package org.httpkit.server; import static java.nio.channels.SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT; import static java.nio.channels.SelectionKey.OP_READ; import static java.nio.channels.SelectionKey.OP_WRITE; import static org.httpkit.HttpUtils.HttpEncode; import static org.httpkit.HttpUtils.WsEncode; import static org.httpkit.server.Frame.CloseFrame.CLOSE_AWAY; import static org.httpkit.server.Frame.CloseFrame.CLOSE_MESG_BIG; import static org.httpkit.server.Frame.CloseFrame.CLOSE_NORMAL; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.ClosedSelectorException; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import org.httpkit.HeaderMap; import org.httpkit.LineTooLargeException; import org.httpkit.ProtocolException; import org.httpkit.RequestTooLargeException; import org.httpkit.logger.ContextLogger; import org.httpkit.logger.EventNames; import org.httpkit.logger.EventLogger; import org.httpkit.server.Frame.BinaryFrame; import org.httpkit.server.Frame.CloseFrame; import org.httpkit.server.Frame.PingFrame; import org.httpkit.server.Frame.PongFrame; import org.httpkit.server.Frame.TextFrame; class PendingKey { public final SelectionKey key; // operation: can be register for write or close the selectionkey public final int Op; PendingKey(SelectionKey key, int op) { this.key = key; Op = op; } public static final int OP_WRITE = -1; } public class HttpServer implements Runnable { static final String THREAD_NAME = "server-loop"; private final IHandler handler; private final int maxBody; // max http body size private final int maxLine; // max header line size private final int maxWs; // websocket, max message size private final Selector selector; private final ServerSocketChannel serverChannel; private final ProxyProtocolOption proxyProtocolOption; private Thread serverThread; // queue operations from worker threads to the IO thread private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<PendingKey> pending = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<PendingKey>(); // shared, single thread private final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1024 * 64 - 1); private final ContextLogger<String, Throwable> errorLogger; private final ContextLogger<String, Throwable> warnLogger; private final EventLogger<String> eventLogger; private final EventNames eventNames; public static final ContextLogger<String, Throwable> DEFAULT_WARN_LOGGER = new ContextLogger<String, Throwable>() { @Override public void log(String event, Throwable e) { System.err.printf("%s [%s] WARN - %s\n", new Date(), THREAD_NAME, e.getMessage()); } }; public HttpServer(String ip, int port, IHandler handler, int maxBody, int maxLine, int maxWs, ProxyProtocolOption proxyProtocolOption) throws IOException { this(ip, port, handler, maxBody, maxLine, maxWs, proxyProtocolOption, ContextLogger.ERROR_PRINTER, DEFAULT_WARN_LOGGER, EventLogger.NOP, EventNames.DEFAULT); } public HttpServer(String ip, int port, IHandler handler, int maxBody, int maxLine, int maxWs, ProxyProtocolOption proxyProtocolOption, ContextLogger<String, Throwable> errorLogger, ContextLogger<String, Throwable> warnLogger, EventLogger<String> eventLogger, EventNames eventNames) throws IOException { this.errorLogger = errorLogger; this.warnLogger = warnLogger; this.eventLogger = eventLogger; this.eventNames = eventNames; this.handler = handler; this.maxLine = maxLine; this.maxBody = maxBody; this.maxWs = maxWs; this.proxyProtocolOption = proxyProtocolOption; this.selector =; this.serverChannel =; serverChannel.configureBlocking(false); serverChannel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(ip, port)); serverChannel.register(selector, OP_ACCEPT); } void accept(SelectionKey key) { ServerSocketChannel ch = (ServerSocketChannel); SocketChannel