/* * * Copyright 2013 Entando S.r.l. (http://www.entando.com) All rights reserved. * * This file is part of Entando software. * Entando is a free software; * You can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2. * * See the file License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License * * * * Copyright 2013 Entando S.r.l. (http://www.entando.com) All rights reserved. * */ package com.agiletec.plugins.jpmail.aps.services.mail.parse; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import com.agiletec.aps.system.ApsSystemUtils; import com.agiletec.aps.system.exception.ApsSystemException; import com.agiletec.plugins.jpmail.aps.services.JpmailSystemConstants; import com.agiletec.plugins.jpmail.aps.services.mail.MailConfig; import java.util.Iterator; import org.jdom.output.Format; /* <mailConfig> <active>true</active> <senders> <sender code="CODE1">EMAIL1@EMAIL.COM</sender> <sender code="CODE2">EMAIL2@EMAIL.COM</sender> </senders> <smtp debug="false" > <host>SMTP.EMAIL.COM</host> <port>25</port> <timeout>10000</timeout> <user>USER</user> <password>PASSWORD</password> <security>STD|SSL|TLS</security> </smtp> </mailConfig> */ /** * Class that provides read and update operations for the jpmail plugin xml configuration. * @author E.Santoboni, E.Mezzano */ public class MailConfigDOM { /** * Extract the jpmail configuration from an xml. * @param xml The xml containing the configuration. * @return The jpmail configuration. * @throws ApsSystemException In case of parsing errors. */ public MailConfig extractConfig(String xml) throws ApsSystemException { MailConfig config = new MailConfig(); Element root = this.getRootElement(xml); Element activeElem = root.getChild(ACTIVE_ELEM); if (activeElem != null) { String active = activeElem.getText(); config.setActive(null != active && active.equalsIgnoreCase("true")); } this.extractSenders(root, config); this.extractSmtp(root, config); return config; } /** * Create an xml containing the jpmail configuration. * @param config The jpmail configuration. * @return The xml containing the configuration. * @throws ApsSystemException In case of errors. */ public String createConfigXml(MailConfig config) throws ApsSystemException { Element root = this.createConfigElement(config); Document doc = new Document(root); XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(); Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat(); format.setIndent("\t"); out.setFormat(format); return out.outputString(doc); } /** * Extract the senders from the xml element and save it into the MailConfig object. * @param root The xml root element containing the senders configuration. * @param config The configuration. */ private void extractSenders(Element root, MailConfig config) { Element sendersRootElem = root.getChild(SENDERS_ELEM); if (sendersRootElem!=null) { List sendersElem = sendersRootElem.getChildren(SENDER_CHILD); for (int i=0; i<sendersElem.size(); i++) { Element senderElem = (Element) sendersElem.get(i); String code = senderElem.getAttributeValue(SENDER_CODE_ATTR); String sender = senderElem.getText(); config.addSender(code, sender); } } } /** * Extract the smtp configuration from the xml element and save it into the MailConfig object. * @param root The xml root element containing the smtp configuration. * @param config The configuration. */ private void extractSmtp(Element root, MailConfig config) { Element smtpElem = root.getChild(SMTP_ELEM); if (smtpElem != null) { String debug = smtpElem.getAttributeValue(SMTP_DEBUG_ATTR); config.setDebug("true".equalsIgnoreCase(debug)); config.setSmtpHost(smtpElem.getChildText(SMTP_HOST_CHILD)); String port = smtpElem.getChildText(SMTP_PORT_CHILD); if (port != null && port.trim().length() > 0) { config.setSmtpPort(new Integer(port.trim())); } String timeout = smtpElem.getChildText(SMTP_TIMEOUT_CHILD); if (timeout != null && timeout.trim().length() > 0) { config.setSmtpTimeout(new Integer(timeout.trim())); } config.setSmtpUserName(smtpElem.getChildText(SMTP_USER_CHILD)); config.setSmtpPassword(smtpElem.getChildText(SMTP_PASSWORD_CHILD)); String proto = smtpElem.getChildText(SMTP_PROTOCOL_CHILD); if (null != proto) { if (proto.equalsIgnoreCase(PROTO_SSL)) { config.setSmtpProtocol(JpmailSystemConstants.PROTO_SSL); } else if (proto.equalsIgnoreCase(PROTO_TLS)) { config.setSmtpProtocol(JpmailSystemConstants.PROTO_TLS); } else { // any unknown protocol