package org.httpkit.server; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.LinkedList; public abstract class ServerAtta { final LinkedList<ByteBuffer> toWrites = new LinkedList<ByteBuffer>(); protected AsyncChannel channel; // close the connection after write? /* HTTP: greedy, if client support it( HTTP/1.1 without keep-alive: close), http-kit only close the socket after client first close it WebSocket: When a close frame is received, the socket get closed after the response close frame is sent */ protected boolean keepalive = true; public boolean isKeepAlive() { return keepalive || chunkedResponseInprogress; } // Needed in the following situation, thanks @rufoa // // 1. client sent Connection: Close => server // 2. server try to streaming the response // 3. server close the connection after first write, which makes a bad streaming // only apply to HTTP protected boolean chunkedResponseInprogress = false; public void chunkedResponseInprogress(boolean b) { chunkedResponseInprogress = b; } }