/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package fedora.common.xml.namespace; /** * The Fedora Batch Modify XML namespace. * * <pre> * Namespace URI : http://www.fedora.info/definitions/ * Preferred Prefix : fbm * </pre> * * @author Chris Wilper */ public class FedoraBatchModifyNamespace extends XMLNamespace { //--- // Elements //--- /** The <code>addDatastream</code> element. */ public final QName ADD_DATASTREAM; /** The <code>addObject</code> element. */ public final QName ADD_OBJECT; /** The <code>batchModify</code> element. */ public final QName BATCH_MODIFY; /** The <code>compareDatastreamChecksum</code> element. */ public final QName COMPARE_DATASTREAM_CHECKSUM; /** The <code>modifyDatastream</code> element. */ public final QName MODIFY_DATASTREAM; /** The <code>modifyObject</code> element. */ public final QName MODIFY_OBJECT; /** The <code>purgeDatastream</code> element. */ public final QName PURGE_DATASTREAM; /** The <code>purgeObject</code> element. */ public final QName PURGE_OBJECT; /** The <code>setDatastreamState</code> element. */ public final QName SET_DATASTREAM_STATE; /** The <code>setDatastreamVersionable</code> element. */ public final QName SET_DATASTREAM_VERSIONABLE; /** The <code>xmlData</code> element. */ public final QName XML_DATA; //--- // Attributes //--- /** The <code>altIDs</code> attribute. */ public final QName ALT_IDS; /** The <code>asOfDate</code> attribute. */ public final QName AS_OF_DATE; /** The <code>checksum</code> attribute. */ public final QName CHECKSUM; /** The <code>checksumType</code> attribute. */ public final QName CHECKSUM_TYPE; /** The <code>contentModel</code> attribute. */ public final QName CONTENT_MODEL; /** The <code>dsControlGroupType</code> attribute. */ public final QName DS_CONTROL_GROUP_TYPE; /** The <code>dsID</code> attribute. */ public final QName DS_ID; /** The <code>dsLabel</code> attribute. */ public final QName DS_LABEL; /** The <code>dsLocation</code> attribute. */ public final QName DS_LOCATION; /** The <code>dsMIME</code> attribute. */ public final QName DS_MIME; /** The <code>dsState</code> attribute. */ public final QName DS_STATE; /** The <code>endDate</code> attribute. */ public final QName END_DATE; /** The <code>force</code> attribute. */ public final QName FORCE; /** The <code>formatURI</code> attribute. */ public final QName FORMAT_URI; /** The <code>label</code> attribute. */ public final QName LABEL; /** The <code>logMessage</code> attribute. */ public final QName LOG_MESSAGE; /** The <code>ownerId</code> attribute. */ public final QName OWNER_ID; /** The <code>pid</code> attribute. */ public final QName PID; /** The <code>state</code> attribute. */ public final QName STATE; /** The <code>versionable</code> attribute. */ public final QName VERSIONABLE; //--- // Singleton instantiation //--- /** The only instance of this class. */ private static final FedoraBatchModifyNamespace ONLY_INSTANCE = new FedoraBatchModifyNamespace(); /** * Constructs the instance. */ private FedoraBatchModifyNamespace() { super("http://www.fedora.info/definitions/", "fbm"); // elements ADD_DATASTREAM = new QName(this, "addDatastream"); ADD_OBJECT = new QName(this, "addObject"); BATCH_MODIFY = new QName(this, "batchModify"); COMPARE_DATASTREAM_CHECKSUM = new QName(this, "compareDatastreamChecksum"); MODIFY_DATASTREAM = new QName(this, "modifyDatastream"); MODIFY_OBJECT = new QName(this, "modifyObject"); PURGE_DATASTREAM = new QName(this, "purgeDatastream"); PURGE_OBJECT = new QName(this, "purgeObject"); SET_DATASTREAM_STATE = new QName(this, "setDatastreamState"); SET_DATASTREAM_VERSIONABLE = new QName(this, "setDatastreamVersionable"); XML_DATA = new QName(this, "xmlData"); // attributes ALT_IDS = new QName(this, "altIDs"); AS_OF_DATE = new QName(this, "asOfDate"); CHECKSUM = new QName(this, "checksum"); CHECKSUM_TYPE = new QName(this, "checksumType"); CONTENT_MODEL = new QName(this, "contentModel"); DS_CONTROL_GROUP_TYPE = new QName(this, "dsControlGroupType"); DS_ID = new QName(this, "dsID"); DS_LABEL = new QName(this, "dsLabel"); DS_LOCATION = new QName(this, "dsLocation"); DS_MIME = new QName(this, "dsMIME"); DS_STATE = new QName(this, "dsState"); END_DATE = new QName(this, "endDate"); FORCE = new QName(this, "force"); FORMAT_URI = new QName(this, "formatURI"); LABEL = new QName(this, "label"); LOG_MESSAGE = new QName(this, "logMessage"); OWNER_ID = new QName(this, "ownerId"); PID = new QName(this, "pid"); STATE = new QName(this, "state"); VERSIONABLE = new QName(this, "versionable"); } /** * Gets the only instance of this class. * * @return the instance. */ public static FedoraBatchModifyNamespace getInstance() { return ONLY_INSTANCE; } }