package; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Body; import com.fsck.k9.mail.BodyFactory; import com.fsck.k9.mail.FetchProfile; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Flag; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Folder; import com.fsck.k9.mail.K9MailLib; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Message; import com.fsck.k9.mail.MessageRetrievalListener; import com.fsck.k9.mail.MessagingException; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Part; import com.fsck.k9.mail.filter.EOLConvertingOutputStream; import com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart; import com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeHeader; import com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeMessageHelper; import com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeMultipart; import com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeUtility; import timber.log.Timber; import static; class ImapFolder extends Folder<ImapMessage> { private static final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> RFC3501_DATE = new ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat>() { @Override protected SimpleDateFormat initialValue() { return new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy", Locale.US); } }; private static final int MORE_MESSAGES_WINDOW_SIZE = 500; private static final int FETCH_WINDOW_SIZE = 100; protected volatile int messageCount = -1; protected volatile long uidNext = -1L; protected volatile ImapConnection connection; protected ImapStore store = null; protected Map<Long, String> msgSeqUidMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, String>(); private final FolderNameCodec folderNameCodec; private final String name; private int mode; private volatile boolean exists; private boolean inSearch = false; private boolean canCreateKeywords = false; public ImapFolder(ImapStore store, String name) { this(store, name, store.getFolderNameCodec()); } ImapFolder(ImapStore store, String name, FolderNameCodec folderNameCodec) { super(); = store; = name; this.folderNameCodec = folderNameCodec; } private String getPrefixedName() throws MessagingException { String prefixedName = ""; if (!store.getStoreConfig().getInboxFolderName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { ImapConnection connection; synchronized (this) { if (this.connection == null) { connection = store.getConnection(); } else { connection = this.connection; } } try {; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new MessagingException("Unable to get IMAP prefix", ioe); } finally { if (this.connection == null) { store.releaseConnection(connection); } } prefixedName = store.getCombinedPrefix(); } prefixedName += name; return prefixedName; } private List<ImapResponse> executeSimpleCommand(String command) throws MessagingException, IOException { return handleUntaggedResponses(connection.executeSimpleCommand(command)); } @Override public void open(int mode) throws MessagingException { internalOpen(mode); if (messageCount == -1) { throw new MessagingException("Did not find message count during open"); } } protected List<ImapResponse> internalOpen(int mode) throws MessagingException { if (isOpen() && this.mode == mode) { // Make sure the connection is valid. If it's not we'll close it down and continue // on to get a new one. try { return executeSimpleCommand(Commands.NOOP); } catch (IOException ioe) { /* don't throw */ ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } } store.releaseConnection(connection); synchronized (this) { connection = store.getConnection(); } try { msgSeqUidMap.clear(); String openCommand = mode == OPEN_MODE_RW ? "SELECT" : "EXAMINE"; String encodedFolderName = folderNameCodec.encode(getPrefixedName()); String escapedFolderName = ImapUtility.encodeString(encodedFolderName); String command = String.format("%s %s", openCommand, escapedFolderName); List<ImapResponse> responses = executeSimpleCommand(command); /* * If the command succeeds we expect the folder has been opened read-write unless we * are notified otherwise in the responses. */ this.mode = mode; for (ImapResponse response : responses) { handlePermanentFlags(response); } handleSelectOrExamineOkResponse(getLastResponse(responses)); exists = true; return responses; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } catch (MessagingException me) { Timber.e(me, "Unable to open connection for %s", getLogId()); throw me; } } private void handlePermanentFlags(ImapResponse response) { PermanentFlagsResponse permanentFlagsResponse = PermanentFlagsResponse.parse(response); if (permanentFlagsResponse == null) { return; } Set<Flag> permanentFlags = store.getPermanentFlagsIndex(); permanentFlags.addAll(permanentFlagsResponse.getFlags()); canCreateKeywords = permanentFlagsResponse.canCreateKeywords(); } private void handleSelectOrExamineOkResponse(ImapResponse response) { SelectOrExamineResponse selectOrExamineResponse = SelectOrExamineResponse.parse(response); if (selectOrExamineResponse == null) { // This shouldn't happen return; } if (selectOrExamineResponse.hasOpenMode()) { mode = selectOrExamineResponse.getOpenMode(); } } @Override