion if (first == false) { choices.setSelectedIndex(0); choices.setVisibleItemCount(choices.getItemCount()); if(!popupAdded) { RootPanel.get().add(choicesPopup); popupAdded = true; }; visible = true; choicesPopup.setPopupPosition(this.getAbsoluteLeft(), this.getAbsoluteTop() + this.getOffsetHeight()); //choicesPopup.setWidth(this.getOffsetWidth() + "px"); choices.setWidth(this.getOffsetWidth() + "px"); } else { visible = false; choicesPopup.hide(); } } /** * A mouseclick in the list of items */ public void onChange(Widget arg0) { complete(); } public void onClick(Widget arg0) { complete(); } // add selected item to textbox protected void complete() { if(choices.getItemCount() > 0) { this.setText(choices.getItemText(choices.getSelectedIndex())); } choices.clear(); choicesPopup.hide(); } }