s; try { while ((s = ch.accept()) != null) { s.configureBlocking(false); HttpAtta atta = new HttpAtta(maxBody, maxLine, proxyProtocolOption); SelectionKey k = s.register(selector, OP_READ, atta); = new AsyncChannel(k, this); } } catch (Exception e) { // eg: too many open files. do not quit errorLogger.log("accept incoming request", e); eventLogger.log(eventNames.serverAcceptError); } } private void closeKey(final SelectionKey key, int status) { try {; } catch (Exception ignore) { } ServerAtta att = (ServerAtta) key.attachment(); if (att instanceof HttpAtta) { handler.clientClose(, -1); } else if (att != null) { handler.clientClose(, status); } } private void decodeHttp(HttpAtta atta, SelectionKey key, SocketChannel ch) { try { boolean sentContinue = false; do { AsyncChannel channel =; HttpRequest request = atta.decoder.decode(buffer); if (request != null) { channel.reset(request); if (request.isWebSocket) { key.attach(new WsAtta(channel, maxWs)); } else { atta.keepalive = request.isKeepAlive; } = channel; request.remoteAddr = (InetSocketAddress) ch.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress(); handler.handle(request, new RespCallback(key, this)); // pipelining not supported : need queue to ensure order atta.decoder.reset(); } else if (!sentContinue && atta.decoder.requiresContinue()) { tryWrite(key, HttpEncode(100, new HeaderMap(), null)); sentContinue = true; } } while (buffer.hasRemaining()); // consume all } catch (ProtocolException e) { closeKey(key, -1); } catch (RequestTooLargeException e) { atta.keepalive = false; eventLogger.log(eventNames.serverStatus413); tryWrite(key, HttpEncode(413, new HeaderMap(), e.getMessage())); } catch (LineTooLargeException e) { atta.keepalive = false; // close after write eventLogger.log(eventNames.serverStatus414); tryWrite(key, HttpEncode(414, new HeaderMap(), e.getMessage())); } } private void decodeWs(WsAtta atta, SelectionKey key) { try { do { Frame frame = atta.decoder.decode(buffer); if (frame instanceof TextFrame || frame instanceof BinaryFrame) { handler.handle(, frame); atta.decoder.reset(); } else if (frame instanceof PingFrame) { atta.decoder.reset(); tryWrite(key, WsEncode(WSDecoder.OPCODE_PONG,; } else if (frame instanceof PongFrame) { // ignored as unsolicited pong frame from client atta.decoder.reset(); } else if (frame instanceof CloseFrame) { // A snapshot boolean closed =; handler.clientClose(, ((CloseFrame) frame).getStatus()); // close the TCP connection after sent atta.keepalive = false; atta.decoder.reset(); // Follow RFC6455 5.5.1 // Do not send CLOSE frame again if it has been sent. if (!closed) { tryWrite(key, WsEncode(WSDecoder.OPCODE_CLOSE,; } } } while (buffer.hasRemaining()); // consume all } catch (ProtocolException e) { warnLogger.log(null, e); eventLogger.log(eventNames.serverWsDecodeError); closeKey(key, CLOSE_MESG_BIG); // TODO more specific error } } private void doRead(final SelectionKey key) { SocketChannel ch = (SocketChannel); try { buffer.clear(); // clear for read int read =; if (read == -1) { // remote entity shut the socket down cleanly. closeKey(key, CLOSE_AWAY); } else if (read > 0) { buffer.flip(); // flip for read final ServerAtta atta = (ServerAtta) key.attachment(); if (atta instanceof HttpAtta) { decodeHttp((HttpAtta) atta, key, ch); } else { decodeWs((WsAtta) atta, key); } } } catch (IOException e) { // the remote forcibly closed the connection closeKey(key, CLOSE_AWAY); } } private void doWrite(SelectionKey key) { ServerAtta atta = (ServerAtta) key.attachment(); SocketChannel ch = (SocketChannel); try { // the sync is per socket (per client). virtually, no contention // 1. keep byte data order, 2. ensure visibility synchronized (atta) { LinkedList<ByteBuffer> toWrites = atta.toWrites; int size = toWrites.size(); if (size == 1) { ch.write(toWrites.get(0)); // TODO investigate why needed. // ws request for write, but has no data? } else if (size > 0) { ByteBuffer buffers[] = new ByteBuffer[size]; toWrites.toArray(buffers); ch.write(buffers, 0, buffers.length); } Iterator<ByteBuffer> ite = toWrites.iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { if (! { ite.remove(); } } // all done if (toWrites.size() == 0) { if (atta.isKeepAlive()) { key.interestOps(OP_READ); } else { closeKey(key, CLOSE_NORMAL); } } } } catch (IOException e) { // the remote forcibly closed the connection closeKey(key, CLOSE_AWAY); } } public void tryWrite(final SelectionKey key, ByteBuffer... buffers) { tryWrite(key, false, buffers); } public void tryWrite(final SelectionKey key, boolean chunkInprogress, ByteBuffer... buffers) { ServerAtta atta = (ServerAtta) key.attachment(); synchronized (atta) { atta.chunkedResponseInprogress(chunkInprogress); if (atta.toWrites.isEmpty()) { SocketChannel ch = (SocketChannel); try { // TCP buffer most of time is empty, writable(8K ~ 256k) // One IO thread => One thread reading + Many thread writing // Save 2 system call ch.write(buffers, 0, buffers.length); if (buffers[buffers.length - 1].hasRemaining()) { for (ByteBuffer b : buffers) { if (b.hasRemaining()) { atta.toWrites.add(b); } } pending.add(new PendingKey(key, PendingKey.OP_WRITE)); selector.wakeup(); } else if (!atta.isKeepAlive()) { pending.add(new PendingKey(key, CLOSE_NORMAL)); selector.wakeup(); } } catch (IOException e) { pending.add(new PendingKey(key, CLOSE_AWAY)); selector.wakeup(); } } else { // If has pending write, order should be maintained. (WebSocket) Collections.addAll(atta.toWrites, buffers); pending.add(new PendingKey(key, PendingKey.OP_WRITE)); selector.wakeup(); } } } public void run() { while (true) { try { PendingKey k; while (!pending.isEmpty()) { k = pending.poll(); if (k.Op == PendingKey.OP_WRITE) { if (k.key.isValid()) { k.key.interestOps(OP_WRITE); } } else { closeKey(k.key, k.Op); } } if ( <= 0) { continue; } Set<SelectionKey> selectedKeys = selector.selectedKeys(); for (SelectionKey key : selectedKeys) { // TODO I do not know if this is needed // if !valid, isAcceptable, isReadable.. will Exception // run hours happily after commented, but not sure. if (!key.isValid()) { continue; } if (key.isAcceptable()) { accept(key); } else if (key.isReadable()) { doRead(key); } else if (key.isWritable()) { doWrite(key); } } selectedKeys.clear(); } catch (ClosedSelectorException ignore) { return; // stopped // do not exits the while IO event loop. if exits, then will not process any IO event // jvm can catch any exception, including OOM } catch (Throwable e) { // catch any exception(including OOM), print it errorLogger.log("http server loop error, should not happen", e); eventLogger.log(eventNames.serverLoopError); } } } public void start() throws IOException { serverThread = new Thread(this, THREAD_NAME); serverThread.start(); } public void stop(int timeout) { try { serverChannel.close(); // stop accept any request } catch (IOException ignore) { } // wait all requests to finish, at most timeout milliseconds handler.close(timeout); // close socket, notify on-close handlers if (selector.isOpen()) { // Set<SelectionKey> keys = selector.keys(); // SelectionKey[] keys = t.toArray(new SelectionKey[t.size()]); for (SelectionKey k : selector.keys()) { /** * 1. t.toArray will fill null if given array is larger. * 2. compute t.size(), then try to fill the array, if in the mean time, another * thread close one SelectionKey, will result a NPE * * */ if (k != null) closeKey(k, 0); // 0 => close by server } try { selector.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } public int getPort() { return this.serverChannel.socket().getLocalPort(); } }