package com.fsck.k9.mailstore.migrations; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import timber.log.Timber; import com.fsck.k9.Account; import com.fsck.k9.K9; import com.fsck.k9.helper.Utility; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Flag; import com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeHeader; import com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeUtility; import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.StorageManager; import org.apache.james.mime4j.codec.QuotedPrintableOutputStream; import org.apache.james.mime4j.util.MimeUtil; class MigrationTo51 { private static final int MESSAGE_PART_TYPE__UNKNOWN = 0; private static final int MESSAGE_PART_TYPE__HIDDEN_ATTACHMENT = 6; private static final int DATA_LOCATION__MISSING = 0; private static final int DATA_LOCATION__IN_DATABASE = 1; private static final int DATA_LOCATION__ON_DISK = 2; /** * This method converts from the old message table structure to the new one. * * This is a complex migration, and ultimately we do not have enough * information to recreate the mime structure of the original mails. * What we have: * - general mail info * - html_content and text_content data, which is the squashed readable content of the mail * - a table with message headers * - attachments * * What we need to do: * - migrate general mail info as-is * - flag mails as migrated for re-download * - for each message, recreate a mime structure from its message content and attachments: * + insert one or both of textContent and htmlContent, depending on mimeType * + if mimeType is text/plain, text/html or multipart/alternative and no * attachments are present, just insert that. * + otherwise, use multipart/mixed, adding attachments after textual content * + revert content:// URIs in htmlContent to original cid: URIs. */ public static void db51MigrateMessageFormat(SQLiteDatabase db, MigrationsHelper migrationsHelper) { renameOldMessagesTableAndCreateNew(db); copyMessageMetadataToNewTable(db); File attachmentDirNew, attachmentDirOld; Account account = migrationsHelper.getAccount(); attachmentDirNew = StorageManager.getInstance( account.getUuid(), account.getLocalStorageProviderId()); attachmentDirOld = renameOldAttachmentDirAndCreateNew(account, attachmentDirNew); Cursor msgCursor = db.query("messages_old", new String[] { "id", "flags", "html_content", "text_content", "mime_type", "attachment_count" }, null, null, null, null, null); try { Timber.d("migrating %d messages", msgCursor.getCount()); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); while (msgCursor.moveToNext()) { long messageId = msgCursor.getLong(0); String messageFlags = msgCursor.getString(1); String htmlContent = msgCursor.getString(2); String textContent = msgCursor.getString(3); String mimeType = msgCursor.getString(4); int attachmentCount = msgCursor.getInt(5); try { updateFlagsForMessage(db, messageId, messageFlags, migrationsHelper); MimeHeader mimeHeader = loadHeaderFromHeadersTable(db, messageId); MimeStructureState structureState = MimeStructureState.getNewRootState(); boolean messageHadSpecialFormat = false; // we do not rely on the protocol parameter here but guess by the multipart structure boolean isMaybePgpMimeEncrypted = attachmentCount == 2 && MimeUtil.isSameMimeType(mimeType, "multipart/encrypted"); if (isMaybePgpMimeEncrypted) { MimeStructureState maybeStructureState = migratePgpMimeEncryptedContent(db, messageId, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, mimeHeader, structureState); if (maybeStructureState != null) { structureState = maybeStructureState; messageHadSpecialFormat = true; } } if (!messageHadSpecialFormat) { boolean isSimpleStructured = attachmentCount == 0 && Utility.isAnyMimeType(mimeType, "text/plain", "text/html", "multipart/alternative"); if (isSimpleStructured) { structureState = migrateSimpleMailContent(db, htmlContent, textContent, mimeType, mimeHeader, structureState); } else { mimeType = "multipart/mixed"; structureState = migrateComplexMailContent(db, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, messageId, htmlContent, textContent, mimeHeader, structureState); } } cv.clear(); cv.put("mime_type", mimeType); cv.put("message_part_id", structureState.rootPartId); cv.put("attachment_count", attachmentCount); db.update("messages", cv, "id = ?", new String[] { Long.toString(messageId) }); } catch (IOException e) { Timber.e(e, "error