package jef.database; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import jef.common.Entry; import jef.database.dialect.DatabaseDialect; import jef.database.innerpool.PartitionSupport; import jef.database.jdbc.result.ResultSetContainer; import jef.database.meta.Feature; import jef.database.meta.ISelectProvider; import jef.database.meta.MetaHolder; import jef.database.query.ComplexQuery; import jef.database.query.ConditionQuery; import jef.database.query.ISelectItemProvider; import jef.database.query.Join; import jef.database.query.JoinElement; import jef.database.query.OrderField; import jef.database.query.Query; import jef.database.query.SelectsImpl; import jef.database.query.SingleColumnSelect; import jef.database.query.SqlContext; import jef.database.routing.PartitionResult; import; import; import jef.database.wrapper.clause.BindSql; import jef.database.wrapper.clause.CountClause; import jef.database.wrapper.clause.GroupClause; import jef.database.wrapper.clause.OrderClause; import jef.database.wrapper.clause.QueryClause; import jef.database.wrapper.clause.SelectPart; import jef.database.wrapper.executor.DbTask; import jef.database.wrapper.variable.BindVariableContext; import; import; import; import; public abstract class SelectProcessor { static SelectProcessor get(DatabaseDialect profile, DbClient db) { return new PreparedImpl(db, db.preProcessor); } /** * 转换为SQL查询语句 * * @param obj * 请求 * @param range * 范围 * @param myTableName * 自定义表名(排除) * @param withOrder * 带排序 * @return */ public abstract QueryClause toQuerySql(ConditionQuery obj, PageLimit range, boolean withOrder); /** * 形成count的语句 可以返回多个count语句,意味着要执行上述全部语句,然后累加 * * @FIXME 目前看来,当设置了投影操作时,这种转换不太靠谱,需要进一步改进计算方式.比如用group子句来实现distinct操作。 */ public abstract CountClause toCountSql(ConditionQuery obj) throws SQLException; protected abstract void processSelect0(OperateTarget db, QueryClause sql, PartitionResult site, ConditionQuery queryObj, ResultSetContainer rs, QueryOption option, SqlLog debug) throws SQLException; protected abstract long processCount0(OperateTarget db, BindSql bindSqls, SqlLog debug) throws SQLException; protected DbClient db; public SqlProcessor parent; SelectProcessor(DbClient db, SqlProcessor parent) { this.db = db; this.parent = parent; } @Deprecated public DatabaseDialect getProfile() { return parent.getProfile(); } public DatabaseDialect getProfile(PartitionResult[] sites) { return this.parent.getProfile(sites); } public PartitionSupport getPartitionSupport() { return db.getPartitionSupport(); } final static class PreparedImpl extends SelectProcessor { PreparedImpl(DbClient db, SqlProcessor parent) { super(db, parent); } public QueryClause toQuerySql(ConditionQuery obj, PageLimit range, boolean order) { QueryClause result = obj.toQuerySql(this, obj.prepare(), order); result.setPageRange(range); return result; } protected void processSelect0(OperateTarget db, QueryClause sqlResult, PartitionResult site, ConditionQuery queryObj, ResultSetContainer rs2, QueryOption option, SqlLog sb) throws SQLException { // 计算查询结果集参数 if (option.holdResult && db.getProfile().has(Feature.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The database " + db.getProfile() + " can not support your 'selectForUpdate' operation."); } BindSql sql = sqlResult.getSql(site); PreparedStatement psmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; sb.ensureCapacity(sql.getSql().length() + 150); sb.append(sql.getSql()).append(db); try { psmt = db.prepareStatement(sql.getSql(), sql.getRsLaterProcessor(), option.holdResult); BindVariableContext context = new BindVariableContext(psmt, db.getProfile(), sb); context.setVariables(queryObj, null, sql.getBind()); option.setSizeFor(psmt); rs = psmt.executeQuery(); rs2.add(rs, psmt, db); } catch (SQLException e) { DbUtils.close(rs); DbUtils.close(psmt); DbUtils.processError(e, ArrayUtils.toString(sqlResult.getTables(), true), db); db.releaseConnection(); throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { DbUtils.close(rs); DbUtils.close(psmt); db.releaseConnection(); throw e; } finally { sb.output(); } } @Override public CountClause toCountSql(ConditionQuery obj) throws SQLException { if (obj instanceof Query<?>) { Query<?> query = (Query<?