package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy; import io.ebean.BackgroundExecutor; import io.ebean.Model; import io.ebean.RawSqlBuilder; import io.ebean.bean.BeanCollection; import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean; import io.ebean.config.EncryptKey; import io.ebean.config.EncryptKeyManager; import io.ebean.config.NamingConvention; import io.ebean.config.ServerConfig; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbHistorySupport; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbIdentity; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.IdType; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.PlatformIdGenerator; import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogFilter; import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogListener; import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogPrepare; import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogRegister; import io.ebean.plugin.BeanType; import io.ebeaninternal.api.ConcurrencyMode; import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiEbeanServer; import io.ebeaninternal.api.TransactionEventTable; import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.SpiCacheManager; import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.InternString; import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.InternalConfiguration; import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.Message; import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.bootup.BootupClasses; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor.EntityType; import; import; import; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanDescriptor; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanProperty; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssoc; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanTable; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployTableJoin; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployBeanInfo; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployCreateProperties; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployInherit; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployUtil; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.ReadAnnotations; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.TransientProperties; import; import; import; import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.XmlMappingReader; import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.model.XmAliasMapping; import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.model.XmColumnMapping; import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.model.XmEbean; import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.model.XmEntity; import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.model.XmNamedQuery; import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.model.XmRawSql; import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreBeanAdapter; import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import javax.persistence.Transient; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Creates BeanDescriptors. */ public class BeanDescriptorManager implements BeanDescriptorMap { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BeanDescriptorManager.class); private static final BeanDescComparator beanDescComparator = new BeanDescComparator(); private final ReadAnnotations readAnnotations; private final TransientProperties transientProperties; /** * Helper to derive inheritance information. */ private final DeployInherit deplyInherit; private final BeanPropertyAccess beanPropertyAccess = new EnhanceBeanPropertyAccess(); private final DeployUtil deployUtil; private final PersistControllerManager persistControllerManager; private final PostLoadManager postLoadManager; private final PostConstructManager postConstructManager; private final BeanFinderManager beanFinderManager; private final PersistListenerManager persistListenerManager; private final BeanQueryAdapterManager beanQueryAdapterManager; private final NamingConvention namingConvention; private final DeployCreateProperties createProperties; private final BeanManagerFactory beanManagerFactory; private final ServerConfig serverConfig; private final ChangeLogListener changeLogListener; private final ChangeLogRegister changeLogRegister; private final ChangeLogPrepare changeLogPrepare; private final DocStoreFactory docStoreFactory; private int entityBeanCount; private final boolean updateChangesOnly; private final BootupClasses bootupClasses; private final String serverName; private Map<Class<?>, DeployBeanInfo<?>> deployInfoMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<Class<?>, BeanTable> beanTableMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, BeanDescriptor<?>> descMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, BeanDescriptor<?>> descQueueMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, BeanManager<?>> beanManagerMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, List<BeanDescriptor<?>>> tableToDescMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, List<BeanDescriptor<?>>> tableToViewDescMap = new HashMap<>(); private List<BeanDescriptor<?