package jef.common.log; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import jef.common.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * This class provides a logging facility. Each message is logged with a * priority allowing the log to be configured to filter out log messages that * are below a certain priority. */ public class LogUtil { public static List<Writer> otherStream; private static org.slf4j.Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("GeeQuery"); //是否将输出改为日志形式输出 public static boolean useSlf4j = JefConfiguration.getBoolean(Item.COMMON_DEBUG_ADAPTER, true); //是否为调试模式 public static boolean debug = JefConfiguration.getBoolean(Item.DB_DEBUG, false); //将标志输出替换,从而实现System.out.print重定向到日志。 static { if(useSlf4j){ boolean redirect = JefConfiguration.getBoolean(Item.SYSOUT_REDIRECT, false); try { //是否使用控制台输出重定向到到Logger的功能"=== The System.out.redirect function is "+(redirect?"Enabled.":"Disabled.")); if(redirect && !(System.out instanceof LogPrintStream)){ org.slf4j.Logger ll=LoggerFactory.getLogger("SYSTEM"); PrintStream sysout=new LogPrintStream(ll,false,System.out); PrintStream syserr=new LogPrintStream(ll,true,System.err); System.setOut(sysout); System.setErr(syserr);//将系统的标准输出替换为自己的输出 } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * * @param value * @return */ public static void appendBytesString(StringBuilder sb,byte[] value){ sb.append(" -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -A -B -C -D -E -F\r\n"); int left=value.length; int i=0; try{ while(left>16){ String name=Integer.toHexString(i); int offset=i*16; name=StringUtils.leftPad(name, 7,'0').concat("0: "); sb.append(name).append(StringUtils.join(value, ' ',offset,16)).append(" ; "); String text=new String(value,offset,16,"ISO-8859-1"); text=StringUtils.replaceChars(text, "\r\n\t", "..."); sb.append(text); sb.append("\r\n"); left-=16; i++; } if(left>0){ int offset=i*16; String name=Integer.toHexString(i); name=StringUtils.leftPad(name, 7,'0').concat("0: "); sb.append(name).append(StringUtils.join(value, ' ',offset,16)); for(int x=left;x<16;x++){ sb.append(" "); } String text=new String(value,offset,left,"ISO-8859-1"); text=StringUtils.replaceChars(text, "\r\n\t", "..."); sb.append(" ; ").append(text); } }catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e){ //NEVER Happens e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 添加一个输出流 * * @param p */ public static void addOutput(Writer p) { if (p == null) return; synchronized (LogUtil.class) { if (otherStream == null){ otherStream = new ArrayList<Writer>(); }else if(otherStream.contains(p)){ return; } otherStream.add(p); } } /** * 删除一个输出流 * * @param p */ public static void removeOutput(Writer p) { if (p == null) return; synchronized (LogUtil.class) { otherStream.remove(p); } } public static void fatal(Object o) { String msg=toString(o); if(useSlf4j){ log.error(msg); }else{ System.err.println(msg); } showToOnthers(msg, true); } public static void error(Object o) { if(useSlf4j){ if(log.isErrorEnabled()){ String msg=toString(o); log.error(msg); showToOnthers(msg, true); } }else{ String msg=toString(o); System.err.println(msg); showToOnthers(msg, true); } } public static void error(String s,Object... o) { log.error(s,o); } /** * 以标准的slf4j的格式输出warn * @param s * @param o */ public static void warn(String s,Object... o) { log.warn(s,o); } /** * 以标准的slf4j的格式输出info * @param s * @param o */ public static void info(String s,Object... o){,o); } /** * 以标准的slf4j的格式输出debug */ public static void debug(String s,Object... o){ log.debug(s,o); } public static void warn(Object o) { if(useSlf4j){ if(log.isWarnEnabled()){ String msg=toString(o); log.warn(msg); showToOnthers(msg, true); } }else { String msg=toString(o); System.err.println(msg); showToOnthers(msg, true); } } public static void info(Object o) { if(useSlf4j){ if(log.isInfoEnabled()){ String msg=toString(o);; showToOnthers(msg, true); } }else{ String msg=toString(o); System.out.println(msg); showToOnthers(msg, true); } } /** * 将指定的对象显示输出 * @param objs */ public static void shows(Object... objs) { info(objs); } public static void show(ResultSet rs) { try{ show((Object)rs); }finally{ try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } /** * 将指定的对象显示输出 * @param o */ public static void show(Object o) { info(o); } public static void debug(Object o) { if(useSlf4j){ if(log.isDebugEnabled()){ String msg=toString(o); log.debug(msg); showToOnthers(msg, true); } }else if(debug){ String msg=toString(o); System.out.println(msg); showToOnthers(msg, true); } } /** * 将异常异常堆栈打入日志 * 改起来影响比较大,所以就不改了。 * @param t */ public static void exception(Throwable t){ log.error("",t); if (otherStream != null && !otherStream.isEmpty()) { showToOnthers(StringUtils.exceptionStack(t), true); } } /** * 将异常信息输入日志 * @param message * @param t */ public static void exception(String message,Throwable t){ log.error(message, t); if (otherStream != null && !otherStream.isEmpty()) { showToOnthers(StringUtils.exceptionStack(t), true); } } /** * 將各种对象轉換為文本 * * @param o */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void toString(Object o, StringBuilder sb) { if (o == null){ return; } Class<?> c = o.getClass(); if (c==String.class) { sb.append( (String) o); } else if (c.isArray()) { if (c.getComponentType() == Byte.TYPE) {//如果是byte[],就打印出像UltraEdit的二进制文件编辑那种数据对照格式 sb.append("ByteArray:\n"); appendBytesString(sb,(byte[])o); } else if (c.getComponentType().isPrimitive()) { StringUtils.joinTo(ArrayUtils.toObject(o), ' ', sb); } else { Object[] objs=(Object[]) o; if(objs.length==0)return; sb.append(objs[0]); for(int i=1;i<objs.length;i++){ sb.append('\n').append(objs[i]); } } } else if (o instanceof Iterable<?>) { Iterator iter=((Iterable) o).iterator(); if(iter.hasNext()){ sb.append(; for (;iter.hasNext();) { sb.append('\n').append(; } } } else if (o instanceof Enumeration<?>) { Enumeration enu=(Enumeration)o; if(enu.hasMoreElements()){ sb.append(enu.nextElement()); for(;enu.hasMoreElements();){ sb.append('\n').append(enu.nextElement()); } } } else if (o instanceof Map<?, ?>) { Map map = (Map) o; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<Map.Entry> iter=map.entrySet().iterator(); if(iter.hasNext()){ Map.Entry; sb.append(StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.toString(e.getKey()), 18)).append('\t').append(toString(e.getValue())); for (;iter.hasNext();) {; sb.append('\n').append(StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.toString(e.getKey()), 18)).append('\t').append(toString(e.getValue())); } } } else if (o instanceof Node) { try { XMLUtils.output((Node)o, new StringBuilderWriter(sb), null, 4); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); sb.append(o); } } else if (o instanceof Entry<?, ?>) { Entry<?, ?> e = (Entry<?, ?>) o; sb.append(StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.toString(e.getKey()), 18)).append('\t').append(toString(e.getValue())); } else if (o instanceof Throwable) { StringUtils.exceptionSummary((Throwable) o, sb); } else { sb.append(StringUtils.toString(o)); } } public static CharSequence toString(String head,byte[] b){ StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(head.length()+b.length*4+16); sb.append(head); appendBytesString(sb, b); return sb; } //不关闭 private static String toString(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(64); int limit=JefConfiguration.getInt(Item.CONSOLE_SHOW_RESULT_LIMIT, 200); ResultSetMetaData meta=rs.getMetaData(); int count=meta.getColumnCount(); sb.append(meta.getColumnLabel(1)); for(int i=2;i<=count;i++){ sb.append(", "); sb.append(meta.getColumnLabel(i)); } sb.append('\n'); int size=0; while({ size++; sb.append('['); sb.append(rs.getObject(1)); for(int i=2;i<=count;i++){ sb.append(", "); sb.append(rs.getObject(i)); } sb.append("]\n"); if(limit==size){//No need to print... while({ size++; } break; } } sb.append("Total:").append(size).append(" record(s)."); return sb.toString(); } private static String toString(Object object) { if(object==null)return ""; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class clz=object.getClass(); if(clz==String.class)return (String)object; if(object.getClass().isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(clz) || Enumeration.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)||Node.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)||Map.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)){ StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); toString(object, sb); return sb.toString(); }else if(object instanceof Throwable){ StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); toString(object, sb); return sb.toString(); }else if(object instanceof ResultSet){ ResultSet rs=(ResultSet)object; try{ return toString(rs); }catch(SQLException e){ throw new RuntimeException(e); } }else{ return StringUtils.toString(object); } } public static void showToOnthers(String msg, boolean withNewLine) { if (otherStream != null) { for (Iterator<Writer> iter = otherStream.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Writer out =; try { if (withNewLine) { out.write(msg); out.write(StringUtils.CRLF_STR); } else { out.write(msg); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.out.print("Will not send display message to " + out.toString()); iter.remove(); } } } } public static Writer[] getOtherOutput() { Writer[] r = new Writer[0]; if (otherStream == null) return r; return otherStream.toArray(r); } public static boolean isDebugEnabled() { return log.isDebugEnabled(); } }