/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package fedora.server.rest; public interface RestParam { String FORCE = "force"; String AS_OF_DATE_TIME = "asOfDateTime"; String LABEL = "label"; String STATE = "state"; String OWNER_ID = "ownerId"; String ENCODING = "encoding"; String FORMAT = "format"; String CONTENT_MODEL = "contentModel"; String LOG_MESSAGE = "logMessage"; String VERSIONABLE = "versionable"; String DS_LOCATION = "dsLocation"; String CONTROL_GROUP = "controlGroup"; String ALT_IDS = "altIDs"; String DS_LABEL = "dsLabel"; String DS_STATE = "dsState"; String FORMAT_URI = "formatURI"; String CHECKSUM_TYPE = "checksumType"; String CHECKSUM = "checksum"; String VALIDATE_CHECKSUM = "validateChecksum"; String END_DT = "endDT"; String START_DT = "startDT"; String NAMESPACE = "namespace"; String EXPORT_CONTEXT = "context"; String DSID = "dsID"; String PID = "pid"; String SDEF = "sDef"; String METHOD = "method"; String MIME_TYPE = "mimeType"; String IGNORE_CONTENT = "ignoreContent"; String IGNORE_MIME = "ignoreMime"; String DOWNLOAD = "download"; }