/* * NOTE: This copyright does *not* cover user programs that use Hyperic * program services by normal system calls through the application * program interfaces provided as part of the Hyperic Plug-in Development * Kit or the Hyperic Client Development Kit - this is merely considered * normal use of the program, and does *not* fall under the heading of * "derived work". * * Copyright (C) [2004-2010], VMware, Inc. * This file is part of Hyperic. * * Hyperic is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed * in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. */ package org.hyperic.hq.install; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.UUID; import org.hyperic.sigar.Sigar; import org.hyperic.sigar.SigarException; import org.hyperic.util.InetPortPinger; import org.hyperic.util.JDK; import org.hyperic.util.StringUtil; import org.hyperic.util.config.ConfigOptionDisplay; import org.hyperic.util.config.ConfigResponse; import org.hyperic.util.config.ConfigSchema; import org.hyperic.util.config.EarlyExitException; import org.hyperic.util.config.EnumerationConfigOption; import org.hyperic.util.config.HiddenConfigOption; import org.hyperic.util.config.InstallConfigOption; import org.hyperic.util.config.InvalidOptionValueException; import org.hyperic.util.config.IpAddressConfigOption; import org.hyperic.util.config.PortConfigOption; import org.hyperic.util.config.ReturnStepsException; import org.hyperic.util.config.StringConfigOption; import org.hyperic.util.config.YesNoConfigOption; import org.hyperic.util.jdbc.DriverLoadException; import org.hyperic.util.security.SecurityUtil; public class ServerConfig extends BaseConfig { public static final String ctx = ServerConfig.class.getName(); // convenience, PN for "product name" public static final String PN = PRODUCT; //environments names for selection as an installation profile public static final String ENV_SMALL = "small"; public static final String ENV_MEDIUM = "medium"; public static final String ENV_LARGE = "large"; public static final String ENV_SMALL_DESC = " (less than 50 platforms)"; public static final String ENV_MEDIUM_DESC = " (50-250 platforms)"; public static final String ENV_LARGE_DESC = " (larger than 250 platforms)"; // database names that appear in the select list public static final String DBC_PGSQL = "PostgreSQL"; public static final String DBC_BUILTIN = "HQ Built-in Database"; // database names we need to use internally public static final String DB_PGSQL = "PostgreSQL"; // Required for postgresql public static final String PGSQL_PROTOCOL = "?protocolVersion=2"; public static final String Q_POSTGRESQL_PORT = "What port should HQ's built-in database use?"; public static final String Q_PRODUCT_TYPE = "What kind of " + PN + " server should be installed?"; public static final String Q_CLUSTER_BINDADDR = "What IP address should the cluster server bind to?"; public static final String Q_MULTICAST_ADDR = "What is the cluster's multicast address?"; public static final String Q_MULTICAST_PORT = "What is the cluster's multicast port?"; public static final String Q_OVERWRITE = "Should we overwrite the existing " + PN + " server installation?"; public static final String Q_OVERWRITE_DB = "An HQ server database already exists at the JDBC connection URL.\n" + "What should be done with this database?"; public static final String DB_CHOICE_UPGRADE = "Upgrade the HQ server database"; public static final String DB_CHOICE_OVERWRITE = "Overwrite the HQ server database (ERASE all existing data)"; public static final String DB_CHOICE_CANCEL = "Exit the installer"; public static final String[] DB_CHOICES = { DB_CHOICE_UPGRADE, DB_CHOICE_OVERWRITE, DB_CHOICE_CANCEL }; public static final String Q_CREATE_DB = "Should we create the " + PN + " server database? If this is " + "an upgrade, answer no. Otherwise, answer yes for a new install."; public static final String Q_PORT_WEBAPP = "What port should the " + PN + " server's web-based GUI listen " + "on for http communication?"; public static final String Q_PORT_WEBAPP_SECURE = "What port should the " + PN + " server's web-based GUI listen " + "on for secure https communication?"; public static final String Q_WEBAPP_URL = "Enter the base URL for the " + PN + " server's web-based GUI"; public static final String Q_MAIL_HOST = "Enter the fully qualified domain name of the