/* * * Copyright 2013 Entando S.r.l. (http://www.entando.com) All rights reserved. * * This file is part of Entando software. * Entando is a free software; * You can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2. * * See the file License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License * * * * Copyright 2013 Entando S.r.l. (http://www.entando.com) All rights reserved. * */ package com.agiletec.plugins.jpaddressbook.aps.system; /** * Interface for 'jpaddressbook' plugin system constants. * @author E.Mezzano */ public interface JpaddressbookSystemConstants { /** * Address Book Messages manager bean name */ public static final String ADDRESSBOOK_MANAGER = "jpaddressbookAddressBookManager"; /** * VCard manager bean name */ public static final String VCARD_MANAGER = "jpaddressbookVCardManager"; /** * Vcard item configuration */ public static final String VCARD_MAPPING_ITEM = "jpaddressbook_vcardConfig"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_DATE = "Date"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ENUMERATOR = "Enumerator"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_HYPERTEXT = "Hypertext"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_LONGTEXT = "Longtext"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_MONOTEXT = "Monotext"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_NUMBER = "Number"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_TEXT = "Text"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_SURNAME = "SURNAME"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_TITLE = "TITLE"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_ROLE = "ROLE"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_ORG = "ORG"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_BDAY = "BDAY"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_ADDR_HOME_COUNTRY = "ADDR_HOME_COUNTRY"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_ADDR_HOME_REGION = "ADDR_HOME_REGION"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_ADDR_HOME_STREET = "ADDR_HOME_STREET"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_ADDR_HOME_CITY = "ADDR_HOME_CITY"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_ADDR_HOME_CAP = "ADDR_HOME_CAP"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_TEL_CELL = "TEL_CELL"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_TEL_HOME = "TEL_HOME"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_TEL_WORK = "TEL_WORK"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_TEL_MODEM = "TEL_MODEM"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_TEL_FAX = "TEL_FAX"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_EMAIL_FIRST = "EMAIL_FIRST"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_EMAIL_SECOND = "EMAIL_SECOND"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_EMAIL_THIRD = "EMAIL_THIRD"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_NOTE = "NOTE"; public static final String VCARD_FIELD_URL = "URL"; public static final String DEFAULT_DATE = "00/00/0000"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_DISABLING_CODE_ON_MANAGE_CONTACT = "jpaddressbook:hideOnAddressBook"; }