package org.geowebcache.service; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.owasp.encoder.Encode; /** * Unit test for {@link OWSException} * This fails if the encoding of the Exception Text or locator is not done * * @author Thijs Brentjens ( * @version $Id$ */ public class OWSExceptionEncodingTest extends TestCase { int httpCode; String exceptionCode = "OperationNotSupported"; String textToEncode = "<'text>\""; // The exception locator and text are vulnerable for XSS for example and should be escaped. Other parts of the Exception are fine. public void testLocator() throws Exception { OWSException xssExceptionLocator = new OWSException(httpCode, exceptionCode, textToEncode, "exceptionText"); assertTrue(isXmlEncoded(xssExceptionLocator)); } public void testText() throws Exception { OWSException xssExceptionText = new OWSException(httpCode, exceptionCode, "locator", textToEncode); assertTrue(isXmlEncoded(xssExceptionText)); } private boolean isXmlEncoded(OWSException exception) throws Exception{ // We should find the text to test back as an encoded string. String text = exception.toString(); String encoded = Encode.forXml(textToEncode); return text.contains(encoded); } }