package org.geoserver.cite; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException; import org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiLineString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPoint; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import; public class Loader { static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger( "org.geoserver.cite" ); public static void main(String[] args ) throws Exception { String datasource = null; String service = null; for ( int i = 0; i < args.length; i++ ) { if ( "-d".equals( args[i]) && i < args.length-1) { datasource = args[++i]; } if ( "-s".equals( args[i] ) && i < args.length-1) { service = args[++i]; } } if ( datasource == null || service == null ) { usage(); System.exit(1); } if ( !new File( datasource + ".properties").exists() ) { System.out.print( "No such file: " + datasource + ".properties"); } Properties p = new Properties(); p.load( new FileInputStream( datasource+".properties") ); Loader l = new Loader(); l.loadDataStore( p ); if ( new File( datasource + ".aliases" ).exists() ) { p = new Properties(); p.load( new FileInputStream( datasource+".aliases") ); l.loadAliases( p ); } if ( service.toLowerCase().startsWith("wfs-1.0")) { l.loadWFS10(); } if ( service.toLowerCase().startsWith( "wfs-1.1")) { l.loadWFS11(); } //l.loadAliases( a ); //l.loadWFS10(); //l.loadWFS11(); l.dispose(); } static void usage() { System.out.println( "java " + Loader.class.getName() + " -d <datasource> -s <service>"); } /** * data store parameters */ HashMap params; /** * type name aliases */ HashMap aliases; /** * the datastore */ DataStore dataStore; public void loadDataStore( Properties properties ) throws IOException { params = new HashMap(); for ( Object o : properties.keySet() ) { params.put( o.toString(), properties.get( o ) ); } DataStoreFactorySpi factory = null; for ( Iterator<DataStoreFactorySpi> i = DataStoreFinder.getAvailableDataStores(); i.hasNext(); ) { DataStoreFactorySpi f =; if ( f.canProcess( params ) ) { factory = f; break; } } if ( factory == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not aquire datastore."); } dataStore = factory.createDataStore(params); if ( dataStore == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not create datastore from specified parameters." ); } } public void dispose() { dataStore.dispose(); } public void loadAliases( Properties properties ) { aliases = new HashMap(); aliases.putAll( properties ); } SimpleFeatureType buildFeatureType( String name, String namespaceURI, int srid, List<String> names, Class... types ) { return buildFeatureType(name, namespaceURI, srid, names, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, types); } SimpleFeatureType buildFeatureType( String name, String namespaceURI, int srid, List<String> names, List<String> mandatory, Class... types ) { if ( aliases != null && aliases.containsKey( name ) ) { name = (String) aliases.get( name ); } SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); b.setName( name ); b.setNamespaceURI( namespaceURI ); try { b.setCRS( CRS.decode( "EPSG:" + srid) ); } catch( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } for ( int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++ ) { String attName = names.get( i ); if ( mandatory.contains( attName ) ) { b.minOccurs( 1 ); b.nillable(false); } if ( "description".equalsIgnoreCase( attName) ) { b.length( 5000 ); } b.add( attName, types[ i ] ); } return b.buildFeatureType(); } static String cdf ="" ; static String cgf =""; public void loadWFS10() throws Exception { loadDeletes(dataStore); loadFifteen(dataStore); loadLocks(dataStore); loadInserts(dataStore); loadNulls(dataStore); loadOther(dataStore); loadSeven(dataStore); loadUpdates(dataStore); loadLines(dataStore); loadMLines(dataStore); loadMPoints(dataStore); loadMPolygons(dataStore); loadPoints(dataStore); loadPolygons(dataStore); } void loadDeletes(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType Deletes = buildFeatureType( "Deletes", cdf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "id", "pointProperty"), String.class, Point.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore( Deletes, dataStore ); feature( w, "td0001", geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, "td0002", geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, "td0003", geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); w.close(); } void loadFifteen(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType Fifteen = buildFeatureType( "Fifteen", cdf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "pointProperty" ), Point.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore( Fifteen, dataStore ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); w.close(); } void loadInserts(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType Inserts = buildFeatureType( "Inserts", cdf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "id", "pointProperty"), String.class, Point.