package de.hub.emffrag.fragmentation; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMLResource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceFactoryImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLParserPoolImpl; import org.junit.Assert; import; import de.hub.emffrag.EmfFragActivator; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.DataStoreURIHandler; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.IDataMap; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.IDataStore; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.KeyType; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.LongKeyType; import de.hub.emffrag.model.emffrag.EmfFragFactory; import de.hub.emffrag.model.emffrag.EmfFragPackage; import de.hub.emffrag.model.emffrag.Root; public class FragmentedModel extends ResourceImpl { public static final String FRAGMENTS_INDEX_PREFIX = "f"; public static final String ID_INDEX_PREFIX = "c"; public static final String INDEX_CLASSES_PREFIX = "i"; public static final String INDEX_FEATURES_PREFIX = "j"; private final static XMLParserPoolImpl xmlParserPool = new XMLParserPoolImpl(true); private final static Map<Object, Object> options = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); static { options.put(XMLResource.OPTION_EXTENDED_META_DATA, Boolean.FALSE); options.put(XMLResource.OPTION_ENCODING, "UTF-8"); options.put(XMLResource.OPTION_USE_PARSER_POOL, xmlParserPool); HashMap<String, Boolean> parserFeatures = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); parserFeatures.put("", false); options.put(XMLResource.OPTION_PARSER_FEATURES, parserFeatures); } private final ResourceSet resourceSet; private final FragmentsCache fragmentCache; private final IDataStore dataStore; private final IDataMap<Long> fragmentIndex; private final IdIndex idIndex; private final Statistics statistics = new Statistics(); private final Fragment rootFragment; public FragmentedModel(IDataStore dataStore) { this(dataStore, -1); } public FragmentedModel(IDataStore dataStore, int cacheSize) { super(dataStore.getURI()); ReflectiveMetaModelRegistry.instance.registerUserMetaModel(EmfFragPackage.eINSTANCE); this.dataStore = dataStore; if (cacheSize == -1) { cacheSize = EmfFragActivator.instance.cacheSize; } fragmentCache = new FragmentsCache(cacheSize) { @Override protected void onEvict(Fragment fragment) { unloadFragment(fragment); } }; this.fragmentIndex = dataStore.getMap((FRAGMENTS_INDEX_PREFIX + "_").getBytes(), LongKeyType.instance) ; this.idIndex = new IdIndex(dataStore.getMap((ID_INDEX_PREFIX + "_").getBytes(), LongKeyType.instance)); resourceSet = createAndConfigureAResourceSet(dataStore); Long first = fragmentIndex.first(); if (first == null) { rootFragment = createFragment(null, null); } else { rootFragment = (Fragment) resourceSet.getResource(fragmentIndex.getURI(first), true); for (EObject object: rootFragment.getContents()) { // add via doAddUnique to prevent inserve add which is for users and would produce duplication of the internal object ((ContentsList)getContents()).doAddUnique(((FInternalObjectImpl)object).getUserObject()); } } } void touch(Fragment fragment) { fragmentCache.touch(fragment); } void protect(Fragment fragment) { fragmentCache.protect(fragment); } void unprotect(Fragment fragment) { fragmentCache.unprotect(fragment); } public class Statistics { private int creates = 0; private int loads = 0; private int unloads = 0; public int getCreates() { return creates; } public int getLoads() { return loads; } public int getUnloads() { return unloads; } public int getCacheSize() { return fragmentCache.size(); } } private void unloadFragment(Fragment fragment) { if (fragment.isLoaded()) { statistics.unloads++; EmfFragActivator.instance.debug("Saving and unloading fragment: " + fragment.getURI().toString()); try {; } catch (IOException e) { Throwables.propagate(e); } fragment.unload(); } resourceSet.getResources().remove(fragment); } /** * The {@link ResourceSet}s used to store a {@link FragmentedModel} need to * match specific characteristics. These are: It has to create * {@link Fragment}s and {@link FInternalObjectImpl}s on loading resources; * it has to use a {@link DataStoreURIHandler}; it needs to refer to the * reflective version of meta models; it needs specific performance * configuration loading and saving models. This methods creates a * {@link ResourceSet} with the listed characteristics. */ private ResourceSet createAndConfigureAResourceSet(IDataStore dataStore) { ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl() { @Override public EObject getEObject(URI uri, boolean loadOnDemand) { if (uri.fragment() == null) { // The URI must be a ID URI EObject result = EmfFragActivator.instance.idSemantics.resolveURI(uri, FragmentedModel.this); return result; } else { return super.getEObject(uri, loadOnDemand); } } @Override protected void demandLoad(Resource resource) throws IOException { EmfFragActivator.instance.debug("Demand loaded fragment: " + resource.getURI().toString()); super.demandLoad(resource); statistics.loads++; } }; resourceSet.getURIConverter().getURIHandlers().add(0, new DataStoreURIHandler(dataStore)); resourceSet.getLoadOptions().putAll(options); resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getProtocolToFactoryMap() .put(dataStore.getURI().scheme(), new XMIResourceFactoryImpl() { @Override public Resource createResource(URI uri) { EmfFragActivator.instance.debug("Created fragment: " + uri.toString()); Fragment fragment = newFragment(uri, FragmentedModel.this); ((ResourceImpl)fragment).setIntrinsicIDToEObjectMap(new HashMap<String, EObject>()); fragmentCache.put(uri, fragment); return fragment; } }); resourceSet.setPackageRegistry(ReflectiveMetaModelRegistry.instance); ((ResourceSetImpl)resourceSet).setURIResourceMap(new