package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import; import ch.elexis.core.exceptions.PersistenceException; import ch.elexis.core.model.IXid; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Test_PersistentObject extends AbstractPersistentObjectTest { public Test_PersistentObject(JdbcLink link){ super(link); // we need to manually call this again, as after the class // was loaded static {} is not called again, though the DB changed PersistentObjectImpl.initTable(); OtherJointPersistentObject.initTable(); } @Ignore("Needs fixing, breaks PersistentObject connection link") public void testConnectFail(){ // this connect methods opens its own JdbcLink by all means // it is looking for a demo db: // File demo = new File(base.getParentFile().getParent() + "/demoDB"); // then for dom SWTBot related db: // String template = System.getProperty("SWTBot-DBTemplate"); // File dbDir = new File(Hub.getTempDir(), "Elexis-SWTBot"); // then from some user provided config // String connection = Hub.getCfgVariant(); // then if provider is Medelexis the db wizard is opened else // look for db at default location // String d = PreferenceInitializer.getDefaultDBPath(); // this is nice for runtime but makes testing really hard :) // we need to mock JdbcLink.createH2Link to stop creation of database // PowerMockito.mockStatic(JdbcLink.class); // PowerMockito.when(JdbcLink.createH2Link(Matchers.anyString())).thenReturn( // new JdbcLink("", "", "")); // connect and simulate db creation failure with JdbcLink mock try { PersistentObject.connect(CoreHub.localCfg); // TODO: does not work at the moment in Elexis 3.0 // fail("Expected Exception not thrown!"); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { } } @Test public void testState(){ PersistentObjectImpl impl = new PersistentObjectImpl(false); int ret = impl.state(); assertEquals(PersistentObject.INEXISTENT, ret); impl = new PersistentObjectImpl(); ret = impl.state(); assertEquals(PersistentObject.EXISTS, ret); boolean delete = impl.delete(); assertTrue(delete); ret = impl.state(); assertEquals(PersistentObject.DELETED, ret); } @Test public void testDelete() throws InterruptedException{ PersistentObjectImpl impl = new PersistentObjectImpl(); long lastUpdate = impl.getLastUpdate(); assertNotSame(0L, lastUpdate); assertFalse(impl.getBoolean(PersistentObject.FLD_DELETED)); Thread.sleep(1); impl.delete(); assertTrue(impl.getBoolean(PersistentObject.FLD_DELETED)); // TODO test removal of Xid assertTrue(impl.getLastUpdate() > lastUpdate); } @Test public void testStoreToString(){ PersistentObjectImpl impl = new PersistentObjectImpl(); String ret = impl.storeToString(); assertNotNull(ret); assertTrue(ret.startsWith(PersistentObjectImpl.class.getName())); } @Test public void testGet(){ PersistentObjectImpl impl = new PersistentObjectImpl(); String ret = impl.get("TestGet"); assertNotNull(ret); assertEquals("", ret); } @Test public void testGetFail(){ InvalidPersistentObjectImpl impl = new InvalidPersistentObjectImpl(); String ret = impl.get(""); assertNotNull(ret); assertEquals(PersistentObject.MAPPING_ERROR_MARKER + "**", ret); } @Test public void testSet() throws InterruptedException{ PersistentObjectImpl impl = new PersistentObjectImpl(); long lastUpdate = impl.getLastUpdate(); assertNotSame(0L, lastUpdate); Thread.sleep(1); impl.set(PersistentObjectImpl.FLD_TEST, "Blafooo"); assertTrue(impl.getLastUpdate() > lastUpdate); } @Test(expected = PersistenceException.class) public void testSetFail(){ PersistentObjectImpl impl = new PersistentObjectImpl(); impl.set("DOESNOTEXIST", "Nonsense"); } @Test public void testAddRemoveToJoint() throws InterruptedException{ PersistentObjectImpl impl = new PersistentObjectImpl(); OtherJointPersistentObject opo = new OtherJointPersistentObject(); long lastUpdate = impl.getLastUpdate(); assertNotSame(0L, lastUpdate); Thread.sleep(2); int retVal = impl.addToList(PersistentObjectImpl.FLD_JOINT_OTHER, opo.getId(), new String[0]); assertNotSame(0, retVal); assertEquals(1, impl.getList(PersistentObjectImpl.FLD_JOINT_OTHER, new