package de.hub.emffrag.fragmentation; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.DataStoreImpl; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.IBaseDataStore; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.IBulkInsertExtension; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.IDataMap; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.IDataStore; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.IScanExtension; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.InMemoryDataStore; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.LongKeyType; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.ScanningDataStore; import de.hub.emffrag.datastore.WriteCachingDataStore; public abstract class AbstractDataStoreTest { protected abstract IBaseDataStore createBaseDataStore(); /** * @return null if no scan extension shall be used. See {@link ScanningDataStore}. */ protected IScanExtension createScanExtension() { return null; } /** * @return null if no bulk insert shall be used. See {@link WriteCachingDataStore}. */ protected IBulkInsertExtension createBulkInsertExtension() { return null; } protected abstract URI createURI(); protected IDataStore dataStore; @Before public void createDataStore() { IBaseDataStore baseDataStore = createBaseDataStore(); IScanExtension scanExtension = createScanExtension(); IBulkInsertExtension bulkInsertExtension = createBulkInsertExtension(); URI uri = createURI(); if (scanExtension != null) { baseDataStore = new ScanningDataStore(baseDataStore, scanExtension); } if (bulkInsertExtension != null) { baseDataStore = new WriteCachingDataStore(baseDataStore, bulkInsertExtension); } dataStore = new DataStoreImpl(baseDataStore, uri); } @Test public void testBasicWriteRead() { for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { byte[] key = createKey(i); byte[] value = createValue(i); write(key, value); } for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { byte[] key = createKey(i); byte[] value = createValue(i); read(key, value); } for (int i = 5000; i < 10000; i++) { byte[] key = createKey(i); InputStream is = dataStore.openInputStream(key); Assert.assertNull(is); } } private void read(byte[] key, byte[] value) { InputStream is = dataStore.openInputStream(key); Assert.assertNotNull(is); byte[] readValue = new byte[value.length]; try {, 0, value.length); is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { + ": " + e.getMessage()); } Assert.assertEquals(0, InMemoryDataStore.compareBytes(value, readValue)); } private void write(byte[] key, byte[] value) { OutputStream os = dataStore.openOutputStream(key); try { os.write(value); os.close(); } catch (Exception e) { + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } private byte[] createValue(int i) { return ("testValue" + i).getBytes(); } @Test public void testRandomReadWrite() { Random random = new Random(0); Map<BigInteger, byte[]> reference = new HashMap<BigInteger, byte[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long randomKey = random.nextLong(); BigInteger bigIntegerKey = BigInteger.valueOf(randomKey); byte[] key = bigIntegerKey.toByteArray(); byte[] value = createValue(i); write(key, value); reference.put(bigIntegerKey, value); read(key, value); } for (Entry<BigInteger, byte[]> entry: reference.entrySet()) { read(entry.getKey().toByteArray(), entry.getValue()); } } @Test public void testCeiling() { writePattern(); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(0), new BigInteger(dataStore.ceiling(createKey(0)))); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(1), new BigInteger(dataStore.ceiling(createKey(1)))); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(6), new BigInteger(dataStore.ceiling(createKey(2)))); } private void writePattern() { int[] keyPattern = new int[] {0, 1, 6, 10, 20}; for (int key: keyPattern) { write(createKey(key), createValue(key)); } } @Test public void testFloor() { writePattern(); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(0), new BigInteger(dataStore.floor(createKey(0)))); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(1), new BigInteger(dataStore.floor(createKey(1)))); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(1), new BigInteger(dataStore.floor(createKey(2)))); } @Test public void testCheck() { writePattern(); Assert.assertFalse(dataStore.check(createKey(0))); Assert.assertFalse(dataStore.check(createKey(1))); Assert.assertTrue(dataStore.check(createKey(2))); Assert.assertTrue(dataStore.check(createKey(2))); } @Test public void testCheckAndCreate() { writePattern(); Assert.assertFalse(dataStore.checkAndCreate(createKey(0))); Assert.assertFalse(dataStore.checkAndCreate(createKey(1))); Assert.assertTrue(dataStore.checkAndCreate(createKey(2))); Assert.assertFalse(dataStore.checkAndCreate(createKey(2))); } @Test public void testDelete() { writePattern(); Assert.assertFalse(dataStore.check(createKey(0))); dataStore.delete(createKey(0)); Assert.assertTrue(dataStore.check(createKey(0))); Assert.assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(1), new BigInteger(dataStore.ceiling(createKey(0)))); } @Test public void testLastAdd() { IDataMap<Long> map = dataStore.getMap("".getBytes(), LongKeyType.instance); long last = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Long lastLongValue = map.last(); if (lastLongValue == null) { last = -1; } else { last = lastLongValue; } map.add(lastLongValue == null ? LongKeyType.instance.nullKey() :; Assert.assertTrue(last < map.last()); } } @Test public void testAdd() { writePattern(); IDataMap<Long> map = dataStore.getMap("".getBytes(), LongKeyType.instance); long last = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Long value = map.add(); Assert.assertTrue(last < value); last = value; } } @Test public void testAddWithRemoves() { IDataMap<Long> map = dataStore.getMap("".getBytes(), LongKeyType.instance); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Long value = map.add(); dataStore.delete(map.getStoreKey(value)); } } private byte[] createKey(int key) { return BigInteger.valueOf(key).toByteArray(); } }