package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.vpfswatsp; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlBasicBuildingBlocks; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlConstraintsConclusion; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlPSV; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlSignature; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlValidationProcessArchivalData; import eu.europa.esig.dss.jaxb.detailedreport.XmlValidationProcessTimestamps; import eu.europa.esig.dss.utils.Utils; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.AttributeValue; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.policy.Context; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.policy.ValidationPolicy; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.policy.rules.Indication; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.Chain; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.ChainItem; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.vpfswatsp.checks.LongTermValidationCheck; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.vpfswatsp.checks.PastSignatureValidationCheck; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.vpfswatsp.checks.psv.PastSignatureValidation; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.reports.wrapper.DiagnosticData; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.reports.wrapper.SignatureWrapper; import eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.reports.wrapper.TimestampWrapper; /** * 5.6 Validation process for Signatures with Archival Data */ public class ValidationProcessForSignaturesWithArchivalData extends Chain<XmlValidationProcessArchivalData> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ValidationProcessForSignaturesWithArchivalData.class); private final XmlConstraintsConclusion validationProcessLongTermData; private final List<XmlValidationProcessTimestamps> validationProcessTimestamps; private final SignatureWrapper signature; private final DiagnosticData diagnosticData; private final Map<String, XmlBasicBuildingBlocks> bbbs; private final ValidationPolicy policy; private final Date currentTime; private final POEExtraction poe = new POEExtraction(); public ValidationProcessForSignaturesWithArchivalData(XmlSignature signatureAnalysis, SignatureWrapper signature, DiagnosticData diagnosticData, Map<String, XmlBasicBuildingBlocks> bbbs, ValidationPolicy policy, Date currentTime) { super(new XmlValidationProcessArchivalData()); this.validationProcessLongTermData = signatureAnalysis.getValidationProcessLongTermData(); this.validationProcessTimestamps = signatureAnalysis.getValidationProcessTimestamps(); this.signature = signature; this.diagnosticData = diagnosticData; this.bbbs = bbbs; this.policy = policy; this.currentTime = currentTime; } @Override protected void initChain() { Context currentContext = Context.SIGNATURE; if (AttributeValue.COUNTERSIGNATURE.equals(signature.getType())) { currentContext = Context.COUNTER_SIGNATURE; } /* * * 1) If there is one or more evidence records, the long term validation process shall perform the * evidence record validation process for each of them according to clause If the evidence record * validation process returns PASSED, the SVA shall go to step 6. */ // not supported /* * 2) POE initialization: the long term validation process shall add a POE for each object in the signature * at the current time to the set of POEs. * NOTE 1: The set of POE in the input may have been initialized from external sources (e.g. provided from * an external archiving system). These POEs will be used without additional processing. */ poe.init(diagnosticData, currentTime); /* * 3) The long term validation process shall perform the validation process for Signatures with Time as per * clause 5.5 with all the inputs, including the processing of any signed attributes as specified. * - If the validation outputs PASSED: * -- If there is no validation constraint mandating the validation of the LTV attributes, the long term * validation process shall return the indication PASSED. * -- Otherwise, the SVA shall go to step 4. * - If the validation outputs one of the following indications/sub-indications: * INDETERMINATE/REVOKED_NO_POE, INDETERMINATE/REVOKED_CA_NO_POE, * INDETERMINATE/OUT_OF_BOUNDS_NO_POE or * INDETERMINATE/CRYPTO_CONSTRAINTS_FAILURE_NO_POE, the long term validation process * shall go to the next step. * - In all other cases, the long term validation process shall fail with returned code and information. */ ChainItem<XmlValidationProcessArchivalData> item = firstItem = longTermValidation(); if (isValid(validationProcessLongTermData)) { return; } /* * 4) If there is at least one time-stamp attribute: * a) The long term validation process shall select the newest time-stamp that has not been processed and * perform the time-stamp validation, as