SMTP server that " + PN + " will use to send email messages"; public static final String Q_MAIL_FROM = "Enter the email address that " + PN + " will use as the sender for " + "email messages"; public static final String Q_DATABASE = "The " + PN + " built-in database is provided for EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY. " + "For production purposes use vPosgreSQL. " + "What backend database should the " + PN + " server use?"; public static final String Q_DB_HOSTNAME = "Enter the vPostgres DB hostname"; public static final String Q_DB_PORT = "Enter the vPostgres DB port"; public static final String Q_DB_NAME = "Enter the vPostgres DB name"; public static final String Q_JDBC_URL = "Override the JDBC connection URL for the %%DBNAME%% database"; public static final String Q_JDBC_USER = "Enter the username to use to connect to the database"; public static final String Q_JDBC_PASSWORD = "Enter the password to use to connect to the database."; public static final String Q_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CREATE = "Would you like to use an auto generated encryption key to encrypt the database password?"; public static final String Q_ENCRYPTION_KEY = "Enter an encryption key to use to encrypt the database password."; public static final String Q_ADMIN_USER = "What should the username be for the initial admin user?"; public static final String Q_ADMIN_PASSWORD = "What should the password be for the initial admin user?"; public static final String Q_ADMIN_EMAIL = "What should the email address be for the initial admin user?"; public static final String Q_USE_CUSTOM_KEYSTORE = "Would you like to use your own java keystore?"; public static final String Q_SERVER_KEYSTORE_PATH = "What is the file path to your java keystore?"; public static final String Q_SERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = "What is the password to your java keystore?"; private static final String SERVER_DATABASE_UPGRADE_CHOICE = "server.database.upgrade.choice"; public static final String Q_PROFILE = "What is the installation profile?"; // convenience constants private static final String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); public ServerConfig() { super("server"); } @Override public String getName() { return PN + " server"; } @Override protected ConfigSchema getUpgradeSchema(ConfigResponse previous, int iterationCount) throws EarlyExitException { ConfigSchema schema = super.getUpgradeSchema(previous, iterationCount); if (schema == null) schema = new ConfigSchema(); // TODO Remove this code once we no longer support HQ version less than 4.6 // This is solely to maintain backwards compatibility with older HQ agents // that don't handle SSL communication correctly. // For the upgrade case, we want to automatically import unverified certificates schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("accept.unverified.certificates", Boolean.TRUE.toString())); switch (iterationCount) { case 0: schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.overwrite", YesNoConfigOption.NO)); return schema; case 1: return schema; default: return null; } } @Override protected ConfigSchema getInstallSchema(ConfigResponse previous, int iterationCount) throws EarlyExitException { ConfigSchema schema = super.getInstallSchema(previous, iterationCount); String portChoice; String fqdn; String domain; String senderChoice; String dbChoiceStr; String dbChoice; StringConfigOption usernameOption; StringConfigOption passwordOption; String serverInstallDir; String dbHost; String dbPort; String dbName; InstallMode installMode = new InstallMode(getProjectProperty("install.mode")); // ...this property allows us to change installer behavior so that it's // .org or EE specific, // currently the eula is only shown for EE, so it's a pretty good // indicator right now... boolean isEEInstall = Boolean.parseBoolean(getProjectProperty("eula.present")); // Do we have an builtin-postgresql packaged with us? //Remove embedded DB on win system boolean haveBuiltinDB; if (JDK.IS_WIN32) { haveBuiltinDB = false; } else{ haveBuiltinDB = getReleaseHasBuiltinDB(); } // TODO Remove this code once we no longer support HQ version less than 4.6 // This is solely to maintain backwards compatibility with older HQ agents // that don't handle SSL communication correctly // For the new install case, we