/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM - Initial API and implementation */ package org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.ChangeFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.ChangeKind; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.ListChange; /** * Abstract class implementing the methods required to compute differences between * lists. The differences are described by {@link ListChange} objects. * @since 2.3 */ public class ListDifferenceAnalyzer { /** * Analyzes the differences between two lists, returning the {@link ListChange list changes} * that describe how the <code>newList</code> could be changed to the contents of * <code>oldList</code>. The lists are not modified by this method.</p> * @param oldList * @param newList * @return a list of {@link ListChange} */ public EList<ListChange> analyzeLists(EList<?> oldList, EList<?> newList) { EList<ListChange> listChanges = new BasicEList<ListChange>(); analyzeLists(new BasicEList<Object>(oldList), newList, listChanges); return listChanges; } /** * <p>Analyzes the differences between two lists, adding new {@link ListChange list changes} to the * specified <code>listChanges</code>. The list changes describe how the <code>newList</code> * should be manipulated in order to have the same contents of <code>oldList</code></p> * * <p>This methods changes the contents of <code>oldList</code></p> * * @param oldList * @param newList * @param listChanges */ public void analyzeLists(EList<Object> oldList, EList<?> newList, EList<ListChange> listChanges) { createListChanges(new BasicEList<Object>(oldList), newList, listChanges); } protected void createListChanges(EList<Object> oldList, EList<?> newList, EList<ListChange> listChanges) { // Keep track of the list sizes. // int oldListSize = oldList.size(); int newListSize = newList.size(); // Track which value at an index in the old list matches the value at each index in the new list. // A zero indicates an unmatched item while an index is offset by one to avoid using the zero index. // int[] newListSources = new int [newListSize]; // Iterate over the old list. // We'll remove unmatched items as we proceed. // Also keep track of which entry in the sources at which to start, // so we can skip over all the already matched values at the start of the list. // for (int i = 0, start = 0; i < oldListSize; ) { // Get the value at that the index. // Object oldValue = oldList.get(i); // Mark it as one that needs to be removed until we find a match. // boolean remove = true; // Keep track when all slots in the new list have been consumed. // boolean allSlotsMatched = true; // Look for a match for the old value in the new list. // LOOP: for (int j = start; j < newListSize; ++j) { // If the tracked entry is uninitialized... // int source = newListSources[j]; if (source == 0) { // Get the new value at the index and compare it to the old value. // Object newValue = newList.get(j); if (equal(oldValue, newValue)) { // If they're equal, indicate that the new value at the index j matches the old value at index i. // newListSources[j] = i + 1; // If this index was the start, increment the start. // if (start == j) { ++start; } // The value is matched so don't remove it when exiting the loop. // remove = false; break LOOP; } // If all slots might be matched, but we just hit one that wasn't... // else if (allSlotsMatched) { // Make that the starting slot and make sure no subsequent slot is marked as the starting slot. // start = j; allSlotsMatched = false; } } } // If we're done the loop without finding a match... // if (remove) { // Remove the old value thereby reducing the size of the list. // createRemoveListChange(oldList, listChanges, oldValue, i); --oldListSize; } else { // Proceed with the next old value. // ++i; } } // Create an array where each index represents the target index at which the value at the index in the old list should end up. // int[] oldListTargets = new int [oldListSize]; // Keep a count of the number of values that need to be added, because we won't add anything until the rest of the list is in the right order. // That way we ensure that we add at exactly the right index. // int count = 0; // Iterate over the new list sources... // for (int i = 0; i < newListSize; ++i) { // If the new value is matched. // int newListSource = newListSources[i]; if (newListSource != 0) { // Store in the index for where the matched value is now, the index of where it must end up. // oldListTargets[newListSource - 1] = count; // Only increment the count, and hence the index used for moving the items, for matched items. // ++count; } } // Loop until the termination condition is reached... // while (true) { // The index of the value to be moved. // We're looking for the one that needs to be moved the farthest. // int index = -1; // The distance of the value at the index needs to be moved. // int farthest = 0; // Iterate over the old list targets. // for (int i = 0; i < oldListSize; ++i) { // Determine the distance