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore( Inserts, dataStore ); w.close(); } void loadLocks(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType Locks = buildFeatureType( "Locks", cdf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "id", "pointProperty"), String.class, Point.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore(Locks, dataStore); feature( w, "lfla0001", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfla0002", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfla0003", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfla0004", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlla0001", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlla0002", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlla0003", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlla0004", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfbt0001", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfbt0002", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfbt0003", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfbt0004", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfbt0005", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfbt0006", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlbt0001", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlbt0002", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlbt0003", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlbt0004", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlbt0005", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlbt0006", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfe0001", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfe0002",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfe0003",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfe0004",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwle0001",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwle0002",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwle0003",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwle0004",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfra0001",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfra0002",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfra0003",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfra0004",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfra0005",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfra0006",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfra0007",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfra0008",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfra0009",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfra0010",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlra0001",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlra0002",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlra0003",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlra0004",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlra0005",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlra0006",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlra0007",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlra0008",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlra0009",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlra0010",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfrs0001",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfrs0002",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfrs0003",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfrs0004",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfrs0005",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfrs0006",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfrs0007",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfrs0008",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfrs0009",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "lfrs0010",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlrs0001",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlrs0002",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlrs0003",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlrs0004",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlrs0005",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlrs0006",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlrs0007",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlrs0008",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlrs0009",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "gfwlrs0010",geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); w.close(); } void loadNulls(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType Nulls = buildFeatureType( "Nulls", cdf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "description", "name", "integers", "dates", "pointProperty"), String.class, String.class, Integer.class, Date.class, Point.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore(Nulls, dataStore); feature( w, "nullFeature",null,null,null,null ); w.close(); } void loadOther(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType Other = buildFeatureType( "Other", cdf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "description", "name", "pointProperty", "string1", "string2", "integers", "dates"), Arrays.asList( "string1" ), String.class, String.class, Point.class, String.class, String.class, Integer.class, Date.