package io.ebean.dbmigration.model; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.AddColumn; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.AddHistoryTable; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.AddTableComment; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.AlterColumn; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.ChangeSet; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.ChangeSetType; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.CreateIndex; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.DropColumn; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.DropHistoryTable; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.DropIndex; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.Migration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Used to prepare a diff in terms of changes required to migrate from * the base model to the newer model. */ public class ModelDiff { /** * The base model to which we compare the newer model. */ private final ModelContainer baseModel; /** * List of 'create' type changes. */ private final List<Object> applyChanges = new ArrayList<>(); /** * List of 'drop' type changes. Expected to be placed into a separate DDL script. */ private final List<Object> dropChanges = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Construct with a base model. */ public ModelDiff(ModelContainer baseModel) { this.baseModel = baseModel; } /** * Construct with a base model. */ public ModelDiff() { this.baseModel = new ModelContainer(); } /** * Return true if the apply and drop changes are both empty. * This means there are no migration changes. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return applyChanges.isEmpty() && dropChanges.isEmpty(); } /** * Return the diff as a migration potentially containing * an apply changeSet and a drop changeSet. */ public Migration getMigration() { Migration migration = new Migration(); if (!applyChanges.isEmpty()) { // add a non empty apply changeSet migration.getChangeSet().add(getApplyChangeSet()); } if (!dropChanges.isEmpty()) { // add a non empty drop changeSet migration.getChangeSet().add(getDropChangeSet()); } return migration; } /** * Return the list of 'apply' changes. */ List<Object> getApplyChanges() { return applyChanges; } /** * Return the list of 'drop' changes. */ List<Object> getDropChanges() { return dropChanges; } /** * Return the 'apply' changeSet. */ public ChangeSet getApplyChangeSet() { // put the changes into a ChangeSet ChangeSet applyChangeSet = new ChangeSet(); applyChangeSet.setType(ChangeSetType.APPLY); applyChangeSet.getChangeSetChildren().addAll(applyChanges); return applyChangeSet; } /** * Return the 'drop' changeSet. */ ChangeSet getDropChangeSet() { // put the changes into a ChangeSet ChangeSet createChangeSet = new ChangeSet(); createChangeSet.setType(ChangeSetType.PENDING_DROPS); createChangeSet.getChangeSetChildren().addAll(dropChanges); return createChangeSet; } /** * Compare to a 'newer' model and collect the differences. */ public void compareTo(ModelContainer newModel) { Map<String, MTable> newTables = newModel.getTables(); for (MTable newTable : newTables.values()) { MTable currentTable = baseModel.getTable(newTable.getName()); if (currentTable == null) { addNewTable(newTable); } else { compareTables(currentTable, newTable); } } // search for tables that are no longer used for (MTable existingTable : baseModel.getTables().values()) { if (!newTables.containsKey(existingTable.getName())) { addDropTable(existingTable); } } Map<String, MIndex> newIndexes = newModel.getIndexes(); for (MIndex newIndex : newIndexes.values()) { MIndex currentIndex = baseModel.getIndex(newIndex.getIndexName()); if (currentIndex == null) { addCreateIndex(newIndex.createIndex()); } else { compareIndexes(currentIndex, newIndex); } } // search for indexes that are no longer used for (MIndex existingIndex : baseModel.getIndexes().values()) { if (!newIndexes.containsKey(existingIndex.getIndexName())) { addDropIndex(existingIndex.dropIndex()); } } // register un-applied ones from the previous migrations baseModel.registerPendingHistoryDropColumns(newModel); if (!dropChanges.isEmpty()) { // register new ones created just now as part of this diff newModel.registerPendingHistoryDropColumns(getDropChangeSet()); } } protected void addDropTable(MTable existingTable) { dropChanges.add(existingTable.dropTable()); } /** * Add CreateTable to the 'apply' changes. */ protected void addNewTable(MTable newTable) { applyChanges.add(newTable.createTable()); } /** * Compare tables looking for add/drop/modify columns etc. */ protected void compareTables(MTable currentTable, MTable newTable) {, newTable); } /** * Compare tables looking for add/drop/modify columns etc. */ protected void compareIndexes(MIndex currentIndex, MIndex newIndex) {, newIndex); } /** * Add the AlterColumn to the 'apply' changes. */ public void addAlterColumn(AlterColumn alterColumn) { applyChanges.add(alterColumn); } /** * Add the AlterColumn to the 'apply' changes. */ public void addAddColumn(AddColumn addColumn) { applyChanges.add(addColumn); } /** * Add the DropColumn to the 'drop' changes. */ public void addDropColumn(DropColumn dropColumn) { dropChanges.add(dropColumn); } /** * Add the AddHistoryTable to apply changes. */ public void addAddHistoryTable(AddHistoryTable addHistoryTable) { applyChanges.add(addHistoryTable); } /** * Add the DropHistoryTable to the 'drop history' changes. */ public void addDropHistoryTable(DropHistoryTable dropHistoryTable) { dropChanges.add(dropHistoryTable); } /** * Add the DropIndex to the 'apply' changes. */ public void addDropIndex(DropIndex dropIndex) { applyChanges.add(dropIndex); } /** * Add the CreateIndex to the 'apply' changes. */ public void addCreateIndex(CreateIndex createIndex) { applyChanges.add(createIndex); } /** * Add a table comment to the 'apply' changes. */ public void addTableComment(AddTableComment addTableComment) { applyChanges.add(addTableComment); } }