do not want to automatically import unverified certificates schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("accept.unverified.certificates", Boolean.FALSE.toString())); switch (iterationCount) { case 0: break; case 1: schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.multicast.addr", "")); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.multicast.port", "3030")); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.ha.bind_addr", IpAddressConfigOption.DEFAULT_ADDR)); break; case 2: // Is there in fact an installation we should worry about? serverInstallDir = previous.getValue("server.installdir"); if (serverAlreadyInstalled(serverInstallDir)) { schema.addOption(new YesNoConfigOption("server.overwrite", Q_OVERWRITE, YesNoConfigOption.NO)); } else { // No server installed, just assume the answer is no, // which will be a 'safe bet' schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.overwrite", YesNoConfigOption.NO)); } break; case 3: // If they chose not to overwrite, and the server exists, bail // out serverInstallDir = previous.getValue("server.installdir"); if (serverAlreadyInstalled(serverInstallDir) && "No".equals(previous.getValue("server.overwrite"))) { throw new EarlyExitException("Exiting setup: " + PN + " server " + "already installed in " + serverInstallDir); } if (installMode.isQuick()) { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.webapp.port", "7080")); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.webapp.secure.port", "7443")); } else { schema.addOption(new PortConfigOption("server.webapp.port", Q_PORT_WEBAPP, new Integer(7080))); schema.addOption(new PortConfigOption("server.webapp.secure.port", Q_PORT_WEBAPP_SECURE, new Integer(7443))); } if (installMode.isQuick()) { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.use.custom.keystore", YesNoConfigOption.NO)); } else { schema.addOption(new YesNoConfigOption("server.use.custom.keystore", Q_USE_CUSTOM_KEYSTORE, YesNoConfigOption.NO)); } break; case 4: String useCustomKeystore = previous.getValue("server.use.custom.keystore"); schema.addOption(new StringConfigOption("server.keystore.path", Q_SERVER_KEYSTORE_PATH, "")); if (YesNoConfigOption.YES.equals(useCustomKeystore)) { //yes implies it's not a quick install (default is no) schema.addOption(new StringConfigOption("server.keystore.password", Q_SERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, "")); } else { // TODO not sure if there's a cleaner way to do this. The problem is we technically don't know the real install path bc // the archive hasn't been unzipped at this point. So we use a token and replace it later in the ant script with the real path schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.keystore.path", "../../conf/hyperic.keystore")); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.keystore.password", "hyperic")); } break; case 5: portChoice = previous.getValue("server.webapp.port"); fqdn = computeFQDN(); domain = computeDomain(fqdn); // only collect baseurl property if we're initially // creating the database, since we don't yet run dbsetup // for upgrades String computedBaseUrl = computeHTTPBaseUrl(fqdn, portChoice); if (installMode.isQuick()) { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.webapp.baseurl", computedBaseUrl)); } else { schema.addOption(new StringConfigOption("server.webapp.baseurl", Q_WEBAPP_URL, computedBaseUrl)); } // Do we have a local MTA? if (haveLocalMTA()) { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.mail.host", "")); } else { schema.addOption(new StringConfigOption("server.mail.host", Q_MAIL_HOST, fqdn)); } // We always ask for username and password now per HQ-3627, // so probably shouldn't auto enter the email value schema.addOption(new StringConfigOption("server.mail.sender", Q_MAIL_FROM, "hqadmin@" + domain)); ConfigOptionDisplay smallOption = new ConfigOptionDisplay(ENV_SMALL, ENV_SMALL_DESC); ConfigOptionDisplay mediumOption = new ConfigOptionDisplay(ENV_MEDIUM, ENV_MEDIUM_DESC); ConfigOptionDisplay largeOption = new ConfigOptionDisplay(ENV_LARGE, ENV_LARGE_DESC); ConfigOptionDisplay[] envs = {smallOption, mediumOption, largeOption}; if(!installMode.isQuick() && isEEInstall) schema.addOption(new InstallConfigOption("install.profile", Q_PROFILE, smallOption, envs)); else schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("install.profile", ENV_SMALL)); break; case 