package nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.slim.web; import fitnesse.slim.fixtureInteraction.FixtureInteraction; import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.slim.SlimFixture; import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.slim.SlimFixtureException; import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.slim.StopTestException; import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.slim.web.annotation.TimeoutPolicy; import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.slim.web.annotation.WaitUntil; import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.util.BinaryHttpResponse; import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.util.FileUtil; import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.util.HttpResponse; import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.util.ReflectionHelper; import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.util.selenium.PageSourceSaver; import nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.util.selenium.SeleniumHelper; import nl.hsac.fitnesse.slim.interaction.ExceptionHelper; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.openqa.selenium.*; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class BrowserTest extends SlimFixture { private SeleniumHelper seleniumHelper = getEnvironment().getSeleniumHelper(); private ReflectionHelper reflectionHelper = getEnvironment().getReflectionHelper(); private NgBrowserTest ngBrowserTest; private boolean implicitWaitForAngular = false; private boolean implicitFindInFrames = true; private int secondsBeforeTimeout; private int secondsBeforePageLoadTimeout; private int waitAfterScroll = 150; private String screenshotBase = new File(filesDir, "screenshots").getPath() + "/"; private String screenshotHeight = "200"; private String downloadBase = new File(filesDir, "downloads").getPath() + "/"; private String pageSourceBase = new File(filesDir, "pagesources").getPath() + "/"; @Override protected void beforeInvoke(Method method, Object[] arguments) { super.beforeInvoke(method, arguments); waitForAngularIfNeeded(method); } @Override protected Object invoke(final FixtureInteraction interaction, final Method method, final Object[] arguments) throws Throwable { Object result; WaitUntil waitUntil = reflectionHelper.getAnnotation(WaitUntil.class, method); if (waitUntil == null) { result = superInvoke(interaction, method, arguments); } else { result = invokedWrappedInWaitUntil(waitUntil, interaction, method, arguments); } return result; } protected Object invokedWrappedInWaitUntil(WaitUntil waitUntil, final FixtureInteraction interaction, final Method method, final Object[] arguments) { ExpectedCondition<Object> condition = new ExpectedCondition<Object>() { @Override public Object apply(WebDriver webDriver) { try { return superInvoke(interaction, method, arguments); } catch (Throwable e) { Throwable realEx = ExceptionHelper.stripReflectionException(e); if (realEx instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) realEx; } else if (realEx instanceof Error) { throw (Error) realEx; } else { throw new RuntimeException(realEx); } } } }; if (implicitFindInFrames) { condition = getSeleniumHelper().conditionForAllFrames(condition); } Object result; switch (waitUntil.value()) { case STOP_TEST: result = waitUntilOrStop(condition); break; case RETURN_NULL: result = waitUntilOrNull(condition); break; case RETURN_FALSE: result = waitUntilOrNull(condition) != null; break; case THROW: default: result = waitUntil(condition); break; } return result; } protected Object superInvoke(FixtureInteraction interaction, Method method, Object[] arguments) throws Throwable { return super.invoke(interaction, method, arguments); } /** * Determines whether the current method might require waiting for angular given the currently open site, * and ensure it does if needed. * @param method */ protected void waitForAngularIfNeeded(Method method) { if (isImplicitWaitForAngularEnabled()) { try { if (ngBrowserTest == null) { ngBrowserTest = new NgBrowserTest(); } if (ngBrowserTest.requiresWaitForAngular(method) && currentSiteUsesAngular()) { try { ngBrowserTest.waitForAngularRequestsToFinish(); } catch (Exception e) { // if something goes wrong, just use normal behavior: continue to invoke() System.err.print("Found Angular, but encountered an error while waiting for it to be ready. "); e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (UnhandledAlertException e) { System.err.println("Cannot determine whether Angular is present while alert is active."); } catch (Exception e) { // if something goes wrong, just use normal behavior: continue to invoke() System.err.print("Error while determining whether Angular is present. "); e.printStackTrace(); } } } protected boolean currentSiteUsesAngular() { Object windowHasAngular = getSeleniumHelper().executeJavascript("return window.angular?1:0;"); return Long.valueOf(1).equals(windowHasAngular); } @Override protected Throwable handleException(Method method, Object[] arguments, Throwable t) { Throwable result; if (t instanceof UnhandledAlertException) { UnhandledAlertException e = (UnhandledAlertException) t; String alertText = e.getAlertText(); if (alertText == null) { alertText = alertText(); } String msgBase = "Unhandled alert: alert must be confirmed or dismissed before test can continue. Alert text: " + alertText; String msg = getSlimFixtureExceptionMessage("alertException", msgBase, e); result = new StopTestException(false, msg, t); } else if (t instanceof SlimFixtureException) { result = super.handleException(method, arguments, t); } else { String msg = getSlimFixtureExceptionMessage("exception", null, t); result = new SlimFixtureException(false, msg, t); } return result; } public BrowserTest() { secondsBeforeTimeout(seleniumHelper.getDefaultTimeoutSeconds()); ensureActiveTabIsNotClosed(); } public BrowserTest(int secondsBeforeTimeout) { secondsBeforeTimeout(secondsBeforeTimeout); ensureActiveTabIsNotClosed(); } public boolean open(String address) { final String url = getUrl(address); try { getNavigation().to(url); } catch (TimeoutException e) { handleTimeoutException(e); } finally { switchToDefaultContent(); } waitUntil(new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(WebDriver webDriver) { String readyState = getSeleniumHelper().executeJavascript("return document.readyState").toString(); // IE 7 is reported to return "loaded" boolean done = "complete".equalsIgnoreCase(readyState) || "loaded".equalsIgnoreCase(readyState); if (!done) { System.err.printf("Open of %s returned while document.readyState was %s", url, readyState); System.err.println(); } return done; } }); return true; } public String location() { return driver().getCurrentUrl(); } public boolean back() { getNavigation().back(); switchToDefaultContent(); // firefox sometimes prevents immediate back, if previous page was reached via POST waitMilliseconds(500); WebElement element = findElement("errorTryAgain")); if (element != null) {; // don't use confirmAlert as this may be overridden in subclass and to get rid of the // firefox pop-up we need the basic behavior getSeleniumHelper().getAlert().accept(); } return true; } public boolean forward() { getNavigation().forward(); switchToDefaultContent(); return true; } public boolean refresh() { getNavigation().refresh(); switchToDefaultContent(); return true; } private WebDriver.Navigation getNavigation() { return getSeleniumHelper().navigate(); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String alertText() { Alert alert = getAlert(); String text = null; if (alert != null) { text = alert.getText(); } return text; } @WaitUntil public boolean confirmAlert() { Alert alert = getAlert(); boolean