inserting into database"); } } } finally { msgCursor.close(); } cleanUpOldAttachmentDirectory(attachmentDirOld); dropOldMessagesTable(db); } @NonNull private static File renameOldAttachmentDirAndCreateNew(Account account, File attachmentDirNew) { File attachmentDirOld = new File(attachmentDirNew.getParent(), account.getUuid() + ".old_attach-" + System.currentTimeMillis()); boolean moveOk = attachmentDirNew.renameTo(attachmentDirOld); if (!moveOk) { // TODO escalate? Timber.e("Error moving attachment dir! All attachments might be lost!"); } boolean mkdirOk = attachmentDirNew.mkdir(); if (!mkdirOk) { // TODO escalate? Timber.e("Error creating new attachment dir!"); } return attachmentDirOld; } private static void dropOldMessagesTable(SQLiteDatabase db) { Timber.d("Migration succeeded, dropping old tables."); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE messages_old"); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE attachments"); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE headers"); } private static void cleanUpOldAttachmentDirectory(File attachmentDirOld) { if (!attachmentDirOld.exists()) { Timber.d("Old attachment directory doesn't exist: %s", attachmentDirOld.getAbsolutePath()); return; } for (File file : attachmentDirOld.listFiles()) { Timber.d("deleting stale attachment file: %s", file.getName()); if (file.exists() && !file.delete()) { Timber.d("Failed to delete stale attachement file: %s", file.getAbsolutePath()); } } Timber.d("deleting old attachment directory"); if (attachmentDirOld.exists() && !attachmentDirOld.delete()) { Timber.d("Failed to delete old attachement directory: %s", attachmentDirOld.getAbsolutePath()); } } private static void copyMessageMetadataToNewTable(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("INSERT INTO messages (" + "id, deleted, folder_id, uid, subject, date, sender_list, " + "to_list, cc_list, bcc_list, reply_to_list, attachment_count, " + "internal_date, message_id, preview, mime_type, " + "normalized_subject_hash, empty, read, flagged, answered" + ") SELECT " + "id, deleted, folder_id, uid, subject, date, sender_list, " + "to_list, cc_list, bcc_list, reply_to_list, attachment_count, " + "internal_date, message_id, preview, mime_type, " + "normalized_subject_hash, empty, read, flagged, answered " + "FROM messages_old"); } private static void renameOldMessagesTableAndCreateNew(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE messages RENAME TO messages_old"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE messages (" + "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + "deleted INTEGER default 0, " + "folder_id INTEGER, " + "uid TEXT, " + "subject TEXT, " + "date INTEGER, " + "flags TEXT, " + "sender_list TEXT, " + "to_list TEXT, " + "cc_list TEXT, " + "bcc_list TEXT, " + "reply_to_list TEXT, " + "attachment_count INTEGER, " + "internal_date INTEGER, " + "message_id TEXT, " + "preview TEXT, " + "mime_type TEXT, "+ "normalized_subject_hash INTEGER, " + "empty INTEGER default 0, " + "read INTEGER default 0, " + "flagged INTEGER default 0, " + "answered INTEGER default 0, " + "forwarded INTEGER default 0, " + "message_part_id INTEGER" + ")"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE message_parts (" + "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + "type INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "root INTEGER, " + "parent INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "seq INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "mime_type TEXT, " + "decoded_body_size INTEGER, " + "display_name TEXT, " + "header TEXT, " + "encoding TEXT, " + "charset TEXT, " + "data_location INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "data BLOB, " + "preamble TEXT, " + "epilogue TEXT, " + "boundary TEXT, " + "content_id TEXT, " + "server_extra TEXT" + ")"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER set_message_part_root " + "AFTER INSERT ON message_parts " + "BEGIN " + "UPDATE message_parts SET root=id WHERE root IS NULL AND ROWID = NEW.ROWID; " + "END"); } @Nullable private static MimeStructureState migratePgpMimeEncryptedContent(SQLiteDatabase db, long messageId, File attachmentDirOld, File attachmentDirNew, MimeHeader mimeHeader, MimeStructureState structureState) { Timber.d("Attempting to migrate multipart/encrypted as pgp/mime"); // we only handle attachment count == 2 here, so simply sorting