6: boolean usingSmallEnv = previous.getValue("install.profile").contentEquals(ENV_SMALL); if (installMode.isPostgres()) { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.database.choice", DBC_PGSQL)); } else if (installMode.isQuick() && haveBuiltinDB) { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.database.choice", DBC_BUILTIN)); } else { if (!haveBuiltinDB) { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.database.choice", DBC_PGSQL)); } else { ConfigOptionDisplay builtInOption = new ConfigOptionDisplay(DBC_BUILTIN); if (!usingSmallEnv) { builtInOption = new ConfigOptionDisplay(DBC_BUILTIN + "(not recommended since you have selected " + previous.getValue("install.profile") + " installation profile and the build in DB should be used only with small profiles)"); } ConfigOptionDisplay postgresOption = new ConfigOptionDisplay(DBC_PGSQL); ConfigOptionDisplay defaultDB = builtInOption; ConfigOptionDisplay[] dbs = new ConfigOptionDisplay[] { builtInOption, postgresOption}; schema.addOption(new InstallConfigOption("server.database.choice", Q_DATABASE, defaultDB, dbs)); } } break; case 7: // determine server.database from server.database.choice... dbChoiceStr = previous.getValue("server.database.choice"); if (dbChoiceStr.startsWith(DBC_PGSQL)){ dbChoice = DB_PGSQL; } else if (dbChoiceStr.startsWith(DBC_BUILTIN)) { dbChoice = DB_PGSQL; schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("using.builtin.db", "true")); } else{ throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid database: " + dbChoiceStr); } schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.database", dbChoice)); if(!dbChoiceStr.startsWith(DBC_BUILTIN)) { schema.addOption(new StringConfigOption("server.database.host", Q_DB_HOSTNAME, "localhost")); } if (dbChoiceStr.startsWith(DBC_PGSQL) && !dbChoiceStr.startsWith(DBC_BUILTIN)) { schema.addOption(new PortConfigOption("server.database.port", Q_DB_PORT, 5432)); } if(!dbChoiceStr.startsWith(DBC_BUILTIN)) { schema.addOption(new StringConfigOption("server.database.name", Q_DB_NAME, PRODUCT)); } break; case 8: dbChoiceStr = previous.getValue("server.database.choice"); dbChoice = previous.getValue("server.database"); dbHost = previous.getValue("server.database.host"); dbPort = previous.getValue("server.database.port"); dbName = previous.getValue("server.database.name"); if (dbChoiceStr.startsWith(DBC_PGSQL)) { schema.addOption(new StringConfigOption("server.database-url", StringUtil .replace(Q_JDBC_URL, "%%DBNAME%%", dbChoiceStr), "jdbc:postgresql://" + dbHost + ":" + dbPort + "/" + dbName + PGSQL_PROTOCOL)); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.database-driver", "org.postgresql.Driver")); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.quartzDelegate", "org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate")); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.hibernate.dialect", "org.hyperic.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect")); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.connection-validation-sql", "select 1")); } else { if (!installMode.isQuick()) { // In "full" mode, we even let them pick the pgsql port schema.addOption(new PortConfigOption("server.postgresql.port", Q_POSTGRESQL_PORT, new Integer(9432))); } else { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.postgresql.port", "9432")); } schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.database-driver", "org.postgresql.Driver")); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.quartzDelegate", "org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate")); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.hibernate.dialect", "org.hyperic.