package; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import edu.berkeley.thebes.common.interfaces.IThebesClient; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; public class SimpleStackOperationInterpreter implements TwoPLOperationInterpreter<StatementNode> { private static org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleStackOperationInterpreter.class); private IThebesClient client; private Map<String, ByteBuffer> mostRecentValues = Maps.newHashMap(); public enum Function { PUT (2, "put", false), GET (1, "get", false), PLUS (2, "+", true), MINUS(2, "-", true), TIMES(2, "*", true), DIVIDE(2, "/", true); private int numArgs; private String name; private boolean isExpression; private Function(int numArgs, String name, boolean isExpression) { this.numArgs = numArgs; = name; this.isExpression = isExpression; } /** Returns null if this is not a function. */ public static Function getFunctionByName(String name) { for (Function f : Function.values()) { if ( { return f; } } return null; } } private interface Node { public Object evaluate(); } private class VariableNode implements Node { private String variableName; public VariableNode(String variableName){ this.variableName = variableName; } @Override public Object evaluate() { return this; } public String getVariableName() { return variableName; } public ByteBuffer resolveValue() { return mostRecentValues.get(variableName); } } private class ConstantNode implements Node { private int constant; public ConstantNode(int constant) { this.constant = constant; } @Override public Object evaluate() { return constant; } } private abstract class ExecutableNode implements Node { protected Function func; protected List<Node> children; public ExecutableNode(Function func) { this.func = func; this.children = Lists.newArrayList(); } public void addChild(Node child) { this.children.add(child); } /** Returns true if this function has all its arguments. */ public boolean isCompleted() { return children.size() == func.numArgs; } } /** Statement nodes cannot self-evaluate, they can only evaluate their sub-expressions. */ public class StatementNode extends ExecutableNode { private List<Object> evaluatedChildren; public StatementNode(Function func) { super(func); assert !func.isExpression; } /** Evaluates sub-expressions and returns null. */ @Override public Object evaluate() { if (evaluatedChildren != null) { return null; } this.evaluatedChildren = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Node child : children) { evaluatedChildren.add(child.evaluate()); } return null; } public Object getChild(int index) { return evaluatedChildren.get(index); } public Function getFunction() { return func; } /** For PUT and GET requests, returns the name of the key. */ public String getTarget() { evaluate(); assert getChild(0) instanceof VariableNode; VariableNode target = (VariableNode) getChild(0); return target.getVariableName(); } } /** * Expressions can be totally evaluated by the internal interpreter... * i.e., they represent only computational logic */ private class ExpressionNode extends ExecutableNode { public ExpressionNode(Function func) { super(func); assert func.isExpression; } private Object evalChild(int index) { return children.get(index).evaluate(); } private int toInt(Object o) { if (o instanceof Integer) { return (Integer) o; } else if (o instanceof VariableNode) { // Force resolution of variables VariableNode varNode = (VariableNode) o; ByteBuffer bb = varNode.resolveValue(); assert bb != null : "Attempted to read unknown value: `" + varNode.getVariableName() + "`"; return bb.getInt(0); } else { throw new AssertionError("Cannot convert object to int: " + o); } } @Override public Object evaluate() { switch (func) { case DIVIDE: return toInt(evalChild(0)) / toInt(evalChild(1)); case MINUS: return toInt(evalChild(0)) - toInt(evalChild(1)); case PLUS: return toInt(evalChild(0)) + toInt(evalChild(1)); case TIMES: return toInt(evalChild(0)) * toInt(evalChild(1)); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Don't know how to evaluate func: " + func); } } } public SimpleStackOperationInterpreter(IThebesClient client) { this.client = client; } @Override public Map<String, ByteBuffer> getOutput() { return mostRecentValues; } @Override public StatementNode parse(String operation) { String[] tokens = tokenize(operation); return parse(tokens); } /** Parses and executes the given operation! * @throws TException */ @Override public ByteBuffer execute(StatementNode operation) throws TException { return interpret(operation); } private ByteBuffer interpret(StatementNode node) throws TException { String key; ByteBuffer value; node.evaluate(); switch (node.func) { case GET: assert node.getChild(0) instanceof VariableNode; key = ((VariableNode) node.getChild(0)).getVariableName(); value = client.get(key); if (value != null) { mostRecentValues.put(key, value); logger.debug("GET " + key + " -> " + value.getInt(0)); } else { logger.debug("GET " + key + " -> " + value); } return value; case PUT: assert node.getChild(0) instanceof VariableNode; key = ((VariableNode) node.getChild(0)).getVariableName(); value = toByteBuffer(node.getChild(1)); assert value != null : "`" + key + "` not found!"; logger.debug("PUT " + key + " -> " + value.getInt(0)); client.put(key, value); mostRecentValues.put(key, value); return value; default: assert node.getChild(0) instanceof VariableNode; throw new AssertionError("Invalid statement: " + node.func); } } private ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(Object value) { if (value instanceof ByteBuffer) { return (ByteBuffer) value; } else if (value instanceof VariableNode) { return ((VariableNode) value).resolveValue(); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); bb.putInt((Integer) value); bb.rewind(); return bb; } else { throw new AssertionError("Could not evaluate to ByteBuffer: " + value + " [" + value.getClass() + "]"); } } private StatementNode parse(String[] tokens) { Stack<ExecutableNode> nodeStack = new Stack<ExecutableNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i ++) { String token = tokens[i]; Function func = Function.getFunctionByName(token); if (func != null) { ExecutableNode newNode; if (func.isExpression) { assert !nodeStack.isEmpty() : "Expression added before statement: " + concatenate(tokens); newNode = new ExpressionNode(func); nodeStack.peek().addChild(newNode); } else { assert nodeStack.isEmpty() : "Cannot have multiple statements: " + concatenate(tokens); newNode = new StatementNode(func); } nodeStack.push(newNode); } else { // Not a function, interpret it as a variable or number Node newNode; if (token.matches("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*")) { newNode = new VariableNode(token); } else if (token.matches("[0-9]+")) { newNode = new ConstantNode(Integer.parseInt(token)); } else { throw new AssertionError("Illegal token: `" + token + "` in line `" + concatenate(tokens) + "`"); } assert !nodeStack.isEmpty() : "No function wants this parameter: `" + token + "` in line `" + concatenate(tokens) + "`"; nodeStack.peek().addChild(newNode); } // Pop the last func off the stack if it's complete while (nodeStack.peek().isCompleted()) { ExecutableNode lastNode = nodeStack.pop(); if (nodeStack.isEmpty()) { assert tokens.length == i+1 : "Command malformed, ends at bar: " + concatenate(tokens, 0, i+1) + " | " + concatenate(tokens, i+1, tokens.length); assert lastNode instanceof StatementNode; // This should never fail, checked earlier. return (StatementNode) lastNode; } } } throw new AssertionError("Command malformed, does not end: " + concatenate(tokens)); } private String[] tokenize(String operation) { String[] tokens = operation.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i ++) { tokens[i] = tokens[i].trim(); } return tokens; } private String concatenate(String[] tokens) { return concatenate(tokens, 0, tokens.length); } private String concatenate(String[] tokens, int start, int end) { String out = ""; for (int i = start; i < end; i ++) { out += tokens[i] + " "; } return out.substring(0, out.length()-1); } }