>> immutableDescriptorList; private final DbIdentity dbIdentity; private final DataSource dataSource; private final DatabasePlatform databasePlatform; private final SpiCacheManager cacheManager; private final BackgroundExecutor backgroundExecutor; private final int dbSequenceBatchSize; private final EncryptKeyManager encryptKeyManager; private final IdBinderFactory idBinderFactory; private final BeanLifecycleAdapterFactory beanLifecycleAdapterFactory; private final boolean eagerFetchLobs; private final String asOfViewSuffix; /** * Map of base tables to 'with history views' used to support 'as of' queries. */ private final Map<String, String> asOfTableMap = new HashMap<>(); /** * Map of base tables to 'draft' tables. */ private final Map<String, String> draftTableMap = new HashMap<>(); /** * Create for a given database dbConfig. */ public BeanDescriptorManager(InternalConfiguration config) { this.serverConfig = config.getServerConfig(); this.serverName = InternString.intern(serverConfig.getName()); this.cacheManager = config.getCacheManager(); this.docStoreFactory = config.getDocStoreFactory(); this.dbSequenceBatchSize = serverConfig.getDatabaseSequenceBatchSize(); this.backgroundExecutor = config.getBackgroundExecutor(); this.dataSource = serverConfig.getDataSource(); this.encryptKeyManager = serverConfig.getEncryptKeyManager(); this.databasePlatform = serverConfig.getDatabasePlatform(); this.idBinderFactory = new IdBinderFactory(databasePlatform.isIdInExpandedForm()); this.eagerFetchLobs = serverConfig.isEagerFetchLobs(); this.asOfViewSuffix = getAsOfViewSuffix(databasePlatform, serverConfig); String versionsBetweenSuffix = getVersionsBetweenSuffix(databasePlatform, serverConfig); this.readAnnotations = new ReadAnnotations(config.getGeneratedPropertyFactory(), asOfViewSuffix, versionsBetweenSuffix, serverConfig.isDisableL2Cache()); this.bootupClasses = config.getBootupClasses(); this.createProperties = config.getDeployCreateProperties(); this.namingConvention = serverConfig.getNamingConvention(); this.dbIdentity = config.getDatabasePlatform().getDbIdentity(); this.deplyInherit = config.getDeployInherit(); this.deployUtil = config.getDeployUtil(); this.beanManagerFactory = new BeanManagerFactory(config.getDatabasePlatform()); this.updateChangesOnly = serverConfig.isUpdateChangesOnly(); this.beanLifecycleAdapterFactory = new BeanLifecycleAdapterFactory(); this.persistControllerManager = new PersistControllerManager(bootupClasses); this.postLoadManager = new PostLoadManager(bootupClasses); this.postConstructManager = new PostConstructManager(bootupClasses); this.persistListenerManager = new PersistListenerManager(bootupClasses); this.beanQueryAdapterManager = new BeanQueryAdapterManager(bootupClasses); this.beanFinderManager = new BeanFinderManager(bootupClasses); this.transientProperties = new TransientProperties(); this.changeLogPrepare = config.changeLogPrepare(bootupClasses.getChangeLogPrepare()); this.changeLogListener = config.changeLogListener(bootupClasses.getChangeLogListener()); this.changeLogRegister = config.changeLogRegister(bootupClasses.getChangeLogRegister()); } /** * Return the AsOfViewSuffix based on the DbHistorySupport. */ private String getAsOfViewSuffix(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform, ServerConfig serverConfig) { DbHistorySupport historySupport = databasePlatform.getHistorySupport(); // with historySupport returns a simple view suffix or the sql2011 as of timestamp suffix return (historySupport == null) ? serverConfig.getAsOfViewSuffix() : historySupport.getAsOfViewSuffix(serverConfig.getAsOfViewSuffix()); } /** * Return the versions between timestamp suffix based on the DbHistorySupport. */ private String getVersionsBetweenSuffix(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform, ServerConfig serverConfig) { DbHistorySupport historySupport = databasePlatform.getHistorySupport(); // with historySupport returns a simple view suffix or the sql2011 versions between timestamp suffix return (historySupport == null) ? serverConfig.getAsOfViewSuffix() : historySupport.getVersionsBetweenSuffix(serverConfig.getAsOfViewSuffix()); } @Override public ServerConfig getServerConfig() { return serverConfig; } @Override public <T> DocStoreBeanAdapter<T> createDocStoreBeanAdapter(BeanDescriptor<T> descriptor, DeployBeanDescriptor<T> deploy) { return docStoreFactory.createAdapter(descriptor, deploy); } public BeanDescriptor<?> getBeanDescriptorByQueueId(String queueId) { return descQueueMap.get(queueId); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> BeanDescriptor<T> getBeanDescriptor(Class<T> entityType) { return (BeanDescriptor<T>) descMap.get(entityType.getName()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> BeanDescriptor<T> getBeanDescriptorByClassName(String entityClassName) { return (BeanDescriptor<T>) descMap.get(entityClassName); } @Override public String getServerName() { return serverName; } @Override public SpiCacheManager getCacheManager() { return cacheManager; } @Override public NamingConvention getNamingConvention() { return namingConvention; } /** * Set the internal EbeanServer instance to all BeanDescriptors. */ public void setEbeanServer(SpiEbeanServer internalEbean) { for (BeanDescriptor<?> desc : immutableDescriptorList) { desc.setEbeanServer(internalEbean); } } @Override public IdBinder createIdBinder(BeanProperty idProperty) { return idBinderFactory.createIdBinder(idProperty); } /** * Return the map of base tables to draft tables. */ public Map<String, String> getDraftTableMap() { return draftTableMap; } /** * Deploy returning the asOfTableMap (which is required by the SQL builders). */ public Map<String, String> deploy() { try { createListeners(); readEntityDeploymentInitial(); readXmlMapping(); readEmbeddedDeployment(); readEntityBeanTable(); readEntityDeploymentAssociations(); readInheritedIdGenerators(); // creates the BeanDescriptors readEntityRelationships(); List<BeanDescriptor<?