package org.geoserver.gss.xml; import static org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLAssert.*; import org.geoserver.gss.PostDiffResponseType; import org.w3c.dom.Document; public class PostDiffTypeResponseBindingTest extends GSSXMLTestSupport { public void testEncode() throws Exception { PostDiffResponseType response = new PostDiffResponseType(); Document doc = encode(response, GSS.PostDiffResponse); // print(doc); assertXpathEvaluatesTo("true", "/gss:PostDiffResponse/@success", doc); } public void testParse() throws Exception { document = dom("PostDiffResponse.xml"); PostDiffResponseType pd = (PostDiffResponseType) parse(GSS.PostDiffResponse); // nothing else to do, the type is actually empty, just there so that we can tell apart // a service exception from a good result } }