package io.ebeaninternal.server.changelog; import io.ebean.ValuePair; import io.ebean.event.changelog.BeanChange; import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeSet; import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeType; import io.ebean.text.json.JsonContext; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import; import; import java.util.Map; /** * Builds JSON document for a bean change. */ public class ChangeJsonBuilder { protected final JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); protected final JsonContext json; protected ChangeJsonBuilder(JsonContext json) { this.json = json; } /** * Write the bean change as JSON. */ public void writeBeanJson(Writer writer, BeanChange bean, ChangeSet changeSet, int position) throws IOException { try (JsonGenerator generator = jsonFactory.createGenerator(writer)) { writeBeanChange(generator, bean, changeSet, position); generator.flush(); } } /** * Write the bean change as JSON document containing the transaction header details. */ protected void writeBeanChange(JsonGenerator gen, BeanChange bean, ChangeSet changeSet, int position) throws IOException { gen.writeStartObject(); writeBeanTransactionDetails(gen, changeSet, position); gen.writeStringField("object", bean.getTable()); if (bean.getTenantId() != null) { gen.writeStringField("tenantId", bean.getTenantId().toString()); } gen.writeStringField("objectId", bean.getId().toString()); gen.writeStringField("change", bean.getType().getCode()); gen.writeNumberField("eventTime", bean.getEventTime()); writeBeanValues(gen, bean); gen.writeEndObject(); } /** * Denormalise by writing the transaction header details. */ protected void writeBeanTransactionDetails(JsonGenerator gen, ChangeSet changeSet, int position) throws IOException { gen.writeStringField("txnId", changeSet.getTxnId()); gen.writeStringField("txnState", changeSet.getTxnState().getCode()); gen.writeNumberField("txnBatch", changeSet.getTxnBatch()); gen.writeNumberField("txnPosition", position); String source = changeSet.getSource(); if (source != null) { gen.writeStringField("source", source); } String userId = changeSet.getUserId(); if (userId != null) { gen.writeStringField("userId", userId); } String userIpAddress = changeSet.getUserIpAddress(); if (userIpAddress != null) { gen.writeStringField("userIpAddress", userIpAddress); } Map<String, String> userContext = changeSet.getUserContext(); if (userContext != null && !userContext.isEmpty()) { gen.writeObjectFieldStart("userContext"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : userContext.entrySet()) { gen.writeStringField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } gen.writeEndObject(); } } /** * For insert and update write the new/old values. */ protected void writeBeanValues(JsonGenerator gen, BeanChange bean) throws IOException { if (bean.getType() != ChangeType.DELETE) { gen.writeFieldName("values"); gen.writeStartObject(); writeValuePairs(bean, gen); gen.writeEndObject(); } } /** * Write all the value pairs suppressing null values. * <p> * We are intentionally keeping the same new/old structure for both inserts and updates. * </p> */ protected void writeValuePairs(BeanChange bean, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { for (Map.Entry<String, ValuePair> entry : bean.getValues().entrySet()) { gen.writeFieldName(entry.getKey()); gen.writeStartObject(); ValuePair value = entry.getValue(); Object newValue = value.getNewValue(); if (newValue != null) { gen.writeFieldName("new"); json.writeScalar(gen, newValue); } Object oldValue = value.getOldValue(); if (oldValue != null) { gen.writeFieldName("old"); json.writeScalar(gen, oldValue); } gen.writeEndObject(); } } }