>> list = new ArrayList<>(descMap.values()); list.sort(beanDescComparator); immutableDescriptorList = Collections.unmodifiableList(list); initialiseAll(); readForeignKeys(); readTableToDescriptor(); logStatus(); deployInfoMap.clear(); deployInfoMap = null; return asOfTableMap; } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.error("Error in deployment", e); throw e; } } private void readXmlMapping() { try { ClassLoader classLoader = serverConfig.getClassLoadConfig().getClassLoader(); Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources("ebean.xml"); List<XmEbean> mappings = new ArrayList<>(); while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = resources.nextElement(); try (InputStream is = url.openStream()) { mappings.add(; } } for (XmEbean mapping : mappings) { List<XmEntity> entityDeploy = mapping.getEntity(); for (XmEntity deploy : entityDeploy) { readEntityMapping(classLoader, deploy); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error reading ebean.xml", e); } } private void readEntityMapping(ClassLoader classLoader, XmEntity entityDeploy) { String entityClassName = entityDeploy.getClazz(); Class<?> entityClass; try { entityClass = Class.forName(entityClassName, false, classLoader); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not load entity bean class " + entityClassName + " for ebean.xml entry"); return; } DeployBeanInfo<?> info = deployInfoMap.get(entityClass); if (info == null) { logger.error("No entity bean for ebean.xml entry " + entityClassName); } else { for (XmRawSql sql : entityDeploy.getRawSql()) { RawSqlBuilder builder = RawSqlBuilder.parse(sql.getQuery().getValue()); for (XmColumnMapping columnMapping : sql.getColumnMapping()) { builder.columnMapping(columnMapping.getColumn(), columnMapping.getProperty()); } for (XmAliasMapping aliasMapping : sql.getAliasMapping()) { builder.tableAliasMapping(aliasMapping.getAlias(), aliasMapping.getProperty()); } info.addRawSql(sql.getName(), builder.create()); } for (XmNamedQuery namedQuery : entityDeploy.getNamedQuery()) { info.addNamedQuery(namedQuery.getName(), namedQuery.getQuery().getValue()); } } } /** * Return the Encrypt key given the table and column name. */ @Override public EncryptKey getEncryptKey(String tableName, String columnName) { return encryptKeyManager.getEncryptKey(tableName, columnName); } /** * For SQL based modifications we need to invalidate appropriate parts of the * cache. */ public void cacheNotify(TransactionEventTable.TableIUD tableIUD) { String tableName = tableIUD.getTableName().toLowerCase(); List<BeanDescriptor<?>> normalBeanTypes = tableToDescMap.get(tableName); if (normalBeanTypes != null) { // 'normal' entity beans based on a "base table" for (BeanDescriptor<?> normalBeanType : normalBeanTypes) { normalBeanType.cacheHandleBulkUpdate(tableIUD); } } List<BeanDescriptor<?>> viewBeans = tableToViewDescMap.get(tableName); if (viewBeans != null) { // entity beans based on a "view" for (BeanDescriptor<?> viewBean : viewBeans) { viewBean.cacheHandleBulkUpdate(tableIUD); } } } /** * Return the BeanDescriptors mapped to the table. */ public List<BeanDescriptor<?>> getBeanDescriptors(String tableName) { return tableToDescMap.get(tableName.toLowerCase()); } /** * Return the BeanDescriptors mapped to the table. */ public List<? extends BeanType<?>> getBeanTypes(String tableName) { return tableToDescMap.get(tableName.toLowerCase()); } /** * Invalidate entity beans based on views via their dependent tables. */ public void processViewInvalidation(Set<String> viewInvalidation) { for (String depTable : viewInvalidation) { List<BeanDescriptor<?>> list = tableToViewDescMap.get(depTable.toLowerCase()); if (list != null) { for (BeanDescriptor<?> desc : list) { desc.clearQueryCache(); } } } } /** * Build a map of table names to BeanDescriptors. * <p> * This is generally used to maintain caches from table names. * </p> */ private void readTableToDescriptor() { for (BeanDescriptor<?> desc : descMap.values()) { String baseTable = desc.getBaseTable(); if (baseTable != null) { baseTable = baseTable.toLowerCase(); List<BeanDescriptor<?>> list = tableToDescMap.computeIfAbsent(baseTable, k -> new ArrayList<>(1)); list.add(desc); } if (desc.getEntityType() == EntityType.VIEW && desc.isQueryCaching()) { // build map of tables to view entities dependent on those tables // for the purpose of invalidating appropriate query caches String[] dependentTables = desc.getDependentTables(); if (dependentTables != null && dependentTables.length > 0) { for (String depTable : dependentTables) { depTable = depTable.toLowerCase(); List<BeanDescriptor<?>> list = tableToViewDescMap.computeIfAbsent(depTable, k -> new ArrayList<>(1)); list.add(desc); } } } } } private void readForeignKeys() { for (BeanDescriptor<?> d : descMap.values()) { d.initialiseFkeys(); } } /** * Initialise all the BeanDescriptors. * <p> * This occurs after all the BeanDescriptors have been created. This resolves * circular relationships between BeanDescriptors. * </p> * <p> * Also responsible for creating all the BeanManagers which contain the * persister, listener etc. * </p> */ private void initialiseAll() { // now that all the BeanDescriptors are in their map // we can initialise them which sorts out circular // dependencies for OneToMany and ManyToOne etc // PASS 1: // initialise the ID properties of all the beans // first (as they are needed to initialise the // associated properties in the second pass). for (BeanDescriptor<?> d : descMap.values()) { d.initialiseId(asOfTableMap, draftTableMap); } // PASS 2: // now initialise all the inherit info for (BeanDescriptor<?> d : descMap.values()) { d.initInheritInfo(); } // PASS 3: // now initialise all the associated properties for (BeanDescriptor<?> d : descMap.values()) { // also look for intersection tables with // associated history support and register them // into the asOfTableMap d.initialiseOther(asOfTableMap, asOfViewSuffix, draftTableMap); } // PASS 4: // now initialise document mapping which needs target descriptors for (BeanDescriptor<?> d : descMap.values()) { d.initialiseDocMapping(); } // create BeanManager for each non-embedded entity bean for (BeanDescriptor<?> d : descMap.values()) { d.initLast(); if (!d.isEmbedded()) { BeanManager<?> m = beanManagerFactory.create(d); beanManagerMap.put(d.getFullName(), m); checkForValidEmbeddedId(d); } } } private void checkForValidEmbeddedId(BeanDescriptor<?