package; import java.lang.Exception; import java.lang.System; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.thrift.TDeserializer; import org.apache.thrift.TSerializer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.berkeley.thebes.client.ThebesClient; public class ThebesTPCCClient extends DB implements TPCCDB { public static final int OK = 0; public static final int ERROR = -1; public static final int NOT_FOUND = -2; Measurements _measurements = Measurements.getMeasurements(); ThebesClient client; private RandomGenerator generator = new RandomGenerator((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() % Integer.MAX_VALUE)); private final int HOME_WAREHOUSE = generator.number(1, 10); TSerializer serializer = new TSerializer(); TDeserializer deserializer = new TDeserializer(); private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ThebesTPCCClient.class); public void load() throws Exception { TPCCLoaderGenerator generator = new TPCCLoaderGenerator(); Map<String, byte[]> toLoad = generator.getData(); long keyNo = 0; final long totalKeys = toLoad.size(); for(String key : toLoad.keySet()) { client.beginTransaction(); client.put(key, ByteBuffer.wrap(toLoad.get(key))); client.commitTransaction(); System.out.printf("%d/%d\n", keyNo++, totalKeys); } } public void init() throws DBException { client = new ThebesClient(); try {; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new DBException(e.getMessage()); } } public void cleanup() throws DBException { try { client.commitTransaction(); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new DBException(e.getMessage()); } client.close(); } private int runNewOrder() { long st=System.nanoTime(); try { client.beginTransaction(); long O_ID = generator.nextLong(); // should technically be [1, 10] int D_ID = generator.number(1, 10); int C_ID = generator.NURand(1023,1,3000); int OL_CNT = generator.number(5, 15); boolean rollback = generator.nextDouble() < .01; List<Integer> warehouseIDs = Lists.newArrayList(); boolean allLocal = true; for(int i = 0; i < OL_CNT; ++i) { int nextId = generator.nextDouble() > .01 ? HOME_WAREHOUSE : generator.numberExcluding(1, 10, HOME_WAREHOUSE); warehouseIDs.add(nextId); allLocal &= nextId == HOME_WAREHOUSE; } String O_ENTRY_D = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()); WarehouseRow warehouse = new WarehouseRow(); byte[] warehouseByteRet = client.get(TPCCConstants.getWarehouseKey(HOME_WAREHOUSE)).array(); deserializer.deserialize(warehouse, warehouseByteRet); double warehouseTaxRate = warehouse.getW_tax(); DistrictRow district = new DistrictRow(); byte[] districtByteRet = client.get(TPCCConstants.getDistrictKey(HOME_WAREHOUSE, D_ID)).array(); deserializer.deserialize(district, districtByteRet); double districtTaxRate = district.getD_tax(); CustomerRow customer = new CustomerRow(); byte[] customerByteRet = client.get(TPCCConstants.getCustomerKey(HOME_WAREHOUSE, D_ID, C_ID)).array(); deserializer.deserialize(customer, customerByteRet); OrderRow order = new OrderRow(C_ID, O_ENTRY_D, // O_CARRIER_ID -1, OL_CNT, allLocal ? (short) 0 : (short) 1); client.put(TPCCConstants.getOrderKey(HOME_WAREHOUSE, D_ID, O_ID), ByteBuffer.wrap(serializer.serialize(order))); NewOrderRow newOrder = new NewOrderRow(); client.put(TPCCConstants.getNewOrderKey(HOME_WAREHOUSE, D_ID, O_ID), ByteBuffer.wrap(serializer.serialize(newOrder))); double totalAmount = 0; for(int ol_cnt = 0; ol_cnt < OL_CNT; ++ol_cnt) { int OL_I_ID = generator.NURand(8191,1,100000); int OL_QUANTITY = generator.number(1, 10); if(rollback && ol_cnt == OL_CNT-1) { OL_I_ID = -1; } ItemRow item = new ItemRow(); ByteBuffer itemBytebufferRet = client.get(TPCCConstants.getItemKey(OL_I_ID)); if(itemBytebufferRet == null) { client.abortTransaction(); return OK; } deserializer.deserialize(item, itemBytebufferRet.array()); int OL_SUPPLY_W_ID = warehouseIDs.get(ol_cnt); StockRow stock = new StockRow(); byte[] stockByteRet = client.get(TPCCConstants.getStockKey(OL_SUPPLY_W_ID, OL_I_ID)).array(); deserializer.deserialize(stock, stockByteRet); int currentQuantity = stock.getS_quantity(); if(currentQuantity > OL_QUANTITY+10) currentQuantity -= OL_QUANTITY; else currentQuantity = currentQuantity - OL_QUANTITY + 91; stock.setS_quantity((short) currentQuantity); stock.setS_ytd(stock.getS_ytd()+OL_QUANTITY); stock.setS_order_cnt(stock.getS_order_cnt()+1); if(OL_SUPPLY_W_ID != HOME_WAREHOUSE) stock.setS_remote_cnt(stock.getS_remote_cnt()+1); client.put(TPCCConstants.getStockKey(OL_SUPPLY_W_ID, OL_I_ID), ByteBuffer.wrap(serializer.serialize(stock))); double OL_AMOUNT = OL_QUANTITY*item.getI_price(); totalAmount += OL_AMOUNT; // not sure why this matters, but let's be compliant String brandGeneric = "B"; if(item.getI_data().contains("ORIGINAL") && stock.getS_data().contains("ORIGINAL")) brandGeneric = "S"; String districtData; if(D_ID == 1) districtData = stock.getS_dist_01(); else if(D_ID == 2) districtData = stock.getS_dist_02(); else if(D_ID == 3) districtData = stock.getS_dist_03(); else if(D_ID == 4) districtData = stock.getS_dist_04(); else if(D_ID == 5) districtData = stock.getS_dist_05(); else if(D_ID == 6) districtData = stock.getS_dist_06(); else if(D_ID == 7) districtData = stock.getS_dist_07(); else if(D_ID == 8) districtData = stock.getS_dist_08(); else if(D_ID == 9) districtData = stock.getS_dist_09(); else districtData = stock.getS_dist_10(); OrderLineRow orderLine = new OrderLineRow(OL_SUPPLY_W_ID, "", (short) OL_QUANTITY, OL_AMOUNT, districtData); client.put(TPCCConstants.getOrderLineKey(HOME_WAREHOUSE, D_ID, O_ID, ol_cnt), ByteBuffer.wrap(serializer.serialize(orderLine))); } totalAmount*=(1-customer.getC_discount())*(1+warehouse.getW_tax()+district.getD_tax()); client.commitTransaction(); return OK; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("EXCEPTION IN NEWORDER: "+e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return ERROR; } finally { long en=System.nanoTime(); _measurements.measure("TRANSACTION",(int)((en-st)/1000)); } } @Override public int delete(String table, String key) { return runNewOrder(); } @Override public int insert(String table, String key, HashMap<String, ByteIterator> values) { return runNewOrder(); } @Override public int read(String table, String key, Set<String> fields, HashMap<String,ByteIterator> result) { return runNewOrder(); } @Override public int scan(String table, String startkey, int recordcount, Set<String> fields, Vector<HashMap<String, ByteIterator>> result) { return runNewOrder(); } @Override public int update(String table, String key, HashMap<String, ByteIterator> values) { return runNewOrder(); } private int checkStore(String table) { return OK; } }