application/pgp-encrypted // to the front (and application/octet-stream second) should suffice. String orderBy = "(mime_type LIKE 'application/pgp-encrypted') DESC"; Cursor cursor = db.query("attachments", new String[] { "id", "size", "name", "mime_type", "store_data", "content_uri", "content_id", "content_disposition" }, "message_id = ?", new String[] { Long.toString(messageId) }, null, null, orderBy); try { if (cursor.getCount() != 2) { Timber.e("Found multipart/encrypted but bad number of attachments, handling as regular mail"); return null; } cursor.moveToFirst(); long firstPartId = cursor.getLong(0); int firstPartSize = cursor.getInt(1); String firstPartName = cursor.getString(2); String firstPartMimeType = cursor.getString(3); String firstPartStoreData = cursor.getString(4); String firstPartContentUriString = cursor.getString(5); if (!MimeUtil.isSameMimeType(firstPartMimeType, "application/pgp-encrypted")) { Timber.e("First part in multipart/encrypted wasn't application/pgp-encrypted, " + "not handling as pgp/mime"); return null; } cursor.moveToNext(); long secondPartId = cursor.getLong(0); int secondPartSize = cursor.getInt(1); String secondPartName = cursor.getString(2); String secondPartMimeType = cursor.getString(3); String secondPartStoreData = cursor.getString(4); String secondPartContentUriString = cursor.getString(5); if (!MimeUtil.isSameMimeType(secondPartMimeType, "application/octet-stream")) { Timber.e("First part in multipart/encrypted wasn't application/octet-stream, not handling as pgp/mime"); return null; } String boundary = MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter( mimeHeader.getFirstHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE), "boundary"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(boundary)) { boundary = MimeUtil.createUniqueBoundary(); } mimeHeader.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, String.format("multipart/encrypted; boundary=\"%s\"; protocol=\"application/pgp-encrypted\"", boundary)); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("type", MESSAGE_PART_TYPE__UNKNOWN); cv.put("data_location", DATA_LOCATION__IN_DATABASE); cv.put("mime_type", "multipart/encrypted"); cv.put("header", mimeHeader.toString()); cv.put("boundary", boundary); structureState.applyValues(cv); long rootMessagePartId = db.insertOrThrow("message_parts", null, cv); structureState = structureState.nextMultipartChild(rootMessagePartId); structureState = insertMimeAttachmentPart(db, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, structureState, firstPartId, firstPartSize, firstPartName, "application/pgp-encrypted", firstPartStoreData, firstPartContentUriString, null, null); structureState = insertMimeAttachmentPart(db, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, structureState, secondPartId, secondPartSize, secondPartName, "application/octet-stream", secondPartStoreData, secondPartContentUriString, null, null); } finally { cursor.close(); } return structureState; } private static MimeStructureState migrateComplexMailContent(SQLiteDatabase db, File attachmentDirOld, File attachmentDirNew, long messageId, String htmlContent, String textContent, MimeHeader mimeHeader, MimeStructureState structureState) throws IOException { Timber.d("Processing mail with complex data structure as multipart/mixed"); String boundary = MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter( mimeHeader.getFirstHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE), "boundary"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(boundary)) { boundary = MimeUtil.createUniqueBoundary(); } mimeHeader.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, String.format("multipart/mixed; boundary=\"%s\";", boundary)); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("type", MESSAGE_PART_TYPE__UNKNOWN); cv.put("data_location", DATA_LOCATION__IN_DATABASE); cv.put("mime_type", "multipart/mixed"); cv.put("header", mimeHeader.toString()); cv.put("boundary", boundary); structureState.applyValues(cv); long rootMessagePartId = db.insertOrThrow("message_parts", null, cv); structureState = structureState.nextMultipartChild(rootMessagePartId); if (htmlContent != null) { htmlContent = replaceContentUriWithContentIdInHtmlPart(db, messageId, htmlContent); } if (textContent != null && htmlContent != null) { structureState = insertBodyAsMultipartAlternative(db, structureState, null, textContent, htmlContent); structureState = structureState.popParent(); } else if (textContent != null) { structureState = insertTextualPartIntoDatabase(db, structureState, null, textContent, false); } else if (htmlContent != null) { structureState = insertTextualPartIntoDatabase(db, structureState, null, htmlContent, true); } structureState = insertAttachments(db, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, messageId, structureState); return structureState; } private static String replaceContentUriWithContentIdInHtmlPart( SQLiteDatabase db, long messageId, String htmlContent) { Cursor cursor = db.query("attachments", new String[] { "content_uri", "content_id" }, "content_id IS NOT NULL AND message_id = ?", new String[] { Long.toString(messageId) }, null, null, null); try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { String contentUriString = cursor.getString(0); String contentId = cursor.getString(1); // this is not super efficient, but occurs only once or twice htmlContent = htmlContent.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(contentUriString), "cid:" + contentId); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return htmlContent; } private static MimeStructureState migrateSimpleMailContent(SQLiteDatabase db, String htmlContent, String textContent, String mimeType, MimeHeader mimeHeader, MimeStructureState structureState) throws IOException { Timber.d("Processing mail with simple structure"); if (MimeUtil.isSameMimeType(mimeType, "text/plain")) { return insertTextualPartIntoDatabase(db, structureState, mimeHeader, textContent, false); } else if (MimeUtil.isSameMimeType(mimeType, "text/html")) { return insertTextualPartIntoDatabase(db, structureState, mimeHeader, htmlContent, true); } else if (MimeUtil.isSameMimeType(mimeType, "multipart/alternative")) { return insertBodyAsMultipartAlternative(db, structureState, mimeHeader, textContent, htmlContent); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("migrateSimpleMailContent cannot handle mimeType " + mimeType); } } private static MimeStructureState insertAttachments(SQLiteDatabase db, File attachmentDirOld, File attachmentDirNew, long messageId, MimeStructureState structureState) { Cursor cursor = db.query("attachments", new String[] { "id", "size", "name", "mime_type", "store_data", "content_uri", "content_id", "content_disposition" }, "message_id = ?", new String[] { Long.toString(messageId) }, null, null, null); try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { long id = cursor.getLong(0); int size = cursor.getInt(1); String name = cursor.getString(2); String mimeType = cursor.getString(3); String storeData = cursor.getString(4); String contentUriString = cursor.getString(5); String contentId = cursor.getString(6); String contentDisposition = cursor.getString(7); structureState = insertMimeAttachmentPart(db, attachmentDirOld, attachmentDirNew, structureState, id, size, name, mimeType, storeData, contentUriString, contentId, contentDisposition); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return structureState; } private static MimeStructureState insertMimeAttachmentPart(SQLiteDatabase db, File attachmentDirOld, File attachmentDirNew, MimeStructureState structureState, long id, int size, String name, String mimeType, String storeData, String contentUriString, String contentId, String contentDisposition) { Timber.d("processing attachment %d, %s, %s, %s, %s", id, name, mimeType, storeData, contentUriString); if (contentDisposition == null) { contentDisposition = "attachment"; } MimeHeader mimeHeader = new MimeHeader(); mimeHeader.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, String.format("%s;\r\n name=\"%s\"", mimeType, name)); mimeHeader.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, String.format(Locale.US, "%s;\r\n filename=\"%s\";\r\n size=%d", contentDisposition, name, size)); // TODO: Should use encoded word defined in RFC 2231. if (contentId != null) { mimeHeader.