package org.httpkit.server; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.httpkit.HttpMethod; import org.httpkit.HttpUtils; import org.httpkit.HttpVersion; import org.httpkit.LineReader; import org.httpkit.LineTooLargeException; import org.httpkit.ProtocolException; import org.httpkit.RequestTooLargeException; import static org.httpkit.HttpUtils.*; import static org.httpkit.HttpVersion.HTTP_1_0; import static org.httpkit.HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1; public class HttpDecoder { public enum State { ALL_READ, CONNECTION_OPEN, READ_INITIAL, READ_HEADER, READ_FIXED_LENGTH_CONTENT, READ_CHUNK_SIZE, READ_CHUNKED_CONTENT, READ_CHUNK_FOOTER, READ_CHUNK_DELIMITER, } /** * Pattern for matching numbers 0 to 255. We use this in the IPV4 address pattern to prevent invalid sequences * from be parsed by InetAddress.getByName and thus being treated as a name instead of an address. */ private static final String IPV4SEG = "(?:0|1\\d{0,2}|2(?:[0-4]\\d*|5[0-5]?|[6-9])?|[3-9]\\d?)"; private static final String IPV4ADDR = IPV4SEG + "(?:\\." + IPV4SEG + "){3}"; /** * Pattern for a port number. We are not as strict in our pattern matching as we are with ipv4 address * and instead rely upon Integer.parseInt and a range check. Port 0 is invalid, so we disallow that here. */ private static final String PORT = "[1-9]\\d{0,4}"; /** * The PROXY protocol header is quite strict in what it allows, specifying for example that only * a single space character (\x20) is allowed between components. */ private static final Pattern PROXY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "PROXY\\x20TCP4\\x20(" + IPV4ADDR + ")\\x20(" + IPV4ADDR +")\\x20(" + PORT + ")\\x20(" + PORT + ")" ); private State state; private ProxyProtocolOption proxyProtocolOption; private int readRemaining = 0; // bytes need read private int readCount = 0; // already read bytes count private String xForwardedFor; private String xForwardedProto; private int xForwardedPort; HttpRequest request; // package visible private Map<String, Object> headers = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); byte[] content; private final int maxBody; private final LineReader lineReader; public HttpDecoder(int maxBody, int maxLine, ProxyProtocolOption proxyProtocolOption) { this.maxBody = maxBody; this.lineReader = new LineReader(maxLine); this.proxyProtocolOption = (proxyProtocolOption == null) ? ProxyProtocolOption.DISABLED : proxyProtocolOption; this.state = (proxyProtocolOption == ProxyProtocolOption.DISABLED) ? State.READ_INITIAL : State.CONNECTION_OPEN; } private boolean parseProxyLine(String line) throws ProtocolException { // PROXY TCP4 65535 65535\r\n if (!line.startsWith("PROXY ")) { return false; } final Matcher m = PROXY_PATTERN.matcher(line); if (!m.matches()) { throw new ProtocolException("Unsupported or malformed proxy header: "+line); } try { final InetAddress clientAddr = InetAddress.getByName(; final InetAddress proxyAddr = InetAddress.getByName(; final int clientPort = Integer.parseInt(, 10); final int proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(, 10); if (((clientPort | proxyPort) & ~0xffff) != 0) { throw new ProtocolException("Invalid port number: "+line); } xForwardedFor = clientAddr.getHostAddress(); if (proxyPort == 80) { xForwardedProto = "http"; } else if (proxyPort == 443) { xForwardedProto = "https"; } xForwardedPort = proxyPort; return true; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new ProtocolException("Malformed port in: "+line); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { throw new ProtocolException("Malformed address in: "+line); } } private void createRequest(String sb) throws ProtocolException { int aStart; int aEnd; int bStart; int bEnd; int cStart; int cEnd; aStart = findNonWhitespace(sb, 0); aEnd = findWhitespace(sb, aStart); bStart = findNonWhitespace(sb, aEnd); bEnd = findWhitespace(sb, bStart); cStart = findNonWhitespace(sb, bEnd); cEnd = findEndOfString(sb, cStart); if (cStart < cEnd) { try { HttpMethod method = HttpMethod.valueOf(sb.substring(aStart, aEnd).toUpperCase()); HttpVersion version = HTTP_1_1; if ("HTTP/1.0".equals(sb.substring(cStart, cEnd))) { version = HTTP_1_0; } request = new HttpRequest(method, sb.substring(bStart, bEnd), version); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProtocolException("method