package nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.util.selenium; import; /** * Helper to deal with SauceLabs, a cloud provider for Selenium. */ public class SauceLabsHelper { /** * @param url remote Selenium driver URL. * @return true if url indicates connection to SauceLabs. */ public static boolean isRelevant(URL url) { boolean result = false; if (url != null) { result = url.getHost().endsWith(""); } return result; } public static String getJobLink(URL remoteUrl, String jobId) { return String.format("", jobId, getAuthToken(remoteUrl, jobId)); } public static String getTagToEmbedJobOverview(URL remoteUrl, String jobId) { return String.format("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>", jobId, getAuthToken(remoteUrl, jobId)); } public static String getLinkToLiveViewOfRun(URL remoteUrl, String jobId) { return String.format("", jobId, getAuthToken(remoteUrl, jobId)); } public static String getTagToEmbedVideoOfRun(URL remoteUrl, String jobId) { return String.format("<div><script src=\"\"></script></div>", jobId, getAuthToken(remoteUrl, jobId)); } public static String getAuthToken(URL remoteUrl, String jobId) { String key = remoteUrl.getUserInfo(); return SecurityUtil.hmacEncode("HmacMD5", jobId, key); } }