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_ID, contentId); } boolean hasData = contentUriString != null; File attachmentFileToMove; if (hasData) { try { Uri contentUri = Uri.parse(contentUriString); List<String> pathSegments = contentUri.getPathSegments(); String attachmentId = pathSegments.get(1); boolean isMatchingAttachmentId = Long.parseLong(attachmentId) == id; File attachmentFile = new File(attachmentDirOld, attachmentId); boolean isExistingAttachmentFile = attachmentFile.exists(); if (!isMatchingAttachmentId) { Timber.e("mismatched attachment id. mark as missing"); attachmentFileToMove = null; } else if (!isExistingAttachmentFile) { Timber.e("attached file doesn't exist. mark as missing"); attachmentFileToMove = null; } else { attachmentFileToMove = attachmentFile; } } catch (Exception e) { // anything here fails, conservatively assume the data doesn't exist attachmentFileToMove = null; } } else { attachmentFileToMove = null; } if (attachmentFileToMove == null) { Timber.d("matching attachment is in local cache"); } boolean hasContentTypeAndIsInline = !TextUtils.isEmpty(contentId) && "inline".equalsIgnoreCase(contentDisposition); int messageType = hasContentTypeAndIsInline ? MESSAGE_PART_TYPE__HIDDEN_ATTACHMENT : MESSAGE_PART_TYPE__UNKNOWN; ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("type", messageType); cv.put("mime_type", mimeType); cv.put("decoded_body_size", size); cv.put("display_name", name); cv.put("header", mimeHeader.toString()); cv.put("encoding", MimeUtil.ENC_BINARY); cv.put("data_location", attachmentFileToMove != null ? DATA_LOCATION__ON_DISK : DATA_LOCATION__MISSING); cv.put("content_id", contentId); cv.put("server_extra", storeData); structureState.applyValues(cv); long partId = db.insertOrThrow("message_parts", null, cv); structureState = structureState.nextChild(partId); if (attachmentFileToMove != null) { boolean moveOk = attachmentFileToMove.renameTo(new File(attachmentDirNew, Long.toString(partId))); if (!moveOk) { Timber.e("Moving attachment to new dir failed!"); } } return structureState; } private static void updateFlagsForMessage(SQLiteDatabase db, long messageId, String messageFlags, MigrationsHelper migrationsHelper) { List<Flag> extraFlags = new ArrayList<>(); if (messageFlags != null && messageFlags.length() > 0) { String[] flags = messageFlags.split(","); for (String flagStr : flags) { try { Flag flag = Flag.valueOf(flagStr); extraFlags.add(flag); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore bad flags } } } extraFlags.add(Flag.X_MIGRATED_FROM_V50); String flagsString = migrationsHelper.serializeFlags(extraFlags); db.execSQL("UPDATE messages SET flags = ? WHERE id = ?", new Object[] { flagsString, messageId } ); } private static MimeStructureState insertBodyAsMultipartAlternative(SQLiteDatabase db, MimeStructureState structureState, MimeHeader mimeHeader, String textContent, String htmlContent) throws IOException { if (mimeHeader == null) { mimeHeader = new MimeHeader(); } String boundary = MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter( mimeHeader.getFirstHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE), "boundary"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(boundary)) { boundary = MimeUtil.createUniqueBoundary(); } mimeHeader.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, String.format("multipart/alternative; boundary=\"%s\";", boundary)); int dataLocation = textContent != null || htmlContent != null ? DATA_LOCATION__IN_DATABASE : DATA_LOCATION__MISSING; ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("type", MESSAGE_PART_TYPE__UNKNOWN); cv.put("data_location", dataLocation); cv.put("mime_type", "multipart/alternative"); cv.put("header", mimeHeader.toString()); cv.put("boundary", boundary); structureState.applyValues(cv); long multipartAlternativePartId = db.insertOrThrow("message_parts", null, cv); structureState = structureState.nextMultipartChild(multipartAlternativePartId); if (textContent != null) { structureState = insertTextualPartIntoDatabase(db, structureState, null, textContent, false); } if (htmlContent != null) { structureState = insertTextualPartIntoDatabase(db, structureState, null, htmlContent, true); } return structureState; } private static MimeStructureState insertTextualPartIntoDatabase(SQLiteDatabase db, MimeStructureState structureState, MimeHeader mimeHeader, String content, boolean isHtml) throws IOException { if (mimeHeader == null) { mimeHeader = new MimeHeader(); } mimeHeader.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, isHtml ? "text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"" : "text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\""); mimeHeader.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, MimeUtil.ENC_QUOTED_PRINTABLE); byte[] contentBytes; int decodedBodySize; int dataLocation; if (content != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream contentOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); QuotedPrintableOutputStream quotedPrintableOutputStream = new QuotedPrintableOutputStream(contentOutputStream, false); quotedPrintableOutputStream.write(content.getBytes()); quotedPrintableOutputStream.flush(); dataLocation = DATA_LOCATION__IN_DATABASE; contentBytes = contentOutputStream.toByteArray(); decodedBodySize = content.length(); } else { dataLocation = DATA_LOCATION__MISSING; contentBytes = null; decodedBodySize = 0; } ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("type", MESSAGE_PART_TYPE__UNKNOWN); cv.put("data_location", dataLocation); cv.put("mime_type", isHtml ? "text/html" : "text/plain"); cv.put("header", mimeHeader.toString()); cv.put("data", contentBytes); cv.put("decoded_body_size", decodedBodySize); cv.put("encoding", MimeUtil.ENC_QUOTED_PRINTABLE); cv.put("charset", "utf-8"); structureState.applyValues(cv); long partId = db.insertOrThrow("message_parts", null, cv); return structureState.nextChild(partId); } private static MimeHeader loadHeaderFromHeadersTable(SQLiteDatabase db, long messageId) { Cursor headersCursor = db.query("headers", new String[] { "name", "value" }, "message_id = ?", new String[] { Long.toString(messageId) }, null, null, null); try { MimeHeader mimeHeader = new MimeHeader(); while (headersCursor.moveToNext()) { String name = headersCursor.getString(0); String value = headersCursor.getString(1); mimeHeader.addHeader(name, value); } return mimeHeader; } finally { headersCursor.close(); } } /** * Objects of this class hold immutable information on a database position for * one part of the mime structure of a message. * * An object of this class must be passed to and returned by every operation * which inserts mime parts into the database. Each mime part which is inserted * must call the {#applyValues()} method on its ContentValues, then obtain the * next state object by calling the appropriate next*() method. * * While the data carried by this object is immutable, it contains some state * to ensure that the operations are called correctly and in order. * * Because the insertion operations required for the database migration are * strictly linear, we do not require a more complex stack-based data structure * here. */ @VisibleForTesting static class MimeStructureState { private final Long rootPartId; private final Long prevParentId; private final long parentId; private final int nextOrder; // just some diagnostic state to make sure all operations are called in order private boolean isValuesApplied; private boolean isStateAdvanced; private MimeStructureState(Long rootPartId, Long prevParentId, long parentId, int nextOrder) { this.rootPartId = rootPartId; this.prevParentId = prevParentId; this.parentId = parentId; this.nextOrder = nextOrder; } public static MimeStructureState getNewRootState() { return new MimeStructureState(null, null, -1, 0); } public MimeStructureState nextChild(long newPartId) { if (!isValuesApplied || isStateAdvanced) { throw new IllegalStateException("next* methods must only be called once"); } isStateAdvanced = true; if (rootPartId == null) { return new MimeStructureState(newPartId, null, -1, nextOrder+1); } return new MimeStructureState(rootPartId, prevParentId, parentId, nextOrder+1); } public MimeStructureState nextMultipartChild(long newPartId) { if (!isValuesApplied || isStateAdvanced) { throw new IllegalStateException("next* methods must only be called once"); } isStateAdvanced = true; if (rootPartId == null) { return new MimeStructureState(newPartId, parentId, newPartId, nextOrder+1); } return new MimeStructureState(rootPartId, parentId, newPartId, nextOrder+1); } public void applyValues(ContentValues cv) { if (isValuesApplied || isStateAdvanced) { throw new IllegalStateException("applyValues must be called exactly once, after a call to next*"); } if (rootPartId != null && parentId == -1L) { throw new IllegalStateException("applyValues must not be called after a root nextChild call"); } isValuesApplied = true; if (rootPartId != null) { cv.put("root", rootPartId); } cv.put("parent", parentId); cv.put("seq", nextOrder); } public MimeStructureState popParent() { if (prevParentId == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("popParent must only be called if parent depth is >= 2"); } return new MimeStructureState(rootPartId, null, prevParentId, nextOrder); } } }