package org.geowebcache.diskquota; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.geowebcache.layer.TileLayer; import org.geowebcache.layer.TileLayerDispatcher; import org.geowebcache.layer.TileLayerListener; import org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.CustomizableThreadFactory; import org.springframework.util.Assert; public class UsageStatsMonitor { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UsageStatsMonitor.class); private static final CustomizableThreadFactory tf = new CustomizableThreadFactory( "GWC DiskQuota Usage Stats Gathering Thread-"); private final QuotaStore quotaStore; private final TileLayerDispatcher tileLayerDispatcher; private final TilePageCalculator tilePageCalculator; /** * Single threaded executor service for the {@link #usageStatsConsumer} */ private ExecutorService executorService; /** * Queue shared by the stats producer and the consumer */ private BlockingQueue<UsageStats> sharedQueue; /** * Listens to all {@link TileLayer layers} * {@link TileLayerListener#tileRequested(TileLayer, org.geowebcache.conveyor.ConveyorTile) * tileRequested} events and puts usage statistics on the {@link #sharedQueue} for the consumer * to save them to the {@link #quotaStore} */ private QueuedUsageStatsProducer usageStatsProducer; /** * Task that constantly polls the {@link #sharedQueue} for usage statistics payload objects and * aggregates them to be saved to the {@link #quotaStore} for the LRU and LFU * {@link ExpirationPolicy expiration policies} */ private QueuedUsageStatsConsumer usageStatsConsumer; public UsageStatsMonitor(final QuotaStore quotaStore, final TileLayerDispatcher tileLayerDispatcher) { Assert.notNull(quotaStore, "quotaStore is null"); Assert.notNull(tileLayerDispatcher, "tileLayerDispatcher is null"); this.quotaStore = quotaStore; this.tileLayerDispatcher = tileLayerDispatcher; this.tilePageCalculator = quotaStore.getTilePageCalculator(); } public void startUp() { executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(tf); sharedQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<UsageStats>(1000); usageStatsConsumer = new QueuedUsageStatsConsumer(quotaStore, sharedQueue, tilePageCalculator); executorService.submit(usageStatsConsumer); usageStatsProducer = new QueuedUsageStatsProducer(sharedQueue); Iterable<TileLayer> allLayers = tileLayerDispatcher.getLayerList(); for (TileLayer layer : allLayers) { layer.addLayerListener(usageStatsProducer); } } /** * Calls for a shut down and waits until any remaining task finishes before returning */ public void shutDown() { final boolean cancel = false; shutDown(cancel); final int maxAttempts = 6; final int seconds = 5; int attempts = 1; while (!executorService.isTerminated()) { attempts++; try { awaitTermination(seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { String message = "Usage statistics thread helper for DiskQuota failed to shutdown within " + (attempts * seconds) + " seconds. Attempt " + attempts + " of " + maxAttempts + "..."; log.warn(message); if (attempts == maxAttempts) { throw new RuntimeException(message, e); } } } } public void awaitTermination(int timeout, TimeUnit units) throws InterruptedException { if (!executorService.isShutdown()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Called awaitTermination but the " + "UsageStatsMonitor is not shutting down"); } executorService.awaitTermination(timeout, units); } /** * Calls for a shut down and returns immediatelly */ public void shutDownNow() { shutDown(true); } private void shutDown(final boolean cancel) { Iterable<TileLayer> allLayers = tileLayerDispatcher.getLayerList(); for (TileLayer layer : allLayers) { try { layer.removeLayerListener(usageStatsProducer); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Unexpected exception while removing the usage stats " + "listener from layer '" + layer + "'. Ignoring in order to continue with the monitor's shutdown " + "process", e); } } usageStatsConsumer.shutdown(); if (cancel) { usageStatsProducer.setCancelled(true); executorService.shutdownNow(); } else { executorService.shutdown(); } sharedQueue = null; } }