String[0]).size()); assertTrue(impl.getLastUpdate() > lastUpdate); Thread.sleep(2); impl.removeFromList(PersistentObjectImpl.FLD_JOINT_OTHER, opo.getId()); assertEquals(0, impl.getList(PersistentObjectImpl.FLD_JOINT_OTHER, new String[0]).size()); assertTrue(impl.getLastUpdate() > lastUpdate); } /** * * * @throws InterruptedException */ @Ignore public void testAddRemoveToList() throws InterruptedException{ PersistentObjectImpl impl = new PersistentObjectImpl(); OtherListPersistentObject opo = new OtherListPersistentObject(); long lastUpdate = impl.getLastUpdate(); assertNotSame(0L, lastUpdate); Thread.sleep(2); int retVal = impl.addToList(PersistentObjectImpl.FLD_LIST_OTHER, opo.getId(), new String[0]); assertNotSame(0, retVal); assertEquals(1, impl.getList(PersistentObjectImpl.FLD_LIST_OTHER, new String[0]).size()); assertTrue(impl.getLastUpdate() > lastUpdate); Thread.sleep(2); impl.removeFromList(PersistentObjectImpl.FLD_LIST_OTHER, opo.getId()); assertEquals(0, impl.getList(PersistentObjectImpl.FLD_LIST_OTHER, new String[0]).size()); assertTrue(impl.getLastUpdate() > lastUpdate); } @Test public void testTableWideLastUpdate() throws InterruptedException{ long highestLastUpdate = PersistentObjectImpl.getHighestLastUpdate(); Thread.sleep(1); PersistentObjectImpl impl = new PersistentObjectImpl(); long highestLastUpdate2 = PersistentObjectImpl.getHighestLastUpdate(); assertTrue(highestLastUpdate2 > highestLastUpdate); Thread.sleep(1); impl.delete(); highestLastUpdate = PersistentObjectImpl.getHighestLastUpdate(); assertTrue(highestLastUpdate > highestLastUpdate2); assertEquals(impl.getLastUpdate(), highestLastUpdate); } @Test public void testGetXid(){ PersistentObjectImpl impl = new PersistentObjectImpl(); IXid ret = impl.getXid(); assertNotNull(ret); } @Test public void testAddXid(){ PersistentObjectImpl impl = new PersistentObjectImpl(); Xid.localRegisterXIDDomain("test", "test", 1); boolean ret = impl.addXid("test", "addXid", false); assertTrue(ret); IXid id = impl.getXid(); assertNotNull(id); } @Test public void testTableExists(){ assertTrue(PersistentObject.tableExists("CONFIG")); assertTrue(PersistentObject.tableExists("KONTAKT")); // SQL can be case sensitive !! // assertEquals(false, PersistentObject.tableExists("kontakt")); assertEquals(false, PersistentObject.tableExists("THIS_TABLE_SHOULD_NOT_EXISTS")); } @Ignore public void testCaseSensitiveIdLoad(){ //#5514 Anwender anw = new Anwender("Username", "Uservorname", "16.1.1973", "w"); new User(anw, "user", "pass"); assertFalse(User.load("USER").exists()); assertFalse(User.load("User").exists()); assertTrue(User.load("user").exists()); } @Test public void testCreateOrModifyTable(){ /** Definition of the database table */ String version = "1.0.0"; String createTable = "CREATE TABLE Dummy" + "(" + "ID VARCHAR(25) primary key," // This // field must always be present + "lastupdate BIGINT," // This field must always be present + "deleted CHAR(1) default '0'," // This field must always be present + "PatientID VARCHAR(25)," + "Title VARCHAR(50)," // Use VARCHAR, CHAR, TEXT and // BLOB + "FunFactor VARCHAR(6)," // No numeric fields + "BoreFactor VARCHAR(6)," // VARCHARS can be read as integrals + "Date CHAR(8)," // use always this for dates + "Remarks TEXT," + "FunnyStuff BLOB);" + "CREATE INDEX idx1 on Dummy (FunFactor);" // Do not forget to insert some version information + "INSERT INTO Dummy (ID, Title) VALUES ('VERSION'," + JdbcLink.wrap(version) + ");"; String modifyTable = "ALTER TABLE Dummy MODIFY BoreFactor VARCHAR(12);"; // create PersistentObject.createOrModifyTable(createTable); // modify PersistentObject.createOrModifyTable(modifyTable); // test the JdbcException thrown by the statement if FunFactor was still VARCHAR(6) // will stop the test if one of the createOrModifyTable failed ... Stm statement = getLink().getStatement(); statement.exec("INSERT INTO Dummy (ID, BoreFactor) VALUES ('TEST', '1234567890');"); getLink().releaseStatement(statement); } }