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect")); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.connection-validation-sql", "select 1")); } if (dbChoiceStr.startsWith(DBC_BUILTIN)) { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.database-user", "hqadmin")); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.database-password", "hqadmin")); } else { schema.addOption(new StringConfigOption("server.database-user", Q_JDBC_USER)); passwordOption = new StringConfigOption("server.database-password", Q_JDBC_PASSWORD); passwordOption.setSecret(true); schema.addOption(passwordOption); } schema.addOption(new YesNoConfigOption("server.encryption-key.auto", Q_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CREATE, YesNoConfigOption.YES)); break; case 9: dbChoiceStr = previous.getValue("server.database.choice"); if(!dbChoiceStr.startsWith(DBC_BUILTIN)) { try { FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("/tmp/out.txt"); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); out.write(previous.getValue("server.database-url") + "\n"); out.write(previous.getValue("server.database-user") + "\n"); out.write(previous.getValue("server.database-password") + "\n"); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } boolean exists = InstallDBUtil.checkConnectionExists(previous.getValue("server.database-url"), previous.getValue("server.database-user"), previous.getValue("server.database-password")); if (!exists) { //If we cannot connect the data base we need to return to step 7 throw new ReturnStepsException("Error connecting to the database, please enter the database information again - ", 7); } } if("yes".equalsIgnoreCase(previous.getValue("server.encryption-key.auto"))) { //Create an auto generated random key String encryptionKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 13).replaceAll("-", ""); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.encryption-key", encryptionKey)); break; } StringConfigOption encryptionKeyOption = new StringConfigOption( "server.encryption-key", Q_ENCRYPTION_KEY); encryptionKeyOption.setMinLength(8); schema.addOption(encryptionKeyOption); break; case 10: // Get encryption key String encryptionKey = previous.getValue("server.encryption-key"); // Encrypt database password String encryptedPw = encryptPassword("PBEWithMD5AndDES", encryptionKey, previous .getValue("server.database-password")).replaceAll("\\r|\\n", ""); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.encryption-key", encryptionKey)); //Make this optional for non-interactive installers so the default value created here will be used instead HiddenConfigOption encryptedPwOption = new HiddenConfigOption("server.database-password-encrypted", encryptedPw.toString()); encryptedPwOption.setOptional(true); schema.addOption(encryptedPwOption); senderChoice = previous.getValue("server.mail.sender"); // dont ask about admin username if this is an HA node // this should have already been set up // We always ask for username and password now per HQ-3627 usernameOption = new AdminUsernameConfigOption("server.admin.username", Q_ADMIN_USER, "hqadmin"); schema.addOption(usernameOption); passwordOption = new StringConfigOption("server.admin.password", Q_ADMIN_PASSWORD, null); passwordOption.setSecret(true); passwordOption.setMinLength(6); passwordOption.setMaxLength(40); schema.addOption(passwordOption); // probably shouldn't auto enter the email value, since we're asking for username... schema.addOption(new StringConfigOption("server.admin.email", Q_ADMIN_EMAIL, senderChoice)); break; case 11: // For servers using the builtinDB we have only gotten the port // at // this point. Now we setup the url based on the port selection dbChoiceStr = previous.getValue("server.database.choice"); if (dbChoiceStr.startsWith(DBC_BUILTIN)) { String pgport = previous.getValue("server.postgresql.port"); schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.database-url", "jdbc:postgresql://" + pgport + "/hqdb" + PGSQL_PROTOCOL)); } break; case 12: // Now that they have made their jdbc selections, do a sanity // check: // If we are in "quick" mode and the database already exists, // then STOP ask the user what to do. dbChoiceStr = previous.getValue("server.database.choice"); if (!dbChoiceStr.startsWith(DBC_BUILTIN)) { if (installMode.isQuick()) { // Like Built-in DB, overwrite the db - in case of silent install with exists db schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption(SERVER_DATABASE_UPGRADE_CHOICE, DB_CHOICE_OVERWRITE)); }else{ if (databaseExists(previous)) { // Bug 9722 only check for db upgrade if this isnt an HA // node schema.addOption(new EnumerationConfigOption( SERVER_DATABASE_UPGRADE_CHOICE, Q_OVERWRITE_DB, DB_CHOICE_CANCEL, DB_CHOICES, DB_CHOICE_OVERWRITE)); } else { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption(SERVER_DATABASE_UPGRADE_CHOICE, DB_CHOICE_OVERWRITE)); } } } else { // Built-in DB, overwrite the db schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption(SERVER_DATABASE_UPGRADE_CHOICE, DB_CHOICE_OVERWRITE)); } break; case 13: String dbUpgradeChoice = previous.getValue(SERVER_DATABASE_UPGRADE_CHOICE); if (dbUpgradeChoice.equals(DB_CHOICE_OVERWRITE)) { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.database.create", YesNoConfigOption.YES)); } else if (dbUpgradeChoice.equals(DB_CHOICE_UPGRADE)) { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("server.database.upgrade", YesNoConfigOption.YES)); } else { throw new EarlyExitException("No modifications made to existing database. " + "Exiting installer."); } break; case 14: if(isEEInstall) { schema.addOption(new HiddenConfigOption("accept.eula",YesNoConfigOption.NO)); } break; default: return null; } return schema; } private String computeBaseUrl(String scheme, String fqdn, String port, String defaultPort) { if (fqdn == null) { return null; } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(scheme); buf.append("://"); buf.append(fqdn); if (port != null && !port.equals(defaultPort)) { buf.append(":"); buf.append(port.toString()); } buf.append("/"); return buf.toString(); } protected String computeHTTPBaseUrl(String fqdn, String port) { return computeBaseUrl("http", fqdn, port, "80"); } protected String computeDomain(String fqdn) { String domainname; StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(fqdn, "."); if (token.countTokens() > 2) { int index = fqdn.indexOf('.'); domainname = fqdn.substring(++index); } else { domainname = fqdn; } return domainname; } protected String computeFQDN() { String fqdn = null; try { fqdn = new Sigar().getFQDN(); } catch (SigarException e) { // this machine is seriously misconfigured. that's // ok, you just don't get a default. have fun // typing! } // Actually, just assume localhost if no fqdn if (fqdn == null || fqdn.length() == 0) fqdn = "localhost"; return fqdn; } protected boolean serverAlreadyInstalled(String dir) { String serverFile = dir + File.separator + "server-" + getProjectProperty("version") + File.separator + "hq-engine"; if (Boolean.parseBoolean(getProjectProperty("eula.present"))) { serverFile = dir + File.separator + "server-" + getProjectProperty("version") + "-EE" + File.separator + "hq-engine"; } File f = new File(serverFile); return f.exists(); } public boolean haveLocalMTA() { InetPortPinger ip = new InetPortPinger("", 25, 10); return ip.check(); } public static final String[] MARKER_FILES = { "bin/hq-server.sh", "bin/hq-server.exe", "bin/hq-server.bat", "bin/ams-server.sh", "bin/ams-server.exe" }; @Override protected String[] getMarkerFiles() { return MARKER_FILES; } @Override public void canUpgrade(String dir) throws InvalidOptionValueException { // If the 'dir' points to a pointbase-backed installation, we can't // upgrade it. // First we look in conf/hq-server.conf if it exists. If this is an // older release, we look in hq-ds.xml file for the <connection-url> // element. File confFile = new File(dir, StringUtil.normalizePath("conf/hq-server.conf")); if (confFile.exists()) { Properties props = new Properties(); FileInputStream fi = null; try { fi = new FileInputStream(confFile.getAbsolutePath()); props.load(fi); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidOptionValueException("Error reading hq-server.conf file: " + confFile.getAbsolutePath() + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (fi != null) { try { fi.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } String driverClass = props.getProperty("server.database-driver"); if (driverClass == null) { throw new InvalidOptionValueException( "No server.database-driver property found in: " + confFile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (driverClass.indexOf("com.pointbase.") != -1) { throw new InvalidOptionValueException( "Cannot upgrade HQ server: upgrade not supported for " + "HQ servers that use the PointBase database"); } return; } else { throw new EarlyExitException("__ll__\nCannot upgrade HQ server\n(file not found: " + confFile.getAbsolutePath() + ")\n\nOnly versions 1.3.x and higher can " + "be upgraded using the installer.