package com.xiaoleilu.hutool.geo; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.xiaoleilu.hutool.util.StrUtil; /** * GeoHash实现<br> * 参考: * * @author Looly * */ public final class GeoHash implements Comparable<GeoHash>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8553214249630252175L; /** GeoHash长度 */ private static final int MAX_BIT_PRECISION = 64; private static final int MAX_CHARACTER_PRECISION = 12; private static final int[] BITS = { 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 }; private static final int BASE32_BITS = 5; public static final long FIRST_BIT_FLAGGED = 0x8000000000000000l; private static final char[] base32 = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' }; private final static Map<Character, Integer> decodeMap = new HashMap<>(); static { int sz = base32.length; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { decodeMap.put(base32[i], i); } } protected long bits = 0; /** 中点 */ private Location point; private BoundingBox boundingBox; /** 有效bit位 */ protected byte significantBits = 0; private GeoHash() {} /** * 使用字符数限制精度 * @param latitude 纬度 * @param longitude 经度 * @param numberOfCharacters 字符数 * @return {@link GeoHash} */ public static GeoHash withCharacterPrecision(double latitude, double longitude, int numberOfCharacters) { if (numberOfCharacters > MAX_CHARACTER_PRECISION) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("A geohash can only be " + MAX_CHARACTER_PRECISION + " character long."); } // int desiredPrecision = (numberOfCharacters * 5 <= 60) ? numberOfCharacters * 5 : 60; return new GeoHash(latitude, longitude, numberOfCharacters * 5); } /** * 创建 {@link GeoHash},限制bit位精度 * @param latitude 纬度 * @param longitude 经度 * @param numberOfBits 限制bit位数 * @return {@link GeoHash} */ public static GeoHash withBitPrecision(double latitude, double longitude, int numberOfBits) { if (numberOfBits > MAX_BIT_PRECISION) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("A Geohash can only be " + MAX_BIT_PRECISION + " bits long!"); } if (Math.abs(latitude) > 90.0 || Math.abs(longitude) > 180.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have lat/lon values out of (-90,90)/(-180/180)"); } return new GeoHash(latitude, longitude, numberOfBits); } /** * 二进制字符串转为 {@link GeoHash} * @param binaryString 二进制字符串 * @return {@link GeoHash} */ public static GeoHash fromBinaryString(String binaryString) { GeoHash geohash = new GeoHash(); for (int i = 0; i < binaryString.length(); i++) { if (binaryString.charAt(i) == '1') { geohash.addOnBitToEnd(); } else if (binaryString.charAt(i) == '0') { geohash.addOffBitToEnd(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(binaryString + " is not a valid geohash as a binary string"); } } geohash.bits <<= (MAX_BIT_PRECISION - geohash.significantBits); long[] latitudeBits = geohash.getRightAlignedLatitudeBits(); long[] longitudeBits = geohash.getRightAlignedLongitudeBits(); return geohash.recombineLatLonBitsToHash(latitudeBits, longitudeBits); } /** * GeoHash字符串(base32编码后)转为 {@link GeoHash}对象 * @param geohash GeoHash字符串 * @return {@link GeoHash} */ public static GeoHash fromGeohashString(String geohash) { double[] latitudeRange = { -90.0, 90.0 }; double[] longitudeRange = { -180.0, 180.0 }; boolean isEvenBit = true; GeoHash hash = new GeoHash(); for (int i = 0; i < geohash.length(); i++) { int cd = decodeMap.get(geohash.charAt(i)); for (int j = 0; j < BASE32_BITS; j++) { int mask = BITS[j]; if (isEvenBit) {//偶数表示经度 divideRangeDecode(hash, longitudeRange, (cd & mask) != 0); } else {//奇数表示纬度 divideRangeDecode(hash, latitudeRange, (cd & mask) != 0); } isEvenBit = !isEvenBit; } } hash.boundingBox = new BoundingBox(latitudeRange[0], latitudeRange[1], longitudeRange[0], longitudeRange[1]); hash.point = hash.boundingBox.getCenterPoint(); hash.bits <<= (MAX_BIT_PRECISION - hash.significantBits); return hash; } public static GeoHash fromLongValue(long hashVal, int significantBits) { String binaryString = Long.toBinaryString(hashVal); if(binaryString.length() > significantBits){ binaryString = StrUtil.subPre(binaryString, significantBits); } return fromBinaryString(binaryString); } /** * 坐标转为base32GeoHash编码 * @param latitude 纬度 * @param longitude 经度 * @param numberOfCharacters 字符长度 * @return GeoHash字符串 */ public static String geoHashStringWithCharacterPrecision(double latitude, double longitude, int numberOfCharacters) { GeoHash hash = withCharacterPrecision(latitude, longitude, numberOfCharacters); return hash.toBase32(); } /** * 构造 * @param latitude 纬度 * @param longitude 经度 * @param desiredPrecision 限制长度 */ private GeoHash(double latitude, double longitude, int desiredPrecision) { point = new Location(latitude, longitude); desiredPrecision = Math.min(desiredPrecision, MAX_BIT_PRECISION); boolean