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore( Other, dataStore ); feature( w, "A Single Feature used to test returning of properties", "singleFeature", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)",32615 ), "always", "sometimes",7, date( "2002-12-02" ) ); } void loadSeven(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType Seven = buildFeatureType( "Seven", cdf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "pointProperty"), Point.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore(Seven, dataStore); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); feature( w, geometry( "POINT(500050 500050)" , 32615 ) ); w.close(); } void loadUpdates(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType Updates = buildFeatureType( "Updates", cdf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "id", "pointProperty"), String.class, Point.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore( Updates, dataStore ); feature( w, "tu0001", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "tu0002", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "tu0003", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); feature( w, "tu0004", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)", 32615 ) ); w.close(); } void loadLines(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType Lines = buildFeatureType( "Lines", cgf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "id", "lineStringProperty"), String.class, LineString.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore(Lines, dataStore); feature(w, "t0001", geometry("LINESTRING(500125 500025,500175 500075)", 32615 )); w.close(); } void loadMLines(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType MLines = buildFeatureType( "MLines", cgf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "id", "multiLineStringProperty"), String.class, MultiLineString.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore(MLines, dataStore); feature(w, "t0004", geometry("MULTILINESTRING((500425 500025,500475 500075),(500425 500075,500475 500025))",32615)); w.close(); } void loadMPoints(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType MPoints = buildFeatureType( "MPoints", cgf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "id", "multiPointProperty"), String.class, MultiPoint.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore( MPoints, dataStore ); feature( w, "t0003", geometry("MULTIPOINT(500325 500025,500375 500075)",32615)); w.close(); } void loadMPolygons(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType MPolygons = buildFeatureType( "MPolygons", cgf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "id", "multiPolygonProperty"), String.class, MultiPolygon.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore( MPolygons, dataStore ); feature( w, "t0005", geometry("MULTIPOLYGON(((500525 500025,500550 500050,500575 500025," + "500525 500025)),((500525 500050,500525 500075,500550 500075,500550 500050,500525 500050)))",32615)); w.close(); } void loadPoints(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType Points = buildFeatureType( "Points", cgf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "id", "pointProperty"), String.class, Point.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore(Points,dataStore); feature( w, "t0000", geometry("POINT(500050 500050)",32615)); w.close(); } void loadPolygons(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType Polygons = buildFeatureType( "Polygons", cgf, 32615, Arrays.asList( "id", "polygonProperty"), String.class, Polygon.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore(Polygons,dataStore); feature( w, "t0002", geometry("POLYGON((500225 500025,500225 500075,500275 500050,500275 500025,500225 500025))",32615)); w.close(); } String sf = ""; public void loadWFS11() throws Exception { loadPrimitiveGeoFeature(dataStore); loadAggregateGeoFeature(dataStore); //loadEntit�G�n�rique(dataStore); loadEntiteGenerique(dataStore); } void loadPrimitiveGeoFeature(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType PrimitiveGeoFeature = buildFeatureType( "PrimitiveGeoFeature", sf, 4326, Arrays.asList( "description", "name", "surfaceProperty", "pointProperty", "curveProperty", "intProperty", "uriProperty", "measurand", "dateTimeProperty", "dateProperty", "decimalProperty"), Arrays.asList( "intProperty", "measurand", "decimalProperty" ), String.class, String.class, Polygon.class, Point.class, LineString.class, Integer.class, String.class, Double.class, Date.class, Date.class, Double.