> d) { IdBinder idBinder = d.getIdBinder(); if (idBinder instanceof IdBinderEmbedded) { IdBinderEmbedded embId = (IdBinderEmbedded) idBinder; BeanDescriptor<?> idBeanDescriptor = embId.getIdBeanDescriptor(); Class<?> idType = idBeanDescriptor.getBeanType(); try { idType.getDeclaredMethod("hashCode"); idType.getDeclaredMethod("equals", Object.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { checkMissingHashCodeOrEquals(e, idType, d.getBeanType()); } } } private void checkMissingHashCodeOrEquals(Exception source, Class<?> idType, Class<?> beanType) { String msg = "SERIOUS ERROR: The hashCode() and equals() methods *MUST* be implemented "; msg += "on Embedded bean " + idType + " as it is used as an Id for " + beanType; throw new PersistenceException(msg, source); } /** * Return true if there are 'view based entities' using l2 query caching and so need * to be invalidated based on changes to dependent tables. */ public boolean requiresViewEntityCacheInvalidation() { return !tableToViewDescMap.isEmpty(); } /** * Return an immutable list of all the BeanDescriptors. */ public List<BeanDescriptor<?>> getBeanDescriptorList() { return immutableDescriptorList; } public BeanTable getBeanTable(Class<?> type) { return beanTableMap.get(type); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> BeanManager<T> getBeanManager(Class<T> entityType) { return (BeanManager<T>) getBeanManager(entityType.getName()); } public BeanManager<?> getBeanManager(String beanClassName) { return beanManagerMap.get(beanClassName); } /** * Create the BeanControllers, BeanFinders and BeanListeners. */ private void createListeners() { int qa = beanQueryAdapterManager.getRegisterCount(); int cc = persistControllerManager.getRegisterCount(); int pl = postLoadManager.getRegisterCount(); int pc = postConstructManager.getRegisterCount(); int lc = persistListenerManager.getRegisterCount(); int fc = beanFinderManager.getRegisterCount(); logger.debug("BeanPersistControllers[" + cc + "] BeanFinders[" + fc + "] BeanPersistListeners[" + lc + "] BeanQueryAdapters[" + qa + "] BeanPostLoaders[" + pl + "] BeanPostConstructors[" + pc + "]"); } private void logStatus() { logger.debug("Entities[{}]", entityBeanCount); } private <T> BeanDescriptor<T> createEmbedded(Class<T> beanClass) { DeployBeanInfo<T> info = getDeploy(beanClass); return new BeanDescriptor<>(this, info.getDescriptor()); } /** * Return the bean deploy info for the given class. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> DeployBeanInfo<T> getDeploy(Class<T> cls) { return (DeployBeanInfo<T>) deployInfoMap.get(cls); } private void registerBeanDescriptor(BeanDescriptor<?> desc) { descMap.put(desc.getBeanType().getName(), desc); if (desc.isDocStoreMapped()) { descQueueMap.put(desc.getDocStoreQueueId(), desc); } } /** * Read deployment information for all the embedded beans. */ private void readEmbeddedDeployment() { List<Class<?>> embeddedClasses = bootupClasses.getEmbeddables(); for (Class<?> embeddedClass : embeddedClasses) { registerBeanDescriptor(createEmbedded(embeddedClass)); } } /** * Read the initial deployment information for the entities. * <p> * This stops short of reading relationship meta data until after the * BeanTables have all been created. * </p> */ private void readEntityDeploymentInitial() { for (Class<?> entityClass : bootupClasses.getEntities()) { DeployBeanInfo<?> info = createDeployBeanInfo(entityClass); deployInfoMap.put(entityClass, info); } for (Class<?> entityClass : bootupClasses.getEmbeddables()) { DeployBeanInfo<?> info = createDeployBeanInfo(entityClass); readDeployAssociations(info); deployInfoMap.put(entityClass, info); } } /** * Create the BeanTable information which has the base table and id. * <p> * This is determined prior to resolving relationship information. * </p> */ private void readEntityBeanTable() { for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { BeanTable beanTable = createBeanTable(info); beanTableMap.put(beanTable.getBeanType(), beanTable); } } /** * Create the BeanTable information which has the base table and id. * <p> * This is determined prior to resolving relationship information. * </p> */ private void readEntityDeploymentAssociations() { for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { readDeployAssociations(info); } } private void readInheritedIdGenerators() { for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { DeployBeanDescriptor<?> descriptor = info.getDescriptor(); InheritInfo inheritInfo = descriptor.getInheritInfo(); if (inheritInfo != null && !inheritInfo.isRoot()) { DeployBeanInfo<?> rootBeanInfo = deployInfoMap.get(inheritInfo.getRoot().getType()); PlatformIdGenerator rootIdGen = rootBeanInfo.getDescriptor().getIdGenerator(); if (rootIdGen != null) { descriptor.setIdGenerator(rootIdGen); } } } } /** * Create the BeanTable from the deployment information gathered so far. */ private BeanTable createBeanTable(DeployBeanInfo<?> info) { DeployBeanDescriptor<?> deployDescriptor = info.getDescriptor(); DeployBeanTable beanTable = deployDescriptor.createDeployBeanTable(); return new BeanTable(beanTable, this); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private void readEntityRelationships() { // We only perform 'circular' checks etc after we have // all the DeployBeanDescriptors created and in the map. for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { checkMappedBy(info); } for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { secondaryPropsJoins(info); } // Set inheritance info for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { setInheritanceInfo(info); } for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { registerBeanDescriptor(new BeanDescriptor(this, info.getDescriptor())); } } /** * Sets the inheritance info. ~EMG fix for join problem * * @param info the new inheritance info */ private void setInheritanceInfo(DeployBeanInfo<?