package org.csstudio.sds.components.ui.internal.figureparts; import org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.linearscale.AbstractScale; import org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.linearscale.ITicksProvider; import org.csstudio.ui.util.CustomMediaFactory; import org.eclipse.draw2d.FigureUtilities; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; /** * Round scale has the tick labels and tick marks on a circle. * It can be used for any round scale based widget, such meter, gauge, knob etc. <br> * A round scale is comprised of Scale line, tick labels and tick marks which include * minor ticks and major ticks. <br> * The endAngle is on the clockwise side of startAngle. Regardless the startAngle and endAngle, * the scale will always be drawn in a square. The bounds will be automatically cropped to the * square with the max possible size. * * @author Xihui Chen * */ public class RoundScale extends AbstractScale { @Override public ITicksProvider getTicksProvider() { throw new IllegalArgumentException("getTicksProvider not supported for RoundScale"); } public static final int SPACE_BTW_MARK_LABEL = 1; /** the scale tick labels */ private RoundScaleTickLabels tickLabels; /** the scale tick marks */ private RoundScaleTickMarks tickMarks; /** the length of the whole scale in pixels */ private int lengthInPixels; /** the length of the whole scale in degrees */ private double lengthInDegrees; /** The estimated donut width which is used calculate the radius. */ private int estimatedDonutWidth; /** the start angle of the scale in degrees, which is the angle position of minimum */ private double startAngle = 225; /** the end angle of the scale in degrees, which is the angle position of maximum. * The end angle is in the clockwise of startAngle. */ private double endAngle = 315; /** the radius of the scale */ private int radius; private final static Font DEFAULT_FONT = CustomMediaFactory.getInstance().getFont( CustomMediaFactory.FONT_ARIAL); /** * Constructor. */ public RoundScale() { tickLabels = new RoundScaleTickLabels(this); tickMarks = new RoundScaleTickMarks(this); add(tickMarks); add(tickLabels); setFont(DEFAULT_FONT); } private void calcEstimatedDonutWidth() { estimatedDonutWidth = (int) Math.ceil(Math.max(FigureUtilities.getTextExtents( format(getRange().getLower()),getFont()).width, FigureUtilities.getTextExtents(format(getRange().getUpper()), getFont()).width)) + SPACE_BTW_MARK_LABEL + RoundScaleTickMarks.MAJOR_TICK_LENGTH; } /** * @return the length of the whole scale in pixels */ public int getLengthInPixels() { return lengthInPixels; } /** * @return the length of the whole scale in degrees */ public double getLengthInDegrees() { return lengthInDegrees; } /**@param pixels the pixels to be converted * @return the corresponding length in radians */ public double convertPixelToRadians(int pixels) { return lengthInDegrees * (Math.PI/180) * pixels / lengthInPixels; } /** * @return the estimated donut width, which is used to calculate the radius */ public int getEstimatedDonutWidth() { if(isDirty()) calcEstimatedDonutWidth(); return estimatedDonutWidth; } @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize(int wHint, int hHint) { wHint = Math.min(wHint, hHint); hHint = wHint; Dimension size = new Dimension(wHint, hHint); return size; } /** * Gets the scale tick labels. * * @return the scale tick labels */ public RoundScaleTickLabels getScaleTickLabels() { return tickLabels; } /** * Gets the scale tick marks. * * @return the scale tick marks */ public RoundScaleTickMarks getScaleTickMarks() { return tickMarks; } /** * Get the position of the value in degrees. Which is the angular coordinate in the polar * coordinate system, whose pole(the origin) is the center of the bounds, whose polar axis * is from left to right on horizontal if relative is false. * @param value the value to find its position. It would be coerced to the range of scale. * @param relative the polar axs would be counterclockwisely rotated to the endAngle if true. * @return position in degrees */ public double getValuePosition(double value, boolean relative) { updateTick(); //coerce to range double min = getRange().getLower(); double max = getRange().getUpper(); value = value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value); double valuePosition; if(isLogScaleEnabled()) { if(value <=0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid value: value must be greater than 0"); valuePosition = startAngle - ((Math.log10(value) - Math .log10(min)) / (Math.log10(max) - Math.log10(min)) * lengthInDegrees); } else valuePosition = startAngle - ((value - min)/(max-min)*lengthInDegrees); //rotate the axis to endAngle if(relative) valuePosition -= endAngle; if(valuePosition < 0) valuePosition += 360; return valuePosition; } @Override protected void layout() { super.layout(); updateTick(); Rectangle area = getClientArea(); tickLabels.setBounds(area); tickMarks.setBounds(area); } @Override public void setBounds(Rectangle rect) { if(!bounds.equals(rect)) setDirty(true); //get the square in the rect rect.width = Math.min(rect.width, rect.height); rect.height = rect.width; super.setBounds(rect); } @Override public void setFont(Font font) { if (font != null && font.isDisposed()) { SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } tickLabels.setFont(font); super.setFont(font); } @Override public void setForegroundColor(Color color) { tickMarks.setForegroundColor(color); tickLabels.setForegroundColor(color); } /** * Updates the tick, recalculate all parameters, such as margin, length... */ @Override public void updateTick() { if(isDirty()){ //set radius if(getTickLabelSide() == LabelSide.Primary) { //set an estimated radius first radius = bounds.width/2 - getEstimatedDonutWidth(); if(endAngle - startAngle > 0) { lengthInDegrees = 360 - (endAngle - startAngle); lengthInPixels =(int) (2*Math.PI*radius*( 1 - (endAngle-startAngle)/360)); } else { lengthInDegrees = startAngle - endAngle; lengthInPixels =(int) (2*Math.PI*radius*((startAngle-endAngle)/360)); } tickLabels.update(lengthInDegrees, lengthInPixels); //adjust the radius so the tick labels have enough space to //be drawn inside the bounds radius -= tickLabels.getTickLabelMaxOutLength(); } else radius = bounds.width/2 - 1; if(endAngle - startAngle > 0) { lengthInDegrees = 360 - (endAngle - startAngle); lengthInPixels =(int) (2*Math.PI*radius*( 1 - (endAngle-startAngle)/360)); } else { lengthInDegrees = startAngle - endAngle; lengthInPixels =(int) (2*Math.PI*radius*((startAngle-endAngle)/360)); } tickLabels.update(lengthInDegrees, lengthInPixels); setDirty(false); } } /** * Updates the tick layout. protected void updateLayoutData() { axisTickLabels.updateLayoutData(); axisTickMarks.updateLayoutData(); } */ @Override protected boolean useLocalCoordinates() { return true; } /** * @param startAngle the startAngle to set */ public void setStartAngle(double startAngle) { this.startAngle = startAngle; } /** * @return the startAngle */ public double getStartAngle() { return startAngle; } /** * @param endAngle the endAngle to set */ public void setEndAngle(double endAngle) { this.endAngle = endAngle; } /** * @return the endAngle */ public double getEndAngle() { return endAngle; } /** * @param radius the radius to set */ public void setRadius(int radius) { this.radius = radius; } /** * @return the radius */ public int getRadius() { return radius; } /** * @return the inner radius for a primary tick label side scale. */ public int getInnerRadius() { updateTick(); return radius; } }