/** * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM - Initial API and implementation */ package org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; /** * This is the interface implemented to provide a color for an item; * it receives delegated calls from IFontProvider. * Fonts are expressed in a platform-independent way as a URI of the form: *<pre> * font://<font-family>/<size>/<style> *</pre> * If the authority is omitted, the viewer's current font family is specified. * If the height, which is specified in points, is omitted, the viewer's current font height is specified; * a size delta can be expressed as using + or - with the size, * e.g., +2 specifies a point height two points larger than the viewer's current font height. * The style can specify <code>"normal"</code>, <code>"bold"</code>, <code>"italic"</code>, or <code>"bold+italic"</code> variations; * when omitted, the viewer's current font style is specified. */ public interface IItemFontProvider { /** * An instance object used to specify a normal version of the viewer's font: *<pre> * font:////normal *</pre> */ URI NORMAL_FONT = URI.createURI("font:////normal"); /** * An instance object used to specify a bold version of the viewer's font: *<pre> * font:////bold *</pre> */ URI BOLD_FONT = URI.createURI("font:////bold"); /** * An instance object used to specify an italic version of the viwer's font: *<pre> * font:////italic *</pre> */ URI ITALIC_FONT = URI.createURI("font:////italic"); /** * An instance object used to specify an bold italic version of the viwer's font: *<pre> * font:////bold+italic *</pre> */ URI BOLD_ITALIC_FONT = URI.createURI("font:////bold+italic"); /** * This does the same thing as IFontProvider.getFont, * it fetches the font specific to this object instance. */ public Object getFont(Object object); }