> info) { for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> oneProp : info.getDescriptor().propertiesAssocOne()) { if (!oneProp.isTransient()) { DeployBeanInfo<?> assoc = deployInfoMap.get(oneProp.getTargetType()); if (assoc != null) { oneProp.getTableJoin().setInheritInfo(assoc.getDescriptor().getInheritInfo()); } } } for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> manyProp : info.getDescriptor().propertiesAssocMany()) { if (!manyProp.isTransient()) { DeployBeanInfo<?> assoc = deployInfoMap.get(manyProp.getTargetType()); if (assoc != null) { manyProp.getTableJoin().setInheritInfo(assoc.getDescriptor().getInheritInfo()); } } } } private void secondaryPropsJoins(DeployBeanInfo<?> info) { DeployBeanDescriptor<?> descriptor = info.getDescriptor(); for (DeployBeanProperty prop : descriptor.propertiesBase()) { if (prop.isSecondaryTable()) { String tableName = prop.getSecondaryTable(); // find a join to that table... DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> assocOne = descriptor.findJoinToTable(tableName); if (assocOne == null) { String msg = "Error with property " + prop.getFullBeanName() + ". Could not find a Relationship to table " + tableName + ". Perhaps you could use a @JoinColumn instead."; throw new RuntimeException(msg); } DeployTableJoin tableJoin = assocOne.getTableJoin(); prop.setSecondaryTableJoin(tableJoin, assocOne.getName()); } } } /** * Check the mappedBy attributes for properties on this descriptor. * <p> * This will read join information defined on the 'owning/other' side of the * relationship. It also does some extra work for unidirectional * relationships. * </p> */ private void checkMappedBy(DeployBeanInfo<?> info) { for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> oneProp : info.getDescriptor().propertiesAssocOne()) { if (!oneProp.isTransient()) { if (oneProp.getMappedBy() != null) { checkMappedByOneToOne(oneProp); } } } for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> manyProp : info.getDescriptor().propertiesAssocMany()) { if (!manyProp.isTransient()) { if (manyProp.isManyToMany()) { checkMappedByManyToMany(manyProp); } else { checkMappedByOneToMany(info, manyProp); } } } } private DeployBeanDescriptor<?> getTargetDescriptor(DeployBeanPropertyAssoc<?> prop) { Class<?> targetType = prop.getTargetType(); DeployBeanInfo<?> info = deployInfoMap.get(targetType); if (info == null) { String msg = "Can not find descriptor [" + targetType + "] for " + prop.getFullBeanName(); throw new PersistenceException(msg); } return info.getDescriptor(); } /** * Check that the many property has either an implied mappedBy property or * mark it as unidirectional. */ private boolean findMappedBy(DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> prop) { // this is the entity bean type - that owns this property Class<?> owningType = prop.getOwningType(); Set<String> matchSet = new HashSet<>(); // get the bean descriptor that holds the mappedBy property DeployBeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor(prop); List<DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>> ones = targetDesc.propertiesAssocOne(); for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> possibleMappedBy : ones) { Class<?> possibleMappedByType = possibleMappedBy.getTargetType(); if (possibleMappedByType.equals(owningType)) { prop.setMappedBy(possibleMappedBy.getName()); matchSet.add(possibleMappedBy.getName()); } } if (matchSet.isEmpty()) { // this is a unidirectional relationship // ... that is no matching property on the 'detail' bean return false; } if (matchSet.size() == 1) { // all right with the world return true; } if (matchSet.size() == 2) { // try to find a match implicitly using a common naming convention // e.g. List<Bug> loggedBugs; ... search for "logged" in matchSet String name = prop.getName(); // get the target type short name String targetType = prop.getTargetType().getName(); String shortTypeName = targetType.substring(targetType.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); // name includes (probably ends with) the target type short name? int p = name.indexOf(shortTypeName); if (p > 1) { // ok, get the 'interesting' part of the property name // That is the name without the target type String searchName = name.substring(0, p).toLowerCase(); // search for this in the possible matches for (String possibleMappedBy : matchSet) { String possibleLower = possibleMappedBy.toLowerCase(); if (possibleLower.contains(searchName)) { // we have a match.. prop.setMappedBy(possibleMappedBy); String m = "Implicitly found mappedBy for " + targetDesc + "." + prop; m += " by searching for [" + searchName + "] against " + matchSet; logger.debug(m); return true; } } } } // multiple options so should specify mappedBy property String msg = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName() + " missing mappedBy."; msg += " There are [" + matchSet.size() + "] possible properties in " + targetDesc; msg += " that this association could be mapped to. Please specify one using "; msg += "the mappedBy attribute on @OneToMany."; throw new PersistenceException(msg); } /** * A OneToMany with no matching mappedBy property in the target so must be * unidirectional. * <p> * This means that inserts MUST cascade for this property. * </p> * <p> * Create a "Shadow"/Unidirectional property on the target. It is used with * inserts to set the foreign key value (e.g. inserts the foreign key value * into the order_id column on the order_lines table). * </p> */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private void makeUnidirectional(DeployBeanInfo<?> info, DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> oneToMany) { DeployBeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor(oneToMany); Class<?> owningType = oneToMany.getOwningType(); if (!oneToMany.getCascadeInfo().isSave()) { // The property MUST have persist cascading so that inserts work. Class<?