/** * Copyright (c) 2010 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM - Initial API and implementation */ package org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DelegatingResourceLocator; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.ResourceLocator; import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain; /** * A child creation extension manager encapsulates a {@link #getChildCreationExtenders() list of child creation extenders} * for a particular package. * The list is automatically populated based on {@link IChildCreationExtender.Descriptor.Registry#getDescriptors(String) registered extensions} for the package. * The manager also acts as resource locator that loads resources from either the primary resource locator or one of the extenders. */ public class ChildCreationExtenderManager extends DelegatingResourceLocator { /** * The primary resource locator. */ protected ResourceLocator primaryResourceLocator; /** * A key in the {@link IChildCreationExtender.Descriptor.Registry child creation extender registry} * which will typically be the namespace of the package being extended. */ protected String namespace; /** * A specialized child creation extender list implementation that provides efficient access to the resource locators of the extenders. */ private static class ChildCreationExtenderList extends BasicEList<IChildCreationExtender> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * An empty array. */ private static final ResourceLocator [] NO_RESOURCE_LOCATORS = new ResourceLocator[0]; /** * A cache of the resource locators of the extenders. */ protected ResourceLocator [] delegateResourceLocators = NO_RESOURCE_LOCATORS; /** * Creates an empty new instance. */ public ChildCreationExtenderList() { super(); } /** * This list may not contain null. */ @Override protected boolean canContainNull() { return false; } /** * This list may only contain instances of {@link IChildCreationExtender}. */ @Override protected Object[] newData(int capacity) { return new IChildCreationExtender[capacity]; } /** * Returns an efficiently computed array of the delegate resource locators. */ protected ResourceLocator[] getDelegateResourceLocators() { if (size == 0) { delegateResourceLocators = NO_RESOURCE_LOCATORS; } else { IChildCreationExtender [] childCreationExtenders = (IChildCreationExtender[])data; delegateResourceLocators = new ResourceLocator[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { delegateResourceLocators[i] = childCreationExtenders[i].getResourceLocator(); } } return delegateResourceLocators; } } /** * The list of child creation extenders. */ protected ChildCreationExtenderList childCreationExtenders; /** * Creates an instance for the given primary resource locator to manage the extensions for the given namespace. * @param primaryResourceLocator the resource locator for finding basic resources. * @param namespace a key in the {@link IChildCreationExtender.Descriptor.Registry child creation extender registry} * which will typically be the namespace of the package whose extensions are being managed. */ public ChildCreationExtenderManager(ResourceLocator primaryResourceLocator, String namespace) { this.primaryResourceLocator = primaryResourceLocator; this.namespace = namespace; } @Override protected ResourceLocator[] getDelegateResourceLocators() { getChildCreationExtenders(); return childCreationExtenders.getDelegateResourceLocators(); } @Override protected ResourceLocator getPrimaryResourceLocator() { return primaryResourceLocator; } /** * Returns a modifiable list of the child creation extenders. * @return a modifiable list of the child creation extenders. */ public List<IChildCreationExtender> getChildCreationExtenders() { if (childCreationExtenders == null) { childCreationExtenders = new ChildCreationExtenderList(); for (IChildCreationExtender.Descriptor descriptor : IChildCreationExtender.Descriptor.Registry.INSTANCE.getDescriptors(namespace)) { childCreationExtenders.add(descriptor.createChildCreationExtender()); } } return childCreationExtenders; } /** * Returns the list of new child descriptors accumulated from each of the child creation extenders. * @param object the owner object of the descriptors. * @param editingDomain the domain for the descriptors. * @return the list of new child descriptors accumulated from each of the child creation extenders. */ public List<?> getNewChildDescriptors(Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain) { List<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (IChildCreationExtender childCreationExtender : getChildCreationExtenders()) { result.addAll(childCreationExtender.getNewChildDescriptors(object, editingDomain)); } return result; } }