package edu.berkeley.thebes.twopl.client; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import javax.naming.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException; import; import; import; import com.yammer.metrics.Metrics; import com.yammer.metrics.core.Meter; import com.yammer.metrics.core.Timer; import com.yammer.metrics.core.TimerContext; import edu.berkeley.thebes.common.config.Config; import edu.berkeley.thebes.common.interfaces.IThebesClient; import edu.berkeley.thebes.common.thrift.ServerAddress; import edu.berkeley.thebes.common.thrift.TTransactionAbortedException; import edu.berkeley.thebes.twopl.common.TwoPLMasterRouter; import edu.berkeley.thebes.twopl.common.thrift.TwoPLThriftUtil; import edu.berkeley.thebes.twopl.common.thrift.TwoPLTransactionResult; import edu.berkeley.thebes.twopl.common.thrift.TwoPLTransactionService; /** * This client forwards transactions to an appropriate {@link ThebesTwoPLTransactionManager}. * * We buffer the transaction and sends it off at the END. * Accordingly, GET and PUT cannot return valid values. */ public class ThebesTwoPLClient implements IThebesClient { private final Meter requestMetric = Metrics.newMeter(ThebesTwoPLClient.class, "2pl-requests", "requests", TimeUnit.SECONDS); private final Meter operationMetric = Metrics.newMeter(ThebesTwoPLClient.class, "2pl-operations", "operations", TimeUnit.SECONDS); private final Meter errorMetric = Metrics.newMeter(ThebesTwoPLClient.class, "2pl-errors", "errors", TimeUnit.SECONDS); private final Timer latencyMetric = Metrics.newTimer(ThebesTwoPLClient.class, "2pl-latencies", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); private boolean inTransaction; private List<String> xactCommands; private TwoPLMasterRouter masterRouter; // Note: only ConcurrentMap for method putIfAbsent. private ConcurrentMap<Integer, AtomicInteger> clusterToAccessesMap; @Override public void open() throws TTransportException, ConfigurationException, FileNotFoundException { masterRouter = new TwoPLMasterRouter(); } @Override public void beginTransaction() throws TException { if (inTransaction) { throw new TException("Currently in a transaction."); } clusterToAccessesMap = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); xactCommands = Lists.newArrayList(); inTransaction = true; } @Override public void abortTransaction() throws TException { throw new TException("abort not supported by ThebesTwoPLClient"); } @Override public boolean commitTransaction() throws TException { if (!inTransaction) { return false; } requestMetric.mark(); operationMetric.mark(xactCommands.size()); // Open the transaction client with the TM that's closest to the most-used masters. int max = -1; Integer maxClusterID = null; for (Entry<Integer, AtomicInteger> clusterIDCount : clusterToAccessesMap.entrySet()) { if (maxClusterID == null || clusterIDCount.getValue().get() > max) { maxClusterID = clusterIDCount.getKey(); max = clusterIDCount.getValue().get(); } } if (maxClusterID == null) { maxClusterID = Config.getClusterID(); } ServerAddress bestTM = Config.getTwoPLTransactionManagerByCluster(maxClusterID); TwoPLTransactionService.Client xactClient = TwoPLThriftUtil.getTransactionServiceClient(bestTM.getIP(), bestTM.getPort()); inTransaction = false; TwoPLTransactionResult result; final TimerContext timer = latencyMetric.time(); try { result = xactClient.execute(xactCommands); timer.stop(); System.out.println("Transaction committed successfully."); for (Entry<String, ByteBuffer> value : result.requestedValues.entrySet()) { System.out.println("Returned: " + value.getKey() + " -> " + value.getValue().getInt()); } return true; } catch (TTransactionAbortedException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getErrorMessage()); System.out.println("Transaction aborted."); errorMetric.mark(); return false; } catch (RuntimeException e) { errorMetric.mark(); throw e; } finally { timer.stop(); } } @Override public boolean put(String key, ByteBuffer value) throws TException { if (!inTransaction) { throw new TException("Must be in a transaction!"); } xactCommands.add("put " + key + " " + new String(value.array())); incrementCluster(key); return true; } @Override public ByteBuffer get(String key) throws TException { if (!inTransaction) { throw new TException("Must be in a transaction!"); } xactCommands.add("get " + key); incrementCluster(key); return null; } private void incrementCluster(String key) { ServerAddress address = masterRouter.getMasterAddressByKey(key); int clusterID = address.getClusterID(); clusterToAccessesMap.putIfAbsent(clusterID, new AtomicInteger(0)); clusterToAccessesMap.get(clusterID).incrementAndGet(); } /** Adds a raw command accepted by the Thebes Transactional Language (TTL). */ @Override public void sendCommand(String cmd) throws TException { if (!inTransaction) { throw new TException("Must be in a transaction!"); } xactCommands.add(cmd); } public void close() { return; } }