package com.xiaoleilu.hutool.db; import; import; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.RowId; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import com.xiaoleilu.hutool.lang.Dict; import com.xiaoleilu.hutool.util.ArrayUtil; import com.xiaoleilu.hutool.util.CharsetUtil; import com.xiaoleilu.hutool.util.ClassUtil; import com.xiaoleilu.hutool.util.CollectionUtil; import com.xiaoleilu.hutool.util.StrUtil; /** * 数据实体对象<br> * 数据实体类充当两个角色:<br> * 1. 数据的载体,一个Entity对应数据库中的一个row<br> * 2. SQL条件,Entity中的每一个字段对应一个条件,字段值对应条件的值 * @author loolly * */ public class Entity extends Dict{ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1951012511464327448L; //--------------------------------------------------------------- Static method start /** * 创建Entity * @return Entity */ public static Entity create() { return new Entity(); } /** * 创建Entity * @param tableName 表名 * @return Entity */ public static Entity create(String tableName) { return new Entity(tableName); } /** * 将PO对象转为Entity * @param <T> * @param bean Bean对象 * @return Entity */ public static <T> Entity parse(T bean) { return create(null).parseBean(bean); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- Static method end /*表名*/ private String tableName; /*字段名列表,用于限制加入的字段的值*/ private Set<String> fieldNames; //--------------------------------------------------------------- Constructor start public Entity() { } /** * 构造 * @param tableName 数据表名 */ public Entity(String tableName) { this.tableName = tableName; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- Constructor end //--------------------------------------------------------------- Getters and Setters start /** * @return 获得表名 */ public String getTableName() { return tableName; } /** * 设置表名 * @param tableName 表名 * @return 本身 */ public Entity setTableName(String tableName) { this.tableName = tableName; return this; } /** * * @return 字段集合 */ public Set<String> getFieldNames() { return this.fieldNames; } /** * 设置字段列表 * @param fieldNames 字段列表 * @return 自身 */ public Entity setFieldNames(List<String> fieldNames) { if(CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(fieldNames)){ this.fieldNames = new HashSet<String>(fieldNames); } return this; } /** * 设置字段列表 * @param fieldNames 字段列表 * @return 自身 */ public Entity setFieldNames(String... fieldNames) { if(ArrayUtil.isNotEmpty(fieldNames)){ this.fieldNames = CollectionUtil.newHashSet(fieldNames); } return this; } /** * 添加字段列表 * @param fieldNames 字段列表 * @return 自身 */ public Entity addFieldNames(String... fieldNames) { if(ArrayUtil.isNotEmpty(fieldNames)){ if(null == this.fieldNames){ return setFieldNames(fieldNames); }else{ for (String fieldName : fieldNames) { this.fieldNames.add(fieldName); } } } return this; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- Getters and Setters end /** * 将值对象转换为Entity<br> * 类名会被当作表名,小写第一个字母 * @param <T> * @param bean Bean对象 * @return 自己 */ @Override public <T> Entity parseBean(T bean) { String tableName = bean.getClass().getSimpleName(); tableName = StrUtil.lowerFirst(tableName); this.setTableName(tableName); return (Entity) super.parseBean(bean); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Put and Set start /** * PUT方法做了过滤限制,如果此实体限制了属性名,则忽略限制名列表外的字段名 * @param key 名 * @param value 值 */ @Override public Object put(String key, Object value) { if(CollectionUtil.isEmpty(fieldNames) || fieldNames.contains(key)){ super.put(key, value); } return null; } @Override public Entity set(String field, Object value) { return (Entity) super.set(field, value); } @Override public Entity setIgnoreNull(String field, Object value) { return (Entity) super.setIgnoreNull(field, value); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Put and Set end //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Get start /** * 获得Clob类型结果 * @param field 参数 * @return Clob */ public Clob getClob(String field){ return get(field, null); } @Override public Time getTime(String field) { Object obj = get(field); Time result = null; if(null != obj){ try { result = (Time)obj; } catch (Exception e) { //try oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP result = ClassUtil.invoke(obj, "timeValue", new Object[]{}); } } return result; } @Override public Date getDate(String field) { Object obj = get(field); Date result = null; if(null != obj){ try { result = (Date)obj; } catch (Exception e) { //try oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP result = ClassUtil.invoke(obj, "dateValue", new Object[]{}); } } return result; } @Override public Timestamp getTimestamp(String field) { Object obj = get(field); Timestamp result = null; if(null != obj){ try { result = (Timestamp)obj; } catch (Exception e) { //try oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP result = ClassUtil.invoke(obj, "timestampValue", new Object[]{}); } } return result; } @Override public String getStr(String field) { final Object obj = get(field); if(obj instanceof Clob){ Clob clob = (Clob)obj; Reader reader = null; try { reader = clob.getCharacterStream(); return; } catch (SQLException | IOException e) { throw new DbRuntimeException(e); }finally{ IoUtil.close(reader); } }else if(obj instanceof RowId){ final RowId rowId = (RowId)obj; return StrUtil.str(rowId.getBytes(), CharsetUtil.UTF_8); } return super.getStr(field); } /** * 获得rowid * @return RowId */ public RowId getRowId(){ return getRowId("ROWID"); } /** * 获得rowid * @param field rowid属性名 * @return RowId */ public RowId getRowId(String field){ Object obj = this.get(field); if(null == obj){ return null; } if(obj instanceof RowId){ return (RowId)obj; } throw new DbRuntimeException("Value of field [{}] is not a rowid!", field); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Get end //-------------------------------------------------------------------- 特殊方法 start @Override public Entity clone() { return (Entity) super.clone(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- 特殊方法 end @Override public String toString() { return "Entity {tableName=" + tableName + ", fieldNames=" + fieldNames + ", fields=" + super.toString() + "}"; } }