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore(PrimitiveGeoFeature,dataStore); feature( w, "description-f001", "name-f001", null, geometry("POINT(2.00342 39.73245)", 4326), null, 155, "", 12765.0, null, date( "2006-10-25" ), 5.03 ); feature( w, "description-f002", "name-f002", null, geometry("POINT(0.22601 59.41276)", 4326), null, 154, "", 12769.0, null, date( "2006-10-23" ), 4.02 ); feature( w, "description-f003", "name-f003", null, null, geometry("LINESTRING(9.799 46.074,10.466 46.652,11.021 47.114)", 4326), 180, null, 672.1, null, date( "2006-09-01" ), 12.92 ); feature( w, "description-f008", "name-f008", geometry("POLYGON((30.899 45.174,30.466 45.652,30.466 45.891,30.899 45.174))", 4326),null, null, 300, null, 783.5, datetime("2006-06-28 07:08:00 +0200"), date( "2006-12-12" ), 18.92 ); feature( w, null, "name-f015", null, geometry("POINT(-10.52 34.94)", 4326), null, -900, null, 2.4, null, null, 7.9 ); w.close(); } void loadAggregateGeoFeature(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType AggregateGeoFeature = buildFeatureType( "AggregateGeoFeature", sf, 4326, Arrays.asList( "description", "name", "multiPointProperty", "multiCurveProperty", "multiSurfaceProperty", "doubleProperty", "intRangeProperty", "strProperty", "featureCode"), Arrays.asList( "doubleProperty", "strProperty", "featureCode" ), String.class, String.class, MultiPoint.class, MultiLineString.class, MultiPolygon.class, Double.class, String.class, String.class, String.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore(AggregateGeoFeature,dataStore); feature( w, "description-f005","name-f005", geometry("MULTIPOINT(29.86 70.83,31.08 68.87,32.19 71.96)",4326), null,null,2012.78,null,"Ma quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del resultant lingue es plu simplic e " + "regulari quam ti del coalescent lingues. Li nov lingua franca va esser plu simplic e regulari quam li " + "existent Europan lingues.","BK030"); feature( w, "description-f009","name-f009",null, geometry("MULTILINESTRING((-5.899 55.174," + "-5.466 55.652,-5.899 55.891,-5.899 58.174,-5.466 58.652,-5.899 58.891),(-5.188 53.265," + "-4.775 54.354,-4.288 52.702,-4.107 53.611,-4.010 55.823))",4326),null,20.01,null, "Ma quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del resultant.","GB007"); feature( w, "description-f010","name-f010",null,null,geometry("MULTIPOLYGON(((20 50,19 54,20 55," + "30 60,28 52,27 51,29 49,27 47,20 50),(25 55,25.2 56,25.1 56,25 55)),((20.0 35.5,24.0 35.0," + "28.0 35.0,27.5 39.0,22.0 37.0,20.0 35.5),(26.0 36.0,25.0 37.0,27.0 36.8,26.0 36.0)))",4326), 24510,null,"Ma quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del resultant lingue es plu simplic e " + "regulari quam ti del coalescent lingues. Li nov lingua franca va esser plu simplic e regulari " + "quam li existent Europan lingues.","AK020"); feature( w, null,"name-f016",null,null,geometry("MULTIPOLYGON(((6.0 57.5, 8.0 57.5, 8.0 60.0, 9.0 62.5, 5.0 62.5,6.0 60.0,6.0 57.5)," + "(6.5 58.0,6.5 59.0,7.0 59.0,6.5 58.0)))",4326),-182.9,null,"In rhoncus nisl sit amet sem.","EE010"); w.close(); } void loadEntiteGenerique(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { //void loadEntit�G�n�rique(DataStore dataStore) throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType /*Entit�G�n�rique*/EntiteGenerique = buildFeatureType( "Entit�G�n�rique", sf, 4326, Arrays.asList( "description", "name", "attribut.G�om�trie", "boolProperty", "str4Property", "featureRef"), Arrays.asList( "attribut.G�om�trie", "boolProperty", "str4Property"), String.class, String.class, Geometry.class, Boolean.class, String.class, String.class ); FeatureWriter w = buildFeatureStore(EntiteGenerique, dataStore); feature( w, "description-f004","name-f004", geometry("POLYGON((0 60.5,0 64,6.25 64,6.25 60.5,0 60.5)," + "(2 61.5,2 62.5,4 62,2 61.5))",4326),true,"abc3","name-f003"); feature( w, "description-f007","name-f007", geometry("POLYGON((15 35,16 40,20 39,22.5 37,18 36,15 35)," + "(17.5 37.1,17.6 37.2,17.7 37.3,17.8 37.4,17.9 37.5,17.9 37,17.5 37.1))",4326),false,"def4",null); feature( w, "description-f017", "name-f017",geometry("LINESTRING(4.899 50.174,5.466 52.652,6.899 53.891," + "7.780 54.382,8.879 54.982)",4326),false,"qrst","name-f015"); w.close(); } FeatureWriter buildFeatureStore( SimpleFeatureType schema, DataStore dataStore ) throws Exception { "Loading " + schema.getTypeName() ); try { dataStore.createSchema(schema); } catch( Exception e ) { //could already exist, do a quick query to check try { if ( dataStore.getSchema( schema.getName() ) == null ) { throw e; } } catch( Exception e2 ) { throw e; } //delete all features FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore) dataStore.getFeatureSource( schema.getName() ); store.removeFeatures(Filter.INCLUDE); } return dataStore.getFeatureWriterAppend( schema.getTypeName(), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT ); } void feature( FeatureWriter w, Object... values ) throws Exception { w.hasNext(); SimpleFeature f = (SimpleFeature); for ( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) { f.setAttribute(i, values[i] ); } w.write(); } Geometry geometry( String wkt, int srid ) throws Exception { Geometry g = new WKTReader().read( wkt ); g.setUserData( CRS.decode( "EPSG:" + srid ) ); return g; } Date date( String d ) throws ParseException { return new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd Z").parse(d + " +0000" ); } Date datetime( String d ) throws ParseException { return new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss Z").parse(d); } }