package; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.TimeZone; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.etk.kernel.container.ApplicationContainer; import org.etk.kernel.container.KernelContainerContext; import; public final class Util { /** * Prevents constructing a new instance. */ private Util() { } /** * Gets the response object constructed from the provided params. * * @param entity the identity * @param uriInfo the uri request info * @param mediaType the media type to be returned * @param status the status code * @return response the response object */ static public Response getResponse(Object entity, UriInfo uriInfo, MediaType mediaType, Response.Status status) { return Response.created(UriBuilder.fromUri(uriInfo.getAbsolutePath()).build()) .entity(entity) .type(mediaType) .status(status) .build(); } /** * Gets mediaType from string format. * Currently supports json and xml only. * * @param format * @return mediaType of matched or throw BAD_REQUEST exception * @throws WebApplicationException * @deprecated User {@link #getMediaType(String, String[])} instead. * Will be removed by 1.3.x */ @Deprecated static public MediaType getMediaType(String format) throws WebApplicationException { if (format.equals("json")) { return MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE; } else if(format.equals("xml")) { return MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE; } throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } /** * Gets the media type from an expected format string (usually the input) and an array of supported format strings. * If epxectedFormat is not found in the supported format array, Status.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE is thrown. * The supported format must include one of those format: json, xml, atom or rss, otherwise Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE * could be thrown. * * @param expectedFormat the expected input format * @param supportedFormats the supported format array * @return the associated media type */ public static MediaType getMediaType(String expectedFormat, String[] supportedFormats) { if (!isSupportedFormat(expectedFormat, supportedFormats)) { throw new WebApplicationException(Status.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE); } if (expectedFormat.equals("json") && isSupportedFormat("json", supportedFormats)) { return MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE; } else if (expectedFormat.equals("xml") && isSupportedFormat("xml", supportedFormats)) { return MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE; } else if (expectedFormat.equals("atom") && isSupportedFormat("atom", supportedFormats)) { return MediaType.APPLICATION_ATOM_XML_TYPE; } //TODO What's about RSS format? throw new WebApplicationException(Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE); } /** * Get viewerId from servlet request data information. * * @param uriInfo * @return */ static public String getViewerId (UriInfo uriInfo) { URI uri = uriInfo.getRequestUri(); String requestString = uri.getQuery(); if (requestString == null) return null; String[] queryParts = requestString.split("&"); String viewerId = null; for (String queryPart : queryParts) { if (queryPart.startsWith("opensocial_viewer_id")) { viewerId = queryPart.substring(queryPart.indexOf("=") + 1, queryPart.length()); break; } } return viewerId; } /** * Gets {@link SpaceService} with default portal container. * * @return the space service * @since 1.2.0-GA */ public static final FooService getFooService() { return (FooService) getDefaultApplicationContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(FooService.class); } /** * Converts a timestamp string to time string by the pattern: EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss Z yyyy. * * @param timestamp the timstamp to convert * @return the time string */ public static final String convertTimestampToTimeString(long timestamp) { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss Z yyyy"); dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault()); return dateFormat.format(new Date(timestamp)); } /** * Checks if an expected format is supported not not. * * @param expectedFormat the expected format * @param supportedFormats the array of supported format * @return true or false */ private static boolean isSupportedFormat(String expectedFormat, String[] supportedFormats) { for (String supportedFormat : supportedFormats) { if (supportedFormat.equals(expectedFormat)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets default portal container name. * * @return the portal container */ private static ApplicationContainer getDefaultApplicationContainer() { return ApplicationContainer.getInstance(); } /** * Gets a portal container by its name. * * @param applicationContainerName the specified portal container name * @return the portal container name */ private static ApplicationContainer getApplicationContainerByName(String applicationContainerName) { return (ApplicationContainer) KernelContainerContext.getContainerByName(applicationContainerName); } }