package de.hub.emffrag.fragmentation; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.junit.Assert; import de.hub.emffrag.testmodels.testmodel.TestObject; import de.hub.emffrag.testmodels.testmodel.TestObjectWithIndexes; import de.hub.emffrag.testmodels.testmodel.frag.meta.TestModelFactory; public class Assertions { private static String prefix = "testValue"; private TestObject owner; private Object value; private int index; private TestObject save; public static Assertions context(TestObject testObject) { Assertions result = new Assertions(); result.owner = testObject; return result; } public static TestObject createTestObject(int id) { TestObject testObject = TestModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createTestObject(); testObject.setName(prefix + id); return testObject; } public static TestObject createTestObjectWithIndexes(int id) { TestObject testObject = TestModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createTestObjectWithIndexes(); testObject.setName(prefix + id); return testObject; } public static Assertions root(FragmentedModel model, int size, int i, boolean analyze) { Assert.assertEquals(size, model.root().getContents().size()); Assert.assertTrue(model.root().getContents().get(0) instanceof TestObject); Assertions assertion = context((TestObject) model.root().getContents().get(i)).assertTestObject(); if (analyze) { assertion.analyse(); } return assertion; } public static Assertions root(FragmentedModel model) { return root(model, false); } public static Assertions root(FragmentedModel model, boolean analyze) { return root(model, 1, 0, analyze); } public Assertions analyse() { TreeIterator<EObject> eAllContents = value().eAllContents(); while(eAllContents.hasNext()) { EObject next =; EObject eContainer = next.eContainer(); Assert.assertTrue(eContainer != null || eContainer == value()); } return this; } public TestObject value() { if (value != null) { try { if (index != -1) { return (TestObject)((EList<?>)value).get(index); } else { if (value instanceof TestObject) { return (TestObject)value; } else { return owner; } } } catch (ClassCastException e) {"There is no test object."); throw e; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {"No value at this index."); throw e; } } else { return owner; } } public Assertions assertTestObject() { Assert.assertTrue("Not a test object.", value().getName().startsWith(prefix)); Assert.assertTrue("Not part of a fragmented model.", ((FObjectImpl)value()).fInternalObject().eResource() instanceof Fragment); return this; } public Assertions assertId(int id) { assertTestObject(); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong test object.", ""+id, value().getName().substring(prefix.length())); return this; } public Assertions assertSameFragmentAsContainer() { FInternalObjectImpl internalObject = ((FObjectImpl)value()).fInternalObject(); Assert.assertNotNull("Is not part of a fragment.", internalObject.eResource()); Assert.assertTrue("Is not part of a fragment.", internalObject.eResource() instanceof Fragment); Assert.assertNotNull("Has no container.", internalObject.eContainer()); Assert.assertSame("Not the same fragment as container", internalObject.eResource(), internalObject.eContainer().eResource()); return this; } public Assertions assertDifferentFragmentAsContainer() { FInternalObjectImpl internalObject = ((FObjectImpl)value()).fInternalObject(); Assert.assertNotNull("Is not part of a fragment.", internalObject.eResource()); Assert.assertTrue("Is not part of a fragment.", internalObject.eResource() instanceof Fragment); Assert.assertNotNull("Has no container.", internalObject.eContainer()); Assert.assertNotSame("Not the same fragment as container", internalObject.eResource(), internalObject.eContainer().eResource()); return this; } public Assertions get(EReference feature) { value = value().eGet(feature); index = -1; return this; } public Assertions getFragmentedContents() { value = value().getFragmentedContents(); index = -1; return this; } public Assertions getRegularContents() { value = value().getRegularContents(); index = -1; return this; } public Assertions getCrossReferences() { value = value().getCrossReferences(); index = -1; return this; } public Assertions getIndexedContents() { Assert.assertTrue("Object has wrong type.", value() instanceof TestObjectWithIndexes); value = ((TestObjectWithIndexes)value()).getIndexedContents(); index = -1; return this; } public Assertions getIndexedReferences() { Assert.assertTrue("Object has wrong type.", value() instanceof TestObjectWithIndexes); value = ((TestObjectWithIndexes)value()).getIndexedReferences(); index = -1; return this; } public Assertions eContents() { value = value().eContents(); index = -1; return this; } public Assertions get(int index) { this.index = index; return this; } public Assertions assertSize(int size) { Assert.assertEquals("Wrong size.", size, ((EList<?>)value).size()); return this; } public Assertions eContainer() { EObject eContainer = value().eContainer(); Assert.assertNotNull("There is no container.", eContainer); Assert.assertTrue("Container is not a test object.", eContainer instanceof TestObject); owner = (TestObject)eContainer; index = -1; value = null; return this; } public Assertions save() { save = value(); return this; } public Assertions assertContains() { Assert.assertTrue("List does not contain saved object.", ((EList<?>)value).contains(save)); return this; } public Assertions load() { owner = save; value = null; index = -1; return this; } public Assertions assertIterator(int size) { Iterator<?> iterator = ((List<?>)value).iterator(); Assert.assertTrue("Iterator is emtpy.", iterator.hasNext() || size == 0); int i = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { context((TestObject); i++; } Assert.assertEquals("Iterator has the wrong size.", size, i); return this; } }