\nTo upgrade earlier " + "versions, follow the instructions in README.txt\n\n__ll__"); } } @Override public String getProductInstallDir(ConfigResponse config) { String installDir = getInstallDir(config); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(getProjectProperty("eula.present"))) { return installDir + getBaseName() + "-" + getProjectProperty("version") + "-EE" + File.separator; } else { return installDir + getBaseName() + "-" + getProjectProperty("version") + File.separator; } } @Override public String getCompletionText(ConfigResponse config) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); String sp = File.separator; String startup = getProductInstallDir(config); startup += "bin" + sp + PN.toLowerCase() + "-server" + getExtension(); s.append("__ll__").append(getServerStartupText(startup).toString()); if (isUpgrade()) { s.append(nl).append(nl).append(" Your HQ server has been successfully upgraded.") .append(nl).append(nl).append( " Once you start up your HQ server, you can log in using any of your existing") .append(nl).append(" HQ user accounts."); } else if (isDBUpgrade(config)) { s.append(nl).append(nl).append( " Once the HQ server reports that it has successfully started, you can log in") .append(nl).append(" to your HQ server at: ").append(nl).append(nl).append(" ") .append(config.getValue("server.webapp.baseurl")).append(nl).append(nl).append( " You can log in using any of your existing HQ user accounts."); } else { // A new/fresh install s .append(nl) .append(nl) .append( " Once the HQ server reports that it has successfully started, you can log in") .append(nl) .append(" to your HQ server at: ") .append(nl) .append(nl) .append(" ") .append(config.getValue("server.webapp.baseurl")) .append(nl) .append(" username: ") .append(config.getValue("server.admin.username")) .append(nl) .append(nl) .append( " To change your password, log in to the HQ server, click the \"Administration\"") .append(nl).append( " link, choose \"List Users\", then click on the \"hqadmin\" user."); } s.append(nl).append("__ll__"); return s.toString(); } private StringBuffer getServerStartupText(String startup) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); s.append(nl); if (JDK.IS_WIN32) { s .append( " You should now install the HQ server as a Windows Service using this command:") .append(nl) .append(nl) .append(" ") .append(startup) .append(" install") .append(nl) .append(nl) .append( " You can then use the Service Control Manager (Control Panel->Services) to ") .append(nl) .append( " start the HQ server. Note that the first time the HQ server starts up it may") .append(nl) .append( " take several minutes to initialize. Subsequent startups will be much faster."); } else { s .append(nl) .append(" You can now start your HQ server by running this command:") .append(nl) .append(nl) .append(" ") .append(startup) .append(" start") .append(nl) .append(nl) .append( " Note that the first time the HQ server starts up it may take several minutes") .append(nl).append(" to initialize. Subsequent startups will be much faster."); } return s; } private String encryptPassword(String algorithm, String encryptionKey, String clearTextPassword) { return SecurityUtil.encrypt(algorithm, encryptionKey, clearTextPassword); } protected boolean databaseExists(ConfigResponse config) throws EarlyExitException { String user = config.getValue("server.database-user"); String password = config.getValue("server.database-password"); String url = config.getValue("server.database-url"); try { return InstallDBUtil.checkTableExists(url, user, password, "EAM_CONFIG_PROPS"); } catch (DriverLoadException e) { throw new EarlyExitException("Error connecting to database " + "(" + url + "): " + e.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new EarlyExitException("Error checking for existing " + "database: " + e.getMessage()); } } private boolean isDBUpgrade(ConfigResponse config) { String dbUpgrade = config.getValue("server.database.upgrade"); return (dbUpgrade != null && dbUpgrade.equals(YesNoConfigOption.YES)); } protected boolean getReleaseHasBuiltinDB() { File hqdbDir = new File(getProjectProperty("install.dir") + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "hqdb"); return (hqdbDir.exists() && hqdbDir.isDirectory() && hqdbDir.canRead()); } private class InstallMode { boolean _postgresQuickMode = false; boolean _quickMode = false; InstallMode(String mode) { _postgresQuickMode = mode.equals(INSTALLMODE_POSTGRESQL); _quickMode = mode.equals(INSTALLMODE_QUICK); } boolean isPostgres() { return _postgresQuickMode; } boolean isQuick() { return _postgresQuickMode || _quickMode; } } }