isEvenBit = true; double[] latitudeRange = { -90, 90 }; double[] longitudeRange = { -180, 180 }; while (significantBits < desiredPrecision) { if (isEvenBit) { divideRangeEncode(longitude, longitudeRange); } else { divideRangeEncode(latitude, latitudeRange); } isEvenBit = !isEvenBit; } this.boundingBox = new BoundingBox(latitudeRange[0], latitudeRange[1], longitudeRange[0], longitudeRange[1]); bits <<= (MAX_BIT_PRECISION - desiredPrecision); } public GeoHash next(int step) { return fromOrd(ord() + step, significantBits); } public GeoHash next() { return next(1); } public GeoHash prev() { return next(-1); } public long ord() { int insignificantBits = MAX_BIT_PRECISION - significantBits; return bits >>> insignificantBits; } /** * Returns the number of characters that represent this hash. * * @throws IllegalStateException * when the hash cannot be encoded in base32, i.e. when the * precision is not a multiple of 5. */ public int getCharacterPrecision() { if (significantBits % 5 != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "precision of GeoHash is not divisble by 5: " + this); } return significantBits / 5; } public static GeoHash fromOrd(long ord, int significantBits) { int insignificantBits = MAX_BIT_PRECISION - significantBits; return fromLongValue(ord << insignificantBits, significantBits); } /** * Counts the number of geohashes contained between the two (ie how many * times next() is called to increment from one to two) This value depends * on the number of significant bits. * * @param one * @param two * @return number of steps */ public static long stepsBetween(GeoHash one, GeoHash two) { if (one.significantBits() != two.significantBits()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "It is only valid to compare the number of steps between two hashes if they have the same number of significant bits"); } return two.ord() - one.ord(); } private void divideRangeEncode(double value, double[] range) { double mid = (range[0] + range[1]) / 2; if (value >= mid) { addOnBitToEnd(); range[0] = mid; } else { addOffBitToEnd(); range[1] = mid; } } /** * 当值为1在range的右半区,为0在左半区 * @param hash {@link GeoHash} * @param range 区域 * @param b bit值 */ private static void divideRangeDecode(GeoHash hash, double[] range, boolean b) { double mid = (range[0] + range[1]) / 2; if (b) { hash.addOnBitToEnd(); range[0] = mid; } else { hash.addOffBitToEnd(); range[1] = mid; } } /** * 获得相邻8个GeoHash<br> * 顺序:北, 东北, 东, 东南, 南, 西南, 西, 西北 * @return 相邻8个GeoHash */ public GeoHash[] getAdjacent() { GeoHash northern = getNorthernNeighbour(); GeoHash eastern = getEasternNeighbour(); GeoHash southern = getSouthernNeighbour(); GeoHash western = getWesternNeighbour(); return new GeoHash[] { northern, //北 northern.getEasternNeighbour(), //东北 eastern, //东 southern.getEasternNeighbour(),//东南 southern,//南 southern.getWesternNeighbour(), //西南 western, //西 northern.getWesternNeighbour() //西北 }; } /** * 有效bit位 * @return 有效bit位 */ public int significantBits() { return significantBits; } /** * long值 * @return long值 */ public long longValue() { return bits; } /** * {@link GeoHash}的base32值 * @return {@link GeoHash}的base32值 */ public String toBase32() { if (significantBits % 5 != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot convert a geohash to base32 if the precision is not a multiple of 5."); } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); long firstFiveBitsMask = 0xf800000000000000l; long bitsCopy = bits; int partialChunks = (int) Math.ceil(((double) significantBits / 5)); for (int i = 0; i < partialChunks; i++) { int pointer = (int) ((bitsCopy & firstFiveBitsMask) >>> 59); buf.append(base32[pointer]); bitsCopy <<= 5; } return buf.toString(); } /** * returns true iff this is within the given geohash bounding box. */ public boolean within(GeoHash boundingBox) { return (bits & boundingBox.mask()) == boundingBox.bits; } /** * find out if the given point lies within this hashes bounding box.<br> * <i>Note: this operation checks the bounding boxes coordinates, i.e. does * not use the {@link GeoHash}s special abilities.s</i> */ public boolean contains(Location point) { return boundingBox.contains(point); } /** * returns the {@link Location} that was originally used to set up this.