package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.vpfswatsp.checks.pcv; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlBasicBuildingBlocks; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlPCV; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlVTS; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.diagnostic.XmlChainItem; import eu.europa.esig.dss.utils.Utils; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.policy.Context; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.policy.SubContext; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.policy.ValidationPolicy; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.Chain; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.ChainItem; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.bbb.sav.checks.CryptographicCheck; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.bbb.xcv.sub.checks.CertificateSignatureValidCheck; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.vpfswatsp.POEExtraction; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.vpfswatsp.checks.pcv.checks.ProspectiveCertificateChainCheck; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.vpfswatsp.checks.pcv.checks.ValidationTimeSlidingCheck; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.vpfswatsp.checks.vts.ValidationTimeSliding; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.reports.wrapper.CertificateWrapper; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.reports.wrapper.DiagnosticData; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.reports.wrapper.TokenProxy; import eu.europa.esig.jaxb.policy.CryptographicConstraint; import eu.europa.esig.jaxb.policy.LevelConstraint; public class PastCertificateValidation extends Chain<XmlPCV> { private final TokenProxy token; private final DiagnosticData diagnosticData; private final XmlBasicBuildingBlocks bbb; private final POEExtraction poe; private final Date currentTime; private final ValidationPolicy policy; private final Context context; private Date controlTime; public PastCertificateValidation(TokenProxy token, DiagnosticData diagnosticData, XmlBasicBuildingBlocks bbb, POEExtraction poe, Date currentTime, ValidationPolicy policy, Context context) { super(new XmlPCV()); this.token = token; this.diagnosticData = diagnosticData; this.bbb = bbb; this.poe = poe; this.currentTime = currentTime; this.policy = policy; this.context = context; } @Override protected void initChain() { String signingCertificateId = token.getSigningCertificateId(); /* * Processing The following steps shall be performed: 1) Build a * new prospective certificate chain that has not yet been evaluated. * The chain shall satisfy the conditions of a prospective certificate * chain as stated in [4], clause 6.1, using one of the trust anchors * provided in the inputs: a) If no new chain can be built, abort the * processing with the current status and the last chain built or, if no * chain was built, with INDETERMINATE/NO_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_FOUND. b) * Otherwise, go to the next step. */ ChainItem<XmlPCV> item = firstItem = prospectiveCertificateChain(); /* * 2) The building block shall run the Certification Path Validation of * IETF RFC 5280 [1], clause 6.1, with the following inputs: the * prospective chain built in the previous step, the trust anchor used * in the previous step, the X.509 parameters provided in the inputs and * a date from the intersection of the validity intervals of all the * certificates in the prospective chain. The validation shall not * include revocation checking for the signing certificate: a) If the * certificate path validation returns PASSED, the building block shall * go to the next step. b) If the certificate path validation returns a * failure indication because an intermediate CA has been determined to * be revoked, the building block shall set the current status to * INDETERMINATE/REVOKED_CA_NO_POE and shall go to step 1. c) If the * certificate path validation returns a failure indication with any * other reason, the building block shall set the current status to * INDETERMINATE/CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_GENERAL_FAILURE and shall go to step * 1. Or d) If the certificate path validation returns any other failure * indication, the building block shall go to step 1. * * ==> Simplified because DSS only uses one certificate chain */ Date intervalNotBefore = null; Date intervalNotAfter = null; List<XmlChainItem> certificateChain = token.getCertificateChain(); for (XmlChainItem certChainItem : certificateChain) { CertificateWrapper certificate = diagnosticData.getUsedCertificateById(certChainItem.getId()); if (certificate.isTrusted()) { // There is not need to check for the trusted certificate continue; } SubContext subContext = SubContext.CA_CERTIFICATE; if (Utils.areStringsEqual(signingCertificateId, certChainItem.getId())) { subContext = SubContext.SIGNING_CERT; } if (intervalNotBefore == null || intervalNotBefore.before(certificate.getNotBefore())) { intervalNotBefore = certificate.getNotBefore(); } if (intervalNotAfter == null || intervalNotAfter.after(certificate.getNotAfter())) { intervalNotAfter = certificate.getNotAfter(); } if (SubContext.CA_CERTIFICATE.equals(subContext) && certificate.isRevoked()) { Date caRevocationDate = certificate.getLatestRevocationData().getRevocationDate(); if (caRevocationDate != null && intervalNotAfter.after(caRevocationDate)) { intervalNotAfter = caRevocationDate; } // TODO REVOKED_CA_NO_POE } item = item.setNextItem(certificateSignatureValid(certificate, subContext)); } /* * 3) The building block shall perform the validation time sliding * process as per clause with the following inputs: the * prospective chain, the set of POEs and the cryptographic constraints. * If it outputs a success indication, the building block shall go to * the next step. Otherwise, the building block shall set the current * status to the returned indication and sub-indication and shall go * back to step 1. */ item = item.setNextItem(validationTimeSliding()); /* * 4) The building block shall apply the chain constraints to the chain. * If the chain does not match these constraints, the building block * shall set the current status to FAILED/CHAIN_CONSTRAINTS_FAILURE and * shall go to step 1. */ if (controlTime != null) { certificateChain = token.getCertificateChain(); for (XmlChainItem certChainItem : certificateChain) { CertificateWrapper certificate = diagnosticData.getUsedCertificateById(certChainItem.getId()); if (certificate.isTrusted()) { // There is not need to check for the trusted certificate continue; } SubContext subContext = SubContext.CA_CERTIFICATE; if (Utils.areStringsEqual(signingCertificateId, certChainItem.getId())) { subContext = SubContext.SIGNING_CERT; } item = item.setNextItem(cryptographicCheck(result, certificate, controlTime, subContext)); } } /* * 5) The building block shall return the current status . If the * current status is PASSED, the building block shall also return the * certificate chain as well as the calculated validation time returned * in step 3. */ } private ChainItem<XmlPCV> prospectiveCertificateChain() { LevelConstraint constraint = policy.getProspectiveCertificateChainConstraint(context); return new ProspectiveCertificateChainCheck(result, token, diagnosticData, constraint); } private ChainItem<XmlPCV> certificateSignatureValid(CertificateWrapper certificate, SubContext subContext) { LevelConstraint constraint = policy.getCertificateSignatureConstraint(context, subContext); return new CertificateSignatureValidCheck<XmlPCV>(result, certificate, constraint); } private ChainItem<XmlPCV> validationTimeSliding() { ValidationTimeSliding validationTimeSliding = new ValidationTimeSliding(diagnosticData, token, currentTime, context, poe, policy); XmlVTS vts = validationTimeSliding.execute(); bbb.setVTS(vts); controlTime = vts.getControlTime(); return new ValidationTimeSlidingCheck(result, vts, getFailLevelConstraint()); } private ChainItem<XmlPCV> cryptographicCheck(XmlPCV result, CertificateWrapper certificate, Date validationTime, SubContext subContext) { CryptographicConstraint constraint = policy.getCertificateCryptographicConstraint(context, subContext); return new CryptographicCheck<XmlPCV>(result, certificate, validationTime, constraint); } @Override protected void addAdditionalInfo() { result.setControlTime(controlTime); // can be null } }