package nl.hsac.fitnesse.junit; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; import org.junit.runner.notification.RunListener; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; /** * JUnit RunListener so that build log is updated with progress info while tests run. */ public class ProgressLoggerListener extends RunListener { private final PrintStream out; private String currentTestClassName = null; private SimpleDateFormat formatter; private int totalChildCount; private int currentChild; public ProgressLoggerListener() { this(System.out); } public ProgressLoggerListener(final PrintStream out) { this.out = out; this.currentTestClassName = null; this.formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS "); this.totalChildCount = 0; this.currentChild = 0; } @Override public void testRunStarted(Description description) throws Exception { super.testRunStarted(description); totalChildCount = totalChildCount(description); currentChild = 0; report("testRun Started ('%s' tests)", totalChildCount); } private int totalChildCount(Description description) { int count = 0; if (description != null) { count = description.testCount(); } return count; } @Override public void testStarted(Description description) throws Exception { final String testClassName = getTestClassName(description); final String testName = getTestName(description); if (currentTestClassName == null || !currentTestClassName.equals(testClassName)) { testRunFinished(null); report("testSuite Started '%s'", testClassName); currentTestClassName = testClassName; } if (testName == null || !(testName.endsWith(".SuiteSetUp") || testName.endsWith(".SuiteTearDown"))) { // incrementing on setup/teardown causes current to become larger than total // that looks strangs currentChild++; } report("test Started '%s' (%s / %s)", testName, currentChild, totalChildCount); } @Override public void testFinished(Description description) throws Exception { final String testName = getTestName(description); report("test Finished '%s'\n", testName); } @Override public void testFailure(Failure failure) throws Exception { String trace = ""; if (failure.getTrace() != null && !failure.getTrace().isEmpty()) { trace = failure.getTrace(); } report("test Failed '%s' message='%s' details='%s'", getTestName(failure.getDescription()), "failed", trace); testFinished(failure.getDescription()); } @Override public void testIgnored(Description description) throws Exception { report("test Ignored '%s'", getTestName(description)); } @Override public void testRunFinished(Result result) throws Exception { if (currentTestClassName != null) { report("testSuite Finished '%s'\n\n", currentTestClassName); } } protected void report(String pattern, Object... parameters) { out.print(formatter.format(new Date())); out.println(String.format(pattern, parameters)); } /** * @param description JUnit description of test executed * @return name to use in report */ protected String getTestName(Description description) { return description.getMethodName(); } protected String getTestClassName(final Description description) { return description.getTestClass().getName(); } public void setFormatter(SimpleDateFormat formatter) { this.formatter = formatter; } }