result = false; if (alert != null) { alert.accept(); onAlertHandled(true); result = true; } return result; } @WaitUntil public boolean dismissAlert() { Alert alert = getAlert(); boolean result = false; if (alert != null) { alert.dismiss(); onAlertHandled(false); result = true; } return result; } /** * Called when an alert is either dismissed or accepted. * @param accepted true if the alert was accepted, false if dismissed. */ protected void onAlertHandled(boolean accepted) { // if we were looking in nested frames, we could not go back to original frame // because of the alert. Ensure we do so now the alert is handled. getSeleniumHelper().resetFrameDepthOnAlertError(); } protected Alert getAlert() { return getSeleniumHelper().getAlert(); } public boolean openInNewTab(String url) { String cleanUrl = getUrl(url); final int tabCount = tabCount(); getSeleniumHelper().executeJavascript("'%s', '_blank')", cleanUrl); // ensure new window is open waitUntil(new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(WebDriver webDriver) { return tabCount() > tabCount; } }); return switchToNextTab(); } @WaitUntil public boolean switchToNextTab() { boolean result = false; List<String> tabs = getTabHandles(); if (tabs.size() > 1) { int currentTab = getCurrentTabIndex(tabs); int nextTab = currentTab + 1; if (nextTab == tabs.size()) { nextTab = 0; } goToTab(tabs, nextTab); result = true; } return result; } @WaitUntil public boolean switchToPreviousTab() { boolean result = false; List<String> tabs = getTabHandles(); if (tabs.size() > 1) { int currentTab = getCurrentTabIndex(tabs); int nextTab = currentTab - 1; if (nextTab < 0) { nextTab = tabs.size() - 1; } goToTab(tabs, nextTab); result = true; } return result; } public boolean closeTab() { boolean result = false; List<String> tabs = getTabHandles(); int currentTab = getCurrentTabIndex(tabs); int tabToGoTo = -1; if (currentTab > 0) { tabToGoTo = currentTab - 1; } else { if (tabs.size() > 1) { tabToGoTo = 1; } } if (tabToGoTo > -1) { WebDriver driver = driver(); driver.close(); goToTab(tabs, tabToGoTo); result = true; } return result; } public void ensureOnlyOneTab() { ensureActiveTabIsNotClosed(); int tabCount = tabCount(); for (int i = 1; i < tabCount; i++) { closeTab(); } } public boolean ensureActiveTabIsNotClosed() { boolean result = false; List<String> tabHandles = getTabHandles(); int currentTab = getCurrentTabIndex(tabHandles); if (currentTab < 0) { result = true; goToTab(tabHandles, 0); } return result; } public int tabCount() { return getTabHandles().size(); } public int currentTabIndex() { return getCurrentTabIndex(getTabHandles()) + 1; } protected int getCurrentTabIndex(List<String> tabHandles) { return getSeleniumHelper().getCurrentTabIndex(tabHandles); } protected void goToTab(List<String> tabHandles, int indexToGoTo) { getSeleniumHelper().goToTab(tabHandles, indexToGoTo); } protected List<String> getTabHandles() { return getSeleniumHelper().getTabHandles(); } /** * Activates main/top-level iframe (i.e. makes it the current frame). */ public void switchToDefaultContent() { getSeleniumHelper().switchToDefaultContent(); clearSearchContext(); } /** * Activates specified child frame of current iframe. * @param technicalSelector selector to find iframe. * @return true if iframe was found. */ public boolean switchToFrame(String technicalSelector) { boolean result = false; WebElement iframe = getElement(technicalSelector); if (iframe != null) { getSeleniumHelper().switchToFrame(iframe); result = true; } return result; } /** * Activates parent frame of current iframe. * Does nothing if when current frame is the main/top-level one. */ public void switchToParentFrame() { getSeleniumHelper().switchToParentFrame(); } public String pageTitle() { return getSeleniumHelper().getPageTitle(); } /** * @return current page's content type. */ public String pageContentType() { String result = null; Object ct = getSeleniumHelper().executeJavascript("return document.contentType;"); if (ct != null) { result = ct.toString(); } return result; } /** * Replaces content at place by value. * @param value value to set. * @param place element to set value on. * @return true, if element was found. */ @WaitUntil public boolean enterAs(String value, String place) { return enterAsIn(value, place, null); } /** * Replaces content at place by value. * @param value value to set. * @param place element to set value on. * @param container element containing place. * @return true, if element was found. */ @WaitUntil public boolean enterAsIn(String value, String place, String container) { return enter(value, place, container, true); } /** * Adds content to place. * @param value value to add. * @param place element to add value to. * @return true, if element was found. */ @WaitUntil public boolean enterFor(String value, String place) { return enterForIn(value, place, null); } /** * Adds content to place. * @param value value to add. * @param place element to add value to. * @param container element containing place. * @return true, if element was found. */ @WaitUntil public boolean enterForIn(String value, String place, String container) { return enter(value, place, container, false); } protected boolean enter(String value, String place, boolean shouldClear) { return enter(value, place, null, shouldClear); } protected boolean enter(String value, String place, String container, boolean shouldClear) { WebElement element = getElementToSendValue(place, container); boolean result = element != null && isInteractable(element); if (result) { if (shouldClear) { element.clear(); } sendValue(element, value); } return result; } protected WebElement getElementToSendValue(String place) { return getElementToSendValue(place, null); } protected WebElement getElementToSendValue(String place, String container) { return getElement(place, container); } /** * Simulates pressing the 'Tab' key. * @return true, if an element was active the key could be sent to. */ public boolean pressTab() { return sendKeysToActiveElement(Keys.TAB); } /** * Simulates pressing the 'Enter' key. * @return true, if an element was active the key could be sent to. */ public boolean pressEnter() { return sendKeysToActiveElement(Keys.ENTER); } /** * Simulates pressing the 'Esc' key. * @return true, if an element was active the key could be sent to. */ public boolean pressEsc() { return sendKeysToActiveElement(Keys.ESCAPE); } /** * Simulates typing a text to the current active element. * @param text text to type. * @return true, if an element was active the text could be sent to. */ public boolean type(String text) { String value = cleanupValue(text); return sendKeysToActiveElement(value); } /** * Simulates pressing a key (or a combination of keys). * (Unfortunately not all combinations seem to be accepted by all drivers, e.g. * Chrome on OSX seems to ignore Command+A or Command+T; * @param key key to press, can be a normal letter (e.g. 'M') or a special key (e.g. 'down'). * Combinations can be passed by separating the keys to send with '+' (e.g. Command + T). * @return true, if an element was active the key could be sent to. */ public boolean press(String key) { CharSequence s; String[] parts = key.split("\\s*\\+\\s*"); if (parts.length > 1 && !"".equals(parts[0]) && !"".equals(parts[1])) { CharSequence[] sequence = new CharSequence[parts.