> targetType = oneToMany.getTargetType(); String msg = "Error on " + oneToMany.getFullBeanName() + ". @OneToMany MUST have "; msg += "Cascade.PERSIST or Cascade.ALL because this is a unidirectional "; msg += "relationship. That is, there is no property of type " + owningType + " on " + targetType; throw new PersistenceException(msg); } // mark this property as unidirectional oneToMany.setUnidirectional(); // create the 'shadow' unidirectional property // which is put on the target descriptor DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> unidirectional = new DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne(targetDesc, owningType); unidirectional.setUndirectionalShadow(); unidirectional.setNullable(false); unidirectional.setDbRead(true); unidirectional.setDbInsertable(true); unidirectional.setDbUpdateable(false); targetDesc.setUnidirectional(unidirectional); // specify table and table alias... BeanTable beanTable = getBeanTable(owningType); unidirectional.setBeanTable(beanTable); unidirectional.setName(beanTable.getBaseTable()); info.setBeanJoinType(unidirectional, true); // define the TableJoin DeployTableJoin oneToManyJoin = oneToMany.getTableJoin(); if (!oneToManyJoin.hasJoinColumns()) { throw new RuntimeException("No join columns"); } // inverse of the oneToManyJoin DeployTableJoin unidirectionalJoin = unidirectional.getTableJoin(); unidirectionalJoin.setColumns(oneToManyJoin.columns(), true); } private void checkMappedByOneToOne(DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop) { // check that the mappedBy property is valid and read // its associated join information if it is available String mappedBy = prop.getMappedBy(); // get the mappedBy property DeployBeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor(prop); DeployBeanProperty mappedProp = targetDesc.getBeanProperty(mappedBy); if (mappedProp == null) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += " Can not find mappedBy property [" + targetDesc + "." + mappedBy + "] "; throw new PersistenceException(m); } if (!(mappedProp instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>)) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += ". mappedBy property [" + targetDesc + "." + mappedBy + "]is not a OneToOne?"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> mappedAssocOne = (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) mappedProp; if (!mappedAssocOne.isOneToOne()) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += ". mappedBy property [" + targetDesc + "." + mappedBy + "]is not a OneToOne?"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } DeployTableJoin tableJoin = prop.getTableJoin(); if (!tableJoin.hasJoinColumns()) { // define Join as the inverse of the mappedBy property DeployTableJoin otherTableJoin = mappedAssocOne.getTableJoin(); otherTableJoin.copyWithoutType(tableJoin, true, tableJoin.getTable()); } } /** * If the property has mappedBy set then do two things. Make sure the mappedBy * property exists, and secondly read its join information. * <p> * We can use the join information from the mappedBy property and reverse it * for using in the OneToMany direction. * </p> */ private void checkMappedByOneToMany(DeployBeanInfo<?> info, DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> prop) { DeployBeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor(prop); if (targetDesc.isDraftableElement()) { // automatically turning on orphan removal and CascadeType.ALL prop.setModifyListenMode(BeanCollection.ModifyListenMode.REMOVALS); prop.getCascadeInfo().setSaveDelete(true, true); } if (prop.getMappedBy() == null) { if (!findMappedBy(prop)) { makeUnidirectional(info, prop); return; } } // check that the mappedBy property is valid and read // its associated join information if it is available String mappedBy = prop.getMappedBy(); // get the mappedBy property DeployBeanProperty mappedProp = targetDesc.getBeanProperty(mappedBy); if (mappedProp == null) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += " Can not find mappedBy property [" + mappedBy + "] "; m += "in [" + targetDesc + "]"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } if (!(mappedProp instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>)) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += ". mappedBy property [" + mappedBy + "]is not a ManyToOne?"; m += "in [" + targetDesc + "]"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> mappedAssocOne = (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) mappedProp; DeployTableJoin tableJoin = prop.getTableJoin(); if (!tableJoin.hasJoinColumns()) { // define Join as the inverse of the mappedBy property DeployTableJoin otherTableJoin = mappedAssocOne.getTableJoin(); otherTableJoin.copyTo(tableJoin, true, tableJoin.getTable()); } } /** * For mappedBy copy the joins from the other side. */ private void checkMappedByManyToMany(DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> prop) { // get the bean descriptor that holds the mappedBy property String mappedBy = prop.getMappedBy(); if (mappedBy == null) { if (getTargetDescriptor(prop).isDraftable()) { prop.setIntersectionDraftTable(); } return; } // get the mappedBy property DeployBeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor(prop); DeployBeanProperty mappedProp = targetDesc.getBeanProperty(mappedBy); if (mappedProp == null) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += " Can not find mappedBy property [" + mappedBy + "] "; m += "in [" + targetDesc + "]"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } if (!(mappedProp instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?>)) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += ". mappedBy property [" + targetDesc + "." + mappedBy + "] is not a ManyToMany?"