<br> * If it was built from a base32-{@link String}, this is the center point of * the bounding box. */ public Location getPoint() { return point; } /** * return the center of this {@link GeoHash}s bounding box. this is rarely * the same point that was used to build the hash. */ public Location getBoundingBoxCenterPoint() { return boundingBox.getCenterPoint(); } public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() { return boundingBox; } public boolean enclosesCircleAroundPoint(Location point, double radius) { return false; } /** * 组合经纬度bit * @param latBits 纬度bit * @param lonBits 经度bit * @return {@link GeoHash} */ protected GeoHash recombineLatLonBitsToHash(long[] latBits, long[] lonBits) { GeoHash hash = new GeoHash(); boolean isEvenBit = false; latBits[0] <<= (MAX_BIT_PRECISION - latBits[1]); lonBits[0] <<= (MAX_BIT_PRECISION - lonBits[1]); double[] latitudeRange = { -90.0, 90.0 }; double[] longitudeRange = { -180.0, 180.0 }; for (int i = 0; i < latBits[1] + lonBits[1]; i++) { if (isEvenBit) { divideRangeDecode(hash, latitudeRange, (latBits[0] & FIRST_BIT_FLAGGED) == FIRST_BIT_FLAGGED); latBits[0] <<= 1; } else { divideRangeDecode(hash, longitudeRange, (lonBits[0] & FIRST_BIT_FLAGGED) == FIRST_BIT_FLAGGED); lonBits[0] <<= 1; } isEvenBit = !isEvenBit; } hash.bits <<= (MAX_BIT_PRECISION - hash.significantBits); this.boundingBox = new BoundingBox(latitudeRange[0], latitudeRange[1], longitudeRange[0], longitudeRange[1]); hash.point = hash.boundingBox.getCenterPoint(); return hash; } public GeoHash getNorthernNeighbour() { long[] latitudeBits = getRightAlignedLatitudeBits(); long[] longitudeBits = getRightAlignedLongitudeBits(); latitudeBits[0] += 1; latitudeBits[0] = maskLastNBits(latitudeBits[0], latitudeBits[1]); return recombineLatLonBitsToHash(latitudeBits, longitudeBits); } public GeoHash getSouthernNeighbour() { long[] latitudeBits = getRightAlignedLatitudeBits(); long[] longitudeBits = getRightAlignedLongitudeBits(); latitudeBits[0] -= 1; latitudeBits[0] = maskLastNBits(latitudeBits[0], latitudeBits[1]); return recombineLatLonBitsToHash(latitudeBits, longitudeBits); } public GeoHash getEasternNeighbour() { long[] latitudeBits = getRightAlignedLatitudeBits(); long[] longitudeBits = getRightAlignedLongitudeBits(); longitudeBits[0] += 1; longitudeBits[0] = maskLastNBits(longitudeBits[0], longitudeBits[1]); return recombineLatLonBitsToHash(latitudeBits, longitudeBits); } public GeoHash getWesternNeighbour() { long[] latitudeBits = getRightAlignedLatitudeBits(); long[] longitudeBits = getRightAlignedLongitudeBits(); longitudeBits[0] -= 1; longitudeBits[0] = maskLastNBits(longitudeBits[0], longitudeBits[1]); return recombineLatLonBitsToHash(latitudeBits, longitudeBits); } protected long[] getRightAlignedLatitudeBits() { long copyOfBits = bits << 1; long value = extractEverySecondBit(copyOfBits, getNumberOfLatLonBits()[0]); return new long[] { value, getNumberOfLatLonBits()[0] }; } protected long[] getRightAlignedLongitudeBits() { long copyOfBits = bits; long value = extractEverySecondBit(copyOfBits, getNumberOfLatLonBits()[1]); return new long[] { value, getNumberOfLatLonBits()[1] }; } private long extractEverySecondBit(long copyOfBits, int numberOfBits) { long value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBits; i++) { if ((copyOfBits & FIRST_BIT_FLAGGED) == FIRST_BIT_FLAGGED) { value |= 0x1; } value <<= 1; copyOfBits <<= 2; } value >>>= 1; return value; } protected int[] getNumberOfLatLonBits() { if (significantBits % 2 == 0) { return new int[] { significantBits / 2, significantBits / 2 }; } else { return new int[] { significantBits / 2, significantBits / 2 + 1 }; } } protected final void addOnBitToEnd() { significantBits++; bits <<= 1; bits = bits | 0x1; } protected final void addOffBitToEnd() { significantBits++; bits <<= 1; } @Override public String toString() { if (significantBits % 5 == 0) { return String.format("%s -> %s -> %s", Long.toBinaryString(bits), boundingBox, toBase32()); } else { return String.format("%s -> %s, bits: %d", Long.toBinaryString(bits), boundingBox, significantBits); } } public String toBinaryString() { StringBuilder bui = new StringBuilder(); long bitsCopy = bits; for (int i = 0; i < significantBits; i++) { if ((bitsCopy & FIRST_BIT_FLAGGED) == FIRST_BIT_FLAGGED) { bui.append('1'); } else { bui.append('0'); } bitsCopy <<= 1; } return bui.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj instanceof GeoHash) { GeoHash other = (GeoHash) obj; if (other.significantBits == significantBits && other.bits == bits) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { int f = 17; f = 31 * f + (int) (bits ^ (bits >>> 32)); f = 31 * f + significantBits; return f; } /** * return a long mask for this hashes significant bits. */ private long mask() { if (significantBits == 0) { return 0; } else { long value = FIRST_BIT_FLAGGED; value >>= (significantBits - 1); return value; } } private long maskLastNBits(long value, long n) { long mask = 0xffffffffffffffffl; mask >>>= (MAX_BIT_PRECISION - n); return value & mask; } @Override public int compareTo(GeoHash o) { int bitsCmp = ^ FIRST_BIT_FLAGGED, o.bits ^ FIRST_BIT_FLAGGED); if (bitsCmp != 0) { return bitsCmp; } else { return, o.significantBits); } } }