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { sequence[i] = parseKey(parts[i]); } s = Keys.chord(sequence); } else { s = parseKey(key); } return sendKeysToActiveElement(s); } protected CharSequence parseKey(String key) { CharSequence s; try { s = Keys.valueOf(key.toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { s = key; } return s; } /** * Simulates pressing keys. * @param keys keys to press. * @return true, if an element was active the keys could be sent to. */ protected boolean sendKeysToActiveElement(CharSequence keys) { boolean result = false; WebElement element = getSeleniumHelper().getActiveElement(); if (element != null) { element.sendKeys(keys); result = true; } return result; } /** * Sends Fitnesse cell content to element. * @param element element to call sendKeys() on. * @param value cell content. */ protected void sendValue(WebElement element, String value) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) { String keys = cleanupValue(value); element.sendKeys(keys); } } @WaitUntil public boolean selectAs(String value, String place) { return selectFor(value, place); } @WaitUntil public boolean selectFor(String value, String place) { return selectForIn(value, place, null); } @WaitUntil public boolean selectForIn(String value, String place, String container) { SearchContext searchContext = setSearchContextToContainer(container); try { // choose option for select, if possible boolean result = clickSelectOption(place, value); if (!result) { // try to click the first element with right value result = click(value); } return result; } finally { resetSearchContext(searchContext); } } @WaitUntil public boolean enterForHidden(final String value, final String idOrName) { return getSeleniumHelper().setHiddenInputValue(idOrName, value); } private boolean clickSelectOption(String selectPlace, String optionValue) { WebElement element = getElementToSelectFor(selectPlace); return clickSelectOption(element, optionValue); } protected WebElement getElementToSelectFor(String selectPlace) { return getElement(selectPlace); } protected boolean clickSelectOption(WebElement element, String optionValue) { boolean result = false; if (element != null) { if (isSelect(element)) { optionValue = cleanupValue(optionValue); By xpath = getSeleniumHelper().byXpath(".//option[normalized(text()) = '%s']", optionValue); WebElement option = getSeleniumHelper().findElement(element, false, xpath); if (option == null) { xpath = getSeleniumHelper().byXpath(".//option[contains(normalized(text()), '%s')]", optionValue); option = getSeleniumHelper().findElement(element, false, xpath); } if (option != null) { result = clickElement(option); } } } return result; } @WaitUntil public boolean click(final String place) { return clickImp(place, null); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_FALSE) public boolean clickIfAvailable(String place) { return clickIfAvailableIn(place, null); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_FALSE) public boolean clickIfAvailableIn(String place, String container) { return clickImp(place, container); } @WaitUntil public boolean clickIn(String place, String container) { return clickImp(place, container); } protected boolean clickImp(String place, String container) { boolean result = false; place = cleanupValue(place); try { WebElement element = getElementToClick(place, container); result = clickElement(element); } catch (WebDriverException e) { // if other element hides the element (in Chrome) an exception is thrown String msg = e.getMessage(); if (msg == null || !msg.contains("Other element would receive the click")) { throw e; } } return result; } @WaitUntil public boolean doubleClick(final String place) { WebElement element = getElementToClick(place); return doubleClick(element); } protected boolean doubleClick(WebElement element) { boolean result = false; if (element != null) { scrollIfNotOnScreen(element); if (isInteractable(element)) { Actions actions = getActions(); actions.doubleClick(element).perform(); result = true; } } return result; } protected Actions getActions() { WebDriver driver = driver(); return new Actions(driver); } protected WebElement getElementToClick(String place) { return getElementToClick(place, null); } protected WebElement getElementToClick(String place, String container) { SearchContext currentSearchContext = setSearchContextToContainer(container); try { return getSeleniumHelper().getElementToClick(place); } finally { resetSearchContext(currentSearchContext); } } @WaitUntil public boolean setSearchContextTo(String container) { boolean result = false; WebElement containerElement = getContainerElement(container); if (containerElement != null) { getSeleniumHelper().setCurrentContext(containerElement); result = true; } return result; } protected SearchContext setSearchContextToContainer(String container) { SearchContext result = null; if (container != null) { SearchContext currentSearchContext = getSeleniumHelper().getCurrentContext(); if (setSearchContextTo(container)) { result = currentSearchContext; } } return result; } public void clearSearchContext() { getSeleniumHelper().setCurrentContext(null); } protected void resetSearchContext(SearchContext currentSearchContext) { if (currentSearchContext != null) { getSeleniumHelper().setCurrentContext(currentSearchContext); } } protected WebElement getContainerElement(String container) { WebElement containerElement = null; By by = getSeleniumHelper().placeToBy(container); if (by != null) { containerElement = findElement(by); } else { containerElement = findByXPath(".//fieldset[.//legend/text()[normalized(.) = '%s']]", container); if (containerElement == null) { containerElement = getSeleniumHelper().getElementByAriaLabel(container, -1); if (containerElement == null) { containerElement = findByXPath(".//fieldset[.//legend/text()[contains(normalized(.), '%s')]]", container); if (containerElement == null) { containerElement = getSeleniumHelper().getElementByPartialAriaLabel(container, -1); } } } } return containerElement; } protected boolean clickElement(WebElement element) { boolean result = false; if (element != null) { scrollIfNotOnScreen(element); if (isInteractable(element)) {; result = true; } } return result; } protected boolean isInteractable(WebElement element) { return getSeleniumHelper().isInteractable(element); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.STOP_TEST) public boolean waitForPage(String pageName) { return pageTitle().equals(pageName); } public boolean waitForTagWithText(String tagName, String expectedText) { return waitForElementWithText(By.tagName(tagName), expectedText); } public boolean waitForClassWithText(String cssClassName, String expectedText) { return waitForElementWithText(By.className(cssClassName), expectedText); } protected boolean waitForElementWithText(final By by, String expectedText) { final String textToLookFor = cleanExpectedValue(expectedText); return waitUntilOrStop(new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(WebDriver webDriver) { boolean ok = false; List<WebElement> elements = webDriver.findElements(by); if (elements != null) { for (WebElement element : elements) { // we don't want stale elements to make single // element false, but instead we stop processing // current list and do a new findElements ok = hasText(element, textToLookFor); if (ok) { // no need to continue to check other elements break; } } } return ok; } }); } protected String cleanExpectedValue(String expectedText) { return cleanupValue(expectedText); } protected boolean hasText(WebElement element, String textToLookFor) { boolean ok; String actual = getElementText(element); if (textToLookFor == null) { ok = actual == null; } else { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(actual)) { String value = element.getAttribute("value"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { actual = value; } } if (actual != null) { actual = actual.trim(); } ok = textToLookFor.equals(actual); } return ok; } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.STOP_TEST) public boolean waitForClass(String cssClassName) { boolean ok = false; WebElement element = findElement(By.className(cssClassName)); if (element != null) { ok = true; } return ok; } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.STOP_TEST) public boolean waitForVisible(String place) { return waitForVisibleIn(place, null); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.STOP_TEST) public boolean waitForVisibleIn(String place, String container) { Boolean result = Boolean.FALSE; WebElement element = getElementToCheckVisibility(place, container); if (element != null) { scrollIfNotOnScreen(element); result = element.isDisplayed(); } return result; } /** * @deprecated use #waitForVisible(xpath=) instead */ @Deprecated public boolean waitForXPathVisible(String xPath) { By by = By.xpath(xPath); return waitForVisible(by); } @Deprecated protected boolean waitForVisible(final By by) { return waitUntilOrStop(new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(WebDriver webDriver) { Boolean result = Boolean.FALSE; WebElement element = findElement(by); if (element != null) { scrollIfNotOnScreen(element); result = element.isDisplayed(); } return result; } }); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String valueOf(String place) { return valueFor(place); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String valueFor(String place) { return valueForIn(place, null); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String valueOfIn(String place, String container) { return valueForIn(place, container); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String valueForIn(String place, String container) { WebElement element = getElementToRetrieveValue(place, container); return valueFor(element); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String normalizedValueOf(String place) { return normalizedValueFor(place); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String normalizedValueFor(String place) { return normalizedValueForIn(place, null); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String normalizedValueOfIn(String place, String container) { return normalizedValueForIn(place, container); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String normalizedValueForIn(String place, String container) { String value = valueForIn(place, container); return getSeleniumHelper().getNormalizedText(value); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String tooltipFor(String place) { return tooltipForIn(place, null); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String tooltipForIn(String place, String container) { return valueOfAttributeOnIn("title", place, container); } @WaitUntil public String targetOfLink(String place) { WebElement linkElement = getSeleniumHelper().getLink(place); return getLinkTarget(linkElement); } protected String getLinkTarget(WebElement linkElement) { String target = null; if (linkElement != null) { target = linkElement.getAttribute("href"); } return target; } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String valueOfAttributeOn(String attribute, String place) { return valueOfAttributeOnIn(attribute, place, null); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String valueOfAttributeOnIn(String attribute, String place, String container) { String result = null; WebElement element = getElementToRetrieveValue(place, container); if (element != null) { result = element.getAttribute(attribute); } return result; } protected WebElement getElementToRetrieveValue(String place, String container) { return getElement(place, container); } protected String valueFor(WebElement element) { String result = null; if (element != null) { if (isSelect(element)) { Select s = new Select(element); List<WebElement> options = s.getAllSelectedOptions(); if (options.size() > 0) { result = getElementText(options.get(0)); } } else { String elementType = element.getAttribute("type"); if ("checkbox".equals(elementType) || "radio".equals(elementType)) { result = String.valueOf(element.isSelected()); } else if ("li".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getTagName())) { result = getElementText(element); } else { result = element.getAttribute("value"); if (result == null) { result = getElementText(element); } } } } return result; } private boolean isSelect(WebElement element) { return "select".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getTagName()); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public ArrayList<String> valuesOf(String place) { return valuesFor(place); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public ArrayList<String> valuesOfIn(String place, String container) { return valuesForIn(place, container); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public ArrayList<String> valuesFor(String place) { return valuesForIn(place, null); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public ArrayList<String> valuesForIn(String place, String container) { ArrayList<String> values = null; WebElement element = getElementToRetrieveValue(place, container); if (element != null) { values = new ArrayList<String>(); String tagName = element.getTagName(); if ("ul".equalsIgnoreCase(tagName) || "ol".equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) { List<WebElement> items = element.findElements(By.tagName("li")); for (WebElement item : items) { if (item.isDisplayed()) { values.add(getElementText(item)); } } } else if (isSelect(element)) { Select s = new Select(element); List<WebElement> options = s.getAllSelectedOptions(); for (WebElement item : options) { values.add(getElementText(item)); } } else { values.add(valueFor(element)); } } return values; } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public Integer numberFor(String place) { return numberForIn(place, null); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public Integer numberForIn(String place, String container) { SearchContext searchContext = setSearchContextToContainer(container); try { Integer number = null; WebElement element = findByXPath(".//ol/li/descendant-or-self::text()[normalized(.)='%s']/ancestor-or-self::li", place); if (element == null) { element = findByXPath(".//ol/li/descendant-or-self::text()[contains(normalized(.),'%s')]/ancestor-or-self::li", place); } if (element != null) { scrollIfNotOnScreen(element); number = getSeleniumHelper().getNumberFor(element); } return number; } finally { resetSearchContext(searchContext); } } public ArrayList<String> availableOptionsFor(String place) { ArrayList<String> result = null; WebElement element = getElementToSelectFor(place); if (element != null) { scrollIfNotOnScreen(element); result = getSeleniumHelper().getAvailableOptions(element); } return result; } @WaitUntil public boolean clear(String place) { return clearIn(place, null); } @WaitUntil public boolean clearIn(String place, String container) { boolean result = false; WebElement element = getElementToClear(place, container); if (element != null) { element.clear(); result = true; } return result; } protected WebElement getElementToClear(String place, String container) { return getElementToSendValue(place, container); } @WaitUntil public boolean enterAsInRowWhereIs(String value, String requestedColumnName, String selectOnColumn, String selectOnValue) { boolean result = false; String columnXPath = getXPathForColumnInRowByValueInOtherColumn(selectOnColumn, selectOnValue); String requestedIndex = getXPathForColumnIndex(requestedColumnName); WebElement cell = findByXPath("%s[%s]", columnXPath, requestedIndex); if (cell != null) { WebElement element = getSeleniumHelper().getNestedElementForValue(cell); if (isSelect(element)) { result = clickSelectOption(element, value); } else { if (isInteractable(element)) { result = true; element.clear(); sendValue(element, value); } } } return result; } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String valueOfColumnNumberInRowNumber(int columnIndex, int rowIndex) { return getValueByXPath("(.