public boolean isOpen() { return connection != null; } @Override public int getMode() { return mode; } @Override public void close() { messageCount = -1; if (!isOpen()) { return; } synchronized (this) { // If we are mid-search and we get a close request, we gotta trash the connection. if (inSearch && connection != null) { Timber.i("IMAP search was aborted, shutting down connection."); connection.close(); } else { store.releaseConnection(connection); } connection = null; } } @Override public String getName() { return name; } private boolean exists(String escapedFolderName) throws MessagingException { try { // Since we don't care about RECENT, we'll use that for the check, because we're checking // a folder other than ourself, and don't want any untagged responses to cause a change // in our own fields connection.executeSimpleCommand(String.format("STATUS %s (RECENT)", escapedFolderName)); return true; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } catch (NegativeImapResponseException e) { return false; } } @Override public boolean exists() throws MessagingException { if (exists) { return true; } /* * This method needs to operate in the unselected mode as well as the selected mode * so we must get the connection ourselves if it's not there. We are specifically * not calling checkOpen() since we don't care if the folder is open. */ ImapConnection connection; synchronized (this) { if (this.connection == null) { connection = store.getConnection(); } else { connection = this.connection; } } try { String encodedFolderName = folderNameCodec.encode(getPrefixedName()); String escapedFolderName = ImapUtility.encodeString(encodedFolderName); connection.executeSimpleCommand(String.format("STATUS %s (UIDVALIDITY)", escapedFolderName)); exists = true; return true; } catch (NegativeImapResponseException e) { return false; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } finally { if (this.connection == null) { store.releaseConnection(connection); } } } @Override public boolean create(FolderType type) throws MessagingException { /* * This method needs to operate in the unselected mode as well as the selected mode * so we must get the connection ourselves if it's not there. We are specifically * not calling checkOpen() since we don't care if the folder is open. */ ImapConnection connection; synchronized (this) { if (this.connection == null) { connection = store.getConnection(); } else { connection = this.connection; } } try { String encodedFolderName = folderNameCodec.encode(getPrefixedName()); String escapedFolderName = ImapUtility.encodeString(encodedFolderName); connection.executeSimpleCommand(String.format("CREATE %s", escapedFolderName)); return true; } catch (NegativeImapResponseException e) { return false; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(this.connection, ioe); } finally { if (this.connection == null) { store.releaseConnection(connection); } } } /** * Copies the given messages to the specified folder. * * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> * Only the UIDs of the given {@link Message} instances are used. It is assumed that all * UIDs represent valid messages in this folder. * </p> * * @param messages * The messages to copy to the specified folder. * @param folder * The name of the target folder. * * @return The mapping of original message UIDs to the new server UIDs. */ @Override public Map<String, String> copyMessages(List<? extends Message> messages, Folder folder) throws MessagingException { if (!(folder instanceof ImapFolder)) { throw new MessagingException("ImapFolder.copyMessages passed non-ImapFolder"); } if (messages.isEmpty()) { return null; } ImapFolder imapFolder = (ImapFolder) folder; checkOpen(); //only need READ access String[] uids = new String[messages.size()]; for (int i = 0, count = messages.size(); i < count; i++) { uids[i] = messages.get(i).getUid(); } try { String encodedDestinationFolderName = folderNameCodec.encode(imapFolder.getPrefixedName()); String escapedDestinationFolderName = ImapUtility.encodeString(encodedDestinationFolderName); //TODO: Try to copy/move the messages first and only create the folder if the // operation fails. This will save a roundtrip if the folder already exists. if (!exists(escapedDestinationFolderName)) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.i("ImapFolder.copyMessages: attempting to create remote folder '%s' for %s", escapedDestinationFolderName, getLogId()); } imapFolder.create(FolderType.HOLDS_MESSAGES); } //TODO: Split this into multiple commands if the command exceeds a certain length. List<ImapResponse> responses = executeSimpleCommand(String.format("UID COPY %s %s", combine(uids, ','), escapedDestinationFolderName)); // Get the tagged response for the UID COPY command ImapResponse response = getLastResponse(responses); CopyUidResponse copyUidResponse = CopyUidResponse.parse(response); if (copyUidResponse == null) { return null; } return copyUidResponse.getUidMapping(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } } @Override public Map<String, String> moveMessages(List<? extends Message> messages, Folder folder) throws MessagingException { if (messages.isEmpty()) { return null; } Map<String, String> uidMapping = copyMessages(messages, folder); setFlags(messages, Collections.singleton(Flag.DELETED), true); return uidMapping; } @Override public void delete(List<? extends Message> messages, String trashFolderName) throws MessagingException { if (messages.isEmpty()) { return; } if (trashFolderName == null || getName().equalsIgnoreCase(trashFolderName)) { setFlags(messages, Collections.singleton(Flag.DELETED), true); } else { ImapFolder remoteTrashFolder = getStore().getFolder(trashFolderName); String encodedTrashFolderName = folderNameCodec.encode(remoteTrashFolder.getPrefixedName()); String escapedTrashFolderName = ImapUtility.encodeString(encodedTrashFolderName); if (!exists(escapedTrashFolderName)) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.i("IMAPMessage.delete: attempting to create remote '%s' folder for %s", trashFolderName, getLogId()); } remoteTrashFolder.create(FolderType.HOLDS_MESSAGES); } if (exists(escapedTrashFolderName)) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.d("IMAPMessage.delete: copying remote %d messages to '%s' for %s", messages.size(), trashFolderName, getLogId()); } moveMessages(messages, remoteTrashFolder); } else { throw new MessagingException("IMAPMessage.delete: remote Trash folder " + trashFolderName + " does not exist and could not be created for " + getLogId(), true); } } } @Override public int getMessageCount() { return messageCount; } private int getRemoteMessageCount(String criteria) throws MessagingException { checkOpen(); try { int count = 0; int start = 1; String command = String.format(Locale.US, "SEARCH %d:* %s", start, criteria); List<ImapResponse> responses = executeSimpleCommand(command); for (ImapResponse response : responses) { if (ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(0), "SEARCH")) { count += response.size() - 1; } } return count; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } } @Override public int getUnreadMessageCount() throws MessagingException { return getRemoteMessageCount("UNSEEN NOT DELETED"); } @Override public int getFlaggedMessageCount() throws MessagingException { return getRemoteMessageCount("FLAGGED NOT DELETED"); } protected long getHighestUid() throws MessagingException { try { String command = "UID SEARCH *:*"; List<ImapResponse> responses = executeSimpleCommand(command); SearchResponse searchResponse = SearchResponse.parse(responses); return extractHighestUid(searchResponse); } catch (NegativeImapResponseException e) { return -1L; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } } private long extractHighestUid(SearchResponse searchResponse) { List<Long> uids = searchResponse.getNumbers(); if (uids.isEmpty()) { return -1L; } if (uids.size() == 1) { return uids.get(0); } Collections.sort(uids, Collections.reverseOrder()); return uids.get(0); } @Override public void delete(boolean recurse) throws MessagingException { throw new Error("ImapFolder.delete() not yet implemented"); } @Override public ImapMessage getMessage(String uid) throws MessagingException { return new ImapMessage(uid, this); } @Override public List<ImapMessage> getMessages(int start, int end, Date earliestDate, MessageRetrievalListener<ImapMessage> listener) throws MessagingException { return getMessages(start, end, earliestDate, false, listener); } protected List<ImapMessage> getMessages(final int start, final int end, Date earliestDate, final boolean includeDeleted, final MessageRetrievalListener<ImapMessage> listener) throws MessagingException { if (start < 1 || end < 1 || end < start) { throw new MessagingException(String.format(Locale.US, "Invalid message set %d %d", start, end)); } final String dateSearchString = getDateSearchString(earliestDate); ImapSearcher searcher = new ImapSearcher() { @Override public List<ImapResponse> search() throws IOException, MessagingException { String command = String.format(Locale.US, "UID SEARCH %d:%d%s%s", start, end, dateSearchString, includeDeleted ? "" : " NOT DELETED"); return executeSimpleCommand(command); } }; return search(searcher, listener); } private String getDateSearchString(Date earliestDate) { if (earliestDate == null) { return ""; } return " SINCE " + RFC3501_DATE.get().format(earliestDate); } @Override public boolean areMoreMessagesAvailable(int indexOfOldestMessage, Date earliestDate) throws IOException, MessagingException { checkOpen(); if (indexOfOldestMessage == 1) { return false; } String dateSearchString = getDateSearchString(earliestDate); int endIndex = indexOfOldestMessage - 1; while (endIndex > 0) { int startIndex = Math.max(0, endIndex - MORE_MESSAGES_WINDOW_SIZE) + 1; if (existsNonDeletedMessageInRange(startIndex, endIndex, dateSearchString)) { return true; } endIndex = endIndex - MORE_MESSAGES_WINDOW_SIZE; } return false; } private boolean existsNonDeletedMessageInRange(int startIndex, int endIndex, String dateSearchString) throws MessagingException, IOException { String command = String.format(Locale.US, "SEARCH %d:%d%s NOT DELETED", startIndex, endIndex, dateSearchString); List<ImapResponse> responses = executeSimpleCommand(command); for (ImapResponse response : responses) { if (response.getTag() == null && ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(0), "SEARCH")) { if (response.size() > 1) { return true; } } } return false; } protected List<ImapMessage> getMessages(final List<Long> mesgSeqs, final boolean includeDeleted, final MessageRetrievalListener<ImapMessage> listener) throws MessagingException { ImapSearcher searcher = new ImapSearcher() { @Override public List<ImapResponse> search() throws IOException, MessagingException { String command = String.format("UID SEARCH %s%s", combine(mesgSeqs.toArray(), ','), includeDeleted ? "" : " NOT DELETED"); return executeSimpleCommand(command); } }; return search(searcher, listener); } protected List<ImapMessage> getMessagesFromUids(final List<String> mesgUids) throws MessagingException { ImapSearcher searcher = new ImapSearcher() { @Override public List<ImapResponse> search() throws IOException, MessagingException { String command = String.format("UID SEARCH UID %s", combine(mesgUids.toArray(), ',')); return executeSimpleCommand(command); } }; return search(searcher, null); } private List<ImapMessage> search(ImapSearcher searcher, MessageRetrievalListener<ImapMessage> listener) throws MessagingException { checkOpen(); List<ImapMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>(); try { List<ImapResponse> responses =; SearchResponse searchResponse = SearchResponse.parse(responses); List<Long> uids = searchResponse.getNumbers(); // Sort the uids in numerically decreasing order // By doing it in decreasing order, we ensure newest messages are dealt with first // This makes the most sense when a limit is imposed, and also prevents UI from going // crazy adding stuff at the top. Collections.sort(uids, Collections.reverseOrder()); for (int i = 0, count = uids.size(); i < count; i++) { String uid = uids.get(i).toString(); if (listener != null) { listener.messageStarted(uid, i, count); } ImapMessage message = new ImapMessage(uid, this); messages.add(message); if (listener != null) { listener.messageFinished(message, i, count); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } return messages; } @Override public void fetch(List<ImapMessage> messages, FetchProfile fetchProfile, MessageRetrievalListener<ImapMessage> listener) throws MessagingException { if (messages == null || messages.isEmpty()) { return; } checkOpen(); List<String> uids = new ArrayList<>(messages.size()); HashMap<String, Message> messageMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Message message : messages) { String uid = message.getUid(); uids.add(uid); messageMap.put(uid, message); } Set<String> fetchFields = new LinkedHashSet<>(); fetchFields.add("UID"); if (fetchProfile.contains(FetchProfile.Item.FLAGS)) { fetchFields.add("FLAGS"); } if (fetchProfile.contains(FetchProfile.Item.ENVELOPE)) { fetchFields.add("INTERNALDATE"); fetchFields.add("RFC822.SIZE"); fetchFields.add("BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (date subject from content-type to cc " + "reply-to message-id references in-reply-to " + K9MailLib.IDENTITY_HEADER + ")]"); } if (fetchProfile.contains(FetchProfile.Item.STRUCTURE)) { fetchFields.add("BODYSTRUCTURE"); } if (fetchProfile.contains(FetchProfile.Item.BODY_SANE)) { int maximumAutoDownloadMessageSize = store.getStoreConfig().getMaximumAutoDownloadMessageSize(); if (maximumAutoDownloadMessageSize > 0) { fetchFields.add(String.format(Locale.US, "BODY.PEEK[]<0.%d>", maximumAutoDownloadMessageSize)); } else { fetchFields.add("BODY.PEEK[]"); } } if (fetchProfile.contains(FetchProfile.Item.BODY)) { fetchFields.add("BODY.PEEK[]"); } String spaceSeparatedFetchFields = combine(fetchFields.toArray(new String[fetchFields.size()]), ' '); for (int windowStart = 0; windowStart < messages.size(); windowStart += (FETCH_WINDOW_SIZE)) { int windowEnd = Math.min(windowStart + FETCH_WINDOW_SIZE, messages.size()); List<String> uidWindow = uids.subList(windowStart, windowEnd); try { String commaSeparatedUids = combine(uidWindow.toArray(new String[uidWindow.size()]), ','); String command = String.format("UID FETCH %s (%s)", commaSeparatedUids, spaceSeparatedFetchFields); connection.sendCommand(command, false); ImapResponse response; int messageNumber = 0; ImapResponseCallback callback = null; if (fetchProfile.contains(FetchProfile.Item.BODY) || fetchProfile.contains(FetchProfile.Item.BODY_SANE)) { callback = new FetchBodyCallback(messageMap); } do { response = connection.readResponse(callback); if (response.getTag() == null && ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(1), "FETCH")) { ImapList fetchList = (ImapList) response.getKeyedValue("FETCH"); String uid = fetchList.getKeyedString("UID"); long msgSeq = response.getLong(0); if (uid != null) { try { msgSeqUidMap.put(msgSeq, uid); if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.v("Stored uid '%s' for msgSeq %d into map", uid, msgSeq); } } catch (Exception e) { Timber.e("Unable to store uid '%s' for msgSeq %d", uid, msgSeq); } } Message message = messageMap.get(uid); if (message == null) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.d("Do not have message in messageMap for UID %s for %s", uid, getLogId()); } handleUntaggedResponse(response); continue; } if (listener != null) { listener.messageStarted(uid, messageNumber++, messageMap.size()); } ImapMessage imapMessage = (ImapMessage) message; Object literal = handleFetchResponse(imapMessage, fetchList); if (literal != null) { if (literal instanceof String) { String bodyString = (String) literal; InputStream bodyStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bodyString.getBytes()); imapMessage.parse(bodyStream); } else if (literal instanceof Integer) { // All the work was done in FetchBodyCallback.foundLiteral() } else { // This shouldn't happen throw new MessagingException("Got FETCH response with bogus parameters"); } } if (listener != null) { listener.messageFinished(imapMessage, messageNumber, messageMap.size()); } } else { handleUntaggedResponse(response); } } while (response.getTag() == null); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } } } @Override public void fetchPart(Message message, Part part, MessageRetrievalListener<Message> listener, BodyFactory bodyFactory) throws MessagingException { checkOpen(); String partId = part.getServerExtra(); String fetch; if ("TEXT".equalsIgnoreCase(partId)) { int maximumAutoDownloadMessageSize = store.getStoreConfig().getMaximumAutoDownloadMessageSize(); fetch = String.format(Locale.US, "BODY.PEEK[TEXT]<0.%d>", maximumAutoDownloadMessageSize); } else { fetch = String.format("BODY.PEEK[%s]", partId); } try { String command = String.format("UID FETCH %s (UID %s)", message.getUid(), fetch); connection.sendCommand(command, false); ImapResponse response; int messageNumber = 0; ImapResponseCallback callback = new FetchPartCallback(part, bodyFactory); do { response = connection.readResponse(callback); if (response.getTag() == null && ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(1), "FETCH")) { ImapList fetchList = (ImapList) response.getKeyedValue("FETCH"); String uid = fetchList.getKeyedString("UID"); if (!message.getUid().equals(uid)) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.d("Did not ask for UID %s for %s", uid, getLogId()); } handleUntaggedResponse(response); continue; } if (listener != null) { listener.messageStarted(uid, messageNumber++, 1); } ImapMessage imapMessage = (ImapMessage) message; Object literal = handleFetchResponse(imapMessage, fetchList); if (literal != null) { if (literal instanceof Body) { // Most of the work was done in FetchAttachmentCallback.foundLiteral() MimeMessageHelper.setBody(part, (Body) literal); } else if (literal instanceof String) { String bodyString = (String) literal; InputStream bodyStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bodyString.getBytes()); String contentTransferEncoding = part.getHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING)[0]; String contentType = part.getHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE)[0]; Body body = bodyFactory.createBody(contentTransferEncoding, contentType, bodyStream); MimeMessageHelper.setBody(part, body); } else { // This shouldn't happen throw new MessagingException("Got FETCH response with bogus parameters"); } } if (listener != null) { listener.messageFinished(message, messageNumber, 1); } } else { handleUntaggedResponse(response); } } while (response.getTag() == null); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } } // Returns value of body field private Object handleFetchResponse(ImapMessage message, ImapList fetchList) throws MessagingException { Object result = null; if (fetchList.containsKey("FLAGS")) { ImapList flags = fetchList.getKeyedList("FLAGS"); if (flags != null) { for (int i = 0, count = flags.size(); i < count; i++) { String flag = flags.getString(i); if (flag.equalsIgnoreCase("\\Deleted")) { message.setFlagInternal(Flag.DELETED, true); } else if (flag.equalsIgnoreCase("\\Answered")) { message.setFlagInternal(Flag.ANSWERED, true); } else if (flag.equalsIgnoreCase("\\Seen")) { message.setFlagInternal(Flag.SEEN, true); } else if (flag.equalsIgnoreCase("\\Flagged")) { message.setFlagInternal(Flag.FLAGGED, true); } else if (flag.equalsIgnoreCase("$Forwarded")) { message.setFlagInternal(Flag.FORWARDED, true); /* a message contains FORWARDED FLAG -> so we can also create them */ store.getPermanentFlagsIndex().add(Flag.FORWARDED); } } } } if (fetchList.containsKey("INTERNALDATE")) { Date internalDate = fetchList.getKeyedDate("INTERNALDATE"); message.setInternalDate(internalDate); } if (fetchList.containsKey("RFC822.SIZE")) { int size = fetchList.getKeyedNumber("RFC822.SIZE"); message.setSize(size); } if (fetchList.containsKey("BODYSTRUCTURE")) { ImapList bs = fetchList.getKeyedList("BODYSTRUCTURE"); if (bs != null) { try { parseBodyStructure(bs, message, "TEXT"); } catch (MessagingException e) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.d(e, "Error handling message for %s", getLogId()); } message.setBody(null); } } } if (fetchList.containsKey("BODY")) { int index = fetchList.getKeyIndex("BODY") + 2; int size = fetchList.size(); if (index < size) { result = fetchList.getObject(index); // Check if there's an origin octet if (result instanceof String) { String originOctet = (String) result; if (originOctet.startsWith("<") && (index + 1) < size) { result = fetchList.getObject(index + 1); } } } } return result; } protected List<ImapResponse> handleUntaggedResponses(List<ImapResponse> responses) { for (ImapResponse response : responses) { handleUntaggedResponse(response); } return responses; } protected void handlePossibleUidNext(ImapResponse response) { if (ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(0), "OK") && response.size() > 1) { Object bracketedObj = response.get(1); if (bracketedObj instanceof ImapList) { ImapList bracketed = (ImapList) bracketedObj; if (bracketed.size() > 1) { Object keyObj = bracketed.get(0); if (keyObj instanceof String) { String key = (String) keyObj; if ("UIDNEXT".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) { uidNext = bracketed.getLong(1); if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.d("Got UidNext = %s for %s", uidNext, getLogId()); } } } } } } } /** * Handle an untagged response that the caller doesn't care to handle themselves. */ protected void handleUntaggedResponse(ImapResponse response) { if (response.getTag() == null && response.size() > 1) { if (ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(1), "EXISTS")) { messageCount = response.getNumber(0); if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.d("Got untagged EXISTS with value %d for %s", messageCount, getLogId()); } } handlePossibleUidNext(response); if (ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(1), "EXPUNGE") && messageCount > 0) { messageCount--; if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.d("Got untagged EXPUNGE with messageCount %d for %s", messageCount, getLogId()); } } } } private void parseBodyStructure(ImapList bs, Part part, String id) throws MessagingException { if (bs.get(0) instanceof ImapList) { /* * This is a multipart/* */ MimeMultipart mp = MimeMultipart.newInstance(); for (int i = 0, count = bs.size(); i < count; i++) { if (bs.get(i) instanceof ImapList) { /* * For each part in the message we're going to add a new BodyPart and parse * into it. */ MimeBodyPart bp = new MimeBodyPart(); if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("TEXT")) { parseBodyStructure(bs.getList(i), bp, Integer.toString(i + 1)); } else { parseBodyStructure(bs.getList(i), bp, id + "." + (i + 1)); } mp.addBodyPart(bp); } else { /* * We've got to the end of the children of the part, so now we can find out * what type it is and bail out. */ String subType = bs.getString(i); mp.setSubType(subType.toLowerCase(Locale.US)); break; } } MimeMessageHelper.setBody(part, mp); } else { /* * This is a body. We need to add as much information as we can find out about * it to the Part. */ /* * 0| 0 body type * 1| 1 body subtype * 2| 2 body parameter parenthesized list * 3| 3 body id (unused) * 4| 4 body description (unused) * 5| 5 body encoding * 6| 6 body size * -| 7 text lines (only for type TEXT, unused) * Extensions (optional): * 7| 8 body MD5 (unused) * 8| 9 body disposition * 9|10 body language (unused) * 10|11 body location (unused) */ String type = bs.getString(0); String subType = bs.getString(1); String mimeType = (type + "/" + subType).toLowerCase(Locale.US); ImapList bodyParams = null; if (bs.get(2) instanceof ImapList) { bodyParams = bs.getList(2); } String encoding = bs.getString(5); int size = bs.getNumber(6); if (MimeUtility.isMessage(mimeType)) { // A body type of type MESSAGE and subtype RFC822 // contains, immediately after the basic fields, the // envelope structure, body structure, and size in // text lines of the encapsulated message. // [MESSAGE, RFC822, [NAME, Fwd: [#HTR-517941]: update plans at 1am Friday - Memory allocation - displayware.eml], NIL, NIL, 7BIT, 5974, NIL, [INLINE, [FILENAME*0, Fwd: [#HTR-517941]: update plans at 1am Friday - Memory all, FILENAME*1, ocation - displayware.eml]], NIL] /* * This will be caught by fetch and handled appropriately. */ throw new MessagingException("BODYSTRUCTURE message/rfc822 not yet supported."); } /* * Set the content type with as much information as we know right now. */ StringBuilder contentType = new StringBuilder(); contentType.append(mimeType); if (bodyParams != null) { /* * If there are body params we might be able to get some more information out * of them. */ for (int i = 0, count = bodyParams.size(); i < count; i += 2) { String paramName = bodyParams.getString(i); String paramValue = bodyParams.getString(i + 1); contentType.append(String.format(";\r\n %s=\"%s\"", paramName, paramValue)); } } part.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, contentType.toString()); // Extension items ImapList bodyDisposition = null; if ("text".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && bs.size() > 9 && bs.get(9) instanceof ImapList) { bodyDisposition = bs.getList(9); } else if (!("text".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) && bs.size() > 8 && bs.get(8) instanceof ImapList) { bodyDisposition = bs.getList(8); } StringBuilder contentDisposition = new StringBuilder(); if (bodyDisposition != null && !bodyDisposition.isEmpty()) { if (!"NIL".equalsIgnoreCase(bodyDisposition.getString(0))) { contentDisposition.append(bodyDisposition.getString(0).toLowerCase(Locale.US)); } if (bodyDisposition.size() > 1 && bodyDisposition.get(1) instanceof ImapList) { ImapList bodyDispositionParams = bodyDisposition.getList(1); /* * If there is body disposition information we can pull some more information * about the attachment out. */ for (int i = 0, count = bodyDispositionParams.size(); i < count; i += 2) { String paramName = bodyDispositionParams.getString(i).toLowerCase(Locale.US); String paramValue = bodyDispositionParams.getString(i + 1); contentDisposition.append(String.format(";\r\n %s=\"%s\"", paramName, paramValue)); } } } if (MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(contentDisposition.toString(), "size") == null) { contentDisposition.append(String.format(Locale.US, ";\r\n size=%d", size)); } /* * Set the content disposition containing at least the size. Attachment * handling code will use this down the road. */ part.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, contentDisposition.toString()); /* * Set the Content-Transfer-Encoding header. Attachment code will use this * to parse the body. */ part.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, encoding); if (part instanceof ImapMessage) { ((ImapMessage) part).setSize(size); } part.setServerExtra(id); } } /** * Appends the given messages to the selected folder. * * <p> * This implementation also determines the new UIDs of the given messages on the IMAP * server and changes the messages' UIDs to the new server UIDs. * </p> * * @param messages * The messages to append to the folder. * * @return The mapping of original message UIDs to the new server UIDs. */ @Override public Map<String, String> appendMessages(List<? extends Message> messages) throws MessagingException { open(OPEN_MODE_RW); checkOpen(); try { Map<String, String> uidMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Message message : messages) { long messageSize = message.calculateSize(); String encodeFolderName = folderNameCodec.encode(getPrefixedName()); String escapedFolderName = ImapUtility.encodeString(encodeFolderName); String command = String.format(Locale.US, "APPEND %s (%s) {%d}", escapedFolderName, combineFlags(message.getFlags()), messageSize); connection.sendCommand(command, false); ImapResponse response; do { response = connection.readResponse(); handleUntaggedResponse(response); if (response.isContinuationRequested()) { EOLConvertingOutputStream eolOut = new EOLConvertingOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); message.writeTo(eolOut); eolOut.write('\r'); eolOut.write('\n'); eolOut.flush(); } } while (response.getTag() == null); if (response.size() > 1) { /* * If the server supports UIDPLUS, then along with the APPEND response it * will return an APPENDUID response code, e.g. * * 11 OK [APPENDUID 2 238268] APPEND completed * * We can use the UID included in this response to update our records. */ Object responseList = response.get(1); if (responseList instanceof ImapList) { ImapList appendList = (ImapList) responseList; if (appendList.size() >= 3 && appendList.getString(0).equals("APPENDUID")) { String newUid = appendList.getString(2); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(newUid)) { message.setUid(newUid); uidMap.put(message.getUid(), newUid); continue; } } } } /* * This part is executed in case the server does not support UIDPLUS or does * not implement the APPENDUID response code. */ String newUid = getUidFromMessageId(message); if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.d("Got UID %s for message for %s", newUid, getLogId()); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(newUid)) { uidMap.put(message.getUid(), newUid); message.setUid(newUid); } } /* * We need uidMap to be null if new UIDs are not available to maintain consistency * with the behavior of other similar methods (copyMessages, moveMessages) which * return null. */ return (uidMap.isEmpty()) ? null : uidMap; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } } @Override public String getUidFromMessageId(Message message) throws MessagingException { try { /* * Try to find the UID of the message we just appended using the * Message-ID header. */ String[] messageIdHeader = message.getHeader("Message-ID"); if (messageIdHeader.length == 0) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.d("Did not get a message-id in order to search for UID for %s", getLogId()); } return null; } String messageId = messageIdHeader[0]; if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Timber.d("Looking for UID for message with message-id %s for %s", messageId, getLogId()); } String command = String.format("UID SEARCH HEADER MESSAGE-ID %s", ImapUtility.encodeString(messageId)); List<ImapResponse> responses = executeSimpleCommand(command); for (ImapResponse response : responses) { if (response.getTag() == null && ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(0), "SEARCH") && response.size() > 1) { return response.getString(1); } } return null; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new MessagingException("Could not find UID for message based on Message-ID", ioe); } } @Override public void expunge() throws MessagingException { open(OPEN_MODE_RW); checkOpen(); try { executeSimpleCommand("EXPUNGE"); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } } private String combineFlags(Iterable<Flag> flags) { List<String> flagNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Flag flag : flags) { if (flag == Flag.SEEN) { flagNames.add("\\Seen"); } else if (flag == Flag.DELETED) { flagNames.add("\\Deleted"); } else if (flag == Flag.ANSWERED) { flagNames.add("\\Answered"); } else if (flag == Flag.FLAGGED) { flagNames.add("\\Flagged"); } else if (flag == Flag.FORWARDED && (canCreateKeywords || store.getPermanentFlagsIndex().contains(Flag.FORWARDED))) { flagNames.add("$Forwarded"); } } return combine(flagNames.toArray(new String[flagNames.size()]), ' '); } @Override public void setFlags(Set<Flag> flags, boolean value) throws MessagingException { open(OPEN_MODE_RW); checkOpen(); try { String command = String.format("UID STORE 1:* %sFLAGS.SILENT (%s)", value ? "+" : "-", combineFlags(flags)); executeSimpleCommand(command); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } } @Override public String getNewPushState(String oldSerializedPushState, Message message) { try { String uid = message.getUid(); long messageUid = Long.parseLong(uid); ImapPushState oldPushState = ImapPushState.parse(oldSerializedPushState); if (messageUid >= oldPushState.uidNext) { long uidNext = messageUid + 1; ImapPushState newPushState = new ImapPushState(uidNext); return newPushState.toString(); } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { Timber.e(e, "Exception while updated push state for %s", getLogId()); return null; } } @Override public void setFlags(List<? extends Message> messages, final Set<Flag> flags, boolean value) throws MessagingException { open(OPEN_MODE_RW); checkOpen(); String[] uids = new String[messages.size()]; for (int i = 0, count = messages.size(); i < count; i++) { uids[i] = messages.get(i).getUid(); } try { String command = String.format("UID STORE %s %sFLAGS.SILENT (%s)", combine(uids, ','), value ? "+" : "-", combineFlags(flags)); executeSimpleCommand(command); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioExceptionHandler(connection, ioe); } } private void checkOpen() throws MessagingException { if (!isOpen()) { throw new MessagingException("Folder " + getPrefixedName() + " is not open."); } } private MessagingException ioExceptionHandler(ImapConnection connection, IOException ioe) { Timber.e(ioe, "IOException for %s", getLogId()); if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } close(); return new MessagingException("IO Error", ioe); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof ImapFolder) { ImapFolder otherFolder = (ImapFolder) other; return otherFolder.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(getName()); } return super.equals(other); } @Override public int hashCode() { return getName().hashCode(); } private ImapStore getStore() { return store; } protected String getLogId() { String id = store.getStoreConfig().toString() + ":" + getName() + "/" + Thread.currentThread().getName(); if (connection != null) { id += "/" + connection.getLogId(); } return id; } /** * Search the remote ImapFolder. * @param queryString String to query for. * @param requiredFlags Mandatory flags * @param forbiddenFlags Flags to exclude * @return List of messages found * @throws MessagingException On any error. */ @Override public List<ImapMessage> search(final String queryString, final Set<Flag> requiredFlags, final Set<Flag> forbiddenFlags) throws MessagingException { if (!store.getStoreConfig().allowRemoteSearch()) { throw new MessagingException("Your settings do not allow remote searching of this account"); } // Setup the searcher final ImapSearcher searcher = new ImapSearcher() { @Override public List<ImapResponse> search() throws IOException, MessagingException { String imapQuery = "UID SEARCH "; if (requiredFlags != null) { for (Flag flag : requiredFlags) { switch (flag) { case DELETED: { imapQuery += "DELETED "; break; } case SEEN: { imapQuery += "SEEN "; break; } case ANSWERED: { imapQuery += "ANSWERED "; break; } case FLAGGED: { imapQuery += "FLAGGED "; break; } case DRAFT: { imapQuery += "DRAFT "; break; } case RECENT: { imapQuery += "RECENT "; break; } default: { break; } } } } if (forbiddenFlags != null) { for (Flag flag : forbiddenFlags) { switch (flag) { case DELETED: { imapQuery += "UNDELETED "; break; } case SEEN: { imapQuery += "UNSEEN "; break; } case ANSWERED: { imapQuery += "UNANSWERED "; break; } case FLAGGED: { imapQuery += "UNFLAGGED "; break; } case DRAFT: { imapQuery += "UNDRAFT "; break; } case RECENT: { imapQuery += "UNRECENT "; break; } default: { break; } } } } String encodedQuery = ImapUtility.encodeString(queryString); if (store.getStoreConfig().isRemoteSearchFullText()) { imapQuery += "TEXT " + encodedQuery; } else { imapQuery += "OR SUBJECT " + encodedQuery + " FROM " + encodedQuery; } return executeSimpleCommand(imapQuery); } }; try { open(OPEN_MODE_RO); checkOpen(); inSearch = true; return search(searcher, null); } finally { inSearch = false; } } private static String combine(Object[] parts, char separator) { if (parts == null) { return null; } return TextUtils.join(String.valueOf(separator), parts); } }