will disable encryption config.setSmtpProtocol(JpmailSystemConstants.PROTO_STD); } } } } /** * Extract the smtp configuration from the xml element and save it into the MailConfig object. * @param root The xml root element containing the smtp configuration. * @param config The configuration. */ private Element createConfigElement(MailConfig config) { Element configElem = new Element(ROOT); Element activeElement = new Element(ACTIVE_ELEM); activeElement.setText(String.valueOf(config.isActive())); configElem.addContent(activeElement); Element sendersElem = this.createSendersElement(config); configElem.addContent(sendersElem); Element smtpElem = this.createSmtpElement(config); configElem.addContent(smtpElem); return configElem; } /** * Create the senders element starting from the given MailConfig. * @param config The configuration. */ private Element createSendersElement(MailConfig config) { Element sendersElem = new Element(SENDERS_ELEM); if (null != config.getSenders()) { Iterator<String> codeIter = config.getSenders().keySet().iterator(); while (codeIter.hasNext()) { String key = codeIter.next(); Element senderElement = new Element(SENDER_CHILD); senderElement.setAttribute(SENDER_CODE_ATTR, key); senderElement.addContent(config.getSenders().get(key)); sendersElem.addContent(senderElement); } } return sendersElem; } /** * Create the smtp element starting from the given MailConfig. * @param config The configuration. */ private Element createSmtpElement(MailConfig config) { Element smtpElem = new Element(SMTP_ELEM); smtpElem.setAttribute(SMTP_DEBUG_ATTR, String.valueOf(config.isDebug())); Element hostElem = new Element(SMTP_HOST_CHILD); hostElem.addContent(config.getSmtpHost()); smtpElem.addContent(hostElem); Integer port = config.getSmtpPort(); if (null != port && port.intValue() != 0) { Element portElem = new Element(SMTP_PORT_CHILD); portElem.addContent(config.getSmtpPort().toString()); smtpElem.addContent(portElem); } Integer timeout = config.getSmtpTimeout(); if (null != timeout && timeout.intValue() != 0) { Element timeoutElem = new Element(SMTP_TIMEOUT_CHILD); timeoutElem.addContent(config.getSmtpTimeout().toString()); smtpElem.addContent(timeoutElem); } Element userElem = new Element(SMTP_USER_CHILD); userElem.addContent(config.getSmtpUserName()); smtpElem.addContent(userElem); Element passwordElem = new Element(SMTP_PASSWORD_CHILD); passwordElem.addContent(config.getSmtpPassword()); smtpElem.addContent(passwordElem); if (null != config.getSmtpProtocol()) { Element protocolElem = new Element(SMTP_PROTOCOL_CHILD); if (config.getSmtpProtocol() == JpmailSystemConstants.PROTO_SSL) { protocolElem.addContent(PROTO_SSL); } else if (config.getSmtpProtocol() == JpmailSystemConstants.PROTO_TLS) { protocolElem.addContent(PROTO_TLS); } else { // any other (unsupported) protocol falls back to STD (no security transport layer) protocolElem.addContent(PROTO_STD); } smtpElem.addContent(protocolElem); } return smtpElem; } /** * Returns the Xml element from a given text. * @param xmlText The text containing an Xml. * @return The Xml element from a given text. * @throws ApsSystemException In case of parsing exceptions. */ private Element getRootElement(String xmlText) throws ApsSystemException { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); builder.setValidation(false); StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlText); Element root = null; try { Document doc = builder.build(reader); root = doc.getRootElement(); } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger().error("Error parsing xml: " + t.getMessage()); throw new ApsSystemException("Error parsing xml", t); } return root; } private final String ROOT = "mailConfig"; private final String SENDERS_ELEM = "senders"; private final String SENDER_CHILD = "sender"; private final String SENDER_CODE_ATTR = "code"; private final String ACTIVE_ELEM = "active"; private final String SMTP_ELEM = "smtp"; private final String SMTP_DEBUG_ATTR = "debug"; private final String SMTP_HOST_CHILD = "host"; private final String SMTP_PORT_CHILD = "port"; private final String SMTP_TIMEOUT_CHILD = "timeout"; private final String SMTP_USER_CHILD = "user"; private final String SMTP_PASSWORD_CHILD = "password"; private final String SMTP_PROTOCOL_CHILD = "security"; private final String PROTO_SSL = "ssl"; private final String PROTO_TLS = "tls"; private final String PROTO_STD = "std"; }