//tr[boolean(td)])[%s]/td[%s]", Integer.toString(rowIndex), Integer.toString(columnIndex)); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String valueOfInRowNumber(String requestedColumnName, int rowIndex) { String columnXPath = String.format("(.//tr[boolean(td)])[%s]/td", rowIndex); return valueInRow(columnXPath, requestedColumnName); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) public String valueOfInRowWhereIs(String requestedColumnName, String selectOnColumn, String selectOnValue) { String columnXPath = getXPathForColumnInRowByValueInOtherColumn(selectOnColumn, selectOnValue); return valueInRow(columnXPath, requestedColumnName); } protected String valueInRow(String columnXPath, String requestedColumnName) { String requestedIndex = getXPathForColumnIndex(requestedColumnName); return getValueByXPath("%s[%s]", columnXPath, requestedIndex); } protected String getValueByXPath(String xpathPattern, String... params) { WebElement element = findByXPath(xpathPattern, params); if (element != null) { WebElement nested = getSeleniumHelper().getNestedElementForValue(element); if (isInteractable(nested)) { element = nested; } } return valueFor(element); } @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_FALSE) public boolean rowExistsWhereIs(String selectOnColumn, String selectOnValue) { String columnXPath = getXPathForColumnInRowByValueInOtherColumn(selectOnColumn, selectOnValue); return findByXPath(columnXPath) != null; } @WaitUntil public boolean clickInRowNumber(String place, int rowIndex) { String columnXPath = String.format("(.//tr[boolean(td)])[%s]/td", rowIndex); return clickInRow(columnXPath, place); } @WaitUntil public boolean clickInRowWhereIs(String place, String selectOnColumn, String selectOnValue) { String columnXPath = getXPathForColumnInRowByValueInOtherColumn(selectOnColumn, selectOnValue); return clickInRow(columnXPath, place); } protected boolean clickInRow(String columnXPath, String place) { // find an input to click in the row WebElement element = findByXPath("%s//*[(local-name()='input' and contains(@value, '%s'))" + " or contains(normalized(text()),'%s') or contains(@title, '%s')]", columnXPath, place, place, place); return clickElement(element); } /** * Downloads the target of a link in a grid's row. * @param place which link to download. * @param rowNumber (1-based) row number to retrieve link from. * @return downloaded file if any, null otherwise. */ @WaitUntil public String downloadFromRowNumber(String place, int rowNumber) { String columnXPath = String.format("(.//tr[boolean(td)])[%s]/td", rowNumber); return downloadFromRow(columnXPath, place); } /** * Downloads the target of a link in a grid, finding the row based on one of the other columns' value. * @param place which link to download. * @param selectOnColumn column header of cell whose value must be selectOnValue. * @param selectOnValue value to be present in selectOnColumn to find correct row. * @return downloaded file if any, null otherwise. */ @WaitUntil public String downloadFromRowWhereIs(String place, String selectOnColumn, String selectOnValue) { String columnXPath = getXPathForColumnInRowByValueInOtherColumn(selectOnColumn, selectOnValue); return downloadFromRow(columnXPath, place); } protected String downloadFromRow(String columnXPath, String place) { String result = null; // find an a to download from based on its text() WebElement element = findByXPath("%s//a/descendant-or-self::text()[contains(normalized(.),'%s')]/ancestor-or-self::a", columnXPath, place); if (element == null) { // find an a to download based on its column header String requestedIndex = getXPathForColumnIndex(place); element = findByXPath("%s[%s]//a", columnXPath, requestedIndex); if (element == null) { // find an a to download in the row by its title (aka tooltip) element = findByXPath("%s//a[contains(@title, '%s')]", columnXPath, place); } } if (element != null) { result = downloadLinkTarget(element); } return result; } /** * Creates an XPath expression that will find a cell in a row, selecting the row based on the * text in a specific column (identified by its header text). * @param columnName header text of the column to find value in. * @param value text to find in column with the supplied header. * @return XPath expression selecting a td in the row */ protected String getXPathForColumnInRowByValueInOtherColumn(String columnName, String value) { String selectIndex = getXPathForColumnIndex(columnName); return String.format(".//tr[td[%s]/descendant-or-self::text()[normalized(.)='%s']]/td", selectIndex, value); } /** * Creates an XPath expression that will determine, for a row, which index to use to select the cell in the column * with the supplied header text value. * @param columnName name of column in header (th) * @return XPath expression which can be used to select a td in a row */ protected String getXPathForColumnIndex(String columnName) { // determine how many columns are before the column with the requested name // the column with the requested name will have an index of the value +1 (since XPath indexes are 1 based) return String.format("count(ancestor::table[1]//tr/th/descendant-or-self::text()[normalized(.)='%s']/ancestor-or-self::th[1]/preceding-sibling::th)+1", columnName); } protected WebElement getElement(String place) { return getElement(place, null); } protected WebElement getElement(String place, String container) { SearchContext currentSearchContext = setSearchContextToContainer(container); try { return getSeleniumHelper().getElement(place); } finally { resetSearchContext(currentSearchContext); } } /** * @deprecated use #click(xpath=) instead. */ @WaitUntil @Deprecated public boolean clickByXPath(String xPath) { WebElement element = findByXPath(xPath); return clickElement(element); } /** * @deprecated use #valueOf(xpath=) instead. */ @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) @Deprecated public String textByXPath(String xPath) { return getTextByXPath(xPath); } protected String getTextByXPath(String xpathPattern, String... params) { WebElement element = findByXPath(xpathPattern, params); return getElementText(element); } /** * @deprecated use #valueOf(css=.) instead. */ @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_NULL) @Deprecated public String textByClassName(String className) { return getTextByClassName(className); } protected String getTextByClassName(String className) { WebElement element = findByClassName(className); return getElementText(element); } protected WebElement findByClassName(String className) { By by = By.className(className); return findElement(by); } protected WebElement findByXPath(String xpathPattern, String... params) { return getSeleniumHelper().findByXPath(xpathPattern, params); } protected WebElement findByJavascript(String script, Object... parameters) { By by = getSeleniumHelper().byJavascript(script, parameters); return findElement(by); } protected List<WebElement> findAllByXPath(String xpathPattern, String... params) { By by = getSeleniumHelper().byXpath(xpathPattern, params); return findElements(by); } protected List<WebElement> findAllByCss(String cssPattern, String... params) { By by = getSeleniumHelper().byCss(cssPattern, params); return findElements(by); } protected List<WebElement> findAllByJavascript(String script, Object... parameters) { By by = getSeleniumHelper().byJavascript(script, parameters); return findElements(by); } protected List<WebElement> findElements(By by) { return driver().findElements(by); } public void waitMilliSecondAfterScroll(int msToWait) { waitAfterScroll = msToWait; } protected String getElementText(WebElement