HashMap<URI, Resource>()); return resourceSet; } /** * Factory method for Fragments. Creates {@link XMIFragmentImpl} by default. * Can be changed by subclasses. */ protected Fragment newFragment(URI uri, FragmentedModel model) { return new XMIFragmentImpl(uri, model); } private class ContentsList extends ContentsEList<EObject> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void doAddUnique(EObject object) { super.doAddUnique(object); } @Override public NotificationChain inverseAdd(EObject object, NotificationChain notifications) { if (object instanceof FObjectImpl) { FInternalObjectImpl internalObject = ((FObjectImpl)object).fInternalObject(); rootFragment.getContents().add(internalObject); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only FObjects can be added to fragmented models, generate you model code accordingly."); } FragmentedModel.this.attached(object); return notifications; } @Override public NotificationChain inverseRemove(EObject object, NotificationChain notifications) { if (FragmentedModel.this.isLoaded) { FragmentedModel.this.detached(object); } if (object instanceof FObjectImpl) { FInternalObjectImpl internalObject = ((FObjectImpl)object).fInternalObject(); return internalObject.eSetResource(null, notifications); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Supposed unreachable."); } } } /** * We use a version of {@link ContentsEList} that handles inverses differently, because * the resource does not need to be set on the user objects. They know that * they belong to a {@link FragmentedModel} differently. */ @Override public EList<EObject> getContents() { if (contents == null) { contents = new ContentsList(); } return contents; } public Root root() { if (getContents().isEmpty()) { Root root = EmfFragFactory.eINSTANCE.createRoot(); getContents().add(root); } EObject eObject = getContents().get(0); if (eObject instanceof Root) { return (Root)eObject; } else { return null; } } ResourceSet getInternalResourceSet() { return resourceSet; } Fragment createFragment(URI fragmentURI, FInternalObjectImpl root) { if (fragmentURI == null) { Long key = fragmentIndex.add(); fragmentURI = fragmentIndex.getURI(key); } Fragment newFragment = (Fragment) resourceSet.createResource(fragmentURI); if (root != null) { newFragment.getContents().add(root); } statistics.creates++; return newFragment; } void deleteFragment(Fragment fragment) { try { fragment.delete(null); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Fragment */ @Override public void load(Map<?, ?> options) throws IOException { } @Override public void delete(Map<?, ?> options) throws IOException { dataStore.drop(); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) @Override public void save(Map<?, ?> options) { if (options != null) { options.putAll((Map)FragmentedModel.options); } else { options = FragmentedModel.options; } for (Resource resource : resourceSet.getResources()) { try {; } catch (IOException e) { Throwables.propagate(e); } } dataStore.flush(); } /** * Resolved the given URI that denotes a DB entry that contains a serialized * fragment. * * @param uri * The containment URI to resolve. * @return The resolved object. */ public EObject resolveObjectURI(URI uri) { return resourceSet.getEObject(uri, true); } public Statistics getStatistics() { return statistics; } public IDataStore getDataStore() { return dataStore; } IdIndex getIdIndex() { return idIndex; } /** * Only for testing purposes, hence package visibility. */ Fragment getFragment(URI fragmentURI) { return (Fragment) getInternalResourceSet().getResource(fragmentURI, false); } private void assertStatistic(String name, int value, int min, int max) { if (max != -1) { Assert.assertTrue("Too many " + name + " " + value, value <= max); } if (min != -1) { Assert.assertTrue("Too few " + name + " " + value, value >= min); } } void assertNumberOfLoadedFragments(int min, int max) { assertStatistic("loaded fragments", getInternalResourceSet().getResources().size(), min, max); } void assertNumberOfLoadedFragments(int size) { assertNumberOfLoadedFragments(size, size); } void assertStatistics(int minLoaded, int maxLoaded, int minLoads, int maxLoads, int minUnloads, int maxUnloads, int minCreates, int maxCreates) { assertStatistic("loaded fragments", getInternalResourceSet().getResources().size(), minLoaded, maxLoaded); assertStatistic("loads", statistics.getLoads(), minLoads, maxLoads); assertStatistic("unloads", statistics.getUnloads(), minUnloads, maxUnloads); assertStatistic("creates", statistics.getCreates(), minCreates, maxCreates); } private void assertIndex(IDataMap<Long> index, String name, long first, long last) { if (first == -1) { Assert.assertEquals("Wrong first key for " + name + ".", null, index.first()); } else { Assert.assertEquals("Wrong first key for " + name + ".", (Long) first, index.first()); } if (last == -1) { Assert.assertEquals("Wrong last key for " + name + ".", null, index.last()); } else { Assert.assertEquals("Wrong last key for " + name + ".", (Long) last, index.last()); } } void assertMaxFragmentsIndexSize(long max) { Assert.assertTrue("Fragments index too large.", fragmentIndex.last() <= max); } void assertFragmentsIndex(long first, long last) { assertIndex(fragmentIndex, "fragments index", first, last); } void assertIdIndex(long first, long last) { assertIndex(idIndex, "id index", first, last); } void assertValueSetIndex(EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, long min, long max) { dataStore.getMap(FValueSetList.createPrefix(((FObjectImpl) owner).fInternalObject(), feature).getBytes(), LongKeyType.instance); } <KT> void assertIndexClassIndex(EObject owner, KT min, KT max, KeyType<KT> keyType) { } }