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> mappedAssocMany = (DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) mappedProp; if (!mappedAssocMany.isManyToMany()) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += ". mappedBy property [" + targetDesc + "." + mappedBy + "] is not a ManyToMany?"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } // define the relationships/joins on this side as the // reverse of the other mappedBy side ... // DeployTableJoin mappedJoin = mappedAssocMany.getTableJoin(); DeployTableJoin mappedIntJoin = mappedAssocMany.getIntersectionJoin(); DeployTableJoin mappendInverseJoin = mappedAssocMany.getInverseJoin(); String intTableName = mappedIntJoin.getTable(); DeployTableJoin tableJoin = prop.getTableJoin(); mappedIntJoin.copyTo(tableJoin, true, targetDesc.getBaseTable()); DeployTableJoin intJoin = new DeployTableJoin(); mappendInverseJoin.copyTo(intJoin, false, intTableName); prop.setIntersectionJoin(intJoin); DeployTableJoin inverseJoin = new DeployTableJoin(); mappedIntJoin.copyTo(inverseJoin, false, intTableName); prop.setInverseJoin(inverseJoin); if (targetDesc.isDraftable()) { prop.setIntersectionDraftTable(); } } private <T> void setBeanControllerFinderListener(DeployBeanDescriptor<T> descriptor) { persistControllerManager.addPersistControllers(descriptor); postLoadManager.addPostLoad(descriptor); postConstructManager.addPostConstructListeners(descriptor); persistListenerManager.addPersistListeners(descriptor); beanQueryAdapterManager.addQueryAdapter(descriptor); beanFinderManager.addFindControllers(descriptor); if (changeLogRegister != null) { ChangeLogFilter changeFilter = changeLogRegister.getChangeFilter(descriptor.getBeanType()); if (changeFilter != null) { descriptor.setChangeLogFilter(changeFilter); } } } /** * Read the initial deployment information for a given bean type. */ private <T> DeployBeanInfo<T> createDeployBeanInfo(Class<T> beanClass) { DeployBeanDescriptor<T> desc = new DeployBeanDescriptor<>(this, beanClass, serverConfig); desc.setUpdateChangesOnly(updateChangesOnly); beanLifecycleAdapterFactory.addLifecycleMethods(desc); // set bean controller, finder and listener setBeanControllerFinderListener(desc); deplyInherit.process(desc); desc.checkInheritanceMapping(); createProperties.createProperties(desc); DeployBeanInfo<T> info = new DeployBeanInfo<>(deployUtil, desc); readAnnotations.readInitial(info, eagerFetchLobs); return info; } private <T> void readDeployAssociations(DeployBeanInfo<T> info) { DeployBeanDescriptor<T> desc = info.getDescriptor(); readAnnotations.readAssociations(info, this); if (EntityType.SQL == desc.getEntityType()) { desc.setBaseTable(null, null, null); } // mark transient properties transientProperties.process(desc); setScalarType(desc); if (!desc.isEmbedded()) { // Set IdGenerator or use DB Identity setIdGeneration(desc); // find the appropriate default concurrency mode setConcurrencyMode(desc); } // generate the byte code createByteCode(desc); } /** * Set the Identity generation mechanism. */ private <T> void setIdGeneration(DeployBeanDescriptor<T> desc) { if (desc.getIdGenerator() != null) { // already assigned (So custom or UUID) return; } if (desc.propertiesId().isEmpty()) { // bean doesn't have an Id property if (desc.isBaseTableType() && desc.getBeanFinder() == null) { // expecting an id property logger.warn(Message.msg("deploy.nouid", desc.getFullName())); } return; } if (IdType.SEQUENCE.equals(desc.getIdType()) && !dbIdentity.isSupportsSequence()) { // explicit sequence but not supported by the DatabasePlatform"Explicit sequence on " + desc.getFullName() + " but not supported by DB Platform - ignored"); desc.setIdType(null); } if (IdType.IDENTITY.equals(desc.getIdType()) && !dbIdentity.isSupportsIdentity()) { // explicit identity but not supported by the DatabasePlatform"Explicit Identity on " + desc.getFullName() + " but not supported by DB Platform - ignored"); desc.setIdType(null); } if (desc.getIdType() == null) { if (desc.isPrimaryKeyCompoundOrNonNumeric()) { // assuming that this is a user supplied key like ISO country code or ISO currency code or lookup table code logger.debug("Expecting user defined identity on " + desc.getFullName() + " - not using db sequence or autoincrement"); desc.setIdType(IdType.EXTERNAL); return; } // use the default. IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. desc.setIdType(dbIdentity.getIdType()); desc.setIdTypePlatformDefault(); } if (desc.getBaseTable() == null) { // no base table so not going to set Identity // of sequence information return; } if (IdType.IDENTITY.equals(desc.getIdType())) { // used when getGeneratedKeys is not supported (SQL Server 2000) String selectLastInsertedId = dbIdentity.getSelectLastInsertedId(desc.getBaseTable()); desc.setSelectLastInsertedId(selectLastInsertedId); return; } String seqName = desc.getIdGeneratorName(); if (seqName != null) { logger.debug("explicit sequence " + seqName + " on " + desc.getFullName()); } else { String primaryKeyColumn = desc.getSinglePrimaryKeyColumn(); // use namingConvention to define sequence name seqName = namingConvention.getSequenceName(desc.getBaseTable(), primaryKeyColumn); } // create the sequence based IdGenerator desc.setIdGenerator(createSequenceIdGenerator(seqName)); } private PlatformIdGenerator createSequenceIdGenerator(String seqName) { return databasePlatform.createSequenceIdGenerator(backgroundExecutor, dataSource, seqName, dbSequenceBatchSize); } private void createByteCode(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> deploy) { // check to see if the bean supports EntityBean interface // generate a subclass if required setEntityBeanClass(deploy); // use Code generation or Standard reflection to support // getter and setter methods setBeanReflect(deploy); } /** * Set the Scalar Types on all the simple types. This is done AFTER transients * have been identified. This is because a non-transient field MUST have a * ScalarType. It is useful for transients to have ScalarTypes because then * they can be used in a SqlSelect query. * <p> * Enums are treated a bit differently in that they always have a ScalarType * as one is built for them. * </p> */ private void setScalarType(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> deployDesc) { for (DeployBeanProperty prop : deployDesc.propertiesAll()) { if (!