package org.etk.component.orm.test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.jcr.Repository; import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestListener; import junit.framework.TestResult; import org.etk.orm.api.ORM; import org.etk.orm.api.ORMBuilder; import org.etk.orm.api.ORMSession; import org.etk.orm.api.ORMSessionImpl; import org.etk.orm.api.RepositoryBootstrap; import org.etk.orm.api.annotations.MixinType; import org.etk.orm.api.annotations.PrimaryType; public abstract class AbstractTestCase extends TestCase { /** . */ private Repository repo; /** . */ public static final String ORM_TEST_MODE = "orm.test.mode"; /** . */ public static final String MODE_CGLIB = "cglib"; /** . */ public static final String MODE_APT = "apt"; /** . */ public static final String MODE_CACHE = "cache"; /** . */ public static final String MODE_HAS_NODE = "has_node"; /** . */ public static final String MODE_HAS_PROPERTY = "has_property"; /** . */ public static final String MODE_ALL = "all"; /** . */ private static final String APT_INSTRUMENTOR = "org.etk.orm.apt.InstrumentorImpl"; /** . */ //private static final String CGLIB_INSTRUMENTOR = CGLibInstrumentor.class.getName(); /** . */ private ORMBuilder builder; /** . */ private ORM orm; /** . */ private Config config; /** . */ private String testName; /** . */ private String rootNodePath; /** . */ private final TestListener listener = new TestListener() { public void addError(Test test, Throwable throwable) { } public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError assertionFailedError) { } public void endTest(Test test) { testName = null; } public void startTest(Test test) { testName = ((AbstractTestCase)test).getName(); } }; public Config getConfig() { return config; } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { String p1 = getClass().getName().replace('.', '_'); String p2 = config.propertyCacheEnabled ? "propertycached" : "propertynotcached"; String p3 = config.optimizeHasNodeEnabled ? "hasnodeoptimized" : "hasnodenotoptimized"; String p4 = config.optimizeHasPropertyEnabled ? "haspropertyoptimized" : "haspropertynotoptimized"; String p5 = config.instrumentorClassName.lastIndexOf('.') == -1 ? config.instrumentorClassName : config.instrumentorClassName.substring(config.instrumentorClassName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); String p6 = testName; // rootNodePath = "/" + p1 + "/" + p2 + "/" + p3 + "/" + p4 + "/" + p5 + "/" + p6; /* RepositoryBootstrap bootstrap = new RepositoryBootstrap(); bootstrap.bootstrap(); repo = bootstrap.getRepository(); */ // builder = ORMBuilder.create(); // createDomain(); // boolean pingRootNode = pingRootNode(); // builder.setOptionValue(ORMBuilder.ROOT_NODE_PATH, rootNodePath); builder.setOptionValue(ORMBuilder.ROOT_NODE_TYPE, "nt:unstructured"); builder.setOptionValue(ORMBuilder.PROPERTY_CACHE_ENABLED, config.propertyCacheEnabled); builder.setOptionValue(ORMBuilder.INSTRUMENTOR_CLASSNAME, config.instrumentorClassName); builder.setOptionValue(ORMBuilder.JCR_OPTIMIZE_HAS_PROPERTY_ENABLED, config.optimizeHasPropertyEnabled); builder.setOptionValue(ORMBuilder.JCR_OPTIMIZE_HAS_NODE_ENABLED, config.optimizeHasNodeEnabled); // if (pingRootNode) { builder.setOptionValue(ORMBuilder.CREATE_ROOT_NODE, true); builder.setOptionValue(ORMBuilder.LAZY_CREATE_ROOT_NODE, false); } // orm =; // Create virtual root node if required if (pingRootNode) { ORMSessionImpl sess = login(); sess.getRoot();; } } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { builder = null; orm = null; } @Override public final void run(TestResult result) { result.addListener(listener); // List<Config> configs = new LinkedList<Config>(); // boolean aptEnabled = false; try { Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(APT_INSTRUMENTOR); aptEnabled = true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) { } // String testMode = System.getProperty(ORM_TEST_MODE); if (testMode == null) { testMode = MODE_ALL; } // if (MODE_ALL.equals(testMode)) { if (aptEnabled) { configs.add(new Config(APT_INSTRUMENTOR, false, false, false)); configs.add(new Config(APT_INSTRUMENTOR, true, false, false)); configs.add(new Config(APT_INSTRUMENTOR, false, true, false)); configs.add(new Config(APT_INSTRUMENTOR, false, false, true)); } // configs.add(new Config(CGLIB_INSTRUMENTOR, false, false, false)); // configs.add(new Config(CGLIB_INSTRUMENTOR, true, false, false)); // configs.add(new Config(CGLIB_INSTRUMENTOR, false, true, false)); // configs.add(new Config(CGLIB_INSTRUMENTOR, false, false, true)); } else if (MODE_APT.equals(testMode)) { configs.add(new Config(APT_INSTRUMENTOR, false, false, false)); } /*else if (MODE_CGLIB.equals(testMode)) { configs.add(new Config(CGLIB_INSTRUMENTOR, false, false, false)); } else if (MODE_CACHE.equals(testMode)) { configs.add(new Config(CGLIB_INSTRUMENTOR, true, false, false)); } else if (MODE_HAS_NODE.equals(testMode)) { configs.add(new Config(CGLIB_INSTRUMENTOR, false, false, true)); } else if (MODE_HAS_PROPERTY.equals(testMode)) { configs.add(new Config(CGLIB_INSTRUMENTOR, true, true, false)); }*/ // for (Config config : configs) { this.config = config; try {; } finally { ArrayList<ORMSessionImpl> copy = new ArrayList<ORMSessionImpl>(sessions); sessions.clear(); for (ORMSession session : copy) { if (!session.isClosed()) { session.close(); } } } } // result.removeListener(listener); } /** The session opened during the test. */ private List<ORMSessionImpl> sessions = new ArrayList<ORMSessionImpl>(); public final ORMSessionImpl login() { ORMSessionImpl session = (ORMSessionImpl)orm.openSession(); sessions.add(session); return session; } protected final <D> void setOptionValue(ORMBuilder.Option<D> option, D value) throws NullPointerException { builder.setOptionValue(option, value); } protected final ORMBuilder getBuilder() { return builder; } protected final String getRootNodePath() { return rootNodePath; } protected final void addClass(Class<?> clazz) { builder.add(clazz); } protected final String getNodeTypeName(Class<?> clazz) { PrimaryType primaryType = clazz.getAnnotation(PrimaryType.class); if (primaryType != null) { return; } else { MixinType mixinType = clazz.getAnnotation(MixinType.class); if (mixinType != null) { return; } } return null; } /** * Returns true if the root node should be created during the test bootstrap. This method can be overriden * by unit test to change the behavior. * * @return the root node ping */ protected boolean pingRootNode() { return true; } protected abstract void createDomain(); public static class Config { /** . */ private final String instrumentorClassName; /** . */ private final boolean propertyCacheEnabled; /** . */ private final boolean optimizeHasPropertyEnabled; /** . */ private final boolean optimizeHasNodeEnabled; public Config( String instrumentorClassName, boolean propertyCacheEnabled, boolean optimizeHasPropertyEnabled, boolean optimizeHasNodeEnabled) { this.instrumentorClassName = instrumentorClassName; this.propertyCacheEnabled = propertyCacheEnabled; this.optimizeHasNodeEnabled = optimizeHasNodeEnabled; this.optimizeHasPropertyEnabled = optimizeHasPropertyEnabled; } public String getInstrumentorClassName() { return instrumentorClassName; } public boolean isPropertyCacheEnabled() { return propertyCacheEnabled; } public boolean isStateCacheDisabled() { return !propertyCacheEnabled; } @Override public String toString() { return "Config[instrumentorClassName=" + instrumentorClassName + ",stateCacheEnaled=" + propertyCacheEnabled + "" + ",optimizeHasNodeEnabled=" + optimizeHasNodeEnabled + ",optimizeHasPropertyEnabled=" + optimizeHasPropertyEnabled + "]"; } } }