package org.csstudio.sds.components.ui.internal.figures; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.csstudio.sds.components.ui.internal.editparts.IBoolControlListener; import org.csstudio.ui.util.CustomMediaFactory; import org.eclipse.draw2d.MouseEvent; import org.eclipse.draw2d.MouseListener; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IInputValidator; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.InputDialog; import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MessageBox; /** * Abstract boolean control figure for bool button, toggle switch... * @author Xihui Chen * */ public class AbstractBoolControlFigure extends AbstractBoolFigure { protected boolean toggle = false; protected boolean showConfirmDialog = false; protected String password = ""; protected String confirmTip = "Are you sure you want to do this?"; protected boolean runMode = false; protected ButtonPresser buttonPresser; protected final static Color DISABLE_COLOR = CustomMediaFactory.getInstance().getColor( CustomMediaFactory.COLOR_GRAY); /** The alpha (0 is transparency and 255 is opaque) for disabled paint */ protected static final int DISABLED_ALPHA = 100; public AbstractBoolControlFigure() { super(); buttonPresser = new ButtonPresser(); } class ButtonPresser extends MouseListener.Stub { private boolean canceled = false; @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { if (me.button != 1) return; if(runMode){ if(toggle){ if(openConfirmDialog()) fireManualValueChange(!boolValue); } else{ if(openConfirmDialog()){ canceled = false; fireManualValueChange(true); if(showConfirmDialog) Display.getCurrent().timerExec(100, new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { fireManualValueChange(false); } }); }else canceled = true; } me.consume(); repaint(); } } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) { if (me.button != 1) return; if(!toggle && runMode && !canceled){ fireManualValueChange(false); me.consume(); repaint(); } } } /** * Listeners that react on manual boolean value change events. */ private List<IBoolControlListener> boolControlListeners = new ArrayList<IBoolControlListener>(); /**add a boolean control listener which will be executed when pressed or released * @param listener the listener to add */ public void addBoolControlListener(final IBoolControlListener listener){ boolControlListeners.add(listener); } /** * @param toggle the toggle to set */ public void setToggle(boolean toggle) { this.toggle = toggle; } /** * @param showConfirmDialog the showConfirmDialog to set */ public void setShowConfirmDialog(boolean showConfirmDialog) { this.showConfirmDialog = showConfirmDialog; } /** * @param password the password to set */ public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } /** * @param confirmTip the confirmTip to set */ public void setConfirmTip(String confirmTip) { this.confirmTip = confirmTip; } /** * @param runMode the runMode to set */ public void setRunMode(boolean runMode) { this.runMode = runMode; } /** * Inform all boolean control listeners, that the manual value has changed. * * @param newManualValue * the new manual value */ protected void fireManualValueChange(final boolean newManualValue) { boolValue = newManualValue; updateValue(); if(runMode){ for (IBoolControlListener l : boolControlListeners) { l.valueChanged(boolValue); } } } /**open a confirm dialog. * @return false if user canceled, true if user pressed OK. */ private boolean openConfirmDialog() { //confirm & password input dialog if(showConfirmDialog && runMode){ if(password == null || password.equals("")){ MessageBox mb = new MessageBox(Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(), SWT.ICON_QUESTION | SWT.YES | SWT.NO |SWT.CANCEL); mb.setMessage(confirmTip); mb.setText("Confirm Dialog"); int val =; if(val == SWT.NO || val == SWT.CANCEL) return false; }else { InputDialog dlg = new InputDialog(Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(), "Password Input Dialog", "Please input the password", "", new IInputValidator(){ @Override public String isValid(String newText) { if (newText.equals(password)) return null; else return "Password error!"; } }){@Override protected int getInputTextStyle() { return SWT.SINGLE | SWT.PASSWORD; }}; dlg.setBlockOnOpen(true); int val =; if(val == Window.CANCEL) return false; } } return true; } }