>) obj; CountClause cq = new CountClause(); String myTableName = (String) query.getAttribute("_table_name"); myTableName = MetaHolder.toSchemaAdjustedName(myTableName); PartitionResult[] sites = DbUtils.toTableNames(query.getInstance(), myTableName, query, db.getPartitionSupport()); DatabaseDialect profile = getProfile(sites); SqlContext context = query.prepare(); GroupClause groupClause = toGroupAndHavingClause(query, context, profile); if (sites.length > 1) {// 多数据库下还要Distinct,没办法了 if (context.isDistinct()) { throw new MultipleDatabaseOperateException("Not Supported, Count with 'distinct'"); } else if (groupClause.isNotEmpty()) { throw new MultipleDatabaseOperateException("Not Supported, Count with 'group'"); } } BindSql result = parent.toWhereClause(query, context, null, profile,false); if (context.isDistinct()) { String countStr = toSelectCountSql(context.getSelectsImpl(), context, groupClause.isNotEmpty()); for (PartitionResult site : sites) { for (String table : site.getTablesEscaped(db.getProfile(site.getDatabase()))) { String sql = StringUtils.concat(countStr, table, " t", result.getSql(), groupClause.toString()); cq.addSql(site.getDatabase(), new BindSql(sql, result.getBind())); } } } else { for (PartitionResult site : sites) { for (String table : site.getTablesEscaped(db.getProfile(site.getDatabase()))) { String sql = StringUtils.concat("select count(*) from ", table, " t", result.getSql(), groupClause.toString()); cq.addSql(site.getDatabase(), new BindSql(sql, result.getBind())); } } } return cq; } else if (obj instanceof Join) { Join join = (Join) obj; SqlContext context = join.prepare(); DatabaseDialect profile = getProfile(); GroupClause groupClause = toGroupAndHavingClause(join, context, profile); CountClause cq = new CountClause(); String countStr; if (context.isDistinct()) { countStr = toSelectCountSql(context.getSelectsImpl(), context, groupClause.isNotEmpty()); } else { countStr = "select count(*) from "; } BindSql result = parent.toWhereClause(join, context, null, profile, false); result.setSql(countStr + join.toTableDefinitionSql(parent, context, profile,false) + result.getSql() + groupClause); cq.addSql(null, result); return cq; } else if (obj instanceof ComplexQuery) { ComplexQuery cq = (ComplexQuery) obj; SqlContext context = cq.prepare(); return cq.toPrepareCountSql(this, context); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } private String toSelectCountSql(SelectsImpl selectsImpl, SqlContext context, boolean groupMode) { if (selectsImpl == null) { return "select count(distinct *) from "; } List<ISelectItemProvider> items = selectsImpl.getReference(); if (items.isEmpty() || items.get(0).isAllTableColumns()) { return "select count(distinct *) from "; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("select count(distinct "); int distinctItemCount = 0; for (ISelectItemProvider item : items) { CommentEntry[] ces = item.getSelectColumns(getProfile(), groupMode, context); for (CommentEntry ce : ces) { if (distinctItemCount > 0) { sb.append(','); } sb.append(ce.getKey()); distinctItemCount++; } } sb.append(") from "); return sb.toString(); } @Override protected long processCount0(OperateTarget db, BindSql bsql, SqlLog sb) throws SQLException { long total = 0; PreparedStatement psmt = null; String sql = bsql.getSql(); ResultSet rs = null; sb.append(sql).append(db); long currentCount = 0; try { psmt = db.prepareStatement(sql); psmt.setQueryTimeout(ORMConfig.getInstance().getSelectTimeout()); BindVariableContext context = new BindVariableContext(psmt, db.getProfile(), sb); context.setVariables(null, null, bsql.getBind()); rs = psmt.executeQuery(); if ( { currentCount = rs.getLong(1); sb.append("\tCount=").append(currentCount); total += currentCount; } } catch (SQLException e) { DbUtils.processError(e, sql, db); throw e; } finally { sb.output(); DbUtils.close(rs); DbUtils.close(psmt); db.releaseConnection(); } return total; } } public static OrderClause toOrderClause(ConditionQuery obj, SqlContext context, DatabaseDialect profile) { if (obj.getOrderBy() == null || obj.getOrderBy().size() == 0) { return OrderClause.DEFAULT; } List<Entry<String, Boolean>> rs = new