package org.csstudio.ui.util.widgets; import org.csstudio.ui.util.dialogs.ExceptionDetailsErrorDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CLabel; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.wb.swt.ResourceManager; /** * An error bar to display an exception message and the details in a pop-up. * * @author carcassi * */ public class ErrorBar extends Composite { private Label errorImage; private CLabel errorLabel; private Exception exception; private int marginTop = 0; private int marginBottom = 0; private int marginLeft = 0; private int marginRight = 0; /** * Create a new error bar. * * @param parent widget parent * @param style style of the widget */ public ErrorBar(Composite parent, int style) { super(parent, style); GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout(3, false); gridLayout.marginWidth = 0; gridLayout.marginHeight = 0; gridLayout.marginLeft = 1; setLayout(gridLayout); Cursor handCursor = new Cursor(getDisplay(), SWT.CURSOR_HAND); MouseListener listener = new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) { if (e.button == 1) { ExceptionDetailsErrorDialog.openError(getShell(), "Query failed...", exception); } } }; errorImage = new Label(this, SWT.NONE); GridData gd_errorImage = new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, false, false, 1, 1); errorImage.setLayoutData(gd_errorImage); errorImage.setImage(ResourceManager.getPluginImage("org.csstudio.ui.util", "icons/error-16.png")); errorImage.setCursor(handCursor); errorImage.addMouseListener(listener); errorLabel = new CLabel(this, SWT.NONE); GridData gd_errorLabel = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1); errorLabel.setLayoutData(gd_errorLabel); errorLabel.setCursor(handCursor); errorLabel.addMouseListener(listener); setException(null); } public void setException(Exception ex) { if (!isDisposed()) { this.exception = ex; if (ex == null) { errorLabel.setToolTipText(""); errorLabel.setText(""); GridData gd = (GridData) errorLabel.getLayoutData(); gd.exclude = true; errorLabel.setLayoutData(gd); gd = (GridData) errorImage.getLayoutData(); gd.exclude = true; errorImage.setLayoutData(gd); ((GridLayout) getLayout()).marginBottom = 0; ((GridLayout) getLayout()).marginTop = 0; ((GridLayout) getLayout()).marginLeft = 0; ((GridLayout) getLayout()).marginRight = 0; } else { errorLabel.setToolTipText(ex.getMessage()); errorLabel.setText(ex.getMessage()); GridData gd = (GridData) errorLabel.getLayoutData(); gd.exclude = false; gd.widthHint = getParent().getSize().x - 30; errorLabel.setLayoutData(gd); gd = (GridData) errorImage.getLayoutData(); gd.exclude = false; errorImage.setLayoutData(gd); ((GridLayout) getLayout()).marginBottom = marginBottom; ((GridLayout) getLayout()).marginTop = marginTop; // We always want at least one pixel on the left ((GridLayout) getLayout()).marginLeft = marginLeft + 1; ((GridLayout) getLayout()).marginRight = marginRight; } getParent().layout(); } } /** * The margin on the top of the error bar, if displayed. * * @return the top margin */ public int getMarginTop() { return marginTop; } /** * Changes the margin on the top of the error bar, if displayed. * * @param marginTop the new margin */ public void setMarginTop(int marginTop) { this.marginTop = marginTop; getParent().layout(); } /** * The margin on the bottom of the error bar, if displayed. * * @return the top margin */ public int getMarginBottom() { return marginBottom; } /** * Changes the margin on the bottom of the error bar, if displayed. * * @param marginBottom the new margin */ public void setMarginBottom(int marginBottom) { this.marginBottom = marginBottom; getParent().layout(); } /** * The margin on the left of the error bar, if displayed. * * @return the left margin */ public int getMarginLeft() { return marginLeft; } /** * Changes the margin on the left of the error bar, if displayed. * * @param marginLeft the new margin */ public void setMarginLeft(int marginLeft) { this.marginLeft = marginLeft; getParent().layout(); } /** * The margin on the right of the error bar, if displayed. * * @return the right margin */ public int getMarginRight() { return marginRight; } /** * Changes the margin on the right of the error bar, if displayed. * * @param marginRight the new margin */ public void setMarginRight(int marginRight) { this.marginRight = marginRight; getParent().layout(); } }