element) { String result = null; if (element != null) { scrollIfNotOnScreen(element); result = element.getText(); } return result; } /** * Scrolls browser window so top of place becomes visible. * @param place element to scroll to. */ @WaitUntil public boolean scrollTo(String place) { return scrollToIn(place, null); } /** * Scrolls browser window so top of place becomes visible. * @param place element to scroll to. * @param container parent of place. */ @WaitUntil public boolean scrollToIn(String place, String container) { boolean result = false; WebElement element = getElementToScrollTo(place, container); if (element != null) { scrollTo(element); result = true; } return result; } protected WebElement getElementToScrollTo(String place, String container) { return getElementToCheckVisibility(place, container); } /** * Scrolls browser window so top of element becomes visible. * @param element element to scroll to. */ protected void scrollTo(WebElement element) { getSeleniumHelper().scrollTo(element); if (waitAfterScroll > 0) { waitMilliseconds(waitAfterScroll); } } /** * Scrolls browser window if element is not currently visible so top of element becomes visible. * @param element element to scroll to. */ protected void scrollIfNotOnScreen(WebElement element) { if (!element.isDisplayed() || !isElementOnScreen(element)) { scrollTo(element); } } /** * Determines whether element is enabled (i.e. can be clicked). * @param place element to check. * @return true if element is enabled. */ @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_FALSE) public boolean isEnabled(String place) { return isEnabledIn(place, null); } /** * Determines whether element is enabled (i.e. can be clicked). * @param place element to check. * @param container parent of place. * @return true if element is enabled. */ @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_FALSE) public boolean isEnabledIn(String place, String container) { boolean result = false; WebElement element = getElementToCheckVisibility(place, container); if (element != null) { if ("label".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getTagName())) { // for labels we want to know whether their target is enabled, not the label itself WebElement labelTarget = getSeleniumHelper().getLabelledElement(element); if (labelTarget != null) { element = labelTarget; } } result = element.isEnabled(); } return result; } /** * Determines whether element can be see in browser's window. * @param place element to check. * @return true if element is displayed and in viewport. */ @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_FALSE) public boolean isVisible(String place) { return isVisibleIn(place, null); } /** * Determines whether element can be see in browser's window. * @param place element to check. * @param container parent of place. * @return true if element is displayed and in viewport. */ @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_FALSE) public boolean isVisibleIn(String place, String container) { return isVisibleImpl(place, container, true); } /** * Determines whether element is somewhere in browser's window. * @param place element to check. * @return true if element is displayed. */ @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_FALSE) public boolean isVisibleOnPage(String place) { return isVisibleOnPageIn(place, null); } /** * Determines whether element is somewhere in browser's window. * @param place element to check. * @param container parent of place. * @return true if element is displayed. */ @WaitUntil(TimeoutPolicy.RETURN_FALSE) public boolean isVisibleOnPageIn(String place, String container) { return isVisibleImpl(place, container, false); } protected boolean isVisibleImpl(String place, String container, boolean checkOnScreen) { WebElement element = getElementToCheckVisibility(place, container); return getSeleniumHelper().checkVisible(element, checkOnScreen); } public int numberOfTimesIsVisible(String text) { return numberOfTimesIsVisibleIn(text, null); } public int numberOfTimesIsVisibleOnPage(String text) { return numberOfTimesIsVisibleOnPageIn(text, null); } public int numberOfTimesIsVisibleIn(String text, String container) { return numberOfTimesIsVisibleInImpl(text, container, true); } public int numberOfTimesIsVisibleOnPageIn(String text, String container) { return numberOfTimesIsVisibleInImpl(text, container, false); } protected int numberOfTimesIsVisibleInImpl(String text, String container, boolean checkOnScreen) { SearchContext currentSearchContext = setSearchContextToContainer(container); try { return getSeleniumHelper().countVisibleOccurrences(text, checkOnScreen); } finally { resetSearchContext(currentSearchContext); } } protected WebElement getElementToCheckVisibility(String place) { return getElementToCheckVisibility(place, null); } protected WebElement getElementToCheckVisibility(String place, String container) { return getElementToClick(place, container); } /** * Checks whether element is in browser's viewport. * @param element element to check * @return true if element is in browser's viewport. */ protected boolean isElementOnScreen(WebElement element) { Boolean onScreen = getSeleniumHelper().isElementOnScreen(element); return onScreen == null || onScreen.booleanValue(); } @WaitUntil public boolean hoverOver(String place) { return hoverOverIn(place, null); } @WaitUntil public boolean hoverOverIn(String place, String container) { WebElement element = getElementToClick(place, container); return hoverOver(element); } protected boolean hoverOver(WebElement element) { boolean result = false; if (element != null) { scrollIfNotOnScreen(element); if (element.isDisplayed()) { getSeleniumHelper().hoverOver(element); result = true; } } return result; } /** * @param timeout number of seconds before waitUntil() and waitForJavascriptCallback() throw TimeOutException. */ public void secondsBeforeTimeout(int timeout) { secondsBeforeTimeout = timeout; secondsBeforePageLoadTimeout(timeout); int timeoutInMs = timeout * 1000; getSeleniumHelper().setScriptWait(timeoutInMs); } /** * @return number of seconds waitUntil() will wait at most. */ public int secondsBeforeTimeout() { return secondsBeforeTimeout; } /** * @param timeout number of seconds before waiting for a new page to load will throw a TimeOutException. */ public void secondsBeforePageLoadTimeout(int timeout) { secondsBeforePageLoadTimeout = timeout; int timeoutInMs = timeout * 1000; getSeleniumHelper().setPageLoadWait(timeoutInMs); } /** * @return number of seconds Selenium will wait at most for a request to load a page. */ public int secondsBeforePageLoadTimeout() { return secondsBeforePageLoadTimeout; } /** * Clears HTML5's localStorage (for the domain of the current open page in the browser). */ public void clearLocalStorage() { getSeleniumHelper().executeJavascript("localStorage.clear();"); } /** * Deletes all cookies(for the domain of the current open page in the browser). */ public void deleteAllCookies() { getSeleniumHelper().deleteAllCookies(); } /** * @param directory sets base directory where screenshots will be stored. */ public void screenshotBaseDirectory(String directory) { if (directory.equals("") || directory.endsWith("/") || directory.endsWith("\\")) { screenshotBase = directory; } else { screenshotBase = directory + "/"; } } /** * @param height height to use to display screenshot images */ public void screenshotShowHeight(String height) { screenshotHeight = height; } /** * @return (escaped) HTML content of current page. */ public String pageSource() { String result = null; String html = getSeleniumHelper().getHtml(); if (html != null) { result = "<pre>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(html) + "</pre>"; } return result; } /** * Saves