/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package fedora.generate; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; /** * Builds a wrapper around a generated Axis client stub, which includes imports * for the class and code that should run before and after each method * invocation. This is a cheap way of writing specialized API-A and API-M client * classes that need to do something extra (the same thing) for each method * call. Like, for instance, run it in a SwingWorker thread because it's being * called from a GUI. This is cleaner than writing the SwingWorker code for each * piece in the code where API-A or API-M methods need to be called. * * @author Chris Wilper */ public class BuildAxisStubWrapper { private final BufferedWriter m_writer; private static String N = System.getProperty("line.separator"); public BuildAxisStubWrapper(File stubFile, File templateFile, String wrapperPackage, String wrapperClass, File wrapperFile) throws Exception { System.out.println("Dynamically generating sourcecode for " + wrapperPackage + "." + wrapperClass); // first read the template, splitting by ##SPLITTER##, into 3 buffers StringBuffer importBuf = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer tsBuf = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer tfBuf = new StringBuffer(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(templateFile))); boolean sawSplitter = false; String line = "first"; int i; boolean sawImports = false; while (line != null) { if (sawImports && line.equals("##SPLITTER##")) { sawSplitter = true; } else { if (!line.equals("first")) { if (!sawImports) { int x = 0; while (!line.equals("##SPLITTER##")) { importBuf.append(line + N); line = reader.readLine(); x++; if (x == 2000) { throw new IOException("Template file must contain two ##SPLITTER## lines."); } } sawImports = true; } else { if (sawSplitter) { tfBuf.append(" " + line + N); } else { tsBuf.append(" " + line + N); } } } } line = reader.readLine(); } reader.close(); String methodStart = tsBuf.toString(); String methodFinish = tfBuf.toString(); if (!sawSplitter) { throw new IOException("Bad template... does not contain ##SPLITTER## line."); } // then start writing the output.. m_writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(wrapperFile)); println("package " + wrapperPackage + ";" + N + N + "import java.util.HashMap; // needed by generated code" + N); println(importBuf.toString()); println("public class " + wrapperClass); // do the rest as we scan the stub file reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(stubFile))); line = ""; while (line != null) { i = line.indexOf("implements"); if (i != -1) { String endPart = line.substring(i + 11); String interfaceClassName = endPart.substring(0, endPart.indexOf(" ")); println(" implements " + interfaceClassName + " {"); println(""); println(" /** The wrapped instance */"); println(" private " + interfaceClassName + " m_instance;"); println(""); println(" public " + wrapperClass + "(" + interfaceClassName + " instance) {"); println(" m_instance=instance;"); println(" }"); } else { if (line.indexOf("public") != -1 && line.indexOf("throws java.rmi.RemoteException") != -1) { println(""); println(line); i = line.indexOf("("); String beforeParams = line.substring(0, i); int j = beforeParams.lastIndexOf(" "); String methodName = beforeParams.substring(j + 1); println(" String METHOD_NAME=\"" + methodName + "\";"); println(" HashMap PARMS=new HashMap();"); String thisMethodStart; String thisMethodFinish; if (line.indexOf("public boolean ") != -1) { thisMethodStart = methodStart.replaceAll("##RETURN_TYPE##", "Object"); thisMethodFinish = methodFinish.replaceAll("##RETURN_TYPE##", "Object"); thisMethodStart = thisMethodStart .replaceAll("##RETURN##", "return (Boolean)worker.get();// "); thisMethodFinish = thisMethodFinish .replaceAll("##RETURN##", "return (Boolean)worker.get();// "); } else if (line.indexOf(" void ") == -1) { String afterPublic = line.substring(line.indexOf("public") + 7); String returnType = afterPublic.substring(0, afterPublic .indexOf(" ")); thisMethodStart = methodStart.replaceAll("##RETURN_TYPE##", returnType); thisMethodFinish = methodFinish.replaceAll("##RETURN_TYPE##", returnType); thisMethodStart = thisMethodStart.replaceAll("##RETURN##", "return "); thisMethodFinish = thisMethodFinish.replaceAll("##RETURN##", "return "); } else { thisMethodStart = methodStart.replaceAll("##RETURN_TYPE##", "Object"); thisMethodFinish = methodFinish.replaceAll("##RETURN_TYPE##", "Object"); thisMethodStart = thisMethodStart.replaceAll("##RETURN##", "// "); thisMethodFinish = thisMethodFinish .replaceAll("##RETURN##", "// "); } StringBuffer callBuf = new StringBuffer(); if (line.indexOf(" void ") == -1) { callBuf.append("return "); } callBuf.append("m_instance." + methodName + "("); // get the names of the parameters String parmsAndEnd = line.substring(i + 1); String justParms = parmsAndEnd.substring(0, parmsAndEnd.indexOf(")")); String[] sigs = justParms.split(" "); if (sigs.length > 1) { // at least one parm if (sigs.length == 2) { // one parm doParm(sigs[0], sigs[1], callBuf); } else { // multiple parms for (int z = 0; z < sigs.length; z++) { if (sigs[z].indexOf(",") != -1) { //callBuf.append(sigs[z].substring(0, sigs[z].length()-1) + ", "); doParm(sigs[z - 1], sigs[z].substring(0, sigs[z] .length() - 1), callBuf); callBuf.append(", "); } else { // last parm if (z == sigs.length - 1) { doParm(sigs[z - 1], sigs[z], callBuf); // callBuf.append(sigs[z]); } } } } } callBuf.append(");"); println(thisMethodStart); println("// call wrapped method" + N + callBuf.toString() + N); println(thisMethodFinish + " }"); } } line = reader.readLine(); } reader.close(); println("}"); // close when finished m_writer.close(); } private void doParm(String t, String n, StringBuffer buf) throws Exception { if (t.equals("boolean")) { println(" PARMS.put(\"" + n + "\", new Boolean(" + n + "));"); buf.append("((Boolean) parms.get(\"" + n + "\")).booleanValue()"); } else if (t.equals("int")) { println(" PARMS.put(\"" + n + "\", new Integer(" + n + "));"); buf.append("((Integer) parms.get(\"" + n + "\")).intValue()"); } else { println(" PARMS.put(\"" + n + "\", " + n + ");"); buf.append("(" + t + ") parms.get(\"" + n + "\")"); } } private void println(String line) throws Exception { m_writer.write(line, 0, line.length()); m_writer.newLine(); } public static void main(String[] args) { int argCount = 5; try { if (args.length == argCount) { File stub = new File(args[0]); File template = new File(args[1]); String pkg = args[2]; String cls = args[3]; File wrapper = new File(args[4]); new BuildAxisStubWrapper(stub, template, pkg, cls, wrapper); } else { throw new IOException("Must supply " + argCount + " arguments."); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getMessage() != null) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } else { e.printStackTrace(); } System.err .println("Usage: BuildAxisStubWrapper stubFile templateFile " + "wrapperPackage wrapperClass wrapperFile"); } } }