package com.fsck.k9.view; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import timber.log.Timber; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.webkit.WebSettings; import android.webkit.WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm; import android.webkit.WebSettings.RenderPriority; import android.webkit.WebView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.fsck.k9.K9; import com.fsck.k9.K9.Theme; import com.fsck.k9.R; import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.AttachmentResolver; public class MessageWebView extends RigidWebView { public MessageWebView(Context context) { super(context); } public MessageWebView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } public MessageWebView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); } /** * Configure a web view to load or not load network data. A <b>true</b> setting here means that * network data will be blocked. * @param shouldBlockNetworkData True if network data should be blocked, false to allow network data. */ public void blockNetworkData(final boolean shouldBlockNetworkData) { /* * Block network loads. * * Images with content: URIs will not be blocked, nor * will network images that are already in the WebView cache. * */ getSettings().setBlockNetworkLoads(shouldBlockNetworkData); } /** * Configure a {@link WebView} to display a Message. This method takes into account a user's * preferences when configuring the view. This message is used to view a message and to display a message being * replied to. */ public void configure() { this.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(true); this.setVerticalScrollbarOverlay(true); this.setScrollBarStyle(SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY); this.setLongClickable(true); if (K9.getK9MessageViewTheme() == Theme.DARK) { // Black theme should get a black webview background // we'll set the background of the messages on load this.setBackgroundColor(0xff000000); } final WebSettings webSettings = this.getSettings(); webSettings.setCacheMode(WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE); /* TODO this might improve rendering smoothness when webview is animated into view if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= VERSION_CODES.M) { webSettings.setOffscreenPreRaster(true); } */ webSettings.setSupportZoom(true); webSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); webSettings.setUseWideViewPort(true); if (K9.autofitWidth()) { webSettings.setLoadWithOverviewMode(true); } disableDisplayZoomControls(); webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled(false); webSettings.setLoadsImagesAutomatically(true); webSettings.setRenderPriority(RenderPriority.HIGH); // TODO: Review alternatives. NARROW_COLUMNS is deprecated on KITKAT webSettings.setLayoutAlgorithm(LayoutAlgorithm.NARROW_COLUMNS); setOverScrollMode(OVER_SCROLL_NEVER); webSettings.setTextZoom(K9.getFontSizes().getMessageViewContentAsPercent()); // Disable network images by default. This is overridden by preferences. blockNetworkData(true); } /** * Disable on-screen zoom controls on devices that support zooming via pinch-to-zoom. */ private void disableDisplayZoomControls() { PackageManager pm = getContext().getPackageManager(); boolean supportsMultiTouch = pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_TOUCHSCREEN_MULTITOUCH) || pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_FAKETOUCH_MULTITOUCH_DISTINCT); getSettings().setDisplayZoomControls(!supportsMultiTouch); } public void displayHtmlContentWithInlineAttachments(@NonNull String htmlText, @Nullable AttachmentResolver attachmentResolver, @Nullable OnPageFinishedListener onPageFinishedListener) { setWebViewClient(attachmentResolver, onPageFinishedListener); setHtmlContent(htmlText); } private void setWebViewClient(@Nullable AttachmentResolver attachmentResolver, @Nullable OnPageFinishedListener onPageFinishedListener) { K9WebViewClient webViewClient = K9WebViewClient.newInstance(attachmentResolver); if (onPageFinishedListener != null) { webViewClient.setOnPageFinishedListener(onPageFinishedListener); } setWebViewClient(webViewClient); } private void setHtmlContent(@NonNull String htmlText) { loadDataWithBaseURL("about:blank", htmlText, "text/html", "utf-8", null); resumeTimers(); } /* * Emulate the shift key being pressed to trigger the text selection mode * of a WebView. */ public void emulateShiftHeld() { try { KeyEvent shiftPressEvent = new KeyEvent(0, 0, KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT, 0, 0); shiftPressEvent.dispatch(this, null, null); Toast.makeText(getContext() , R.string.select_text_now, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } catch (Exception e) { Timber.e(e, "Exception in emulateShiftHeld()"); } } public interface OnPageFinishedListener { void onPageFinished(); } }