current page's source to the wiki'f files section and returns a link to the * created file. * @return hyperlink to the file containing the page source. */ public String savePageSource() { String fileName = getSeleniumHelper().getResourceNameFromLocation(); return savePageSource(fileName, fileName + ".html"); } protected String savePageSource(String fileName, String linkText) { PageSourceSaver saver = getSeleniumHelper().getPageSourceSaver(pageSourceBase); // make href to file String url = saver.savePageSource(fileName); return String.format("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", url, linkText); } /** * Takes screenshot from current page * @param basename filename (below screenshot base directory). * @return location of screenshot. */ public String takeScreenshot(String basename) { try { String screenshotFile = createScreenshot(basename); if (screenshotFile == null) { throw new SlimFixtureException(false, "Unable to take screenshot: does the webdriver support it?"); } else { screenshotFile = getScreenshotLink(screenshotFile); } return screenshotFile; } catch (UnhandledAlertException e) { // standard behavior will stop test, this breaks storyboard that will attempt to take screenshot // after triggering alert, but before the alert can be handled. // so we output a message but no exception. We rely on a next line to actually handle alert // (which may mean either really handle or stop test). return String.format( "<div><strong>Unable to take screenshot</strong>, alert is active. Alert text:<br/>" + "'<span>%s</span>'</div>", StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(alertText())); } } private String getScreenshotLink(String screenshotFile) { String wikiUrl = getWikiUrl(screenshotFile); if (wikiUrl != null) { // make href to screenshot if ("".equals(screenshotHeight)) { wikiUrl = String.format("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", wikiUrl, screenshotFile); } else { wikiUrl = String.format("<a href=\"%1$s\"><img src=\"%1$s\" title=\"%2$s\" height=\"%3$s\"/></a>", wikiUrl, screenshotFile, screenshotHeight); } screenshotFile = wikiUrl; } return screenshotFile; } private String createScreenshot(String basename) { String name = getScreenshotBasename(basename); return getSeleniumHelper().takeScreenshot(name); } private String createScreenshot(String basename, Throwable t) { String screenshotFile; byte[] screenshotInException = getSeleniumHelper().findScreenshot(t); if (screenshotInException == null || screenshotInException.length == 0) { screenshotFile = createScreenshot(basename); } else { String name = getScreenshotBasename(basename); screenshotFile = getSeleniumHelper().writeScreenshot(name, screenshotInException); } return screenshotFile; } private String getScreenshotBasename(String basename) { return screenshotBase + basename; } /** * Waits until the condition evaluates to a value that is neither null nor * false. Because of this contract, the return type must not be Void. * @param <T> the return type of the method, which must not be Void * @param condition condition to evaluate to determine whether waiting can be stopped. * @throws SlimFixtureException if condition was not met before secondsBeforeTimeout. * @return result of condition. */ protected <T> T waitUntil(ExpectedCondition<T> condition) { try { return waitUntilImpl(condition); } catch (TimeoutException e) { String message = getTimeoutMessage(e); return lastAttemptBeforeThrow(condition, new SlimFixtureException(false, message, e)); } } /** * Waits until the condition evaluates to a value that is neither null nor * false. If that does not occur the whole test is stopped. * Because of this contract, the return type must not be Void. * @param <T> the return type of the method, which must not be Void * @param condition condition to evaluate to determine whether waiting can be stopped. * @throws TimeoutStopTestException if condition was not met before secondsBeforeTimeout. * @return result of condition. */ protected <T> T waitUntilOrStop(ExpectedCondition<T> condition) { try { return waitUntilImpl(condition); } catch (TimeoutException e) { try { return handleTimeoutException(e); } catch (TimeoutStopTestException tste) { return lastAttemptBeforeThrow(condition, tste); } } } /** * Tries the condition one last time before throwing an exception. * This to prevent exception messages in the wiki that show no problem, which could happen if the browser's * window content has changed between last (failing) try at condition and generation of the exception. * @param <T> the return type of the method, which must not be Void * @param condition condition that caused exception. * @param e exception that will be thrown if condition does not return a result. * @return last attempt results, if not null. * @throws SlimFixtureException throws e if last attempt returns null. */ protected <T> T lastAttemptBeforeThrow(ExpectedCondition<T> condition, SlimFixtureException e) { T lastAttemptResult = null; try { // last attempt to ensure condition has not been met // this to prevent messages that show no problem lastAttemptResult = condition.apply(getSeleniumHelper().driver()); } catch (Throwable t) { // ignore } if (lastAttemptResult != null) { return lastAttemptResult; } throw e; } /** * Waits until the condition evaluates to a value that is neither null nor * false. If that does not occur null is returned. * Because of this contract, the return type must not be Void. * @param <T> the return type of the method, which must not be Void * @param condition condition to evaluate to determine whether waiting can be stopped. * @return result of condition. */ protected <T> T waitUntilOrNull(ExpectedCondition<T> condition) { try { return waitUntilImpl(condition); } catch (TimeoutException e) { return null; } } protected <T> T waitUntilImpl(ExpectedCondition<T> condition) { return getSeleniumHelper().waitUntil(secondsBeforeTimeout(), condition); } protected <T> T handleTimeoutException(TimeoutException e) { String message = getTimeoutMessage(e); throw new TimeoutStopTestException(false, message, e); } private String getTimeoutMessage(TimeoutException e) { String messageBase = String.format("Timed-out waiting (after %ss)", secondsBeforeTimeout()); return getSlimFixtureExceptionMessage("timeouts", "timeout", messageBase, e); } protected void handleRequiredElementNotFound(String toFind) { handleRequiredElementNotFound(toFind, null); } protected void handleRequiredElementNotFound(String toFind, Throwable t) { String messageBase = String.format("Unable to find: %s", toFind); String message = getSlimFixtureExceptionMessage("notFound", toFind, messageBase, t); throw new SlimFixtureException(false, message, t); } protected String getSlimFixtureExceptionMessage(String screenshotFolder, String screenshotFile, String messageBase, Throwable t) { String screenshotBaseName = String.format("%s/%s/%s", screenshotFolder, getClass().getSimpleName(), screenshotFile); return getSlimFixtureExceptionMessage(screenshotBaseName, messageBase, t); } protected String getSlimFixtureExceptionMessage(String screenshotBaseName, String messageBase, Throwable t) { // take a screenshot of what was on screen String screenShotFile = null; try { screenShotFile = createScreenshot(screenshotBaseName, t); } catch (UnhandledAlertException e) { // System.err.println("Unable to take screenshot while alert is present for exception: " + messageBase); } catch (Exception sse) { System.err.println("Unable to take screenshot for exception: " + messageBase); sse.printStackTrace(); } String message = messageBase; if (message == null) { if (t == null) { message = ""; } else { message = ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(t); } } if (screenShotFile != null) { String label = "Page content"; try { String fileName; if (t != null) { fileName = t.getClass().getName(); } else if (screenshotBaseName != null) { fileName = screenshotBaseName; } else { fileName = "exception"; } label = savePageSource(fileName, label); } catch (UnhandledAlertException e) { // System.err.println("Unable to capture page source while alert is present for exception: " + messageBase); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Unable to capture page source for exception: " + messageBase); e.printStackTrace(); } String exceptionMsg = formatExceptionMsg(message); message = String.format("<div><div>%s.