package; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import org.hyperic.hq.appdef.shared.InvalidAppdefTypeException; import org.hyperic.hq.ui.action.resource.NonScheduleResourceFormNG; import org.hyperic.hq.ui.util.BizappUtilsNG; import org.hyperic.util.StringUtil; public class GroupFormNG extends NonScheduleResourceFormNG { /** * contains the [appdef_type]:[appdef_resource_type] value */ private String _typeAndResourceTypeId; private Integer _groupType; private List _platformTypes; private List _applicationTypes; private List _serverTypes; private List _serviceTypes; private LinkedHashMap<String, String> _groupTypes; private String[] _entityIds; private String _typeName; private boolean _privateGroup; public Integer getCompatibleCount() { if (_platformTypes == null || _serverTypes == null || _serviceTypes == null || _applicationTypes == null) return new Integer(0); return new Integer(_platformTypes.size() + _serverTypes.size() + _serviceTypes.size() + _applicationTypes.size()); } public Integer getClusterCount() { if (_serviceTypes == null) { return new Integer(0); } return new Integer(_serviceTypes.size()); } public List getPlatformTypes() { return _platformTypes; } public Integer getPlatformTypeCount() { if (_platformTypes == null) { return new Integer(0); } return new Integer(_platformTypes.size()); } public List getApplicationTypes() { return _applicationTypes; } public List getServerTypes() { return _serverTypes; } public Integer getServerTypeCount() { if (_serverTypes == null) { return new Integer(0); } return new Integer(_serverTypes.size()); } public List getServiceTypes() { return _serviceTypes; } public Integer getServiceTypeCount() { if (_serviceTypes == null) { return new Integer(0); } return new Integer(_serviceTypes.size()); } public void setPlatformTypes(List platformTypes) throws InvalidAppdefTypeException { _platformTypes = BizappUtilsNG.buildAppdefOptionList(platformTypes, true); } public void setApplicationTypes(List applicationTypes) throws InvalidAppdefTypeException { _applicationTypes = BizappUtilsNG.buildAppdefOptionList(applicationTypes, true); } public void setServerTypes(List serverTypes) throws InvalidAppdefTypeException { _serverTypes = BizappUtilsNG.buildAppdefOptionList(serverTypes, true); } public void setServiceTypes(List serviceTypes) throws InvalidAppdefTypeException { _serviceTypes = BizappUtilsNG.buildAppdefOptionList(serviceTypes, true); } public String getTypeAndResourceTypeId() { return _typeAndResourceTypeId; } /** * Returns the entity type id in [entity type id]:[resource type id] */ public Integer getEntityTypeId() { if (_typeAndResourceTypeId.equals("-1")) { return new Integer("-1"); } List typeList = StringUtil.explode(_typeAndResourceTypeId, ":"); return new Integer((String) typeList.get(0)); } /** * Returns resource type id in [entity type id]:[resource type id] */ public Integer getResourceTypeId() { if (_typeAndResourceTypeId.equals("-1")) return new Integer("-1"); List typeList = StringUtil.explode(_typeAndResourceTypeId, ":"); return new Integer((String) typeList.get(1)); } /** * Sets the typeAndResourceTypeId. */ public void setTypeAndResourceTypeId(String typeAndResourceTypeId) { _typeAndResourceTypeId = typeAndResourceTypeId; } public Integer getGroupType() { return _groupType; } public void setGroupType(Integer groupType) { _groupType = groupType; } public LinkedHashMap<String, String> getGroupTypes() { return _groupTypes; } public void setGroupTypes(LinkedHashMap<String, String> groupTypes) { _groupTypes = groupTypes; } public String[] getEntityIds() { return _entityIds; } public void setEntityIds(String[] entityIds) { _entityIds = entityIds; } public String getTypeName() { return _typeName; } public void setTypeName(String typeName) { _typeName = typeName; } public boolean isPrivateGroup() { return _privateGroup; } public void setPrivateGroup(boolean privateGroup) { _privateGroup = privateGroup; } }