/** * NOTE: This copyright does *not* cover user programs that use HQ * program services by normal system calls through the application * program interfaces provided as part of the Hyperic Plug-in Development * Kit or the Hyperic Client Development Kit - this is merely considered * normal use of the program, and does *not* fall under the heading of * "derived work". * * Copyright (C) [2004, 2005, 2006], Hyperic, Inc. * This file is part of HQ. * * HQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed * in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. **/ package org.hyperic.hq.plugin.informix; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.hyperic.hq.product.JDBCMeasurementPlugin; import org.hyperic.hq.product.Metric; import org.hyperic.hq.product.TypeInfo; import org.hyperic.util.StringUtil; import org.hyperic.util.config.ConfigResponse; import org.hyperic.util.config.ConfigSchema; import org.hyperic.util.config.SchemaBuilder; import org.hyperic.util.jdbc.DBUtil; import org.hyperic.hq.product.PluginException; import org.hyperic.hq.product.MetricUnreachableException; import org.hyperic.hq.product.MetricInvalidException; import org.hyperic.hq.product.MetricNotFoundException; import org.hyperic.hq.product.MetricValue; public class InformixMeasurementPlugin extends JDBCMeasurementPlugin { private static final boolean DEBUG = InformixPluginUtil.DEBUG; static final String PROP_DBNAME = InformixPluginUtil.PROP_DBNAME, PROP_TABLENAME = InformixPluginUtil.PROP_TABLENAME, PROP_CHUNK = InformixPluginUtil.PROP_CHUNK, JDBC_DRIVER = InformixPluginUtil.JDBC_DRIVER, LOCKREQUESTS = "lockreqs", LOCKWAITS = "lockwts", DEADLOCKS = "deadlks", IO_READS = "bufreads", IO_WRITES = "bufwrites"; private Map myQueries = new HashMap(), myFields = new HashMap(); protected void getDriver() throws ClassNotFoundException { Class.forName(JDBC_DRIVER); } protected Connection getConnection(String url, String user, String password) throws SQLException { return DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); } protected String getDefaultURL() { return "jdbc:informix-sqli://localhost:3500/sysmaster:informixserver=test_shm"; } protected void initQueries() { String sqlstmt = "select c.nfree*c.pagesize free_space "+ "from sysdbspaces d, syschunks c "+ "where d.dbsnum = c.dbsnum and d.name = '%chunk%' "+ "group by 1"; myQueries.put("ChunkSpaceAvailable", sqlstmt); myQueries.put("TotNumCurrentSessionWrites", getCurrentSessionStatsSQL(IO_WRITES)); myQueries.put("TotNumCurrentSessionReads", getCurrentSessionStatsSQL(IO_READS)); myQueries.put("NumberOfLockWaits", getTableLockStatsSQL(LOCKWAITS)); myQueries.put("NumberOfDeadLocks", getTableLockStatsSQL(DEADLOCKS)); sqlstmt = "select count(*) from sysdatabases"; myQueries.put("Availability", sqlstmt); sqlstmt = "select sum(lockwts) as numlockwaits from sysptprof"; myQueries.put("TotNumLockWaits", sqlstmt); sqlstmt = "select sum(lockreqs) as numlockreqs from syssesprof, syssessions "+ "where syssesprof.sid = syssessions.sid"; myQueries.put("TotNumUserWaitLocks", sqlstmt); sqlstmt = "select deadlks from sysptprof"; myQueries.put("TotNumDeadLocks", sqlstmt); } public MetricValue getValue(Metric metric) throws PluginException, MetricUnreachableException, MetricInvalidException, MetricNotFoundException { String objectName = metric.getObjectName(), attr = metric.getAttributeName(); if (objectName.indexOf("DBSpace") == -1 || attr.indexOf("ChunkIO") == -1) return super.getValue(metric); try { String chunkName = metric.getObjectProperty(PROP_CHUNK); Connection conn = getCachedConnection(metric); long value = getChunkIOStats(attr, chunkName, conn).longValue(); return new MetricValue(value, System.currentTimeMillis()); } catch (SQLException e) { String msg = "Query failed for "+attr+": "+e.getMessage(); throw new MetricNotFoundException(msg, e); } } private static Long getChunkIOStats(String attr, String chunkName, Connection conn) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { String field = "writes"; if (attr.equals("ChunkIOPageWrites")) field = "pageswritten"; else if (attr.equals("ChunkIOPageReads")) field = "pagesread"; else if (attr.equals("ChunkIOReads")) field = "reads"; else //attr.equals("ChunkIOWrites") field = "writes"; stmt = conn.createStatement(); List sql_list = getChunkIOStatsSQL(field, attr, chunkName, stmt); stmt.execute((String)sql_list.get(0)); stmt.execute((String)sql_list.get(1)); rs = stmt.executeQuery((String)sql_list.get(2)); if (rs.next()) return new Long(rs.getLong(field)); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) { stmt.execute("drop table A"); stmt.execute("drop table B"); stmt.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } throw new SQLException(); } private static List getChunkIOStatsSQL(String field, String attr, String chunkName, Statement stmt) { List rtn = new ArrayList(); String sql = //-- Collect chunk IO stats into temp table A "select name dbspace, chknum, \"Primary\" chktype, reads, "+ "writes, pagesread, pageswritten "+ "from syschktab c, sysdbstab d "+ "where c.dbsnum = d.dbsnum "+ "union all "+ "select name[1,10] dbspace, chknum, \"Mirror\" chktype, reads,"+ "writes, pagesread, pageswritten "+ "from sysmchktab c, sysdbstab d "+ "where c.dbsnum = d.dbsnum "+ "into temp A\n\n"; rtn.add(sql); sql = //-- Collect total IO stats into temp table B "select sum(reads) total_reads, sum(writes) total_writes, "+ "sum(pagesread) total_pgreads,sum(pageswritten) total_pgwrites "+ "from A "+ "into temp B\n\n"; rtn.add(sql); sql = //-- Report showing each chunks percent of total IO "select "+field+" from A, B "+ "where dbspace = '"+chunkName+"'"; rtn.add(sql); return rtn; } protected String getQuery(Metric metric) { String queryVal = metric.getAttributeName(), query = (String)myQueries.get(queryVal), attr = metric.getAttributeName(), objectName = metric.getObjectName(); boolean isAvail = attr.equals(AVAIL_ATTR); if (objectName.indexOf("Type=Server") != -1) return (String)myQueries.get(attr); else if (objectName.indexOf("Type=Table") != -1) { String dbname = metric.getObjectProperty(PROP_DBNAME), table = metric.getObjectProperty(PROP_TABLE), sql = myQueries.get(attr).toString(). replaceAll("%dbname%", dbname). replaceAll("%table%", table); return sql; } else if (objectName.indexOf("Type=DBSpace") != -1) { String chunk = metric.getObjectProperty(PROP_CHUNK), sql = myQueries.get(attr).toString(). replaceAll("%chunk%", chunk); return sql; } return null; } private String getCurrentSessionStatsSQL(String field) { return "select sum("+field+") "+ "from syssesprof, syssessions "+ "where syssesprof.sid = syssessions.sid"; } private String getTableLockStatsSQL(String field) { return "select "+field+" "+ "from sysptprof "+ "where tabname = '%table%' and dbsname = '%dbname%'"; } }