</div><div>%s:%s</div></div>", exceptionMsg, label, getScreenshotLink(screenShotFile)); } return message; } protected String formatExceptionMsg(String value) { return StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(value); } private WebDriver driver() { return getSeleniumHelper().driver(); } private WebDriverWait waitDriver() { return getSeleniumHelper().waitDriver(); } /** * @return helper to use. */ protected final SeleniumHelper getSeleniumHelper() { return seleniumHelper; } /** * Sets SeleniumHelper to use, for testing purposes. * @param helper helper to use. */ void setSeleniumHelper(SeleniumHelper helper) { seleniumHelper = helper; } public int currentBrowserWidth() { return getWindowSize().getWidth(); } public int currentBrowserHeight() { return getWindowSize().getHeight(); } public void setBrowserWidth(int newWidth) { int currentHeight = currentBrowserHeight(); setBrowserSizeToBy(newWidth, currentHeight); } public void setBrowserHeight(int newHeight) { int currentWidth = currentBrowserWidth(); setBrowserSizeToBy(currentWidth, newHeight); } public void setBrowserSizeToBy(int newWidth, int newHeight) { getSeleniumHelper().setWindowSize(newWidth, newHeight); Dimension actualSize = getWindowSize(); if (actualSize.getHeight() != newHeight || actualSize.getWidth() != newWidth) { String message = String.format("Unable to change size to: %s x %s; size is: %s x %s", newWidth, newHeight, actualSize.getWidth(), actualSize.getHeight()); throw new SlimFixtureException(false, message); } } protected Dimension getWindowSize() { return getSeleniumHelper().getWindowSize(); } public void setBrowserSizeToMaximum() { getSeleniumHelper().setWindowSizeToMaximum(); } /** * Downloads the target of the supplied link. * @param place link to follow. * @return downloaded file if any, null otherwise. */ @WaitUntil public String download(String place) { return downloadIn(place, null); } /** * Downloads the target of the supplied link. * @param place link to follow. * @param container part of screen containing link. * @return downloaded file if any, null otherwise. */ @WaitUntil public String downloadIn(String place, String container) { SearchContext currentSearchContext = setSearchContextToContainer(container); try { WebElement element = getSeleniumHelper().getLink(place); return downloadLinkTarget(element); } finally { resetSearchContext(currentSearchContext); } } protected WebElement findElement(By selector) { return getSeleniumHelper().findElement(selector); } /** * Downloads the target of the supplied link. * @param element link to follow. * @return downloaded file if any, null otherwise. */ protected String downloadLinkTarget(WebElement element) { String result; String href = getLinkTarget(element); if (href != null) { result = downloadContentFrom(href); } else { throw new SlimFixtureException(false, "Could not determine url to download from"); } return result; } /** * Downloads binary content from specified url (using the browser's cookies). * @param urlOrLink url to download from * @return link to downloaded file */ public String downloadContentFrom(String urlOrLink) { String result = null; if (urlOrLink != null) { String url = getUrl(urlOrLink); BinaryHttpResponse resp = new BinaryHttpResponse(); getUrlContent(url, resp); byte[] content = resp.getResponseContent(); if (content == null) { result = resp.getResponse(); } else { String fileName = resp.getFileName(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) { fileName = "download"; } String baseName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(fileName); String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileName); String downloadedFile = FileUtil.saveToFile(getDownloadName(baseName), ext, content); String wikiUrl = getWikiUrl(downloadedFile); if (wikiUrl != null) { // make href to file result = String.format("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", wikiUrl, fileName); } else { result = downloadedFile; } } } return result; } /** * Selects a file using the first file upload control. * @param fileName file to upload * @return true, if a file input was found and file existed. */ @WaitUntil public boolean selectFile(String fileName) { return selectFileFor(fileName, "css=input[type='file']"); } /** * Selects a file using a file upload control. * @param fileName file to upload * @param place file input to select the file for * @return true, if place was a file input and file existed. */ @WaitUntil public boolean selectFileFor(String fileName, String place) { return selectFileForIn(fileName, place, null); } /** * Selects a file using a file upload control. * @param fileName file to upload * @param place file input to select the file for * @param container part of screen containing place * @return true, if place was a file input and file existed. */ @WaitUntil public boolean selectFileForIn(String fileName, String place, String container) { boolean result = false; if (fileName != null) { String fullPath = getFilePathFromWikiUrl(fileName); if (new File(fullPath).exists()) { WebElement element = getElementToSelectFile(place, container); if (element != null) { element.sendKeys(fullPath); result = true; } } else { throw new SlimFixtureException(false, "Unable to find file: " + fullPath); } } return result; } protected WebElement getElementToSelectFile(String place, String container) { WebElement result = null; WebElement element = getElement(place, container); if (element != null && "input".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getTagName()) && "file".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getAttribute("type"))) { result = element; } return result; } private String getDownloadName(String baseName) { return downloadBase + baseName; } /** * GETs content of specified URL, using the browsers cookies. * @param url url to retrieve content from * @param resp response to store content in */ protected void getUrlContent(String url, HttpResponse resp) { getEnvironment().addSeleniumCookies(resp); getEnvironment().doGet(url, resp); } /** * Gets the value of the cookie with the supplied name. * @param cookieName name of cookie to get value from. * @return cookie's value if any. */ public String cookieValue(String cookieName) { String result = null; Cookie cookie = getSeleniumHelper().getCookie(cookieName); if (cookie != null) { result = cookie.getValue(); } return result; } protected Object waitForJavascriptCallback(String statement, Object... parameters) { try { return getSeleniumHelper().waitForJavascriptCallback(statement, parameters); } catch (TimeoutException e) { return handleTimeoutException(e); } } public NgBrowserTest getNgBrowserTest() { return ngBrowserTest; } public void setNgBrowserTest(NgBrowserTest ngBrowserTest) { this.ngBrowserTest = ngBrowserTest; } public boolean isImplicitWaitForAngularEnabled() { return implicitWaitForAngular; } public void setImplicitWaitForAngularTo(boolean implicitWaitForAngular) { this.implicitWaitForAngular = implicitWaitForAngular; } public void setImplicitFindInFramesTo(boolean implicitFindInFrames) { this.implicitFindInFrames = implicitFindInFrames; } }