not understand"); } } else { throw new ProtocolException("not http?"); } } public boolean requiresContinue() { String expect = (String) headers.get(EXPECT); return (request != null && request.version == HTTP_1_1 && expect != null && CONTINUE.equalsIgnoreCase(expect)); } public HttpRequest decode(ByteBuffer buffer) throws LineTooLargeException, ProtocolException, RequestTooLargeException { String line; while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { switch (state) { case ALL_READ: return request; case CONNECTION_OPEN: line = lineReader.readLine(buffer); if (line != null) { // parseProxyLines returns true if the line parsed // false if it was not a PROXY line // or throws ProtocolException, if the PROXY line is malformed or unsupported. if (parseProxyLine(line)) { // valid proxy header state = State.READ_INITIAL; } else if (proxyProtocolOption == ProxyProtocolOption.OPTIONAL) { // did not parse as a proxy header, try to create a request from it // as the READ_INITIAL state would. createRequest(line); state = State.READ_HEADER; } else { throw new ProtocolException("Expected PROXY header, got: "+line); } } break; case READ_INITIAL: line = lineReader.readLine(buffer); if (line != null) { createRequest(line); state = State.READ_HEADER; } break; case READ_HEADER: readHeaders(buffer); break; case READ_CHUNK_SIZE: line = lineReader.readLine(buffer); if (line != null) { readRemaining = getChunkSize(line); if (readRemaining == 0) { state = State.READ_CHUNK_FOOTER; } else { throwIfBodyIsTooLarge(); if (content == null) { content = new byte[readRemaining]; } else if (content.length < readCount + readRemaining) { // *1.3 to protect slow client int newLength = (int) ((readRemaining + readCount) * 1.3); content = Arrays.copyOf(content, newLength); } state = State.READ_CHUNKED_CONTENT; } } break; case READ_FIXED_LENGTH_CONTENT: readFixedLength(buffer); if (readRemaining == 0) { finish(); } break; case READ_CHUNKED_CONTENT: readFixedLength(buffer); if (readRemaining == 0) { state = State.READ_CHUNK_DELIMITER; } break; case READ_CHUNK_FOOTER: readEmptyLine(buffer); finish(); break; case READ_CHUNK_DELIMITER: readEmptyLine(buffer); state = State.READ_CHUNK_SIZE; break; } } return state == State.ALL_READ ? request : null; } private void finish() { state = State.ALL_READ; request.setBody(content, readCount); } void readEmptyLine(ByteBuffer buffer) { byte b = buffer.get(); if (b == CR && buffer.hasRemaining()) { buffer.get(); // should be LF } } void readFixedLength(ByteBuffer buffer) { int toRead = Math.min(buffer.remaining(), readRemaining); buffer.get(content, readCount, toRead); readRemaining -= toRead; readCount += toRead; } private void readHeaders(ByteBuffer buffer) throws LineTooLargeException, RequestTooLargeException, ProtocolException { if (proxyProtocolOption == ProxyProtocolOption.OPTIONAL || proxyProtocolOption == ProxyProtocolOption.ENABLED) { headers.put("x-forwarded-for", xForwardedFor); headers.put("x-forwarded-proto", xForwardedProto); headers.put("x-forwarded-port", xForwardedPort); } String line = lineReader.readLine(buffer); while (line != null && !line.isEmpty()) { HttpUtils.splitAndAddHeader(line, headers); line = lineReader.readLine(buffer); } if (line == null) { return; } request.setHeaders(headers); String te = HttpUtils.getStringValue(headers, TRANSFER_ENCODING); if (CHUNKED.equals(te)) { state = State.READ_CHUNK_SIZE; } else { String cl = HttpUtils.getStringValue(headers, CONTENT_LENGTH); if (cl != null) { try { readRemaining = Integer.parseInt(cl); if (readRemaining > 0) { throwIfBodyIsTooLarge(); content = new byte[readRemaining]; state = State.READ_FIXED_LENGTH_CONTENT; } else { state = State.ALL_READ; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ProtocolException(e.getMessage()); } } else { state = State.ALL_READ; } } } public void reset() { state = State.READ_INITIAL; headers = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); readCount = 0; content = null; lineReader.reset(); request = null; } private void throwIfBodyIsTooLarge() throws RequestTooLargeException { if (readCount + readRemaining > maxBody) { throw new RequestTooLargeException("request body " + (readCount + readRemaining) + "; max request body " + maxBody); } } }