package org.geowebcache.diskquota; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.geowebcache.conveyor.ConveyorTile; import; import org.geowebcache.layer.TileLayer; import org.geowebcache.layer.TileLayerListener; import org.springframework.util.Assert; /** * * <p> * This {@link TileLayerListener} is thread safe and can be called by any thread requesting a tile * from a {@link TileLayer} * * @author groldan * */ public class QueuedUsageStatsProducer implements TileLayerListener { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(QueuedQuotaUpdatesProducer.class); private final BlockingQueue<UsageStats> usageStatsQueue; private volatile boolean cancelled; public QueuedUsageStatsProducer(BlockingQueue<UsageStats> usageStatsQueue) { Assert.notNull(usageStatsQueue, "usageStatsQueue can't be null"); this.usageStatsQueue = usageStatsQueue; } /** * @see org.geowebcache.layer.TileLayerListener#tileRequested */ public void tileRequested(TileLayer layer, ConveyorTile tile) { String layerName = layer.getName(); if (cancelled(layerName)) { return; } String gridsetId = tile.getGridSetId(); String blobFormat = tile.getMimeType().getFormat(); String parametersId = tile.getParametersId(); TileSet tileSet = new TileSet(layerName, gridsetId, blobFormat, parametersId); long[] tileIndex = tile.getTileIndex().clone(); UsageStats usageLog = new UsageStats(tileSet, tileIndex); try { usageStatsQueue.put(usageLog); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (cancelled(layerName)) { return; }"Quota usage stats gathering for " + layerName + " abruptly interrupted on thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); } } public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) { this.cancelled = cancelled; } private boolean cancelled(String layerName) { if (cancelled) { log.debug("Quota usage stats listener cancelled. Avoiding adding update for layer " + layerName + " to tile page store"); } return cancelled; } }