(prop instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssoc<?>)) { deployUtil.setScalarType(prop); } } } /** * Set BeanReflect BeanReflectGetter and BeanReflectSetter properties. * <p> * This sets the implementation of constructing entity beans and the setting * and getting of properties. It is generally faster to use code generation * rather than reflection to do this. * </p> */ private void setBeanReflect(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> desc) { // Set the BeanReflectGetter and BeanReflectSetter that typically // use generated code. NB: Due to Bug 166 so now doing this for // abstract classes as well. BeanPropertiesReader reflectProps = new BeanPropertiesReader(desc.getBeanType()); desc.setProperties(reflectProps.getProperties()); for (DeployBeanProperty prop : desc.propertiesAll()) { String propName = prop.getName(); Integer pos = reflectProps.getPropertyIndex(propName); if (pos == null) { if (isPersistentField(prop)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Property " + propName + " not found in " + reflectProps + " for type " + desc.getBeanType()); } } else { final int propertyIndex = pos; prop.setPropertyIndex(propertyIndex); prop.setGetter(beanPropertyAccess.getGetter(propertyIndex)); prop.setSetter(beanPropertyAccess.getSetter(propertyIndex)); if (prop.isAggregation()) { prop.setAggregationPrefix(DetermineAggPath.manyPath(prop.getAggregation(), desc)); } } } } /** * Return true if this is a persistent field (not transient or static). */ private boolean isPersistentField(DeployBeanProperty prop) { Field field = prop.getField(); int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); return !(Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)) && !field.isAnnotationPresent(Transient.class); } /** * DevNote: It is assumed that Embedded can contain version properties. It is * also assumed that Embedded beans do NOT themselves contain Embedded beans * which contain version properties. */ private void setConcurrencyMode(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> desc) { if (desc.getConcurrencyMode() != null) { // concurrency mode explicitly set during deployment return; } if (checkForVersionProperties(desc)) { desc.setConcurrencyMode(ConcurrencyMode.VERSION); } else { desc.setConcurrencyMode(ConcurrencyMode.NONE); } } /** * Search for version properties also including embedded beans. */ private boolean checkForVersionProperties(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> desc) { boolean hasVersionProperty = false; List<DeployBeanProperty> props = desc.propertiesBase(); for (DeployBeanProperty prop : props) { if (prop.isVersionColumn()) { hasVersionProperty = true; } } return hasVersionProperty; } private boolean hasEntityBeanInterface(Class<?> beanClass) { Class<?>[] interfaces = beanClass.getInterfaces(); for (Class<?> anInterface : interfaces) { if (anInterface.equals(EntityBean.class)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Test the bean type to see if it implements EntityBean interface already. */ private void setEntityBeanClass(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> desc) { Class<?> beanClass = desc.getBeanType(); if (!hasEntityBeanInterface(beanClass)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Bean " + beanClass + " is not enhanced?"); } // the bean already implements EntityBean checkInheritedClasses(beanClass); entityBeanCount++; } /** * Check that the inherited classes are the same as the entity bean (aka all * enhanced or all dynamically subclassed). */ private void checkInheritedClasses(Class<?> beanClass) { Class<?> superclass = beanClass.getSuperclass(); if (Object.class.equals(superclass)) { // we got to the top of the inheritance return; } if (Model.class.equals(superclass)) { // top of the inheritance. Not enhancing Model at this stage return; } if (!EntityBean.class.isAssignableFrom(superclass)) { if (isMappedSuperWithNoProperties(superclass)) { // ok to stop and treat just the same as Object.class return; } throw new IllegalStateException("Super type " + superclass + " is not enhanced?"); } // recursively continue up the inheritance hierarchy checkInheritedClasses(superclass); } /** * Return true if this is a MappedSuperclass bean with no persistent properties. * If so it is ok for it not to be enhanced. */ private boolean isMappedSuperWithNoProperties(Class<?> beanClass) { // Attention: do not use AnnotationBase.findAnnotation(cls,...) here. MappedSuperclass annotation = beanClass.getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class); if (annotation == null) { return false; } Field[] fields = beanClass.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { if (!Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers()) && !field.isAnnotationPresent(Transient.class)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Return the changeLogPrepare (for setting user context into the ChangeSet * in the foreground thread). */ public ChangeLogPrepare getChangeLogPrepare() { return changeLogPrepare; } /** * Return the changeLogListener (that actually does the logging). */ public ChangeLogListener getChangeLogListener() { return changeLogListener; } /** * Comparator to sort the BeanDescriptors by name. */ private static final class BeanDescComparator implements Comparator<BeanDescriptor<?>>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public int compare(BeanDescriptor<?> o1, BeanDescriptor<?> o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } } }