package ch.elexis.core.ui.views.textsystem.model; import; import ch.elexis.core.model.ISticker; import ch.elexis.core.ui.dialogs.DocumentSelectDialog; import ch.elexis.core.ui.text.MimeTypeUtil; import ch.elexis.core.ui.views.textsystem.TextTemplatePrintSettings; import; import; import; public class TextTemplate { private enum UPDATE_TYPE { MANDANT, ADDRESS, SYS_TEMPLATE } public static final String DEFAULT_MANDANT = "Alle"; private String name; private String description; private String mimeType; private String mimeTypePrintname; private String mandantId; private String templateId; private String printer; private String tray; private boolean exists; private boolean systemTemplate; private boolean askForAddress; private String cfgTemplateBase; public TextTemplate(String name, String description, String mimeType){ this(name, description, mimeType, null, null, false, false, false); } public TextTemplate(String name, String description, String mimeType, boolean systemTemplate){ this(name, description, mimeType, null, null, false, systemTemplate, false); } public TextTemplate(String name, String description, String mimeType, String mandantId, String templateId, boolean exists, boolean systemTemplate, boolean askForAddress){ = name; this.description = description; this.mandantId = mandantId; this.exists = exists; this.systemTemplate = systemTemplate; this.askForAddress = askForAddress; this.templateId = templateId; setMimeType(mimeType); updateConfigTemplateBase(); } private void addTemplateReference(Brief template, boolean systemTemplate){ // set Brief id this.templateId = template.getId(); this.exists = true; setSystemTemplate(systemTemplate); //set mandant Kontakt adressat = template.getAdressat(); if (adressat != null) { setMandant(template.getAdressat().getId()); } // set askForAddress flag ISticker sticker = template.getSticker(); if (sticker != null && sticker.getLabel().equals(Brief.DONT_ASK_FOR_ADDRESS_STICKER)) { setAskForAddress(false); } else { setAskForAddress(true); } // set printer and tray info updateConfigTemplateBase(); printer = CoreHub.localCfg.get(cfgTemplateBase + TextTemplatePrintSettings.TXT_TEMPLATE_PRINTER_SUFFIX, null); tray = CoreHub.localCfg.get(cfgTemplateBase + TextTemplatePrintSettings.TXT_TEMPLATE_TRAY_SUFFIX, null); } public void removeTemplateReference(){ templateId = null; exists = false; removePrintSettings(); } private void removePrintSettings(){ CoreHub.localCfg.remove(cfgTemplateBase + TextTemplatePrintSettings.TXT_TEMPLATE_PRINTER_SUFFIX); CoreHub.localCfg.remove(cfgTemplateBase + TextTemplatePrintSettings.TXT_TEMPLATE_TRAY_SUFFIX); CoreHub.localCfg.flush(); } public void addFormTemplateReference(Brief template){ addTemplateReference(template, false); } public void addSystemTemplateReference(Brief template){ addTemplateReference(template, true); } public String getName(){ return name; } public void setName(String name){ = name; } public String getDescription(){ return description; } public void setDescription(String description){ this.description = description; } public String getMimeType(){ return mimeType; } /** * sets mime type and mimeType print name * * @param mimeType */ public void setMimeType(String mimeType){ this.mimeType = mimeType; setMimeTypePrintname(mimeType); } public String getMimeTypePrintname(){ return mimeTypePrintname; } public void setMimeTypePrintname(String rawMimeType){ this.mimeTypePrintname = MimeTypeUtil.getPrettyPrintName(rawMimeType); } public void setMandant(String mandantId){ if (mandantId == null) { mandantId = ""; } this.mandantId = mandantId; updateTemplateReference(UPDATE_TYPE.MANDANT); // update printConfigBase if for new mandant updateConfigTemplateBase(); } public void setMandant(Mandant mandant){ if (mandant == null) { setMandant(""); } else { setMandant(mandant.getId()); } } public Mandant getMandant(){ Mandant ret = (mandantId == "" ? null : Mandant.load(mandantId)); if (ret != null && ret.exists()) { return ret; } return null; } public String getMandantLabel(){ Mandant mandant = getMandant(); if (mandant == null || !mandant.isValid()) { return DEFAULT_MANDANT; } return mandant.get(Mandant.FLD_NAME3); } public Brief getTemplate(){ return templateId == null ? null : Brief.load(templateId); } public String getTemplateId(){ return templateId; } public void setTemplateId(String templateId){ this.templateId = templateId; } public String getPrinter(){ return printer; } public void setPrinter(String printer){ this.printer = printer; CoreHub.localCfg.set(cfgTemplateBase + TextTemplatePrintSettings.TXT_TEMPLATE_PRINTER_SUFFIX, printer); CoreHub.localCfg.flush(); } public String getTray(){ return tray; } public void setTray(String tray){ this.tray = tray; CoreHub.localCfg.set(cfgTemplateBase + TextTemplatePrintSettings.TXT_TEMPLATE_TRAY_SUFFIX, tray); CoreHub.localCfg.flush(); } public String getCfgTemplateBase(){ return cfgTemplateBase; } public boolean exists(){ return exists; } public void setExists(boolean exists){ this.exists = exists; } public boolean isSystemTemplate(){ return systemTemplate; } public void setSystemTemplate(boolean systemTemplate){ this.systemTemplate = systemTemplate; updateTemplateReference(UPDATE_TYPE.SYS_TEMPLATE); } public boolean askForAddress(){ return askForAddress; } public void setAskForAddress(boolean askForAddress){ this.askForAddress = askForAddress; updateTemplateReference(UPDATE_TYPE.ADDRESS); } private void updateTemplateReference(UPDATE_TYPE updateType){ Brief bt = getTemplate(); if (bt != null) { switch (updateType) { case MANDANT: bt.setAdressat(mandantId); break; case ADDRESS: DocumentSelectDialog.setDontAskForAddresseeForThisTemplate(bt, !askForAddress); break; case SYS_TEMPLATE: String sysTemplate = systemTemplate ? Brief.SYS_TEMPLATE : ""; bt.set(Brief.FLD_KONSULTATION_ID, sysTemplate); break; default: break; } } } private void updateConfigTemplateBase(){ String type = MimeTypeUtil.getSimpleName(mimeType); // don't keep old print setting refs if (printer != null) { removePrintSettings(); } if (systemTemplate || mandantId == null || mandantId.isEmpty()) { cfgTemplateBase = TextTemplatePrintSettings.TXT_TEMPLATE_PREFIX_PUBLIC + type + "/" + name; } else { cfgTemplateBase = TextTemplatePrintSettings.TXT_TEMPLATE_PREFIX_PRIVATE + mandantId + "/" + type + "/" + name; } if (printer != null) setPrinter(printer); if (tray != null) setTray(tray); } }