package ch.elexis.core.ui.importer.div.importers; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ch.elexis.core.exceptions.ElexisException; import ch.elexis.core.importer.div.importers.ILabImportUtil; import ch.elexis.core.importer.div.importers.ImportHandler; import ch.elexis.core.importer.div.importers.TransientLabResult; import ch.elexis.core.model.IContact; import ch.elexis.core.model.ILabItem; import ch.elexis.core.model.ILabResult; import ch.elexis.core.model.IPatient; import ch.elexis.core.types.LabItemTyp; import ch.elexis.core.ui.UiDesk; import ch.elexis.core.ui.dialogs.KontaktSelektor; import ch.elexis.core.ui.text.GenericDocument; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ch.elexis.hl7.model.TextData; import ch.elexis.hl7.v26.HL7Constants; import; /** * Utility class that provides basic functionality a Lab importer implementation needs. Lab * importers should use this class! * * @author thomashu * */ public class LabImportUtil implements ILabImportUtil { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LabImportUtil.class); /** * Searches for a Labor matching the identifier as part of the Kuerzel or Name attribute. If no * matching Labor is found, a new Labor is created with identifier as Kuerzel. * * @param identifier * @return */ public static Labor getOrCreateLabor(String identifier){ if (identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Labor identifier [" + identifier + "] invalid."); } Labor labor = null; Query<Labor> qbe = new Query<Labor>(Labor.class); qbe.startGroup(); qbe.add(Kontakt.FLD_SHORT_LABEL, Query.LIKE, "%" + identifier + "%"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ qbe.or(); qbe.add(Kontakt.FLD_NAME1, Query.LIKE, "%" + identifier + "%"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ qbe.endGroup(); List<Labor> results = qbe.execute(); if (results.isEmpty()) { labor = new Labor(identifier, "Labor " + identifier); //$NON-NLS-1$ logger.warn( "Found no Labor for identifier [" + identifier + "]. Created new Labor contact."); } else { labor = results.get(0); if (results.size() > 1) { logger.warn("Found more than one Labor for identifier [" + identifier + "]. This can cause problems when importing results."); } } return labor; } /** * find or set the labor this identifier is linked to * * @param identifier * the value to match to a labor * @return the found or new set labor contact or null if no lab could be found AND none was * selected */ public static Labor getLinkLabor(String identifier){ if (identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Labor identifier [" + identifier + "] invalid."); } Labor labor = null; // check if there is a connection to an XID Kontakt k = (Kontakt) Xid.findObject(Kontakt.XID_KONTAKT_LAB_SENDING_FACILITY, identifier); if (k != null) { labor = Labor.load(k.getId()); } // if no connection exists ask to which lab it should be linked if (labor == null) { KontaktSelektor ks = new KontaktSelektor(UiDesk.getTopShell(), Labor.class, Messages.LabImporterUtil_Select, Messages.LabImporterUtil_SelectLab + " [" + identifier + "]", Kontakt.DEFAULT_SORT); if ( == Dialog.OK) { labor = (Labor) ks.getSelection(); labor.addXid(Kontakt.XID_KONTAKT_LAB_SENDING_FACILITY, identifier, true); } } return labor; } /** * Searches for a LabItem with an existing LabMapping for the identifier and the labor. If there * is no LabMapping, for backwards compatibility the LaborId and Kürzel attributes of all * LabItems will be used to find a match. * * @param identifier * @param labor * @return */ public static LabItem getLabItem(String identifier, Labor labor){ LabMapping mapping = LabMapping.getByContactAndItemName(labor.getId(), identifier); if (mapping != null) { return mapping.getLabItem(); } LabItem labItem = null; Query<LabItem> qbe = new Query<LabItem>(LabItem.class); qbe.add(LabItem.LAB_ID, Query.EQUALS, labor.getId()); qbe.add(LabItem.SHORTNAME, Query.EQUALS, identifier); List<LabItem> list = qbe.execute(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { labItem = list.get(0); if (list.size() > 1) { logger.warn("Found more than one LabItem for identifier [" + identifier + "] and Labor [" + labor.getLabel(true) + "]. This can cause problems when importing results."); } } return labItem; } /** * Search for a LabResult with matching patient, item and timestamps. The timestamp attributes * can be null if not relevant for the search, but at least one timestamp has to be specified. * * @param patient * @param timestamp * @param item * @return */ public static List<LabResult> getLabResults(IPatient patient, ILabItem item, TimeTool date, TimeTool analyseTime, TimeTool observationTime){ if (date == null && analyseTime == null && observationTime == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No timestamp specified."); } Query<LabResult> qr = new Query<LabResult>(LabResult.class); qr.add(LabResult.PATIENT_ID, Query.EQUALS, patient.getId()); qr.add(LabResult.ITEM_ID, Query.EQUALS, item.getId()); if (date != null) { qr.add(LabResult.DATE, Query.EQUALS, date.toString(TimeTool.DATE_GER)); } if (analyseTime != null) { qr.add(LabResult.ANALYSETIME, Query.EQUALS, analyseTime.toString(TimeTool.TIMESTAMP)); } if (observationTime != null) { qr.add(LabResult.OBSERVATIONTIME, Query.EQUALS, observationTime.toString(TimeTool.TIMESTAMP)); } return qr.execute(); } /** * Import a list of TransientLabResults. Create LabOrder objects for new results. */ public String importLabResults(List<TransientLabResult> results, ImportHandler uiHandler){ boolean overWriteAll = false; String orderId = LabOrder.getNextOrderId(); for (TransientLabResult transientLabResult : results) { List<LabResult> existing = getExistingResults(transientLabResult); if (existing.isEmpty()) { ILabResult labResult = createLabResult(transientLabResult, orderId); CoreHub.getLocalLockService().acquireLock((LabResult) labResult); CoreHub.getLocalLockService().releaseLock((LabResult) labResult); } else { for (LabResult labResult : existing) { if (overWriteAll) { CoreHub.getLocalLockService().acquireLock((LabResult) labResult); transientLabResult.overwriteExisting(labResult); CoreHub.getLocalLockService().releaseLock((LabResult) labResult); continue; } // dont bother user if result has the same value if (transientLabResult.isSameResult(labResult)) {"Result " + labResult.toString() + " already exists."); continue; } ImportHandler.OverwriteState retVal = uiHandler.askOverwrite( transientLabResult.getPatient(), labResult, transientLabResult); if (retVal == ImportHandler.OverwriteState.OVERWRITE) { CoreHub.getLocalLockService().acquireLock((LabResult) labResult); transientLabResult.overwriteExisting(labResult); CoreHub.getLocalLockService().releaseLock((LabResult) labResult); continue; } else if (retVal == ImportHandler.OverwriteState.OVERWRITEALL) { overWriteAll = true; CoreHub.getLocalLockService().acquireLock((LabResult) labResult); transientLabResult.overwriteExisting(labResult); CoreHub.getLocalLockService().releaseLock((LabResult) labResult); continue; } } } } ElexisEventDispatcher.getInstance() .fire(new ElexisEvent(null, LabResult.class, ElexisEvent.EVENT_RELOAD)); return orderId; } /** * Match for existing result with same item and date. Matching dates are checked for validitiy * (not same as transmission date). * * @param transientLabResult * @return */ private static List<LabResult> getExistingResults(TransientLabResult transientLabResult){ List<LabResult> ret = Collections.emptyList(); // don't overwrite documents if (!transientLabResult.getLabItem().getTyp().equals(LabItemTyp.DOCUMENT)) { if (transientLabResult.isObservationTime()) { ret = LabImportUtil.getLabResults(transientLabResult.getPatient(), transientLabResult.getLabItem(), null, null, transientLabResult.getObservationTime()); } else if (transientLabResult.isAnalyseTime()) { ret = LabImportUtil.getLabResults(transientLabResult.getPatient(), transientLabResult.getLabItem(), null, transientLabResult.getAnalyseTime(), null); } else { ret = LabImportUtil.getLabResults(transientLabResult.getPatient(), transientLabResult.getLabItem(), transientLabResult.getDate(), null, null); } } return ret; } /** * Create the LabResult from the TransientLabResult. Also lookup if there is a matching * LabOrder. If it is in State.ORDERED the created LabResult is set to that LabOrder, else * create a new LabOrder and add the LabResult to it. * * @param transientLabResult * @param orderId * @return the created lab result element */ public ILabResult createLabResult(TransientLabResult transientLabResult, String orderId){ ILabResult labResult = transientLabResult.persist(); List<LabOrder> existing = LabOrder.getLabOrders(transientLabResult.getPatient().getId(), null, transientLabResult.getLabItem(), null, null, null, State.ORDERED); LabOrder labOrder = null; if (existing == null || existing.isEmpty()) { TimeTool time = transientLabResult.getObservationTime(); if (time == null) { time = transientLabResult.getDate(); if (time == null) { logger.warn( "Could not resolve observation time and time for ILabResult [{}], defaulting to now.", labResult.getId()); time = new TimeTool(); } } labOrder = new LabOrder(CoreHub.actUser.getId(), CoreHub.actMandant.getId(), transientLabResult.getPatient().getId(), transientLabResult.getLabItem(), labResult.getId(), orderId, "Import", time); } else { // TODO for multiple entries we could check on which one the observationtime matches labOrder = existing.get(0); labOrder.setLabResultIdAsString(labResult.getId()); } labOrder.setState(State.DONE_IMPORT); return labResult; } @Override public ILabItem getLabItem(String identifier, IContact labor){ LabMapping mapping = LabMapping.getByContactAndItemName(labor.getId(), identifier); if (mapping != null) { return mapping.getLabItem(); } LabItem labItem = null; Query<LabItem> qbe = new Query<LabItem>(LabItem.class); qbe.add(LabItem.LAB_ID, Query.EQUALS, labor.getId()); qbe.add(LabItem.SHORTNAME, Query.EQUALS, identifier); List<LabItem> list = qbe.execute(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { labItem = list.get(0); if (list.size() > 1) { logger.warn( "Found more than one LabItem for identifier [" + identifier + "] and Labor [" + labor.getLabel() + "]. This can cause problems when importing results."); } } return labItem; } @Override public ILabItem createLabItem(String code, String name, IContact labor, String male, String female, String unit, LabItemTyp typ, String testGroupName, String nextTestGroupSequence){ return new LabItem(code, name, labor.getId(), male, female, unit, typ, testGroupName, nextTestGroupSequence); } @Override public ILabItem getDocumentLabItem(String shortname, String name, IContact labor){ Query<LabItem> qbe = new Query<LabItem>(LabItem.class); qbe.add(LabItem.SHORTNAME, Query.EQUALS, shortname); qbe.add(LabItem.LAB_ID, Query.EQUALS, labor.getId()); qbe.add(LabItem.TYPE, Query.EQUALS, new Integer(LabItemTyp.DOCUMENT.ordinal()).toString()); LabItem labItem = null; List<LabItem> itemList = qbe.execute(); if (itemList.size() > 0) { labItem = itemList.get(0); } return labItem; } @Override public void createCommentsLabResult(TextData hl7TextData, IPatient pat, IContact labor, int number, TimeTool commentDate){ if (hl7TextData.getDate() == null) { hl7TextData.setDate(commentDate.getTime()); } TimeTool commentsDate = new TimeTool(hl7TextData.getDate()); // find LabItem Query<LabItem> qbe = new Query<LabItem>(LabItem.class); qbe.add(LabItem.LAB_ID, Query.EQUALS, labor.getId()); qbe.add(LabItem.TITLE, Query.EQUALS, HL7Constants.COMMENT_NAME); qbe.add(LabItem.SHORTNAME, Query.EQUALS, HL7Constants.COMMENT_CODE); List<LabItem> list = qbe.execute(); LabItem li = null; if (list.size() < 1) { // LabItem doesn't yet exist LabItemTyp typ = LabItemTyp.TEXT; li = new LabItem(HL7Constants.COMMENT_CODE, HL7Constants.COMMENT_NAME, labor.getId(), "", "", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ "", typ, HL7Constants.COMMENT_GROUP, Integer.toString(number)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { li = list.get(0); } // add LabResult Query<LabResult> qr = new Query<LabResult>(LabResult.class); qr.add(LabResult.PATIENT_ID, Query.EQUALS, pat.getId()); qr.add(LabResult.DATE, Query.EQUALS, commentsDate.toString(TimeTool.DATE_GER)); qr.add(LabResult.ITEM_ID, Query.EQUALS, li.getId()); if (qr.execute().size() == 0) { StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder(); if (hl7TextData.getText() != null) { comment.append(hl7TextData.getText()); } if (hl7TextData.getComment() != null) { comment.append(hl7TextData.getComment()); } // only add coments not yet existing LabResult labResult = new LabResult(pat, commentsDate, li, "text", comment.toString(), labor); //$NON-NLS-1$ labResult.setObservationTime(commentsDate); CoreHub.getLocalLockService().acquireLock((LabResult) labResult); CoreHub.getLocalLockService().releaseLock((LabResult) labResult); } } @Override public void createDocumentManagerEntry(String title, String lab, byte[] data, String mimeType, TimeTool date, IPatient pat){ Object os = Extensions.findBestService(GlobalServiceDescriptors.DOCUMENT_MANAGEMENT); if (os != null) { IDocumentManager docManager = (IDocumentManager) os; //find or create a category for this lab boolean catIsNotExisting = true; for (String cat : docManager.getCategories()) { if (cat.equals(lab)) { catIsNotExisting = false; break; } } if (catIsNotExisting) { docManager.addCategorie(lab); } // add document try { Patient patient = Patient.load(pat.getId()); docManager.addDocument(new GenericDocument(patient, title, lab, data, date.toString(TimeTool.DATE_GER), null, mimeType)); } catch (IOException | ElexisException e) { logger.error("Error saving document received via hl7 in local document manager", e); } } } @Override public ILabResult createLabResult(IPatient patient, TimeTool date, ILabItem labItem, String result, String comment, String refVal, IContact origin){ Patient pat = Patient.load(patient.getId()); LabItem item = LabItem.load(labItem.getId()); Labor labor = Labor.load(origin.getId()); logger.debug("Creating result with patient [" + pat.getId() + "] labitem [" + item.getId() + "] origin [" + labor.getId() + "]"); LabResult labResult = new LabResult(pat, date, item, result, comment, labor); if (refVal != null) { if (Person.MALE.equalsIgnoreCase(pat.getGeschlecht())) { labResult.setRefMale(refVal); } else { labResult.setRefFemale(refVal); } } // TODO LockHook too early return labResult; } }