between the index and where it should be and ensure it's positive. // int distance = oldListTargets[i] - i; if (distance < 0) { distance = -distance; } // If the object at this index needs to be moved farther than the one we've determined so far... // if (distance > farthest) { // Record this index and the distance. // index = i; farthest = distance; } } // If no object needs to be moved. // if (index == -1) { // Terminate the list. // break; } else { // Keep track of the absolutely correct final target index. // int actualTargetIndex = oldListTargets[index]; // Look for an index that might be a better intermediate... // int targetIndex = actualTargetIndex; if (targetIndex < index) { // In this case, the value ends up before the index. // So look to see if the value currently at the target index is before the value we're about to put before it. // if (oldListTargets[targetIndex] < actualTargetIndex) { do { // If so, move it after instead and check again... // ++targetIndex; } while (oldListTargets[targetIndex] < actualTargetIndex); } else { // Otherwise, check that it wouldn't be better to put the value before the previous target index // because the value we're about to put after it should be before. // while (targetIndex > 0 && oldListTargets[targetIndex - 1] > actualTargetIndex) { // If so, move it before instead and check again. // --targetIndex; } } } else { // In this case, the value ends up after the index. // So look to see if the value currently at the target index is after the value we're about to put after it. // if (oldListTargets[targetIndex] > actualTargetIndex) { do { // If so, move it before instead and check again... // --targetIndex; } while (oldListTargets[targetIndex] > actualTargetIndex); } else { // Otherwise, check that it wouldn't be better to put the value after the following target index // because the value we're about to put before it should be after. // while (targetIndex + 1 < oldListSize && oldListTargets[targetIndex + 1] < actualTargetIndex) { // If so, move it after instead and check again. // ++targetIndex; } } } // Move the old value at the index to the best new target index. // createMoveListChange(oldList, listChanges, oldList.get(index), index, targetIndex); // Update the old list targets array to reflect the move. // if (targetIndex < index) { System.arraycopy(oldListTargets, targetIndex, oldListTargets, targetIndex + 1, index - targetIndex); } else { System.arraycopy(oldListTargets, index + 1, oldListTargets, index, targetIndex - index); } oldListTargets[targetIndex] = actualTargetIndex; } } // If there are objects to add. // if (count != newListSize) { // Look for them. // for (int i = 0; i < newListSize; ++i) { int newListSource = newListSources[i]; if (newListSource == 0) { // Add the missing new value. // createAddListChange(oldList, listChanges, newList.get(i), i); } } } } /** * Used by {@link #createListChanges(EList, EList, EList)} to decide whether the old value is considered equal to the new value. * @since 2.8 */ protected boolean equal(Object oldValue, Object newValue) { return oldValue == null ? newValue == null : oldValue == newValue || oldValue.equals(newValue); } /** * Convenience method added to allow subclasses to modify the default implementation * for the scenario in which an element was added to the monitored list. * @see #createListChanges(EList, EList, EList) */ protected void createAddListChange(EList<Object> oldList, EList<ListChange> listChanges, Object newObject, int index) { ListChange listChange = createListChange(listChanges, ChangeKind.ADD_LITERAL, index); listChange.getValues().add(newObject); oldList.add(index, newObject); } /** * Convenience method added to allow subclasses to modify the default implementation * for the scenario in which an element was removed from the monitored list. * @see #createListChanges(EList, EList, EList) */ protected void createRemoveListChange(EList<?> oldList, EList<ListChange> listChanges, Object newObject, int index) { createListChange(listChanges, ChangeKind.REMOVE_LITERAL, index); oldList.remove(index); } /** * Convenience method added to allow subclasses to modify the default implementation * for the scenario in which an element was moved in the monitored list. * @see #createListChanges(EList, EList, EList) */ protected void createMoveListChange(EList<?> oldList, EList<ListChange> listChanges, Object newObject, int index, int toIndex) { ListChange listChange = createListChange(listChanges, ChangeKind.MOVE_LITERAL, index); listChange.setMoveToIndex(toIndex); oldList.move(toIndex, index); } /** * Creates a ListChange, initializes the main attributes, and adds it to the specified listChanges. * @param listChanges * @param kind * @param index * @return ListChange */ protected ListChange createListChange(EList<ListChange> listChanges, ChangeKind kind, int index) { ListChange listChange = ChangeFactory.eINSTANCE.createListChange(); listChange.setKind(kind); listChange.setIndex(index); listChanges.add(listChange); return listChange; } }