ArrayList<Entry<String, Boolean>>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (OrderField e : obj.getOrderBy()) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(","); } String orderResult = e.toString(profile, context); sb.append(orderResult).append(' '); sb.append(e.isAsc() ? "ASC" : "DESC"); rs.add(new Entry<String, Boolean>(orderResult, e.isAsc())); } return new OrderClause(" order by " + sb.toString(), rs); } // 转为group + having语句 public static GroupClause toGroupAndHavingClause(JoinElement q, SqlContext context, DatabaseDialect profile) { GroupClause result = new GroupClause(); for (ISelectItemProvider table : context.getReference()) { if (table.getReferenceCol() == null) continue; for (ISelectProvider field : table.getReferenceCol()) { if (field instanceof SingleColumnSelect) { SingleColumnSelect column = (SingleColumnSelect) field; if ((column.getProjection() & ISelectProvider.PROJECTION_GROUP) > 0) { result.addGroup(column.getSelectItem(profile, table.getSchema(), context)); } if ((column.getProjection() & ISelectProvider.PROJECTION_HAVING) > 0) { result.addHaving(column.toHavingClause(profile, table.getSchema(), context)); } else if ((column.getProjection() & ISelectProvider.PROJECTION_HAVING_NOT_SELECT) > 0) { result.addHaving(column.toHavingClause(profile, table.getSchema(), context)); } } } } return result; } /** * 返回SQL的Select列部分,本来JDBC规定接口ResultsetMetadata中可以getTableName(int * columnIndex)来获得某个列的表名 但是大多数JDBC驱动都没有实现,返回的是""。 为此,需要对所有字段进行唯一化编码处理 */ public static SelectPart toSelectSql(SqlContext context, GroupClause group, DatabaseDialect profile) { boolean groupMode = group.isNotEmpty(); SelectPart rs = new SelectPart(); rs.setDistinct(context.isDistinct()); for (ISelectItemProvider rp : context.getReference()) {// 每个rp就是一张表 rs.addAll(rp.getSelectColumns(profile, groupMode, context)); } if (!groupMode && profile.has(Feature.SELECT_ROW_NUM) && context.size() == 1) { ISelectItemProvider ip = context.getReference().get(0); if (ip.isAllTableColumns()) { rs.add(new CommentEntry("t.rowid", "rowid_")); } } return rs; } void processSelect(final QueryClause sql, final Session session, final ConditionQuery queryObj, final ResultSetContainer rs, final QueryOption option, int mustTx) throws SQLException { if (sql.isMultiDatabase()) { if (sql.getTables().length >= ORMConfig.getInstance().getParallelSelect()) {// 启用并行查询 List<DbTask> tasks = new ArrayList<DbTask>(); for (final PartitionResult site : sql.getTables()) { final SqlLog debug = ORMConfig.getInstance().newLogger(); tasks.add(new DbTask() { public void execute() throws SQLException { processSelect0(session.selectTarget(site.getDatabase()), sql, site, queryObj, rs, option, debug); } }); } DbUtils.parallelExecute(tasks); } else { final SqlLog debug = ORMConfig.getInstance().newLogger(); for (PartitionResult site : sql.getTables()) { processSelect0(session.selectTarget(site.getDatabase()), sql, site, queryObj, rs, option, debug); } } sql.parepareInMemoryProcess(null, rs); } else { // 如果是结果集持有的,那么必须在事务中 PartitionResult site = sql.getTables()[0]; OperateTarget target = session.wrapTarget(site.getDatabase(), mustTx); processSelect0(target, sql, site, queryObj, rs, option, ORMConfig.getInstance().newLogger()); } } long processCount(Session session, CountClause sqls) throws SQLException { if (sqls.getSqls().size() >= ORMConfig.getInstance().getParallelSelect()) { final AtomicLong total = new AtomicLong(); List<DbTask> tasks = new ArrayList<DbTask>(); for (final Map.Entry<String, List<BindSql>> sql : sqls.getSqls().entrySet()) { final SqlLog debug = ORMConfig.getInstance().newLogger(); final OperateTarget target = session.selectTarget(sql.getKey()); tasks.add(new DbTask() { @Override public void execute() throws SQLException { for (BindSql bs : sql.getValue()) { total.addAndGet(processCount0(target, bs, debug)); } } }); } DbUtils.parallelExecute(tasks); return total.get(); } else { long total = 0; final SqlLog debug = ORMConfig.getInstance().newLogger(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<BindSql>> sql : sqls.getSqls().entrySet()) { OperateTarget target = session.selectTarget(sql.getKey()); for (BindSql bs : sql.getValue()) { total += processCount0(target, bs, debug); } } debug.output(); return total; } } }