per clause 5.4. */ List<TimestampWrapper> timestampsList = signature.getTimestampList(); if (Utils.isCollectionNotEmpty(timestampsList)) { Collections.sort(timestampsList, new TimestampComparator()); for (TimestampWrapper newestTimestamp : timestampsList) { XmlBasicBuildingBlocks bbbTsp = bbbs.get(newestTimestamp.getId()); XmlConstraintsConclusion timestampValidation = getTimestampValidation(newestTimestamp); if ((timestampValidation != null) && (bbbTsp != null)) { /* * b) If PASSED is returned and the cryptographic hash function used in the time-stamp * (messageImprint.hashAlgorithm) is considered reliable at the generation time of the time-stamp, * the long term validation process shall perform the POE extraction process with the signature, the * time-stamp and the cryptographic constraints as inputs. The long term validation process shall * add the returned POEs to the set of POEs. */ if (isValid(timestampValidation)/* TODO && crypto */) { poe.extractPOE(newestTimestamp, diagnosticData); } /* * c) Otherwise, the long term validation process shall perform past signature validation process * with the following inputs: the time-stamp, the indication/sub-indication returned by the * time-stamp * validation process, the TSA's certificate, the X.509 validation parameters, X.509 validation * constraints, cryptographic constraints and the set of POEs. */ else { PastSignatureValidation psv = new PastSignatureValidation(newestTimestamp, diagnosticData, bbbTsp, poe, currentTime, policy, Context.TIMESTAMP); XmlPSV psvResult = psv.execute(); bbbTsp.setPSV(psvResult); /* * If it returns PASSED and the cryptographic hash function used in the time-stamp is considered * reliable at the generation time of the time-stamp, the long term validation process shall * perform the POE extraction process and shall add the returned POEs to the set of POEs * continue with * step 4 using the next timestamp attribute. */ if (isValid(psvResult)/* TODO && crypto */) { poe.extractPOE(newestTimestamp, diagnosticData); } } /* * In all other cases: * - If no specific constraints mandating the validity of the attribute are specified in the * validation constraints, the SVA shall ignore the attribute and shall continue with step 4 using * the next timestamp attribute. * - Otherwise, the process shall fail with the returned indication/sub-indication and associated * explanations. * d) If all time-stamp attributes have been processed, the SVA shall continue with step 5. * Otherwise, the SVA shall continue with step 4b. */ } else { // timestampValidation is null logger.error("No timestamp validation found for timestamp " + newestTimestamp.getId()); } } } /* * 5) Past signature validation: the long term validation process shall perform the past signature validation * process with the following inputs: the signature, the status indication/sub-indication returned in step 2, * the signing certificate, the X.509 validation parameters, certificate validation data, chain constraints, * cryptographic constraints and the set of POEs. If it returns PASSED the long term validation process shall go * to the next step. Otherwise, the long term validation process shall return the indication/sub-indication and * associated explanations returned from the past signature validation process. */ item = item.setNextItem(pastSignatureValidation(currentContext)); /* * 6) Data extraction: the SVA shall return the success indication PASSED. In addition, the long term validation * process should return additional information extracted from the signature and/or used by the intermediate * steps. In particular, the long term validation process should return intermediate results such as the * validation results of any time-stamp token. * NOTE 5: What the DA does with this information is out of the scope of the present document. */ } private ChainItem<XmlValidationProcessArchivalData> pastSignatureValidation(Context currentContext) { XmlBasicBuildingBlocks bbbSig = bbbs.get(signature.getId()); return new PastSignatureValidationCheck(result, signature, diagnosticData, bbbSig, poe, currentTime, policy, currentContext, getFailLevelConstraint()); } private XmlConstraintsConclusion getTimestampValidation(TimestampWrapper newestTimestamp) { for (XmlValidationProcessTimestamps tspValidation : validationProcessTimestamps) { if (Utils.areStringsEqual(tspValidation.getId(), newestTimestamp.getId())) { return tspValidation; } } return null; } private ChainItem<XmlValidationProcessArchivalData> longTermValidation() { return new LongTermValidationCheck(result, validationProcessLongTermData, getFailLevelConstraint()); } private boolean isValid(XmlConstraintsConclusion xmlConstraintConclusion) { return xmlConstraintConclusion != null && xmlConstraintConclusion.getConclusion() != null && Indication.PASSED.equals(xmlConstraintConclusion.getConclusion().getIndication()); } }